What's more offensive to native Americans?

Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.
I wish he and all the crabby Republicans would quit with that. She THOUGHT she had Native heritage because it was a family story from multiple folks. LOTS of people have that kind of oral tradition in their families about something or other. Unless a genealogist takes a deep dive into it, no one ever finds out the difference.
Does everything have to be a court of law with you people? Leave her to hell alone.

Not true. She lied about being an Indian in order to gain better employment at liberal colleges,llike Harvard, who put tremendous emphasis on bloodline and race. Like most liberals she not only uses race and gender to advance herself but as a cudgel against opponents.
And when questioned she falls back on "poor me you are a racist for not accepting my bogus claim just look at my cheeckbones".

Yeah, totally awkward and inappropriate, watching the video made me cringe. I just heard Warrens response and she went straight to the race card. Are we ever going to get intelligent and responsible leaders?

Warrens response:
“This was supposed to be an event to honor heroes, people who put it all on the line for our country, and people who, because of their incredible work, saved the lives of countless Americans and our allies. It was deeply unfortunate that the President of the United States cannot even make it through a ceremony honoring these heroes without having to throw out a racial slur.”

This fucker needs to go. He has degraded the office of POTUS into the cellar.
Hold your nose for 3 more years, I think he is doing pretty good in evaporating this chances of winning as long as we can find a decent candidate to run against him.

What are you smoking? Do you not understand just how much the American public utterly HATES you liberal, homicidal animals for your 8 years of screaming mindless, dehumanizing hatred at all things white and/or American? With what your violent, baby-tantrum, utter hate-sewer abomination of a party has demonstrated, you will NEVER win anything on a national level - your loss of 1000 elected seats throughout the Obama regime proves this. Mainstream America now detests liberals and understand they have absolutely ZERO redeeming human qualities of any kind.
See the fact that you said 8 years said a lot, if the "American Public" hated the liberal ideology so much then there would have been zero or 4 years, not 8. Go get that foot looked at, seems as if you shot it.
Fortunately, nobody is born with a moral right to NEVER to be offended by something. So I don't think anyone should give a fuck what some sniveling-victim minority finds offensive. If you're offended by something, I solicit you to take your pissy sense of "offense" and stick it in the bodily orifice of your choice.

You know why Asians are my #1 favorite minority of all time? Because they DON'T do that victim-mentality crybaby shit. The Chinese were enslaved at the same time as the blacks - they build our railroads out west. Yet today, Asians are the most successful, lowest-crime-rate demographic in America! Because Asians have something that no other minority has: personal honor and self-discipline. If you need further proof, name me one non-white minority with a higher average I.Q. than Asians.

"What people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career, Sarah Huckabee Sanders says."
Yes, one of the weaker pivots of her deflective career. When asked about Trump bringing it up at a ceremony that was supposed to honor native american WW2 vets she jumps straight to the "Whatabout" argument and doesn't even come closer to answering the question. Its so damn transparent.
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.

You are such an ass. You & your orange POS buddy.

I, like most people, learned my family's heritage from my parents and grandparents.

Warren learned of her heritage the same way. There has not been anything conclusive in any reporting one way or the other with Elizabeth Warren.

Being from that area of Oklahoma, many experts ay the chances of having no Native American heritage is slim to none.

So we have the fat assed, ignorant piece of shit Trump calling her a liar. Calling her Pocahontas is a slur of Native Americans.

To do so in a meeting with Native Americans, Native Americans that servrd their country at time of war & did not run away screaming "Bone Spurs!!! Bone Spurs!!!" is disgusting.
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.

You are such an ass. You & your orange POS buddy.

I, like most people, learned my family's heritage from my parents and grandparents.

Warren learned of her heritage the same way. There has not been anything conclusive in any reporting one way or the other with Elizabeth Warren.

Being from that area of Oklahoma, many experts ay the chances of having no Native American heritage is slim to none.

So we have the fat assed, ignorant piece of shit Trump calling her a liar. Calling her Pocahontas is a slur of Native Americans.

To do so in a meeting with Native Americans, Native Americans that servrd their country at time of war & did not run away screaming "Bone Spurs!!! Bone Spurs!!!" is disgusting.
I wouldn't be surprised if the most popular Navaho word this week is the one that translates to "Bone Spur great father in Washington".
This whole thing convinced me to sign up just now to take the 23 and me DNA test. It's on sale for only $69 for the ancestry test, and $99 for the health and ancestry test. Unfortunately for the second one, it's only that price if you buy 2.
It would be interesting to know for sure but I rather focus on the future than the past.

Well if you buy the Ancestry package they actually test for the health issues portion, and you can pay to see those later.
If Trump wans to see what a goofy person really is the dumbass should look in the mirror.

Elizabeth Warren is way out of his leaque.
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.
I have never seen Native Americans up in arms about Warren

Only Conservatives
I’m surprised Trump didn’t lecture the guys on how diversity is a bad thing .

Cons go crazy cause obama did a salute wh a coffee cup in hand . But Trumps absurd behavior is no big deal. ??
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.
I wish he and all the crabby Republicans would quit with that. She THOUGHT she had Native heritage because it was a family story from multiple folks. LOTS of people have that kind of oral tradition in their families about something or other. Unless a genealogist takes a deep dive into it, no one ever finds out the difference.
Does everything have to be a court of law with you people? Leave her to hell alone.

Not true. She lied about being an Indian in order to gain better employment at liberal colleges,llike Harvard, who put tremendous emphasis on bloodline and race. Like most liberals she not only uses race and gender to advance herself but as a cudgel against opponents.
And when questioned she falls back on "poor me you are a racist for not accepting my bogus claim just look at my cheeckbones".
I don't think you have your facts straight. She didn't mark herself as a minority in any school or job application. She was always marked as "white" in applications and was recruited to the teaching positions. She was marked as Native American in a directory which she claims was for diversity purposes. Definitely fair to question, but it has been waaaaay over politicized and grossly mischaracterized by her political opponents.
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Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.
I wish he and all the crabby Republicans would quit with that. She THOUGHT she had Native heritage because it was a family story from multiple folks. LOTS of people have that kind of oral tradition in their families about something or other. Unless a genealogist takes a deep dive into it, no one ever finds out the difference.
Does everything have to be a court of law with you people? Leave her to hell alone.

Not true. She lied about being an Indian in order to gain better employment at liberal colleges,llike Harvard, who put tremendous emphasis on bloodline and race. Like most liberals she not only uses race and gender to advance herself but as a cudgel against opponents.
And when questioned she falls back on "poor me you are a racist for not accepting my bogus claim just look at my cheeckbones".
I don't think you have your facts straight. She didn't marker herself as a minority in any school or job education. She was always marked as "white" in applications and was recruited to the teaching positions. She was marked as Native American in a directory which she claims was for diversity purposes. Definitely fair to question, but it has been waaaaay over politicized and grossly mischaracterized by her political opponents.

'Grossly mischaracterized' is Rightwing for 'business as usual'.
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.
I wish he and all the crabby Republicans would quit with that. She THOUGHT she had Native heritage because it was a family story from multiple folks. LOTS of people have that kind of oral tradition in their families about something or other. Unless a genealogist takes a deep dive into it, no one ever finds out the difference.
Does everything have to be a court of law with you people? Leave her to hell alone.

Not true. She lied about being an Indian in order to gain better employment at liberal colleges,llike Harvard, who put tremendous emphasis on bloodline and race. Like most liberals she not only uses race and gender to advance herself but as a cudgel against opponents.
And when questioned she falls back on "poor me you are a racist for not accepting my bogus claim just look at my cheeckbones".
I don't think you have your facts straight. She didn't marker herself as a minority in any school or job education. She was always marked as "white" in applications and was recruited to the teaching positions. She was marked as Native American in a directory which she claims was for diversity purposes. Definitely fair to question, but it has been waaaaay over politicized and grossly mischaracterized by her political opponents.

Her grandma told her they had Indian blood . Not uncommon in Oklahoma .

Like Trump is one to talk crap about her in front of War vets . Considering he faked his way through a medical draft waiver .

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