Whataburger says no to Open Carry; add them to your list gun nuts

Zimmerman was a good example of premeditated 'self defense'. If he hadn't had a gun, no one would have died. There was no crime being carried out before he intervened in a manner he wouldn't have if he hadn't been armed. There was no need for more than politely asking what the young man was doing.
What is the term for people who have an irrational fear of being without a firearm?

There isn't one. There's nothing "irrational" about wanting to protect one's life and the life of one's family. I carry one because I can. Society and the law trusts me enough to carry a weapon because I have the training, stability of mind, and can can pass a criminal background check. And there's nothing anyone can say or do about it. Period. End of story.
Zimmerman was a good example of premeditated 'self defense'. If he hadn't had a gun, no one would have died. There was no crime being carried out before he intervened in a manner he wouldn't have if he hadn't been armed. There was no need for more than politely asking what the young man was doing.

Are you a soothsayer or a fortune teller? Would you be willing to bet your life on the statement that "nobody would have died" if Zimmerman had been unarmed? Did you know Trayvon Martin personally and can you vouch for his good character? I somehow doubt the validity of your statement.
Zimmerman was a good example of premeditated 'self defense'. If he hadn't had a gun, no one would have died.

Well, other than maybe him - but no one you leftists care about would have died...

There was no crime being carried out before he intervened in a manner he wouldn't have if he hadn't been armed. There was no need for more than politely asking what the young man was doing.

You mean "followed?"

You know, Obama's son didn't really HAVE to jump Zimmerman and start beating him.

I'm just sayin...
Zimmerman was a good example of premeditated 'self defense'. If he hadn't had a gun, no one would have died. There was no crime being carried out before he intervened in a manner he wouldn't have if he hadn't been armed. There was no need for more than politely asking what the young man was doing.

If he hadn't had a gun he may have died. LMAO "would you please stop beating my head into the pavement?"

Concealed Carry can still take their guns in...

Sounds like an Equal Protection case to me

Looks like there will be more.....

Gun sales spike in June

Gun sales spike in June - Jul. 7 2015
Yes the gun lobby is playing you goobers like violins, buy more guns buy more guns!!!

The National Rifleman Association s KOOKY KIDZ KORNER - chickenhead.com

What is this "gun lobby" you speak of? You're saying there's some imaginary entity out there that compels me to purchase something?

Truthfully, the last few guns I've bought were at garage sales in a very liberal city. Most all of them were purchased from fairly liberal couples who just happened to have an old gun standing in the corner in their basement or attic. Maybe they were a family heirloom or something their parents passed on to them, but usually the wife wants it out of the house. I've snarfed up some pretty good deals and it makes me wonder whether those people know anything about real value.

But they way I look at it, that's one less gun out of the hands of someone who might accidentally shoot their toes off.
What is funny is that I go to Chik Fil A quite a bit and there are never any of those morons with their assault rifles in there. They always are trying to come into Chipolte or In and Out. You nailed it bycalling them fruitcakes.

And yet you'd never know if anyone was carrying a concealed weapon would you.

So I can only assume you'd rather not know who is armed and who isn't

Your assumptions are your own business and that's fine.
I'll put it to you this way. If I'm at an Applebees or a Chilis or Five Guys or whatever and this group of guys comes in brandishing their weapons (we have a couple of groups who walk around carrying loaded weapons to spread "information"), I will pay my check and leave.

Because I know the situation is more dangerous than it was before. As stated over and over, if guns made us safe, we'd have the safest society ever since we, by far, have the most guns. Instead, the opposite is true, we live in one of the most violent advanced societies on earth.

If the guys are carrying concealed, you're right, I wouldn't know that the danger level just increased.

"Your assumptions are your own business and that's fine."

As are yours.

"I'll put it to you this way. If I'm at an Applebees or a Chilis or Five Guys or whatever and this group of guys comes in brandishing their weapons (we have a couple of groups who walk around carrying loaded weapons to spread "information"), I will pay my check and leave. "

Your choice.

Won't bother those carrying anyway.

(Course, they may laugh their asses off at you.)

"If the guys are carrying concealed, you're right, I wouldn't know that the danger level just increased"

Actually, the only place the 'danger level' increased is in your mind.

The place is more likely safer.

Statistics tell a much different story. Again, if guns made you safer, we'd have the safest society in the world. We don't. Case closed.

Too bad for you guns are not the only factor in determining whether or not a society is safe.

We also have the thousands of deaths that are a direct result of guns. That's true.
Why are you lumping in law abiding citizens with crazy criminals? Do you need someone to point out the difference?

Going only by the people I know personally. The only ones wanting to open carry are people trying to prove their masculinity. They hope someone will question their choice so they will have an opportunity to loudly give their practiced speech about how they are patriots trying to take back the country. In other words.......fruitcakes. I suspect it is the same with most of the goobers.

What is funny is that I go to Chik Fil A quite a bit and there are never any of those morons with their assault rifles in there. They always are trying to come into Chipolte or In and Out. You nailed it bycalling them fruitcakes.

And yet you'd never know if anyone was carrying a concealed weapon would you.

So I can only assume you'd rather not know who is armed and who isn't

Your assumptions are your own business and that's fine.
I'll put it to you this way. If I'm at an Applebees or a Chilis or Five Guys or whatever and this group of guys comes in brandishing their weapons (we have a couple of groups who walk around carrying loaded weapons to spread "information"), I will pay my check and leave.

Because I know the situation is more dangerous than it was before. As stated over and over, if guns made us safe, we'd have the safest society ever since we, by far, have the most guns. Instead, the opposite is true, we live in one of the most violent advanced societies on earth.

If the guys are carrying concealed, you're right, I wouldn't know that the danger level just increased.

Like I said people who carry concealed as I do on occasion will usually ignore any no open carry policy and will eat anywhere we want and you'd never know.

Are you under the impression I'm somehow of the position that you shouldn't be allowed to eat in a restaurant? Not at all. Like smoking, I could care less if you smoke; just don't do it while I'm trying to eat. Feel free to conceal carry all you like and enjoy your meal. I'll do the same.
And yet you'd never know if anyone was carrying a concealed weapon would you.

So I can only assume you'd rather not know who is armed and who isn't

Your assumptions are your own business and that's fine.
I'll put it to you this way. If I'm at an Applebees or a Chilis or Five Guys or whatever and this group of guys comes in brandishing their weapons (we have a couple of groups who walk around carrying loaded weapons to spread "information"), I will pay my check and leave.

Because I know the situation is more dangerous than it was before. As stated over and over, if guns made us safe, we'd have the safest society ever since we, by far, have the most guns. Instead, the opposite is true, we live in one of the most violent advanced societies on earth.

If the guys are carrying concealed, you're right, I wouldn't know that the danger level just increased.

"Your assumptions are your own business and that's fine."

As are yours.

"I'll put it to you this way. If I'm at an Applebees or a Chilis or Five Guys or whatever and this group of guys comes in brandishing their weapons (we have a couple of groups who walk around carrying loaded weapons to spread "information"), I will pay my check and leave. "

Your choice.

Won't bother those carrying anyway.

(Course, they may laugh their asses off at you.)

"If the guys are carrying concealed, you're right, I wouldn't know that the danger level just increased"

Actually, the only place the 'danger level' increased is in your mind.

The place is more likely safer.

Statistics tell a much different story. Again, if guns made you safer, we'd have the safest society in the world. We don't. Case closed.

Too bad for you guns are not the only factor in determining whether or not a society is safe.

We also have the thousands of deaths that are a direct result of guns. That's true.

Your fallacy is blaming the gun. If you gave a gun to gave thousands of sane, rational, responsible adults who had a working knowledge of and respect for firearms, would they all shoot each other? Not likely. You seem to lump all firearms owners in with criminals, which is the furthest thing from the truth.

I'll tell ya what. I'll give up my guns when you abortionists stop murdering millions of innocent babies.
Your assumptions are your own business and that's fine.
I'll put it to you this way. If I'm at an Applebees or a Chilis or Five Guys or whatever and this group of guys comes in brandishing their weapons (we have a couple of groups who walk around carrying loaded weapons to spread "information"), I will pay my check and leave.

Because I know the situation is more dangerous than it was before. As stated over and over, if guns made us safe, we'd have the safest society ever since we, by far, have the most guns. Instead, the opposite is true, we live in one of the most violent advanced societies on earth.

If the guys are carrying concealed, you're right, I wouldn't know that the danger level just increased.

"Your assumptions are your own business and that's fine."

As are yours.

"I'll put it to you this way. If I'm at an Applebees or a Chilis or Five Guys or whatever and this group of guys comes in brandishing their weapons (we have a couple of groups who walk around carrying loaded weapons to spread "information"), I will pay my check and leave. "

Your choice.

Won't bother those carrying anyway.

(Course, they may laugh their asses off at you.)

"If the guys are carrying concealed, you're right, I wouldn't know that the danger level just increased"

Actually, the only place the 'danger level' increased is in your mind.

The place is more likely safer.

Statistics tell a much different story. Again, if guns made you safer, we'd have the safest society in the world. We don't. Case closed.

Too bad for you guns are not the only factor in determining whether or not a society is safe.

We also have the thousands of deaths that are a direct result of guns. That's true.

Your fallacy is blaming the gun. If you gave a gun to gave thousands of sane, rational, responsible adults who had a working knowledge of and respect for firearms, would they all shoot each other? Not likely. You seem to lump all firearms owners in with criminals, which is the furthest thing from the truth.

I'll tell ya what. I'll give up my guns when you abortionists stop murdering millions of innocent babies.

Someone who thinks they need to bring a gun to dinner isn't someone I would conclude is responsible.
Your mileage my vary.
"Your assumptions are your own business and that's fine."

As are yours.

"I'll put it to you this way. If I'm at an Applebees or a Chilis or Five Guys or whatever and this group of guys comes in brandishing their weapons (we have a couple of groups who walk around carrying loaded weapons to spread "information"), I will pay my check and leave. "

Your choice.

Won't bother those carrying anyway.

(Course, they may laugh their asses off at you.)

"If the guys are carrying concealed, you're right, I wouldn't know that the danger level just increased"

Actually, the only place the 'danger level' increased is in your mind.

The place is more likely safer.

Statistics tell a much different story. Again, if guns made you safer, we'd have the safest society in the world. We don't. Case closed.

Too bad for you guns are not the only factor in determining whether or not a society is safe.

We also have the thousands of deaths that are a direct result of guns. That's true.

Your fallacy is blaming the gun. If you gave a gun to gave thousands of sane, rational, responsible adults who had a working knowledge of and respect for firearms, would they all shoot each other? Not likely. You seem to lump all firearms owners in with criminals, which is the furthest thing from the truth.

I'll tell ya what. I'll give up my guns when you abortionists stop murdering millions of innocent babies.

Someone who thinks they need to bring a gun to dinner isn't someone I would conclude is responsible.
Your mileage my vary.

Why's that? Are my chances of being murdered lower because I'm eating dinner in a public place? How about church? I also carry in church. Are my chances of being murdered in church any lower because well by golly, it's a church? As for being "responsible", yes I am. The state I live in and my law-enforcement agencies seem to think I'm a responsible person, seeing as how I can pass a criminal background check. I'm actually more trustworthy than you are. Have you passed a criminal background check lately?

Your argument doesn't hold water. I carry a weapon every time I leave the house and will continue to do so. And there's nothing you can do about it.
It's amazing how many people actually think criminals care about signs like this:
Statistics tell a much different story. Again, if guns made you safer, we'd have the safest society in the world. We don't. Case closed.

Too bad for you guns are not the only factor in determining whether or not a society is safe.

We also have the thousands of deaths that are a direct result of guns. That's true.

Your fallacy is blaming the gun. If you gave a gun to gave thousands of sane, rational, responsible adults who had a working knowledge of and respect for firearms, would they all shoot each other? Not likely. You seem to lump all firearms owners in with criminals, which is the furthest thing from the truth.

I'll tell ya what. I'll give up my guns when you abortionists stop murdering millions of innocent babies.

Someone who thinks they need to bring a gun to dinner isn't someone I would conclude is responsible.
Your mileage my vary.

Why's that? Are my chances of being murdered lower because I'm eating dinner in a public place? How about church? I also carry in church. Are my chances of being murdered in church any lower because well by golly, it's a church? As for being "responsible", yes I am. The state I live in and my law-enforcement agencies seem to think I'm a responsible person, seeing as how I can pass a criminal background check. I'm actually more trustworthy than you are. Have you passed a criminal background check lately?

Your argument doesn't hold water. I carry a weapon every time I leave the house and will continue to do so. And there's nothing you can do about it.

Basically the definition of a gun nut. Notice he didn't talk about his minutes of training and zero situational training?
Statistics tell a much different story. Again, if guns made you safer, we'd have the safest society in the world. We don't. Case closed.

Too bad for you guns are not the only factor in determining whether or not a society is safe.

We also have the thousands of deaths that are a direct result of guns. That's true.

Your fallacy is blaming the gun. If you gave a gun to gave thousands of sane, rational, responsible adults who had a working knowledge of and respect for firearms, would they all shoot each other? Not likely. You seem to lump all firearms owners in with criminals, which is the furthest thing from the truth.

I'll tell ya what. I'll give up my guns when you abortionists stop murdering millions of innocent babies.

Someone who thinks they need to bring a gun to dinner isn't someone I would conclude is responsible.
Your mileage my vary.

Why's that? Are my chances of being murdered lower because I'm eating dinner in a public place? How about church? I also carry in church. Are my chances of being murdered in church any lower because well by golly, it's a church? As for being "responsible", yes I am. The state I live in and my law-enforcement agencies seem to think I'm a responsible person, seeing as how I can pass a criminal background check. I'm actually more trustworthy than you are. Have you passed a criminal background check lately?

Your argument doesn't hold water. I carry a weapon every time I leave the house and will continue to do so. And there's nothing you can do about it.

Why do you think you're in such danger that you need to carry a gun everywhere you go?
It's amazing how many people actually think criminals care about signs like this:

It's amazing that gun nuts keep repeating this same meme. If a crime is committed in a gun free zone, the offender will have an enhancement added to any jail time imposed by the judge. If the original crime is an infraction (parking in a red zone) and the person ticketed has a gun in his or her possession in a no gun zone, he or she will serve time in the county jail.
Too bad for you guns are not the only factor in determining whether or not a society is safe.

We also have the thousands of deaths that are a direct result of guns. That's true.

Your fallacy is blaming the gun. If you gave a gun to gave thousands of sane, rational, responsible adults who had a working knowledge of and respect for firearms, would they all shoot each other? Not likely. You seem to lump all firearms owners in with criminals, which is the furthest thing from the truth.

I'll tell ya what. I'll give up my guns when you abortionists stop murdering millions of innocent babies.

Someone who thinks they need to bring a gun to dinner isn't someone I would conclude is responsible.
Your mileage my vary.

Why's that? Are my chances of being murdered lower because I'm eating dinner in a public place? How about church? I also carry in church. Are my chances of being murdered in church any lower because well by golly, it's a church? As for being "responsible", yes I am. The state I live in and my law-enforcement agencies seem to think I'm a responsible person, seeing as how I can pass a criminal background check. I'm actually more trustworthy than you are. Have you passed a criminal background check lately?

Your argument doesn't hold water. I carry a weapon every time I leave the house and will continue to do so. And there's nothing you can do about it.

Basically the definition of a gun nut. Notice he didn't talk about his minutes of training and zero situational training?

"Minutes of training and zero situational training?"

Da fuq are you talking about? Coming from a family with a military and law-enforcement background, my training goes back to the age of ten. Plus the years I spent in the military, the firearms and hunter's safety courses, a hefty collection of personal firearms, and a lifetime of range time. Plus I reload my own ammunition for 7 different calibers, do part-time gunsmithing, and am on a first-name basis with several of my county sheriff's deputies.

"Minutes of training and zero situational training?" Go punch yourself.
Some are uneducated about firearms therefore they have an irrational fear of guns. When they see one, they piss all over themselves, and for what reason, I can only speculate


Speculate is what you do on every issue. In this case "irrational fear of guns" isn't speculation, it's a personal attack on those who respect the power of a gun, and understand that not everyone who owns, possess or has in his or her custody and control is rational, trained, sober, sane or trust worthy,

You should have much more to worry about when it comes to dying, than being shot. Odds are in your favor


1st = Auto Accidents 1 in 228
2nd= Reaction to Medication 1 in 541
3rd= Hanging/Suffocating Yourself 1 in 576
4th= Drowning 1 in 1081
5th= Choking on non food objects 1 in 1267
6th= House Fire 1 in 1471
7th= Falling From Furniture 1 in 4745
8th= ATV Accident 1 in 4800

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