Whataburger says no to Open Carry; add them to your list gun nuts

If there is a law on the books, it needs to be enforced. Period. End of discussion.
Then why did you start a thread celebrating a company not following the law?

Should Whataburger be forced do allow guns, then?



If a guy came in shouting profanity at the top of his lungs or insulting customers or reeking of urine, he can be asked to leave. Just like someone carrying guns.
If the crazy guy is breaking the law, you bet. Call the cops and let them interpret.

If the guy carrying a gun is not breaking the law and just standing in line to order, that is clearly quite different.

Very different.

Those guys were not breaking the law. You can use profanity, insult people and smell of urine.
I don't know what any given city's laws state. If the cops show up and can remove him based on some law, great. Buh-bye to that guy.

But I do know that if a business owner called the cops on a guy with a visible gun standing in line to order, they'd show up, ask him for his license or whatever, and the business owner would be told there are no laws being broken. The gun owner would then be in the same legal position as two guys ordering a cake.

And that's that.


Its not a matter of breaking the law or not. Its a matter of it being obviously bad for business since guns are dangerous and it's not what the law calls reasonable assumption of risk to expect to encounter loaded weapons when you go to Whataburger.

Now you're flipping from rifles to handguns.

Some handguns don't have safeties.

The rifles you've been referring to do.

BTW, the toddler accidently shooting mommy?

how often you figure that happens?

or is once too many for you?

I'm sure once was too many for the family....but I guess that's the price we pay for keeping a 240 year old law on the books...a motherless child, a wifeless husband, a daughterless mother.

Since we have 30 zillion guns in our society, one really has to wonder why she was carrying it to start with right? Obviously since guns make society safer and we have multiple guns for every man, woman, child and microbe in the nation, nobody should have to carry one....

Oh wait; guns make us less safe (hence why she was carrying).

240 year old RIGHT

Just like Freedom of Speech, Right to Assembly, Freedom of the Press, and Freedom of Religion.

BTW, the USA was far from being at the top of your chart, wasn't it?

Yeah, those were good ideas. The 2nd amendment wasn't one of them.

So unimportant, they made it second on a list of ten.

And still a bad idea.
Then why did you start a thread celebrating a company not following the law?

Should Whataburger be forced do allow guns, then?



If a guy came in shouting profanity at the top of his lungs or insulting customers or reeking of urine, he can be asked to leave. Just like someone carrying guns.
If the crazy guy is breaking the law, you bet. Call the cops and let them interpret.

If the guy carrying a gun is not breaking the law and just standing in line to order, that is clearly quite different.

Very different.

Those guys were not breaking the law. You can use profanity, insult people and smell of urine.
I don't know what any given city's laws state. If the cops show up and can remove him based on some law, great. Buh-bye to that guy.

But I do know that if a business owner called the cops on a guy with a visible gun standing in line to order, they'd show up, ask him for his license or whatever, and the business owner would be told there are no laws being broken. The gun owner would then be in the same legal position as two guys ordering a cake.

And that's that.


Its not a matter of breaking the law or not. Its a matter of it being obviously bad for business since guns are dangerous and it's not what the law calls reasonable assumption of risk to expect to encounter loaded weapons when you go to Whataburger.
The law is the law. The gun owner would be in precisely the same legal position as two guys ordering a cake.

Now you're flipping from rifles to handguns.

Some handguns don't have safeties.

The rifles you've been referring to do.

BTW, the toddler accidently shooting mommy?

how often you figure that happens?

or is once too many for you?

I'm sure once was too many for the family....but I guess that's the price we pay for keeping a 240 year old law on the books...a motherless child, a wifeless husband, a daughterless mother.

Since we have 30 zillion guns in our society, one really has to wonder why she was carrying it to start with right? Obviously since guns make society safer and we have multiple guns for every man, woman, child and microbe in the nation, nobody should have to carry one....

Oh wait; guns make us less safe (hence why she was carrying).

240 year old RIGHT

Just like Freedom of Speech, Right to Assembly, Freedom of the Press, and Freedom of Religion.

BTW, the USA was far from being at the top of your chart, wasn't it?

Yeah, those were good ideas. The 2nd amendment wasn't one of them.

So unimportant, they made it second on a list of ten.

And still a bad idea.

Quite a few Americans disagree with you.

From BOTH sides of the aisle.
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THIS is brandishing.
brandishing a weapon - Yahoo Image Search Results
The people in your picture are CARRYING.

Split hair much?
Words mean things

A rifle slung barrel down across someone's back is not being brandished

I agree, it does not meet the legal definition of brandishing. Yet, it is not normal for someone in the US or most other civilized regions of the world to enter a business with a rifle slung barrel down across their back or a hand gun holstered on their hip. Most business owners and customers will naturally wonder what motivated someone to act in such a queer manner.
THIS is brandishing.
brandishing a weapon - Yahoo Image Search Results
The people in your picture are CARRYING.

Split hair much?
Words mean things

A rifle slung barrel down across someone's back is not being brandished

I agree, it does not meet the legal definition of brandishing. Yet, it is not normal for someone in the US or most other civilized regions of the world to enter a business with a rifle slung barrel down across their back or a hand gun holstered on their hip. Most business owners and customers will naturally wonder what motivated someone to act in such a queer manner.

I don't have a problem with it but then again I have been brainwashed to be afraid of guns
THIS is brandishing.
brandishing a weapon - Yahoo Image Search Results
The people in your picture are CARRYING.

Split hair much?
Words mean things

A rifle slung barrel down across someone's back is not being brandished

Oh, okay. I'm sure that makes a big difference when the kid pulls the trigger while she's ordering a pretzel and the bullet takes off your toe.

Huge difference.

So why the fear of so called assault rifles?

All rifles are deadly and to be respected and used responsibly but a so called assault rifle is nothing but a cosmetic distinction

And yes any weapon can be open carried in a responsible manner

If true, why would anyone openly carry a weapon in public, and in doing so is that responsible? Why would anyone openly carry an unloaded gun, that is insane.

CA Codes pen 26350
THIS is brandishing.
brandishing a weapon - Yahoo Image Search Results
The people in your picture are CARRYING.

Split hair much?
Words mean things

A rifle slung barrel down across someone's back is not being brandished

Oh, okay. I'm sure that makes a big difference when the kid pulls the trigger while she's ordering a pretzel and the bullet takes off your toe.

Huge difference.

So why the fear of so called assault rifles?

All rifles are deadly and to be respected and used responsibly but a so called assault rifle is nothing but a cosmetic distinction

And yes any weapon can be open carried in a responsible manner

If true, why would anyone openly carry a weapon in public, and in doing so is that responsible? Why would anyone openly carry an unloaded gun, that is insane.

CA Codes pen 26350

Of course loaded guns can be open carried responsibly and have been for as long as there have been firearms.

I personally would rather carry concealed but I can see the pros of wearing a handgun in a hip or thigh holster
BOOM!!!!! Well done Maine

On July 8, Maine Governor Paul LaPage (R) signed Legislative Document 652 into law, thereby abolishing the requirement for a concealed carry permit in the state of Maine.

This means Maine joins Alaska, Arizona, Kansas, Montana, Vermont and Wyoming in permitless carry.

According to the NRA-ILA, LD 652 had the support of the Maine State Police and leaves a concealed carry permitting system in place for those who want to use it for reciprocal purposes with other states.

Breitbart News previously reported that the legislation to abolish the permit requirement was sponsored by state senator Eric Brakey (R-Auburn). He succeeded by repeatedly reminding his legislative colleagues that the permitting system was cumbersome and even confusing for law-abiding citizens. He continually focused on how open carry without a permit was legal in Maine, but if someone put on a jacket that covered their gun, they were then required to have a permit. This put them in a position of having to wait on state approval before being able to carry a gun with which to defend their lives.

Maine Gov. Signs Bill Abolishing Permit Requirement for Concealed Carry - Breitbart
Then why did you start a thread celebrating a company not following the law?

Should Whataburger be forced do allow guns, then?



If a guy came in shouting profanity at the top of his lungs or insulting customers or reeking of urine, he can be asked to leave. Just like someone carrying guns.
If the crazy guy is breaking the law, you bet. Call the cops and let them interpret.

If the guy carrying a gun is not breaking the law and just standing in line to order, that is clearly quite different.

Very different.

Those guys were not breaking the law. You can use profanity, insult people and smell of urine.
I don't know what any given city's laws state. If the cops show up and can remove him based on some law, great. Buh-bye to that guy.

But I do know that if a business owner called the cops on a guy with a visible gun standing in line to order, they'd show up, ask him for his license or whatever, and the business owner would be told there are no laws being broken. The gun owner would then be in the same legal position as two guys ordering a cake.

And that's that.


Its not a matter of breaking the law or not. Its a matter of it being obviously bad for business since guns are dangerous and it's not what the law calls reasonable assumption of risk to expect to encounter loaded weapons when you go to Whataburger.
Think on this for a moment. If you "encounter loaded weapons", how have you been harmed? If the carrier was inclined to shoot random people, the establishments' reaction to him bringing a weapon is moot. If he/she is NOT, however, so inclined, simply being in the same room with the weapon poses no threat.
Split hair much?
Words mean things

A rifle slung barrel down across someone's back is not being brandished

Oh, okay. I'm sure that makes a big difference when the kid pulls the trigger while she's ordering a pretzel and the bullet takes off your toe.

Huge difference.

So why the fear of so called assault rifles?

All rifles are deadly and to be respected and used responsibly but a so called assault rifle is nothing but a cosmetic distinction

And yes any weapon can be open carried in a responsible manner

If true, why would anyone openly carry a weapon in public, and in doing so is that responsible? Why would anyone openly carry an unloaded gun, that is insane.

CA Codes pen 26350

Of course loaded guns can be open carried responsibly and have been for as long as there have been firearms.

I personally would rather carry concealed but I can see the pros of wearing a handgun in a hip or thigh holster

Loaded guns cannot legally be carried in CA under the terms of PC 26350. I can't speak to laws in other states. Also, a peace officer can lawfully examine a weapon to determine if it is in fact loaded, and search the holder of the weapon to determine if the person has ammunition capable of being loaded into said firearm and discharged by said firearm. If such ammunition is in the persons possession the weapon is deemed loaded.

From PC26350:

" (2) A violation of subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of
subdivision (a) is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not
exceeding one year, or by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars
($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment, if both of the
following conditions exist:
(A) The handgun and unexpended ammunition capable of being
discharged from that handgun are in the immediate possession of that
(B) The person is not in lawful possession of that handgun."
Words mean things

A rifle slung barrel down across someone's back is not being brandished

Oh, okay. I'm sure that makes a big difference when the kid pulls the trigger while she's ordering a pretzel and the bullet takes off your toe.

Huge difference.

So why the fear of so called assault rifles?

All rifles are deadly and to be respected and used responsibly but a so called assault rifle is nothing but a cosmetic distinction

And yes any weapon can be open carried in a responsible manner

If true, why would anyone openly carry a weapon in public, and in doing so is that responsible? Why would anyone openly carry an unloaded gun, that is insane.

CA Codes pen 26350

Of course loaded guns can be open carried responsibly and have been for as long as there have been firearms.

I personally would rather carry concealed but I can see the pros of wearing a handgun in a hip or thigh holster

Loaded guns cannot legally be carried in CA under the terms of PC 26350. I can't speak to laws in other states. Also, a peace officer can lawfully examine a weapon to determine if it is in fact loaded, and search the holder of the weapon to determine if the person has ammunition capable of being loaded into said firearm and discharged by said firearm. If such ammunition is in the persons possession the weapon is deemed loaded.

From PC26350:

" (2) A violation of subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of
subdivision (a) is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not
exceeding one year, or by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars
($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment, if both of the
following conditions exist:
(A) The handgun and unexpended ammunition capable of being
discharged from that handgun are in the immediate possession of that
(B) The person is not in lawful possession of that handgun."

I suggest SP visit Maine or one of the other states which liberally interpret the Second.
The President of Whataburger has come out on the side of sanity.

Whataburger No open carry in our restaurants despite new Texas law - Houston Chronicle

Good news for those who want to eat in peace.
So Whataburger ignoring this law makes you happy, but a bakery not baking a cake is "against the law".

A bakery not baking a cake is "against the law", but sanctuary cities ignoring the laws make you happy.

Is that correct?

Whataburger is making a business decision knowing that a bunch of loons with guns in their stores is bad for business.

A bakery not baking a cake for someone willing to pay for it...not the same thing.

PS: Whataburger isn't ignoring a law. No law says you have to carry a gun nor does any law say you have to allow people to carry guns in your business.

What difference does it make? The law is the law. Suddenly businesses are free to interpret the law as they see fit?

The gun owner is willing to pay for the business.The law says the gun owner can carry. That should be it, no?

And sanctuary cities are breaking the law. You didn't discuss that. Are you against sanctuary cities and states, then?

This is blatant hypocrisy.


I'll argue candycorn's side here. It doesn't matter what the law wording actually states, it is the intent that matters. So the law could plainly say "established by the states" and that means something totally different. Much like the law can say you can carry anywhere but the intent was that someone else could tell you where anywhere is.
So an individual business can interpret the intent of a law itself and act based on its interpretation?


HELL NO. It takes 5 old men and women to determine intent. You act as if it is something new the SCOTUS writing law. I bet you are one of those ingnorant ones that think laws should be written by the legislature. Justice Roberts agree, well about 50 percent of the time he agrees. (spelling intentional)

Basically the definition of a gun nut. Notice he didn't talk about his minutes of training and zero situational training?

How would training prevent gun crime?


It will help you identify the shooter, not kill innocent bystanders, threat recognition, etc... Not draw down on someone reaching for their cell phone.

So you're cure for gun violence is to train young aspiring rappers, dundu-nuffins, drug dealers, and gang-bangers in the proper use and care of firearms?

Are you a crackhead or something?

Are you a racist by any chance? I wonder how many of the gun nuts posting on gun threads are also racists - I bet the correlation is high.

Who mentioned anything about race? I say you're a racist and a nut. Now prove you're not.

You did, overtly in #156, "So you're cure for gun violence is to train young aspiring rappers, dundu-nuffins, drug dealers, and gang-bangers in the proper use and care of firearms?"
Why are you lumping in law abiding citizens with crazy criminals? Do you need someone to point out the difference?

Going only by the people I know personally. The only ones wanting to open carry are people trying to prove their masculinity. They hope someone will question their choice so they will have an opportunity to loudly give their practiced speech about how they are patriots trying to take back the country. In other words.......fruitcakes. I suspect it is the same with most of the goobers.
I agree that some people open carry to get a reaction. I don't open carry but if I wanted to I would and if someone confronted me about it I would ignore them and walk away. If they persisted I would call 911 to send a cop. That would end that little matter.

Open carry wouldn't be as big a problem if that was the expected behavior from most. We both know it is not. Many are hoping for an opportunity to shoot someone, and you can't deny that.
Do you have any data on the number of people who open carry wind up shooting someone? In the whole U.S. in a year you could probably count them one one hand. Now, how about some data on the number of thugs who shoot someone with an illegal weapon. Get out a calculator.
Why do they have so many illegal weapons? Because the thugs have their own lobbying group that beats back the most innocuous of proposed gun regulations.
Another lie, and thus, more proof of the premise.
Keep hittin' them out of the park there, bub -- you make my job easy.

Concealed Carry can still take their guns in...

Sounds like an Equal Protection case to me

Looks like there will be more.....

Gun sales spike in June

Gun sales spike in June - Jul. 7 2015
Yes the gun lobby is playing you goobers like violins, buy more guns buy more guns!!!
The National Rifleman Association s KOOKY KIDZ KORNER - chickenhead.com
More mindless partisan bigotry from the village useful idiot.
It's amazing how many people actually think criminals care about signs like this:

It's amazing that gun nuts keep repeating this same meme. If a crime is committed in a gun free zone, the offender will have an enhancement added to any jail time imposed by the judge. If the original crime is an infraction (parking in a red zone) and the person ticketed has a gun in his or her possession in a no gun zone, he or she will serve time in the county jail.

So, if he shoots you, or a family member, he'll get the chair twice.
Very comforting.

No but if he's in jail, he's off the streets for a longer period of time so he doesn't kill you.

Guns have made our society soooooooooooooooooooooooooo safe, that some idiots carry a gun where ever they go; kid's birthday party, Chili's, church. Doesn't matter. They are so afraid of guns they have to be constantly vigilant of the threat...............from guns.

This discussion proves that guns have done nothing to make our society safer.
Each year, what % of the guns in the US are involved in a murder?
Some are uneducated about firearms therefore they have an irrational fear of guns. When they see one, they piss all over themselves, and for what reason, I can only speculate


Speculate is what you do on every issue. In this case "irrational fear of guns" isn't speculation, it's a personal attack on those who respect the power of a gun, and understand that not everyone who owns, possess or has in his or her custody and control is rational, trained, sober, sane or trust worthy,

You should have much more to worry about when it comes to dying, than being shot. Odds are in your favor


1st = Auto Accidents 1 in 228
2nd= Reaction to Medication 1 in 541
3rd= Hanging/Suffocating Yourself 1 in 576
4th= Drowning 1 in 1081
5th= Choking on non food objects 1 in 1267
6th= House Fire 1 in 1471
7th= Falling From Furniture 1 in 4745
8th= ATV Accident 1 in 4800

And a gun will not help you in any of those cases. The gun nut should be wearing a crash helmet and life jacket instead.

The only "nut" here is the one so absorbed by her neurotic fear of firearms, she can't see more than one perspective.

I see your perspective. You're afraid of others with guns so you carry whenever you leave the house.
Each year, what % of the guns in the US are involved in a murder?

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