What's more offensive to native Americans?

Sarah got her job the old fashion way! Through her daddies connections !
She is good at her job. Speaks well for her upbringing don't you think?
What you think is an insult is actually a compliment

It’s white privilege affirmative action . Like the rest of Trumps crew.
Go play stupid racist with someone else, I'm not interested.

Her grandma told her they had Indian blood . Not uncommon in Oklahoma .

Like Trump is one to talk crap about her in front of War vets . Considering he faked his way through a medical draft waiver .

Grandparents tell their grandchildren a lot of things. I told my four year old granddaughter last week that she was the prettiest girl in the state of Florida but that doesn't mean she can put down "beauty pageant winner" on her resume in the future, does it?

Indian Princess Liesalot lied about it to get preferential hiring considerations and that is wrong and dishonest. If she was going to put that on a resume for affirmative action purposes she should have verified it instead of just taking grandma's word. If she did preferential treatment that means somebody else didn't get the job, doesn't it?

Don't you Moon Bats have a clue what she did wrong or does she get a pass because she is a filthy Left Wing asshole? Kind of like you Moon Bats giving Slick Willy and Crooked Hillary a pass on their lies?

Trump was right to ridicule the filthy bitch. She is dishonest and wrong on just about every issue. I am sure the former Marines in the room agreed with him. Most military veterans support Trump far more than they support the despicable Democrats.

Her grandma told her they had Indian blood . Not uncommon in Oklahoma .

Like Trump is one to talk crap about her in front of War vets . Considering he faked his way through a medical draft waiver .

Grandparents tell their grandchildren a lot of things. I told my four year old granddaughter last week that she was the prettiest girl in the state of Florida but that doesn't mean she can put down "beauty pageant winner" on her resume in the future, does it?

Indian Princess Liesalot lied about it to get preferential hiring considerations and that is wrong and dishonest. If she was going to put that on a resume for affirmative action purposes she should have verified it instead of just taking grandma's word. If she did preferential treatment that means somebody else didn't get the job, doesn't it?

Don't you Moon Bats have a clue what she did wrong or does she get a pass because she is a filthy Left Wing asshole? Kind of like you Moon Bats giving Slick Willy and Crooked Hillary a pass on their lies?

Trump was right to ridicule the filthy bitch. She is dishonest and wrong on just about every issue. I am sure the former Marines in the room agreed with him. Most military veterans support Trump far more than they support the despicable Democrats.
She very well may have done something wrong if she knowingly lied about her nationality to gain an advantage. I'd just like somebody to specifically point out what she did. Like I said earlier i've heard a lot of attacks but nobody can point to the meat on the bone. can you?
If any of the hate mongering Moon Bats think the Code Talkers were offended by Trump ridiculing Indian Princess Liesalot they need to go to 15:20 and then just shut the fuck up.

I was born in America so I am as much a "native American" as anybody who's ancestors were American Indians. Where does anybody get off claiming otherwise?

Her grandma told her they had Indian blood . Not uncommon in Oklahoma .

Like Trump is one to talk crap about her in front of War vets . Considering he faked his way through a medical draft waiver .

Grandparents tell their grandchildren a lot of things. I told my four year old granddaughter last week that she was the prettiest girl in the state of Florida but that doesn't mean she can put down "beauty pageant winner" on her resume in the future, does it?

Indian Princess Liesalot lied about it to get preferential hiring considerations and that is wrong and dishonest. If she was going to put that on a resume for affirmative action purposes she should have verified it instead of just taking grandma's word. If she did preferential treatment that means somebody else didn't get the job, doesn't it?

Don't you Moon Bats have a clue what she did wrong or does she get a pass because she is a filthy Left Wing asshole? Kind of like you Moon Bats giving Slick Willy and Crooked Hillary a pass on their lies?

Trump was right to ridicule the filthy bitch. She is dishonest and wrong on just about every issue. I am sure the former Marines in the room agreed with him. Most military veterans support Trump far more than they support the despicable Democrats.

She had nothing to do with the ceremony. Trump should’ve brought up how they so much braver than he was , cause he bullshitted his way out of the draft .
If any of the hate mongering Moon Bats think the Code Talkers were offended by Trump ridiculing Indian Princess Liesalot they need to go to 15:20 and then just shut the fuck up.

Whether they were offended or not, Trump sounded like a cringeworthy idiot on the national stage yet again. That kind of shit just isn't necessary. I see how he can be a fun loving guy and I don't doubt that he makes good personal relationships when one on one. He just needs to cut out the childish divisive BS.
I was born in America so I am as much a "native American" as anybody who's ancestors were American Indians. Where does anybody get off claiming otherwise?
Haha, thats an interesting take. Are you offended by the term Native Americans?
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.
Yeah, Trump is at a ceremony celebrating Navajo code talkers. He cracks an incredibly stupid comment about "Pocahontas Warren" and then grabs the nearest Injun and tells him he's a good Injun, not a bad Injun.

I do not think it is humanly possible for someone to be more clueless than Trump. I really don't.
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.
Yeah, Trump is at a ceremony celebrating Navajo code talkers. He cracks an incredibly stupid comment about "Pocahontas Warren" and then grabs the nearest Injun and tells him he's a good Injun, not a bad Injun.

I do not think it is humanly possible for someone to be more clueless than Trump. I really don't.
What Trump said was perfectly fine and truthful.
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.
Yeah, Trump is at a ceremony celebrating Navajo code talkers. He cracks an incredibly stupid comment about "Pocahontas Warren" and then grabs the nearest Injun and tells him he's a good Injun, not a bad Injun.

I do not think it is humanly possible for someone to be more clueless than Trump. I really don't.

Worst blunder since Trump politicized the Boy Scout Jamberee

He just can't help himself
Logic would dictate it would be Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas
but we live in an illogical time so it would have to be President Trump calling her on her lie.
Logic would dictate it would be Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas
but we live in an illogical time so it would have to be President Trump calling her on her lie.
And why would he do that at that ceremony? Whats the point?

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