What's more offensive to native Americans?

but I can say she lied about being an Indian.

Oh can you now.

Based on ------ what? Something you pull out of your ass?

Oh no please, do go on. Show the class how you prove a negative. This should be hilarious.
I'm more offended by how unfunny it was. He could tell his joke bombed, and quickly moved on. It was cringe-worthy.


Give him fifteen minutes and he'll deny he ever said it.
Like Serge Kovaleski. You just will it away, and poof -- it never happened.
See how the far left acts when you ask them to defend their far left religion? You should not be ashamed of being far left, you should embrace it. They say coming out is very liberating!

"Are you saying that no one on the far left would ever do such a thing?"

Are you scared to point out the hypocrisy of your own?
Haha, i'll call that a foul tip. You didn't say "far left drone" but you did start the question out with a petty childish insult rant about the far left. Erase that and just ask the question and you will get an answer. Here comes the pitch...

Sorry far left drone I call you what you are, if you can not handle that, then that is on you!

"Are you saying that no one on the far left would ever do such a thing?"
Strike 3 your out!!! You had two strikes and a foul tip to "call me what I am". All you had to do was ask a simple question like an adult but surprise surprise, you blew it. At least you got the foul tip. Its clear that you are way out of your league though, maybe some time in the minors will help you. We will try again on another day. Now be a good boy while your warming that bench.

You asked a silly far left drone questions as you are pretending your far left masters do not do such things in the political world.

But then again you far lefty drones never learn!

Once we can get the far left to grow up and become adults or kick them out of power all over the world, the human race will finally be able to move forward!
Sorry Kosh, you struck out, you’re not in the game anymore. I’ll give you another at bat if you apologize but short of that your just gonna be noise in the crowd. I’m not playing your games. Grow up or be ignored

See what happens when you force the far left drones to defend their religious dogma?

They pretend that their side never does such things in the political arena..

And when you point it out they can not handle it, like an adult!

Just goes to show how far to the left this post really is..

See the far left loves to play politics as long as it against anyone not far left, they can not handle what they dish out!
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.

did you ever hear a Native American complain that Elizabeth warren is not part Native American?

now let's acknowledge that the orange loon is mentally ill.
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.
A third option. White people making generalizations about how an entire race might feel.
by lying about being an Indian in order to get preferential hiring considerations.

Again --- LINK?


That is despicable.

What's despicable is you pulling shit out of your ass and attributing it to somebody else and then running away as you're about to do because you got called on it and can't deliver.

Which makes you a bald faced liar.

If you are going to bitch about something bitch about Libtard Democrat dishonesty.


Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.
A third option. White people making generalizations about how an entire race might feel.
Only White people do that ? Really ?
Nope. But read the OP. Who am I to judge what is more offensive to Natives? That seems to be the point of this thread.
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.
What exactly did Warren do that you think Native Americans would find offensive?

She claimed to be Amerindian when her DNA test proved that lying bitch is as 100% caucasian as I am.

Again ----- LINK?

What is this, Liar's Club?

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