What's more offensive to native Americans?

Yeah, totally awkward and inappropriate, watching the video made me cringe. I just heard Warrens response and she went straight to the race card. Are we ever going to get intelligent and responsible leaders?

Warrens response:
“This was supposed to be an event to honor heroes, people who put it all on the line for our country, and people who, because of their incredible work, saved the lives of countless Americans and our allies. It was deeply unfortunate that the President of the United States cannot even make it through a ceremony honoring these heroes without having to throw out a racial slur.”

This fucker needs to go. He has degraded the office of POTUS into the cellar.
The President seems to be mocking the Code Talkers.

Is that what the hateful Moon Bats think? He invited them to the White House to honor them. He was ridiculing that filthy ass bitch Indian Princess Liesalot. She deserves to be ridiculed if anybody does. She lied about being an Indian in order to get preferential hiring treatment and that is despicable. It should be considered despicable by the brave Code Talkers who are real Indians and, unlike that Left Wing shithead Warren, who is a proven liar. .
Trump used a slur towards Native Americans at an event honoring Native Americans, and Trump supporters think it is a coincidence that racists support him and there is no reason for it.

Today just gave another point for impeachment, on moral grounds.
Post in thread 'Trump says "Pocahontas" to a Navajo Indian Audience' by WaitingFor2020 has been reported by OKTexas. Reason given:
Already a thread on this topic: http://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/whats-more-offensive-to-native-americans.641437/

Content being reported:
He's a fucking Merck Manual-certified sociopath.

Trump calls Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native American veterans

Such a disgrace:

"You were here long before any of us were here,” Trump said, standing beneath a portrait of former President Andrew Jackson. “Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas.”
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.
American Indian is the term that should be used, Native American is the white man’s term…
He's a fucking Merck Manual-certified sociopath.

Trump calls Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native American veterans

Such a disgrace:

"You were here long before any of us were here,” Trump said, standing beneath a portrait of former President Andrew Jackson. “Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas.”

Haha...Dude is so AWESOME. He constantly goes out of his way to verbally bitch-slap Liberal filth.
No filter is a good filter....you'll learn to appreciate it when your nuts drop pussy.
The most offensive thing to Native Americans is not having a bottle to dive into. They're as self-destructive as blacks are destructive to others, they've shown they don't care about improving their communities in any way. Much easier to bask in drunken self-pity.
Watching the replay, it appears that CNN is much more offended then the two code-talkers were.

Give it time. The progressives will inform them about how they should be outraged...............bigly......

As he said...Trump has more Indian blood than Pocahontas Warren.

But more to the point you are correct about this "breaking news". The media elites decide what will be offensive what isnt. Inciting minorities against the majority is their basic playbook.
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.
What exactly did Warren do that you think Native Americans would find offensive?
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.
I wish he and all the crabby Republicans would quit with that. She THOUGHT she had Native heritage because it was a family story from multiple folks. LOTS of people have that kind of oral tradition in their families about something or other. Unless a genealogist takes a deep dive into it, no one ever finds out the difference.
Does everything have to be a court of law with you people? Leave her to hell alone.

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