What's more offensive to native Americans?

The President seems to be mocking the Code Talkers.

Is that what the hateful Moon Bats think? He invited them to the White House to honor them. He was ridiculing that filthy ass bitch Indian Princess Liesalot. She deserves to be ridiculed if anybody does. She lied about being an Indian in order to get preferential hiring treatment and that is despicable. It should be considered despicable by the brave Code Talkers who are real Indians and, unlike that Left Wing shithead Warren, who is a proven liar. .
So....you tell us WHY an event to honor Code Talkers was the appropriate forum to denigrate someone not even there?

Because, Moon Bat, he wasn't dishonoring them. He was honoring them. He was ridiculing that filthy ass commie Democrat bitch Warren. Is that too difficult to understand?

Warren has never claimed to be Navajo, DUMBASS.

If you happen to be Lithuanian would you want somebody calling you "Flemish" on the basis that "they all look alike to me"?

Maybe your hood's too tight.

Look at you circling around with no substance.

Look at you swirling down the drain all Coriolis Effect with no link.

Concession four.

On to Ignore with the Koshes. BUH-bye now, BUH-bye.
Wow! The snowflake libs are backing Goofy Warren aka the fake Pocahontas hardcore! Sad!

Link to any time anywhere Warren passed herself off as a "fake Pocahontas"? Or indeed any kind of Pocahontas?

What in the blue fuck is WRONG with you knuckledraggers?

Hey, hey, hey! Obama is a Kenyan and Muslim dontcha know! Hillary belongs in prison!
Trump criticizes a democrat politician for falsely claiming that she is part Native American and the crazy angry left thinks that Indians should be mad at Trump? WTF?
I don’t care about her. Here’s my question though. My grandfather was raised in Sparta. Can I say I’m part Spartan? I have no proof other than what he told me and what his daughter my mother told me. Can you believe me?

They can believe you or not believe you as they see fit. What they can't do is claim you're "lying" about it.
That requires not only proving a negative but proving you already know about that negative.

That concept seems to be beyond their collective minuscule intellect. In the Alt-World, you don't need facts, you just claim something happened --- and it did.

Oh, wonderful, you're giving MORE evidence of what lying scumbags you liberal detritus are. I already gave MOUNTAINS of evidence, in MOUNTAINS of posts in MOUNTAINS of subjects that you liberals live in such a violently American-hating psychotic delusion, I have already provided FACTUAL evidence PROVING you liberals are pathological LIARS on this site a million times over ON A MILLION DIFFERENT TOPICS, you fucking asshole. I accept that no amounts of universally PROVEN evidence will ever cause you liberals to spit the muslim dick out of your mouth. Because you are natural cowards who are SCARED to look at unpleasant truths you'd rather not see. Which is EXACTLY why I think you liberals' characters are a vile bag of garbage to me.

You may as well put me on ignore because I will NEVER, ever, ever, ever believe any mouth that has a muslim penis in it. I've busted a gazillion liberals in a gazillion lies about a gazillion things, you are violently American-hating sociopaths I would never even allow on my own property and I. WILL. NEVER. BELIEVE.

Oh, wonderful, you're giving MORE evidence of what lying scumbags you liberal detritus are. I already gave MOUNTAINS of evidence, in MOUNTAINS of posts in MOUNTAINS of subjects that you liberals live in such a violently American-hating psychotic delusion, I have already provided FACTUAL evidence PROVING you liberals are pathological LIARS on this site a million times over ON A MILLION DIFFERENT TOPICS, you fucking asshole. I accept that no amounts of universally PROVEN evidence will ever cause you liberals to spit the muslim dick out of your mouth. Because you are natural cowards who are SCARED to look at unpleasant truths you'd rather not see. Which is EXACTLY why I think you liberals' characters are a vile bag of garbage to me.

You may as well put me on ignore because I will NEVER, ever, ever, ever believe any mouth that has a muslim penis in it. I've busted a gazillion liberals in a gazillion lies about a gazillion things, you are violently American-hating sociopaths I would never even allow on my own property.

Jaysus, talk about angry and psychopathic...you missing your meds, Clint....
Trump criticizes a democrat politician for falsely claiming that she is part Native American and the crazy angry left thinks that Indians should be mad at Trump? WTF?
I don’t care about her. Here’s my question though. My grandfather was raised in Sparta. Can I say I’m part Spartan? I have no proof other than what he told me and what his daughter my mother told me. Can you believe me?

Well, who knows. You are after all...

The Dim Bulb...
No political axe to grind no ability to think.
but I can say she lied about being an Indian.

Oh can you now.

Based on ------ what? Something you pull out of your ass?

Oh no please, do go on. Show the class how you prove a negative. This should be hilarious.

How many times have I heard that from brain dead old cyber liberals? Ill walk you through it.

I proved a positive. All her ancestors up to great great great grandparents are non Indian. Nothing negative about that. You will lie, cheat, misrepresent, con, deny, avoid, double think...;whatever it takes to protect your illness. Like Elizabeth Warren.

And of course you can prove a negative if need be. That you cant is just a liberal chat room myth promulgated by people uneducated in logic but proficient in the "link please" form of chat roomeese. And I will demonstrate it very easily. I can prove elizabeth Warrens mother was not an Indian, for instance, merely by proving she was white.

But better than that...start with proving that you cannot prove a negative.
She lied about being an Indian


Prove-a-negative time. :eusa_dance:

....in order to gain better employment at liberal colleges,llike Harvar

Again ------ LINK?

Guess not.

And when questioned she falls back on "poor me you are a racist for not accepting my bogus claim just look at my cheeckbones".

And a third time ----- LINK??

What in the blue fuck is wrong with you knuckledraggers thinking you can just repeat mythology and never have to back it up? Wtf??
You've been provided with link upon link but you still can't think think think. You're an ass with no class but plenty of brass - now stop with the lip and cut off the sass. He kicked your butt cause you're a half witted mutt so get your finger outta your hole no ifs ands or butts !

I'll take that as a concession on top of concession of the factual repression. Toss the liar on the fire as another bullshit buyer. Took a drink, didn't think, and now he doesn't have a link.

I think that's five now.
Warren trying to capitalize on someone elses heritage


Guess not. You lose.
You got your links - but keep trying to pretend you didn't --- my my my you certainly are an entertaining little schmuck aren't you ...

"Link?" is the way they live. What you have to do with a cyber liberal is first get an agreement that she will abide by the link. Otherwise understand it is just a form of denial and a way to tie up a conversation.
falsely claiming that she is part Native American


I've lost count of how many liars this makes. But you go ahead, prove me wrong and prove a negative at the same time.

Where did you cyber liberals get the idea that you cant prove a negative? Should I ask for a link? That settles everything.

So I say again...prove you cant prove a negative. Use the logic you pretend to understand. Ill wait while you frantically google.
She lied about being an Indian


Prove-a-negative time. :eusa_dance:

....in order to gain better employment at liberal colleges,llike Harvar

Again ------ LINK?

Guess not.

And when questioned she falls back on "poor me you are a racist for not accepting my bogus claim just look at my cheeckbones".

And a third time ----- LINK??

What in the blue fuck is wrong with you knuckledraggers thinking you can just repeat mythology and never have to back it up? Wtf??
You've been provided with link upon link but you still can't think think think. You're an ass with no class but plenty of brass - now stop with the lip and cut off the sass. He kicked your butt cause you're a half witted mutt so get your finger outta your hole no ifs ands or butts !

Understand this...Pogo doesnt deny Elizabeth Warren has no Indian blood. Nor can she deny Elizabeth Warren claimed to have Indian blood.
Dont indulge her deflection.
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.

The Orange Buffoon mocking her considering where he did the mocking.

She deserves her mocking. Let CNN get as butthurt as they did over Trumps tweet of the wrestling match. They no longer have any power to destroy.
"Breaking news" lol
Trump criticizes a democrat politician for falsely claiming that she is part Native American and the crazy angry left thinks that Indians should be mad at Trump? WTF?

Excellent! :) LOL. I do enjoy seeing your kind of razor logic eviscerate liberals. Not for their benefit understand. It just amuses me.

Actually they are hoping. By restating it enough they hope to speak it into reality.
Oh, wonderful, you're giving MORE evidence of what lying scumbags you liberal detritus are. I already gave MOUNTAINS of evidence, in MOUNTAINS of posts in MOUNTAINS of subjects that you liberals live in such a violently American-hating psychotic delusion, I have already provided FACTUAL evidence PROVING you liberals are pathological LIARS on this site a million times over ON A MILLION DIFFERENT TOPICS

The great thing about you, other than being an unabashed arrogant bigot, is that you never ever exaggerate, lapse into ALL CAPS or post as if you just inhaled aluminium dust.

However on this question there are no "mountains of evidence". There isn't a single pebble.

That's gotta suck, having that responsibility.

you fucking asshole. I accept that no amounts of universally PROVEN evidence will ever cause you liberals to spit the muslim dick out of your mouth.

Isn't that illustrative. Perhaps you have a porn window open next to USMB.

By the way when did dicks acquire religions?

Because you are natural cowards who are SCARED to look at unpleasant truths you'd rather not see. Which is EXACTLY why I think you liberals' characters are a vile bag of garbage to me.

:lol: :popcorn:

You may as well put me on ignore because I will NEVER, ever, ever, ever believe any mouth that has a muslim penis in it.

What?? And miss all this?
She claimed she was a Cherokee. So, it's on HER to prove she is Cherokee.

Just exactly who the fuck are you that you're due "proof" from somebody who wasn't even talking to you?

Holy SHIT -- arrogant much? You actually think total strangers are obliged to seek you out to show you a note from their parents?

What the fuck is WRONG with you?

The recurring claim here is "she lied". ***THAT*** is where the burden of proof lies, no pun intended.

She refuses to do a DNA test.

See that --- some of your fellow liars are claiming she already took one. They cannot both be true.

Hence, Warren is an opportunistic liar or very afraid of needles!

Number one, yours is the burden of proof (see above) and number two, DNA testing doesn't involve fucking "needles". And number three it's none of your god damned business anyway.

She lied. You know she lied. You dont care that she lied but your simple mind is angered at people who notice she lied. Stay angry.

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