Whataburger says no to Open Carry; add them to your list gun nuts

Why's that? Are my chances of being murdered lower because I'm eating dinner in a public place? How about church? I also carry in church. Are my chances of being murdered in church any lower because well by golly, it's a church? As for being "responsible", yes I am. The state I live in and my law-enforcement agencies seem to think I'm a responsible person, seeing as how I can pass a criminal background check. I'm actually more trustworthy than you are. Have you passed a criminal background check lately?

Your argument doesn't hold water. I carry a weapon every time I leave the house and will continue to do so. And there's nothing you can do about it.

Basically the definition of a gun nut. Notice he didn't talk about his minutes of training and zero situational training?

"Minutes of training and zero situational training?"

Da fuq are you talking about? Coming from a family with a military and law-enforcement background, my training goes back to the age of ten. Plus the years I spent in the military, the firearms and hunter's safety courses, a hefty collection of personal firearms, and a lifetime of range time. Plus I reload my own ammunition for 7 different calibers, do part-time gunsmithing, and am on a first-name basis with several of my county sheriff's deputies.

"Minutes of training and zero situational training?" Go punch yourself.

Sure.... Age of 10? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Do you think being ex-military makes you "trained"?

Your parents didn't take you to the gun range when you were ten years old? You are deprived, aren't you?

Yet you're the one with a burning flag as your avatar; how very Ayatollah of you.

Ask SCOTUS, it's just a piece of cloth
Some are uneducated about firearms therefore they have an irrational fear of guns. When they see one, they piss all over themselves, and for what reason, I can only speculate


Speculate is what you do on every issue. In this case "irrational fear of guns" isn't speculation, it's a personal attack on those who respect the power of a gun, and understand that not everyone who owns, possess or has in his or her custody and control is rational, trained, sober, sane or trust worthy,

You should have much more to worry about when it comes to dying, than being shot. Odds are in your favor


1st = Auto Accidents 1 in 228
2nd= Reaction to Medication 1 in 541
3rd= Hanging/Suffocating Yourself 1 in 576
4th= Drowning 1 in 1081
5th= Choking on non food objects 1 in 1267
6th= House Fire 1 in 1471
7th= Falling From Furniture 1 in 4745
8th= ATV Accident 1 in 4800

And a gun will not help you in any of those cases. The gun nut should be wearing a crash helmet and life jacket instead.

The only "nut" here is the one so absorbed by her neurotic fear of firearms, she can't see more than one perspective.

I see your perspective. You're afraid of others with guns so you carry whenever you leave the house.

Other people having a firearm is not the issue. A person could also kill you with one punch to the head. Or cover 21 feet in 1.3 seconds and cut you to ribbons with a knife. Or they could kill you with a rock or a stick.

The only reason I carry is to stop a threat. Period. Three or more shots dead center to the torso. I will not use a firearm to scare someone into stopping their attack. If that pistol comes out of the holster, it will be used. I will not shoot to wound or disable, I will shoot to stop the threat. Period.
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Why's that? Are my chances of being murdered lower because I'm eating dinner in a public place? How about church? I also carry in church. Are my chances of being murdered in church any lower because well by golly, it's a church? As for being "responsible", yes I am. The state I live in and my law-enforcement agencies seem to think I'm a responsible person, seeing as how I can pass a criminal background check. I'm actually more trustworthy than you are. Have you passed a criminal background check lately?

Your argument doesn't hold water. I carry a weapon every time I leave the house and will continue to do so. And there's nothing you can do about it.

Why do you think you're in such danger that you need to carry a gun everywhere you go?

Because I sometimes carry large amounts of cash and my business requires that I travel to crime-infested cities which have for decades, been run by liberals. MYOB.

So, you're afraid of other guys who have guns...right?

Actually I'm more afraid of Socialists likeyourself who want to eliminate guns altogether, except for the government.

Isn't that how you start, Komrade KandyKorn?

Blah blah blah socialist, blah blah blah

Same song, different day.

And you;ll hear that song tomorrow too.
Some are uneducated about firearms therefore they have an irrational fear of guns. When they see one, they piss all over themselves, and for what reason, I can only speculate


Speculate is what you do on every issue. In this case "irrational fear of guns" isn't speculation, it's a personal attack on those who respect the power of a gun, and understand that not everyone who owns, possess or has in his or her custody and control is rational, trained, sober, sane or trust worthy,

You should have much more to worry about when it comes to dying, than being shot. Odds are in your favor


1st = Auto Accidents 1 in 228
2nd= Reaction to Medication 1 in 541
3rd= Hanging/Suffocating Yourself 1 in 576
4th= Drowning 1 in 1081
5th= Choking on non food objects 1 in 1267
6th= House Fire 1 in 1471
7th= Falling From Furniture 1 in 4745
8th= ATV Accident 1 in 4800

And a gun will not help you in any of those cases. The gun nut should be wearing a crash helmet and life jacket instead.

The only "nut" here is the one so absorbed by her neurotic fear of firearms, she can't see more than one perspective.

I see your perspective. You're afraid of others with guns so you carry whenever you leave the house.
Why's that? Are my chances of being murdered lower because I'm eating dinner in a public place? How about church? I also carry in church. Are my chances of being murdered in church any lower because well by golly, it's a church? As for being "responsible", yes I am. The state I live in and my law-enforcement agencies seem to think I'm a responsible person, seeing as how I can pass a criminal background check. I'm actually more trustworthy than you are. Have you passed a criminal background check lately?

Your argument doesn't hold water. I carry a weapon every time I leave the house and will continue to do so. And there's nothing you can do about it.

Why do you think you're in such danger that you need to carry a gun everywhere you go?

Because I sometimes carry large amounts of cash and my business requires that I travel to crime-infested cities which have for decades, been run by liberals. MYOB.

So, you're afraid of other guys who have guns...right?

Actually I'm more afraid of Socialists likeyourself who want to eliminate guns altogether, except for the government.

Isn't that how you start, Komrade KandyKorn?

Blah blah blah socialist, blah blah blah

Same song, different day.

So what happened to Candy Corn. Did she hear the word "gun" so many times that it scared her off?

She's probably curled up in her closet in a fetal position, sucking her thumb, and crying herself to sleep.
So what happened to Candy Corn. Did she hear the word "gun" so many times that it scared her off?

She's probably curled up in her closet in a fetal position, sucking her thumb, and crying herself to sleep.

I thought her was a he. Anyway, she's worried about the 1/4888 chances of being shot. I call that acceptable risk when compared to other off limit things and processes that will get you killed quicker. For example, homo's getting aids.

Just saying

It's amazing how many people actually think criminals care about signs like this:

It's amazing that gun nuts keep repeating this same meme. If a crime is committed in a gun free zone, the offender will have an enhancement added to any jail time imposed by the judge. If the original crime is an infraction (parking in a red zone) and the person ticketed has a gun in his or her possession in a no gun zone, he or she will serve time in the county jail.

So, if he shoots you, or a family member, he'll get the chair twice.
Very comforting.

No but if he's in jail, he's off the streets for a longer period of time so he doesn't kill you.

Guns have made our society soooooooooooooooooooooooooo safe, that some idiots carry a gun where ever they go; kid's birthday party, Chili's, church. Doesn't matter. They are so afraid of guns they have to be constantly vigilant of the threat...............from guns.

This discussion proves that guns have done nothing to make our society safer.

I don't think you know what "proves" means.

Or "safer" for that matter.
So, tell me. Which one of you fellows has the BIGGEST gun!


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