What's Going On Simplified / Synopsis:


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Damaging Property



Firebombing GOP HQs

Beating and bloodying Trump Supporters

Hillary campaign paying groups to provide violent protestors

DNC Rigs their Primaries to prevent Socialist Party Member being their nominee

Democrats engage in voter fraud during Primaries to help Hillary win

Democrats / Liberal Media feed Hillary debate questions in advance to help her

'Russians' hack DNC e-mails, expose Democrats as racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semites

Democrats create 'Russia Hacked the Election' story as a distraction from e-mail story

Obama and DHS attempt to hack In and Ga election systems while trying to seize control of all State Election processes, citing them as 'critical infrastructure' that needs protecting (yeah, from him and the DHS)

Obama begins illegally collecting info on Trump and his team (according to CNN) and releases it to 16 Intel agencies

Democrats vow to extremely Obstruct and undermine the newly elected Govt if Trump wins


Violent protests



Successful attempts to violently prevent Freedom of Speech


Threats of violence in attempt to 'clip' Electoral College Voters

Seditious / Treasonous Calls for Military Coups

Seditious / Treasonous Calls for Assassination of newly elected President

Intel Agencies illegally leaked Trump Team Info received from Obama / Obama admin

'Russians hacked the Election' False Narrative grows

FBI Reports No Connection between Trump and Russia / Putin

Resurrection of one-sided Partisan 'McCarthy' Witch Hunt Against Trump

Liberals Keep Promise of Extreme Obstructionism and Undermining of Newly Elected Govt

'Political Assassination' of Flynn, despite Flynn having done nothing illegal

Attempted 'Political Assassination' of Sessions Fails - Democrats still vow to deny through Obstruction

Liberal Russian False Narrative and 'McCarthy Red Scare' Witch Hunt Backfires
-- 32 Democrats IDed as having met with Russians
- At least 6 IDed as having Lied Under oath (McCaskill, Pelosi....)
- Schumer met with Putin
- Pelosi Lied, Has a hisroty of 'exchanging gifts' with Russians

Obama accused of illegally spying on Trump ....

NO proof Russians 'Hacked The Election'

PROOF Obama and DHS tried to 'Hack the Elections'

PROOF Obama illegally collected Data on Trump and provided that info to 16 Intel Agencies(according to CNN)

PROOF DNC, Hillary campaign, Liberals engaged in crimes (assault, destruction of property, looting, arson, etc) in opposing free elections / Freedom of Speech / Trump Presidency

PROOF Intel Agencies illegally leaked the illegally collected Trump team info...

NO PROOF Trump or team illegally communicated with Russians (No more than the Democrats did)

NO PROOF Obama Wire Tapped Trump Towers

The 'Russia hacked the election' was a liberal attempt to distract from the fact their hacked, released e-mails exposed them as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites. (Actions after that have only backed up that perception - calling successful blacks meeting with Trump 'Mediocre Negroes', the crude sexist joke about Conway, etc...) AND a continued attempt to undermine the newly elected government.

The liberal resurrected 'McCarthy' 'Commie Witch Hunt' has been nothing more than an extension to the 'Russia hacked the election' false narrative and has not resulted in any evidence of illegal activity.
- It has, however, backfired, exposing 32 Democrats as having had communications with Russians and several as having lied about those 'communications'

In an attempt to push this false narrative (FBI, again, cleared Trump, no crime IDed for Flynn, no crime for Sessions about Russian 'communication') about the Trump team numerous illegal acts have been perpetrated in an attempt to undermine the new administration.

Without proof (yet) Trump has now accused Obama of spying on him. This has yet to be investigated, but it might be just a case of 'Tit-for-Tat', Trump returning the false accusation 'favor' to put Democrats on defense.
- 32 Democrats having been proven to have the same level of communication with Russians as Trump's team (minus Pelosi and Russians exchanging 'gifts') has flipped the 'Russian' Narrative a little. Dems are on the defensive about this but not as much as they should because the 'Fake News' / 'All-In' media is giving them a pass for having the same communications with Russians, if not worse - and lying about it, as trump and his team.

The bulk of it all is a coordinated campaign by the Democrats to undermine the Trump team and the newly elected government for their own benefit.

The American people - the country - in the meantime is being held hostage by this partisan, political WAR between the Democrats and the trump administration based on little more than the Democrats lost the 2016 Presidential election and because the most Narcissistic President in US History is afraid his 8 years in office and his 'Legacy' will be wiped from the history books.

That about sums it all up.
All that's missing, and what may be coming to take us full circle to the last century, is Trump asking for extraordinary powers to "protect" us.
In other words.....the left is having a meltdown.....

But the more they act this way.....the more they unmask themselves as totalitarians to the American public....

keep it up dumbocrats.....you will only destroy yourselves...
In other words.....the left is having a meltdown.....

But the more they act this way.....the more they unmask themselves as totalitarians to the American public....

keep it up dumbocrats.....you will only destroy yourselves...
SEDITIOUS melt-down...
In other words.....the left is having a meltdown.....

But the more they act this way.....the more they unmask themselves as totalitarians to the American public....

keep it up dumbocrats.....you will only destroy yourselves...
they're tweeting like masturbating chimps! #goTrump
All that's missing, and what may be coming to take us full circle to the last century, is Trump asking for extraordinary powers to "protect" us.

The Enabling Act - 1933 Germany I think that was...

you guys can't recognize a real American if they ran over you.....which is exactly what Trump has been doing......:lol:

When does Trump plan on doing something?

catch up rackhead.......if you can....
All that's missing, and what may be coming to take us full circle to the last century, is Trump asking for extraordinary powers to "protect" us.

The Enabling Act - 1933 Germany I think that was...

you guys can't recognize a real American if they ran over you.....which is exactly what Trump has been doing......:lol:

When does Trump plan on doing something?

catch up rackhead.......if you can....

Ah, see? You can't name anything...
All that's missing, and what may be coming to take us full circle to the last century, is Trump asking for extraordinary powers to "protect" us.

The Enabling Act - 1933 Germany I think that was...

you guys can't recognize a real American if they ran over you.....which is exactly what Trump has been doing......:lol:

When does Trump plan on doing something?

catch up rackhead.......if you can....

Ah, see? You can't name anything...
Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office

Damaging Property



Firebombing GOP HQs

Beating and bloodying Trump Supporters

Hillary campaign paying groups to provide violent protestors

DNC Rigs their Primaries to prevent Socialist Party Member being their nominee

Democrats engage in voter fraud during Primaries to help Hillary win

Democrats / Liberal Media feed Hillary debate questions in advance to help her

'Russians' hack DNC e-mails, expose Democrats as racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semites

Democrats create 'Russia Hacked the Election' story as a distraction from e-mail story

Obama and DHS attempt to hack In and Ga election systems while trying to seize control of all State Election processes, citing them as 'critical infrastructure' that needs protecting (yeah, from him and the DHS)

Obama begins illegally collecting info on Trump and his team (according to CNN) and releases it to 16 Intel agencies

Democrats vow to extremely Obstruct and undermine the newly elected Govt if Trump wins


Violent protests



Successful attempts to violently prevent Freedom of Speech


Threats of violence in attempt to 'clip' Electoral College Voters

Seditious / Treasonous Calls for Military Coups

Seditious / Treasonous Calls for Assassination of newly elected President

Intel Agencies illegally leaked Trump Team Info received from Obama / Obama admin

'Russians hacked the Election' False Narrative grows

FBI Reports No Connection between Trump and Russia / Putin

Resurrection of one-sided Partisan 'McCarthy' Witch Hunt Against Trump

Liberals Keep Promise of Extreme Obstructionism and Undermining of Newly Elected Govt

'Political Assassination' of Flynn, despite Flynn having done nothing illegal

Attempted 'Political Assassination' of Sessions Fails - Democrats still vow to deny through Obstruction

Liberal Russian False Narrative and 'McCarthy Red Scare' Witch Hunt Backfires
-- 32 Democrats IDed as having met with Russians
- At least 6 IDed as having Lied Under oath (McCaskill, Pelosi....)
- Schumer met with Putin
- Pelosi Lied, Has a hisroty of 'exchanging gifts' with Russians

Obama accused of illegally spying on Trump ....

NO proof Russians 'Hacked The Election'

PROOF Obama and DHS tried to 'Hack the Elections'

PROOF Obama illegally collected Data on Trump and provided that info to 16 Intel Agencies(according to CNN)

PROOF DNC, Hillary campaign, Liberals engaged in crimes (assault, destruction of property, looting, arson, etc) in opposing free elections / Freedom of Speech / Trump Presidency

PROOF Intel Agencies illegally leaked the illegally collected Trump team info...

NO PROOF Trump or team illegally communicated with Russians (No more than the Democrats did)

NO PROOF Obama Wire Tapped Trump Towers

The 'Russia hacked the election' was a liberal attempt to distract from the fact their hacked, released e-mails exposed them as racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites. (Actions after that have only backed up that perception - calling successful blacks meeting with Trump 'Mediocre Negroes', the crude sexist joke about Conway, etc...) AND a continued attempt to undermine the newly elected government.

The liberal resurrected 'McCarthy' 'Commie Witch Hunt' has been nothing more than an extension to the 'Russia hacked the election' false narrative and has not resulted in any evidence of illegal activity.
- It has, however, backfired, exposing 32 Democrats as having had communications with Russians and several as having lied about those 'communications'

In an attempt to push this false narrative (FBI, again, cleared Trump, no crime IDed for Flynn, no crime for Sessions about Russian 'communication') about the Trump team numerous illegal acts have been perpetrated in an attempt to undermine the new administration.

Without proof (yet) Trump has now accused Obama of spying on him. This has yet to be investigated, but it might be just a case of 'Tit-for-Tat', Trump returning the false accusation 'favor' to put Democrats on defense.
- 32 Democrats having been proven to have the same level of communication with Russians as Trump's team (minus Pelosi and Russians exchanging 'gifts') has flipped the 'Russian' Narrative a little. Dems are on the defensive about this but not as much as they should because the 'Fake News' / 'All-In' media is giving them a pass for having the same communications with Russians, if not worse - and lying about it, as trump and his team.

The bulk of it all is a coordinated campaign by the Democrats to undermine the Trump team and the newly elected government for their own benefit.

The American people - the country - in the meantime is being held hostage by this partisan, political WAR between the Democrats and the trump administration based on little more than the Democrats lost the 2016 Presidential election and because the most Narcissistic President in US History is afraid his 8 years in office and his 'Legacy' will be wiped from the history books.

That about sums it all up.


One thing you left out was Obama using The Russian Ambassador to set up meetings with the Trump team (these meetings are legal).

What was nefarious about the meetings is that The Obama admin would bug and wire tap a member of The Trump team then send the Russian Ambassador to go meet with every member of The Trump Team he could, after each one was bugged.

This ambassador was involved with Flynn, Sessions, Trump Tower, Trump's Son In Law, and attempted to meet with each one of them, after Obama wire tapped them.

The hilarious part of it is, that the illegal wire taps and Entrapment attempts found nothing illegal about The Trump team at all, and instead, only exposed Obama Bin Lying as a Nefarious and Evil Villain, Traitor and Seditious Law Breaking Rat.


Obama's State Department Sponsored 2016 Meeting of Russian Ambassador with Sen. Sessions - Breitbart
Flashback: Numerous Dems, Obama Also Met with Russian Ambassador
Russian Ambassador Visited Obama at the White House 22 Times
Obama Administration Officials Set Up Jeff Sessions’ Meeting With the Russian Ambassador | The Resurgent

The only people working with THE RUSSIANS to undermine Democracy and to affect the outcome of The Election were THE DNC, Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama.

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