What's more offensive to native Americans?

She claimed she was a Cherokee. So, it's on HER to prove she is Cherokee.

Just exactly who the fuck are you that you're due "proof" from somebody who wasn't even talking to you?

Holy SHIT -- arrogant much? You actually think total strangers are obliged to seek you out to show you a note from their parents?

What the fuck is WRONG with you?

The recurring claim here is "she lied". ***THAT*** is where the burden of proof lies, no pun intended.

She refuses to do a DNA test.

See that --- some of your fellow liars are claiming she already took one. They cannot both be true.

Hence, Warren is an opportunistic liar or very afraid of needles!

Number one, yours is the burden of proof (see above) and number two, DNA testing doesn't involve fucking "needles". And number three it's none of your god damned business anyway.
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I've heard you can lead a horse to water but not make it drink, in your case I lead a jack ass to facts but can't make it think. STFU asshole - You've been led to water now Drink.

So you have no answer and admit you yanked it out of your ass.

Yet another concession.
She lied about being an Indian


Prove-a-negative time. :eusa_dance:

....in order to gain better employment at liberal colleges,llike Harvar

Again ------ LINK?

Guess not.

And when questioned she falls back on "poor me you are a racist for not accepting my bogus claim just look at my cheeckbones".

And a third time ----- LINK??

What in the blue fuck is wrong with you knuckledraggers thinking you can just repeat mythology and never have to back it up? Wtf??
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.

You are such an ass. You & your orange POS buddy.

I, like most people, learned my family's heritage from my parents and grandparents.

Warren learned of her heritage the same way. There has not been anything conclusive in any reporting one way or the other with Elizabeth Warren.

Being from that area of Oklahoma, many experts ay the chances of having no Native American heritage is slim to none.

So we have the fat assed, ignorant piece of shit Trump calling her a liar. Calling her Pocahontas is a slur of Native Americans.

To do so in a meeting with Native Americans, Native Americans that servrd their country at time of war & did not run away screaming "Bone Spurs!!! Bone Spurs!!!" is disgusting.

In my family we grew up with vague ideas of "English" and/or "French" heritage. Took some doing and research to find out how Irish we actually were. It wasn't highlighted because in my parents/grandparents time "Irish" was put down so they subsumed it under "American".

Yet somehow it never in a million years occurred to me to call my parents "liars" over it.
That's some sick shit.

"What people find offensive is Elizabeth Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career, Sarah Huckabee Sanders says."
How did that advance her career? Be specific in how it gave her some advancement.
You can't give any actual example......what a surprise. So you were lying. What another surprise.

Yep --- another liar bites dust. Concession two.

Next in line please...
Trump criticizes a democrat politician for falsely claiming that she is part Native American and the crazy angry left thinks that Indians should be mad at Trump? WTF?
She lied about being an Indian


Prove-a-negative time. :eusa_dance:

....in order to gain better employment at liberal colleges,llike Harvar

Again ------ LINK?

Guess not.

And when questioned she falls back on "poor me you are a racist for not accepting my bogus claim just look at my cheeckbones".

And a third time ----- LINK??

What in the blue fuck is wrong with you knuckledraggers thinking you can just repeat mythology and never have to back it up? Wtf??
You've been provided with link upon link but you still can't think think think. You're an ass with no class but plenty of brass - now stop with the lip and cut off the sass. He kicked your butt cause you're a half witted mutt so get your finger outta your hole no ifs ands or butts !
Trump criticizes a democrat politician for falsely claiming that she is part Native American and the crazy angry left thinks that Indians should be mad at Trump? WTF?
I don’t care about her. Here’s my question though. My grandfather was raised in Sparta. Can I say I’m part Spartan? I have no proof other than what he told me and what his daughter my mother told me. Can you believe me?
Indian Princess Liesalot lied about it to get preferential hiring considerations and that is wrong and dishonest.

What is wrong and dishonest is you oozing in here claiming events that never happened. As you just did here, yet again.

If she was going to put that on a resume for affirmative action purposes she should have verified it instead of just taking grandma's word.

And yet --- she didn't.
You just pulled it out of your ass.
Trump criticizes a democrat politician for falsely claiming that she is part Native American and the crazy angry left thinks that Indians should be mad at Trump? WTF?

Um...couple of things, boy. The jury is out about her heritage.
And he brings it up at such a ceremony. What sort of scum-sucking, narcissistic low life would do that? The Orange Buffoon. That's who.
Trump criticizes a democrat politician for falsely claiming that she is part Native American and the crazy angry left thinks that Indians should be mad at Trump? WTF?
I don’t care about her. Here’s my question though. My grandfather was raised in Sparta. Can I say I’m part Spartan? I have no proof other than what he told me and what his daughter my mother told me. Can you believe me?

Well, who knows. You are after all...

The Dim Bulb...
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.

I can just imagine what you Trump sycophants would be saying if Obama constantly referred to Jeff Sessions as the Keebler Elf or Mitch McConnel as Yurtle the Turtle...

Actually, I'd find it quite amusing & entertaining if Obamaggot had done exactly that. See, unlike you hatefully PC-liberal Puritans, I actually have the ability to LAUGH at the absurd. You liberals are just permanently butthurt, entitled spoiled brats who are soooo far up you own assholes, I'll bet you could physically nurse off your gall bladders. You liberals are so JOYLESS, you're incapable of FUN because your ilk decided to be ENRAGED about every single ridiculous, petty thing in life. I'd actually pity you liberals if I didn't know they were the most violent, psychotic & psychopathic, sadistic, walking hate-sewer abominations I've ever seen in 44 years I've walked this planet.
Trump criticizes a democrat politician for falsely claiming that she is part Native American and the crazy angry left thinks that Indians should be mad at Trump? WTF?
I don’t care about her. Here’s my question though. My grandfather was raised in Sparta. Can I say I’m part Spartan? I have no proof other than what he told me and what his daughter my mother told me. Can you believe me?

They can believe you or not believe you as they see fit. What they can't do is claim you're "lying" about it.
That requires not only proving a negative but proving you already know about that negative.

That concept seems to be beyond their collective minuscule intellect. In the Alt-World, you don't need facts, you just claim something happened --- and it did.
Wow! The snowflake libs are backing Goofy Warren aka the fake Pocahontas hardcore! Sad!

Link to any time anywhere Warren passed herself off as a "fake Pocahontas"? Or indeed any kind of Pocahontas?

What in the blue fuck is WRONG with you knuckledraggers?
Yeah, totally awkward and inappropriate, watching the video made me cringe. I just heard Warrens response and she went straight to the race card. Are we ever going to get intelligent and responsible leaders?

Warrens response:
“This was supposed to be an event to honor heroes, people who put it all on the line for our country, and people who, because of their incredible work, saved the lives of countless Americans and our allies. It was deeply unfortunate that the President of the United States cannot even make it through a ceremony honoring these heroes without having to throw out a racial slur.”

We are going to get the leaders we deserve through our process of election. The shit show belongs to us.

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