Whataburger says no to Open Carry; add them to your list gun nuts

What is the term for people who have an irrational fear of being without a firearm?

There isn't one. There's nothing "irrational" about wanting to protect one's life and the life of one's family. I carry one because I can. Society and the law trusts me enough to carry a weapon because I have the training, stability of mind, and can can pass a criminal background check. And there's nothing anyone can say or do about it. Period. End of story.
agreed JGALT , he11 , mrobama walks around probably much better armed that any of the Plebians on this message board when he is out and about .
What is the term for people who have an irrational fear of being without a firearm?

There isn't one. There's nothing "irrational" about wanting to protect one's life and the life of one's family. I carry one because I can. Society and the law trusts me enough to carry a weapon because I have the training, stability of mind, and can can pass a criminal background check. And there's nothing anyone can say or do about it. Period. End of story.
agreed JGALT , he11 , mrobama walks around probably much better armed that any of the Plebians on this message board when he is out and about .

Reid, Pelosi, and Feinstein too. Even crazy Uncle Joe Biden has a shotgun, although I'm against giving crazy people shotguns.
So, tell me. Which one of you fellows has the BIGGEST gun!
So, tell me. Which one of you fellows has the BIGGEST gun!
So, tell me. Which one of you fellows has the BIGGEST gun!

That thing would bring down a B-52.

I'd love to find one of these in someone's garage...

Goose guns called Punt Guns were used around the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland and Virginia in the 19th and early 20th centuries. They were illegal and could kill around 50 geese with one shot. Hunters would sell the geese to restaurants and hotels.

My brother (age 75) has carried guns all his life. Once, a crazed chihuahua threatened to bite his ankle on a walk he was taking in the woods around his house, and he shot his gun into the ground and scared off the dog. If it hadn't been for that 9 MM, he may have had to undergo treatment with peroxide and Bandaids!

Unfortunately, since he is no longer allowed to carry it on airplanes, he has stopped flying, so i have not seen him in the last few years.
My brother (age 75) has carried guns all his life. Once, a crazed chihuahua threatened to bite his ankle on a walk he was taking in the woods around his house, and he shot his gun into the ground and scared off the dog. If it hadn't been for that 9 MM, he may have had to undergo treatment with peroxide and Bandaids!

Unfortunately, since he is no longer allowed to carry it on airplanes, he has stopped flying, so i have not seen him in the last few years.

Sympathies for your brother. Good thing it was FMJ instead of JHP. He might have lost a foot. Did he by any chance work for the NYPD?
Someone who thinks they need to bring a gun to dinner isn't someone I would conclude is responsible.
Your mileage my vary.

Why's that? Are my chances of being murdered lower because I'm eating dinner in a public place? How about church? I also carry in church. Are my chances of being murdered in church any lower because well by golly, it's a church? As for being "responsible", yes I am. The state I live in and my law-enforcement agencies seem to think I'm a responsible person, seeing as how I can pass a criminal background check. I'm actually more trustworthy than you are. Have you passed a criminal background check lately?

Your argument doesn't hold water. I carry a weapon every time I leave the house and will continue to do so. And there's nothing you can do about it.

Basically the definition of a gun nut. Notice he didn't talk about his minutes of training and zero situational training?

How would training prevent gun crime?


It will help you identify the shooter, not kill innocent bystanders, threat recognition, etc... Not draw down on someone reaching for their cell phone.

So you're cure for gun violence is to train young aspiring rappers, dundu-nuffins, drug dealers, and gang-bangers in the proper use and care of firearms?

Are you a crackhead or something?

Are you a racist by any chance? I wonder how many of the gun nuts posting on gun threads are also racists - I bet the correlation is high.
Why's that? Are my chances of being murdered lower because I'm eating dinner in a public place? How about church? I also carry in church. Are my chances of being murdered in church any lower because well by golly, it's a church? As for being "responsible", yes I am. The state I live in and my law-enforcement agencies seem to think I'm a responsible person, seeing as how I can pass a criminal background check. I'm actually more trustworthy than you are. Have you passed a criminal background check lately?

Your argument doesn't hold water. I carry a weapon every time I leave the house and will continue to do so. And there's nothing you can do about it.

Basically the definition of a gun nut. Notice he didn't talk about his minutes of training and zero situational training?

How would training prevent gun crime?


It will help you identify the shooter, not kill innocent bystanders, threat recognition, etc... Not draw down on someone reaching for their cell phone.

So you're cure for gun violence is to train young aspiring rappers, dundu-nuffins, drug dealers, and gang-bangers in the proper use and care of firearms?

Are you a crackhead or something?

Are you a racist by any chance? I wonder how many of the gun nuts posting on gun threads are also racists - I bet the correlation is high.

Who mentioned anything about race? I say you're a racist and a nut. Now prove you're not.
I will take your silence as a tacit acknowledgement that you both a racist and a nut.
oh geez , sorry but mention of 'shot in foot and police' reminded me of an old favorite . --- --- anyway , enjoy or cringe , its up to you !!
So you're cure for gun violence is to train young aspiring rappers, dundu-nuffins, drug dealers, and gang-bangers in the proper use and care of firearms?

Are you a crackhead or something?

Not the cure is multi-pronged.

First drive up the costs to limit the supply and the number made. If something costs 3x what it costs now, fewer will be sold and fewer will be made. You do this by several means.

A "mayhem tax" for one thing.
Another is to force gun owners to carry an insurance policy to help pay for the inordinate amount of damage guns do. Currently, if you kill my kid, I am stuck with the bill for care and/or burial. It's time to recoup some of that costs through insurance.

Secondly, any crime committed where a gun is presented by the offender (it doesn't have to be fired) gets a mandatory minimum of 10 years in federal prison. No time off, no parole. The next time, you're gonzo for lifeo.

Thirdly, I wouldn't be opposed to forcing gun owners to take a proficiency test in cleaning and use of the weapon on the device they own.

The first move would eventually dry up the supply. The second move would limit the criminal element. The third move would make gun owners better gun owners.

Start your bitch-fest NOW!
The only ones afraid of guns are the ones that would get up and leave a restaurant because they saw one.

About the most koo-koo for koko puffs response I could imagine.

You were the one stating you would leave the restaurant if you saw an open carried firearm.

that sounds pretty koo koo to me.

Well, that isn't exactly what I said. But close.

We have these groups of about 5 or 6 folks walking around with AK assault rifles and AR15's strapped to their backs. They are usually carrying a large American Flag and/or often another flag. They come into the restaurant and generally make asses of themselves. Usually an argument ensues between them and others. Doesn't matter who starts it. At some point, this will result in gunplay...it's almost a certainty.

I simply don't want to be around when it happens.
And yet you'd never know if anyone was carrying a concealed weapon would you.

So I can only assume you'd rather not know who is armed and who isn't

Your assumptions are your own business and that's fine.
I'll put it to you this way. If I'm at an Applebees or a Chilis or Five Guys or whatever and this group of guys comes in brandishing their weapons (we have a couple of groups who walk around carrying loaded weapons to spread "information"), I will pay my check and leave.

Because I know the situation is more dangerous than it was before. As stated over and over, if guns made us safe, we'd have the safest society ever since we, by far, have the most guns. Instead, the opposite is true, we live in one of the most violent advanced societies on earth.

If the guys are carrying concealed, you're right, I wouldn't know that the danger level just increased.

"Your assumptions are your own business and that's fine."

As are yours.

"I'll put it to you this way. If I'm at an Applebees or a Chilis or Five Guys or whatever and this group of guys comes in brandishing their weapons (we have a couple of groups who walk around carrying loaded weapons to spread "information"), I will pay my check and leave. "

Your choice.

Won't bother those carrying anyway.

(Course, they may laugh their asses off at you.)

"If the guys are carrying concealed, you're right, I wouldn't know that the danger level just increased"

Actually, the only place the 'danger level' increased is in your mind.

The place is more likely safer.

Statistics tell a much different story. Again, if guns made you safer, we'd have the safest society in the world. We don't. Case closed.

Too bad for you guns are not the only factor in determining whether or not a society is safe.

We also have the thousands of deaths that are a direct result of guns. That's true.

The fact of the matter is our crime rates, including "gun violence" is due mostly to inner city thugs killing each other. You liberals like to reference other countries such as European ones, but you fail to grasp that those countries demographics are entirely different than the US's. They don't have tens of millions of negro thugs or Hispanic gang bangers running wild on their streets. They have strict immigration policies and a better criminal justice system that actually keeps thugs locked up.

If we didn't have tens of millions of inner city thugs skewing our statistics, the US would be just as safe as any other country, if not more so.

You progressives keep trying to blame the numbers on middle class white Americans that believe in owning a firearm, yet you never address the gang banger and thug problem.
The only ones afraid of guns are the ones that would get up and leave a restaurant because they saw one.

About the most koo-koo for koko puffs response I could imagine.

You were the one stating you would leave the restaurant if you saw an open carried firearm.

that sounds pretty koo koo to me.

Well, that isn't exactly what I said. But close.

We have these groups of about 5 or 6 folks walking around with AK assault rifles and AR15's strapped to their backs. They are usually carrying a large American Flag and/or often another flag. They come into the restaurant and generally make asses of themselves. Usually an argument ensues between them and others. Doesn't matter who starts it. At some point, this will result in gunplay...it's almost a certainty.

I simply don't want to be around when it happens.

Some pictures...

This was at a rally but pretty much the same thing.
everybody remember that some of these posters on board are gov employees pushing gov solutions that make governing and ruling easier for themselves !!
Your assumptions are your own business and that's fine.
I'll put it to you this way. If I'm at an Applebees or a Chilis or Five Guys or whatever and this group of guys comes in brandishing their weapons (we have a couple of groups who walk around carrying loaded weapons to spread "information"), I will pay my check and leave.

Because I know the situation is more dangerous than it was before. As stated over and over, if guns made us safe, we'd have the safest society ever since we, by far, have the most guns. Instead, the opposite is true, we live in one of the most violent advanced societies on earth.

If the guys are carrying concealed, you're right, I wouldn't know that the danger level just increased.

"Your assumptions are your own business and that's fine."

As are yours.

"I'll put it to you this way. If I'm at an Applebees or a Chilis or Five Guys or whatever and this group of guys comes in brandishing their weapons (we have a couple of groups who walk around carrying loaded weapons to spread "information"), I will pay my check and leave. "

Your choice.

Won't bother those carrying anyway.

(Course, they may laugh their asses off at you.)

"If the guys are carrying concealed, you're right, I wouldn't know that the danger level just increased"

Actually, the only place the 'danger level' increased is in your mind.

The place is more likely safer.

Statistics tell a much different story. Again, if guns made you safer, we'd have the safest society in the world. We don't. Case closed.

Too bad for you guns are not the only factor in determining whether or not a society is safe.

We also have the thousands of deaths that are a direct result of guns. That's true.

The fact of the matter is our crime rates, including "gun violence" is due mostly to inner city thugs killing each other. You liberals like to reference other countries such as European ones, but you fail to grasp that those countries demographics are entirely different than the US's. They don't have tens of millions of negro thugs or Hispanic gang bangers running wild on their streets. They have strict immigration policies and a better criminal justice system that actually keeps thugs locked up.
Well, we have 6 million people in jail as we speak. Sound like we have a pretty good lock on the population. And I'm interested in hearing that Spain doesn't have Hispanics....who knew? But lets look at Lagos and Nairobi gun violence rates. They have black folks...more than we do.


Gee, they don't even show up.

See dumbass, the problem is that the kids and not fully developed adults in other parts of the world don't live under the 2nd Amendment. And by not having access to weapons, they can't look to settle a score through gunplay. They see the same movies, read the same books, play the same video games etc... They just can't run out and buy an aresenal.
The only ones afraid of guns are the ones that would get up and leave a restaurant because they saw one.

About the most koo-koo for koko puffs response I could imagine.

You were the one stating you would leave the restaurant if you saw an open carried firearm.

that sounds pretty koo koo to me.

Well, that isn't exactly what I said. But close.

We have these groups of about 5 or 6 folks walking around with AK assault rifles and AR15's strapped to their backs. They are usually carrying a large American Flag and/or often another flag. They come into the restaurant and generally make asses of themselves. Usually an argument ensues between them and others. Doesn't matter who starts it. At some point, this will result in gunplay...it's almost a certainty.

I simply don't want to be around when it happens.

Some pictures...

This was at a rally but pretty much the same thing.
"Your assumptions are your own business and that's fine."

As are yours.

"I'll put it to you this way. If I'm at an Applebees or a Chilis or Five Guys or whatever and this group of guys comes in brandishing their weapons (we have a couple of groups who walk around carrying loaded weapons to spread "information"), I will pay my check and leave. "

Your choice.

Won't bother those carrying anyway.

(Course, they may laugh their asses off at you.)

"If the guys are carrying concealed, you're right, I wouldn't know that the danger level just increased"

Actually, the only place the 'danger level' increased is in your mind.

The place is more likely safer.

Statistics tell a much different story. Again, if guns made you safer, we'd have the safest society in the world. We don't. Case closed.

Too bad for you guns are not the only factor in determining whether or not a society is safe.

We also have the thousands of deaths that are a direct result of guns. That's true.

The fact of the matter is our crime rates, including "gun violence" is due mostly to inner city thugs killing each other. You liberals like to reference other countries such as European ones, but you fail to grasp that those countries demographics are entirely different than the US's. They don't have tens of millions of negro thugs or Hispanic gang bangers running wild on their streets. They have strict immigration policies and a better criminal justice system that actually keeps thugs locked up.
Well, we have 6 million people in jail as we speak. Sound like we have a pretty good lock on the population. And I'm interested in hearing that Spain doesn't have Hispanics....who knew? But lets look at Lagos and Nairobi gun violence rates. They have black folks...more than we do.


Gee, they don't even show up.

See dumbass, the problem is that the kids and not fully developed adults in other parts of the world don't live under the 2nd Amendment. And by not having access to weapons, they can't look to settle a score through gunplay. They see the same movies, read the same books, play the same video games etc... They just can't run out and buy an aresenal.

So because we have a certain hard number of people in prisons, in your mind that means we should release criminals because there are enough or too many people in prison?

Does anyone acutally believe that places like Nigeria report crime as much as the US?

Can you also explain how Switzerland has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the world, yet has one of the lowest "gun violence" rates?

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