What's more offensive to native Americans?

So pogo, in light of your claims, can you prove or demonstrate that you cannot "prove a negative"?
And you still don't have any. Nor does anyone else.

So you are saying that if someone gives you proof that she is not an Indian you will accept that and call her a liar? It is a simple question.
Be careful here with your demands for impossible "proofs". You excel at saying nothing while pretending to take a stand.
Oh you dont? Chat room rules dont allow it?

You claim you cant prove a negative. You dont need to prove that. You can just bask in humiliation. Or you can prove what you said.
Which will it be?

Once again Bubbles -- I'm not the one making an ass-ertion here. *YOU* are.

Perhaps you should have planned that out.

Sure you are. You claimed you cant prove a negative. Now you try to back away from this very cliche you live by.

Again --- why can't you quote me then?

Seems you have this tangential relationship with "reality".

Because I am dealing with liberal scum. You will deny any claims you made.
But still...deep down you know.

Because you CAN'T quote it, because it doesn't exist. As I said, a tangential relationship with reality.

Concession Number Nine.... Number Nine.... Number Nine.... Number Nine....

Pogo are you claiming that Elizabeth Warren is an Indian?
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And pogo goes dark :) Thats ok.. it will be waiting for her. I should teach a class on shutting liberals down.
My grandson that is here in the room with me right now, has Chinook, Shoshone, and Hunkpapa Lakota blood. And proof of each. And he is a blue eyed blond with very light skin. My daughter is 1/8 Hunkpapa Lakota, and the same. She stands out like a sore thumb among the cousins on her mothers side.
I hate when people say Trump is childish....i have 3 children and I'm around lot of children....they don't act like Trump....he is a bully and an asshole. Constantly in fights over the stupidest things.
America what is this the best you had to offer?
Trump should stop with his lame attempts at being funny.

Having said that, more proof that there is nothing dumber or more annoying than liberal white women.

Stupid Miss High Cheekbones.

Politicians Bash Donald Trump Over Use Of 'Pocahontas' Slur At Navajo Event

This is just another sorry idiot thread by an idiot flamer. I still can't believe the insensitivity of having Indian hater Andrew Jackson's picture/portrait hanging on the wall in the background. Stunning ignorance.
Indian Princess Liesalot lied about it to get preferential hiring considerations and that is wrong and dishonest.

What is wrong and dishonest is you oozing in here claiming events that never happened. As you just did here, yet again.

If she was going to put that on a resume for affirmative action purposes she should have verified it instead of just taking grandma's word.

And yet --- she didn't.
You just pulled it out of your ass.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The facts surrounding her fraud are not even contested.

Elizabeth Warren is not a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

Elizabeth Warren is not enrolled in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

And Elizabeth Warren is not one of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.

Nor could she become one, even if she wanted to.

Despite a nearly three week flap over her claim of "being Native American," the progressive consumer advocate has been unable to point to evidence of Native heritage except for an unsubstantiated thirdhand report that she might be 1/32 Cherokee. Even if it could be proven, it wouldn't qualify her to be a member of a tribe: Contrary to assertions in outlets from The New York Times to Mother Jonesthat having 1/32 Cherokee ancestry is "sufficient for tribal citizenship," "Indian enough" for "the Cherokee Nation," and "not a deal-breaker," Warren would not be eligible to become a member of any of the three federally recognized Cherokee tribes based on the evidence so far surfaced by independent genealogists about her ancestry.

Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What?

And yes she checked herself off as " Native American " on her Harvard employment application.

And YES. She lives in a multi $ million home. REGARDLESS of your stupid fraud fact checkers that say otherwise.

The real estate website Zillow.com estimates that the house’s value today is about $2.4 million. That’s well above the median price of homes currently listed in Cambridge, which Zillow says is $639,000, though in Warren’s immediate neighborhood, several houses have values exceeding $2 million and more exceed $1 million, according to Zillow.

Trump criticizes a democrat politician for falsely claiming that she is part Native American and the crazy angry left thinks that Indians should be mad at Trump? WTF?
Only a true ignorant racist POS Trumpette would leave out the "Pocahontas" aspect to qjt Trump said.
Indian Princess Liesalot lied about it to get preferential hiring considerations and that is wrong and dishonest.

What is wrong and dishonest is you oozing in here claiming events that never happened. As you just did here, yet again.

If she was going to put that on a resume for affirmative action purposes she should have verified it instead of just taking grandma's word.

And yet --- she didn't.
You just pulled it out of your ass.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The facts surrounding her fraud are not even contested.

Elizabeth Warren is not a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

Elizabeth Warren is not enrolled in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

And Elizabeth Warren is not one of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.

Nor could she become one, even if she wanted to.

Despite a nearly three week flap over her claim of "being Native American," the progressive consumer advocate has been unable to point to evidence of Native heritage except for an unsubstantiated thirdhand report that she might be 1/32 Cherokee. Even if it could be proven, it wouldn't qualify her to be a member of a tribe: Contrary to assertions in outlets from The New York Times to Mother Jonesthat having 1/32 Cherokee ancestry is "sufficient for tribal citizenship," "Indian enough" for "the Cherokee Nation," and "not a deal-breaker," Warren would not be eligible to become a member of any of the three federally recognized Cherokee tribes based on the evidence so far surfaced by independent genealogists about her ancestry.

Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What?

And yes she checked herself off as " Native American " on her Harvard employment application.

And YES. She lives in a multi $ million home. REGARDLESS of your stupid fraud fact checkers that say otherwise.

The real estate website Zillow.com estimates that the house’s value today is about $2.4 million. That’s well above the median price of homes currently listed in Cambridge, which Zillow says is $639,000, though in Warren’s immediate neighborhood, several houses have values exceeding $2 million and more exceed $1 million, according to Zillow.

You fucking asshole. You don't have to be part of the official tribe to be part Cherokee.
Pocahontas pretending to be Pocahontas or Trump mocking her for it?

CNN seems to be up in arms about it today since Trump called her out again during a meeting with the Code Talkers today.

I can just imagine what you Trump sycophants would be saying if Obama constantly referred to Jeff Sessions as the Keebler Elf or Mitch McConnel as Yurtle the Turtle...

Actually, I'd find it quite amusing & entertaining if Obamaggot had done exactly that. See, unlike you hatefully PC-liberal Puritans, I actually have the ability to LAUGH at the absurd. You liberals are just permanently butthurt, entitled spoiled brats who are soooo far up you own assholes, I'll bet you could physically nurse off your gall bladders. You liberals are so JOYLESS, you're incapable of FUN because your ilk decided to be ENRAGED about every single ridiculous, petty thing in life. I'd actually pity you liberals if I didn't know they were the most violent, psychotic & psychopathic, sadistic, walking hate-sewer abominations I've ever seen in 44 years I've walked this planet.
So you find racism joyful? Really?
Trump criticizes a democrat politician for falsely claiming that she is part Native American and the crazy angry left thinks that Indians should be mad at Trump? WTF?

Excellent! :) LOL. I do enjoy seeing your kind of razor logic eviscerate liberals. Not for their benefit understand. It just amuses me.

Actually they are hoping. By restating it enough they hope to speak it into reality.
The idea you think that post had any logic makes me laugh at you.

How is making a false statement logical?

Or were you too stupid to know it was false?
Warren claiming native status amounts to stolen valor.
Not even close.

Warren only repeated what she understood her heritage to be based on what her parents & grandparents said. Records are incomplete & so there is no proof one way or the other.

We know if someone served in the military.
She claimed she was a Cherokee. So, it's on HER to prove she is Cherokee.

Just exactly who the fuck are you that you're due "proof" from somebody who wasn't even talking to you?

Holy SHIT -- arrogant much? You actually think total strangers are obliged to seek you out to show you a note from their parents?

What the fuck is WRONG with you?

The recurring claim here is "she lied". ***THAT*** is where the burden of proof lies, no pun intended.

She refuses to do a DNA test.

See that --- some of your fellow liars are claiming she already took one. They cannot both be true.

Hence, Warren is an opportunistic liar or very afraid of needles!

Number one, yours is the burden of proof (see above) and number two, DNA testing doesn't involve fucking "needles". And number three it's none of your god damned business anyway.

She lied. You know she lied. You dont care that she lied but your simple mind is angered at people who notice she lied. Stay angry.
She knows what she was told by family members.

Go fuck yourself. You thinking you know a person’s heritage better then they do themselves takes a lot of gall. And covering for this asshole of a president is sickening.

Oh she knows her heritage. And still decided to lie about it.

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