What's more offensive to native Americans?

Trump used a slur towards Native Americans at an event honoring Native Americans, and Trump supporters think it is a coincidence that racists support him and there is no reason for it.

Today just gave another point for impeachment, on moral grounds.
The trumpanzees love him for this....this is why they voted for him....to show how low a slime he (and they) can be.
The most offensive thing to Native Americans is not having a bottle to dive into. They're as self-destructive as blacks are destructive to others, they've shown they don't care about improving their communities in any way. Much easier to bask in drunken self-pity.

Oh shut up about that shit. Cocaine is the white man's drug... or meth is the white man's drug...

You are just trying to deflect from the issue here and that is that the President is a racist asshole.

Wrong, creep. Coke/crack is a black man's drug and meth is even more abused by Polynesians then whites (ever been to Hawaii or New Zealand? Didn't think so.). I don't get off on minority victim-mentality self-pity the way you do. And as far a Trump being "racist," illegal immigration is NOT a race, cretin. It's a criminal burden on society that costs taxpayers $135 billion per year. And that doesn't count the gigantic amounts of violent crime and heroin that crosses that southern border. You liberals simply have a pathological hatred of anything that benefits your fellow American citizens and that, in a nutshell, is why I call liberals the ultimate traitors.
Watching the replay, it appears that CNN is much more offended then the two code-talkers were.

Give it time. The progressives will inform them about how they should be outraged...............bigly......

The two code-talkers are probably in full agreement; after all Pocahontis is faking being one of them.


There were 3 of them... and no I doubt they liked having their chance to visit the White House to be honored for their service in a war be side-tracked and overshadowed by the President making a racial slur.
Umm Pocahontas is not a race lol
Trump used a slur towards Native Americans at an event honoring Native Americans, and Trump supporters think it is a coincidence that racists support him and there is no reason for it.

Today just gave another point for impeachment, on moral grounds.
The trumpanzees love him for this....this is why they voted for him....to show how low a slime he (and they) can be.
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.
What exactly did Warren do that you think Native Americans would find offensive?

She claimed to be Amerindian when her DNA test proved that lying bitch is as 100% caucasian as I am.
The most offensive thing to Native Americans is not having a bottle to dive into. They're as self-destructive as blacks are destructive to others, they've shown they don't care about improving their communities in any way. Much easier to bask in drunken self-pity.

Oh shut up about that shit. Cocaine is the white man's drug... or meth is the white man's drug...

You are just trying to deflect from the issue here and that is that the President is a racist asshole.

Wrong, creep. Coke/crack is a black man's drug and meth is even more abused by Polynesians then whites (ever been to Hawaii or New Zealand? Didn't think so.). I don't get off on minority victim-mentality self-pity the way you do. And as far a Trump being "racist," illegal immigration is NOT a race, cretin. It's a criminal burden on society that costs taxpayers $135 billion per year. And that doesn't count the gigantic amounts of violent crime and heroin that crosses that southern border. You liberals simply have a pathological hatred of anything that benefits your fellow American citizens and that, in a nutshell, is why I call liberals the ultimate traitors.

You think meth is a Polynesian man's drug because of it's abuse in ONE state?


Meth is abused by whites ALL OVER the south, Appalachia and across the country.
Watching the replay, it appears that CNN is much more offended then the two code-talkers were.

Give it time. The progressives will inform them about how they should be outraged...............bigly......

The two code-talkers are probably in full agreement; after all Pocahontis is faking being one of them.


There were 3 of them... and no I doubt they liked having their chance to visit the White House to be honored for their service in a war be side-tracked and overshadowed by the President making a racial slur.
Umm Pocahontas is not a race lol

You are smarter than that. Monkey isn't even a human but it is a racial slur to call a Black person it.
they can exist , no problem with that but 'who cares' about whats more offensive is correct .
You'r right, it's perfectly fine for a sitting senator to falsely claim a heritage for votes.

Stupid me

She cited family lore and a marriage certificate; neither are sufficient(.) Bush II once claimed to have "been to war", he had not. I would not vote for either myself.
they can exist , no problem with that but 'who cares' about whats more offensive is correct .
You'r right, it's perfectly fine for a sitting senator to falsely claim a heritage for votes.

Stupid me

She cited family lore and a marriage certificate; neither are sufficient(.) Bush II once claimed to have "been to war", he had not. I would not vote for either myself.

Should we go through the number of things Trump has lied about himself?
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.

I can just imagine what you Trump sycophants would be saying if Obama constantly referred to Jeff Sessions as the Keebler Elf or Mitch McConnel as Yurtle the Turtle...
I'm glad to pick up that baton.
The President seems to be mocking the Code Talkers.

Is that what the hateful Moon Bats think? He invited them to the White House to honor them. He was ridiculing that filthy ass bitch Indian Princess Liesalot. She deserves to be ridiculed if anybody does. She lied about being an Indian in order to get preferential hiring treatment and that is despicable. It should be considered despicable by the brave Code Talkers who are real Indians and, unlike that Left Wing shithead Warren, who is a proven liar. .
So....you tell us WHY an event to honor Code Talkers was the appropriate forum to denigrate someone not even there?

Because, Moon Bat, he wasn't dishonoring them. He was honoring them. He was ridiculing that filthy ass commie Democrat bitch Warren. Is that too difficult to understand?
they can exist , no problem with that but 'who cares' about whats more offensive is correct .
You'r right, it's perfectly fine for a sitting senator to falsely claim a heritage for votes.

Stupid me

She cited family lore and a marriage certificate; neither are sufficient(.) Bush II once claimed to have "been to war", he had not. I would not vote for either myself.

Should we go through the number of things Trump has lied about himself?

They have been rehashed, many times. I noted his joke about Sen. Warren has grown old.
they can exist , no problem with that but 'who cares' about whats more offensive is correct .
You'r right, it's perfectly fine for a sitting senator to falsely claim a heritage for votes.

Stupid me

She cited family lore and a marriage certificate; neither are sufficient(.) Bush II once claimed to have "been to war", he had not. I would not vote for either myself.

Should we go through the number of things Trump has lied about himself?

They have been rehashed, many times. I noted his joke about Sen. Warren has grown old.

Oh I agree, I'm just saying those that defending Trump on this don't understand the difference in flat out lying about themselves, versus someone who is simply repeating something they were told all their life by their family.
Yeah, totally awkward and inappropriate, watching the video made me cringe. I just heard Warrens response and she went straight to the race card. Are we ever going to get intelligent and responsible leaders?

Warrens response:
“This was supposed to be an event to honor heroes, people who put it all on the line for our country, and people who, because of their incredible work, saved the lives of countless Americans and our allies. It was deeply unfortunate that the President of the United States cannot even make it through a ceremony honoring these heroes without having to throw out a racial slur.”

This fucker needs to go. He has degraded the office of POTUS into the cellar.
Hold your nose for 3 more years, I think he is doing pretty good in evaporating this chances of winning as long as we can find a decent candidate to run against him.

What are you smoking? Do you not understand just how much the American public utterly HATES you liberal, homicidal animals for your 8 years of screaming mindless, dehumanizing hatred at all things white and/or American? With what your violent, baby-tantrum, utter hate-sewer abomination of a party has demonstrated, you will NEVER win anything on a national level - your loss of 1000 elected seats throughout the Obama regime proves this. Mainstream America now detests liberals and understand they have absolutely ZERO redeeming human qualities of any kind.
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.
What exactly did Warren do that you think Native Americans would find offensive?
Cherokees hammer Elizabeth Warren on ancestry claim ahead of Mass. party convention
I'm aware of the claims, but i'm not seeing the meat... I've heard the situation very politicized. As I understand it, Warren was told by her parents that she she comes from Cherokee decent and a set of her grandparents had to elope because her grandfathers Delaware family had issue with him marrying a women of Native American decent. That was a story she was told as a child. She didn't get her dna checked to verify the story, is that what you are blaming her for or are you claiming that she made the whole thing up?

She is obviously not majority Native American and from what i've read she never used a minority status to further her career. Now of course Native Americans are going to throw a fit when the headline says "Warren lies about being Native American" I would object to that too. But consider the whole story and tell me what exactly she did that was offensive to Native Americans
Yeah, totally awkward and inappropriate, watching the video made me cringe. I just heard Warrens response and she went straight to the race card. Are we ever going to get intelligent and responsible leaders?

Warrens response:
“This was supposed to be an event to honor heroes, people who put it all on the line for our country, and people who, because of their incredible work, saved the lives of countless Americans and our allies. It was deeply unfortunate that the President of the United States cannot even make it through a ceremony honoring these heroes without having to throw out a racial slur.”

This fucker needs to go. He has degraded the office of POTUS into the cellar.
Hold your nose for 3 more years, I think he is doing pretty good in evaporating this chances of winning as long as we can find a decent candidate to run against him.

He won't have 3 years. Mueller is closing in on him for violation of emoluments clause, taking money from foreign governments, obstruction of justice and international money laundering. Notice how Jared Kushner has been backseated and Ivanka is missing, too.
Your energy is better directed in finding a good candidate to run against him and to focus on progressing policy positions to improve our country. Obsessing over getting him impeached is a fruitless and destructive path. Mueller is doing his thing, if he finds anything then the cards will fall as they may. You're better off looking forward or else you are just adding fuel to the fire and helping Trump by strengthening his base

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