What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?

It is about skin color because white boys live in the communities where dads have the power to get their kids jobs.

You are a poor white in a poor white community. White privilege doesn’t happen for every white boy but it happens enough that blacks get the shaft.

It’s not the most qualified who gets the job it’s the best connections. And unfortunately for blacks we hav most all of the connections.

Blacks do it too. When it’s a black hiring manager doing the hiring, suddenly it’s black guys who are the most qualified.

And how do you know a white guy didn’t hire you over a black because you’re white?

My question stands.

You even think about how poor whites feel when they are told they have it easy because of their white skin?

You republicans need to make up your minds. Is this a fair economy that anyone can become successful in?

I don't think you are capable of empathy. You seem to be able to feel the struggles poor whites go through but then completely deny that blacks might have it harder than you because most hiring managers are white. And I've shown you that bias exists. It's insane to deny it. But you won't admit it because it's not helping 100% of all white people.

Howard Stern said something profound about you guys who cry about black pride parades. You say, "imagine if we had a white pride parade". Well this weekend they had a gay pride event in Detroit. So you think we should have a straight pride event? No, because straights haven't been picked on for hundreds/thousands of years like gays and blacks have. Well the same goes for white pride. Every day in America is white pride day.

At least it is in Alabama

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I am willing to answer all of those questions, if you answer mine.

You even think about how poor whites feel when they are told they have it easy because of their white skin?

Oh, the weepy victim card again.

Asking a completely reasonable question is not playing the "weepy victim card".


Please. It’s exactly what you want.
1. Except you have not demonstrated that they "clearly apply" to me.


YOU have demonstrated that.


I refuse to accept your restrictions on what I can say, as a white person.

Say what you want, just don’t cry when you are called out for what you are.

ALL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.

I don’t give a rats ass what color you or anyone else is, little victim. If you quack like a duck, you’ll be identified as a duck. Deal with it.

My question stands.

You even think about how poor whites feel when they are told they have it easy because of their white skin?

You republicans need to make up your minds. Is this a fair economy that anyone can become successful in?

I don't think you are capable of empathy. You seem to be able to feel the struggles poor whites go through but then completely deny that blacks might have it harder than you because most hiring managers are white. And I've shown you that bias exists. It's insane to deny it. But you won't admit it because it's not helping 100% of all white people.

Howard Stern said something profound about you guys who cry about black pride parades. You say, "imagine if we had a white pride parade". Well this weekend they had a gay pride event in Detroit. So you think we should have a straight pride event? No, because straights haven't been picked on for hundreds/thousands of years like gays and blacks have. Well the same goes for white pride. Every day in America is white pride day.

At least it is in Alabama

View attachment 264723

I am willing to answer all of those questions, if you answer mine.

You even think about how poor whites feel when they are told they have it easy because of their white skin?

Oh, the weepy victim card again.

Asking a completely reasonable question is not playing the "weepy victim card".


Please. It’s exactly what you want.

Do YOU believe that poor whites should be asked to check their privilege?
YOU have demonstrated that.


I refuse to accept your restrictions on what I can say, as a white person.

Say what you want, just don’t cry when you are called out for what you are.

ALL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.

I don’t give a rats ass what color you or anyone else is, little victim. If you quack like a duck, you’ll be identified as a duck. Deal with it.


LL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.
You republicans need to make up your minds. Is this a fair economy that anyone can become successful in?

I don't think you are capable of empathy. You seem to be able to feel the struggles poor whites go through but then completely deny that blacks might have it harder than you because most hiring managers are white. And I've shown you that bias exists. It's insane to deny it. But you won't admit it because it's not helping 100% of all white people.

Howard Stern said something profound about you guys who cry about black pride parades. You say, "imagine if we had a white pride parade". Well this weekend they had a gay pride event in Detroit. So you think we should have a straight pride event? No, because straights haven't been picked on for hundreds/thousands of years like gays and blacks have. Well the same goes for white pride. Every day in America is white pride day.

At least it is in Alabama

View attachment 264723

I am willing to answer all of those questions, if you answer mine.

You even think about how poor whites feel when they are told they have it easy because of their white skin?

Oh, the weepy victim card again.

Asking a completely reasonable question is not playing the "weepy victim card".


Please. It’s exactly what you want.

Do YOU believe that poor whites should be asked to check their privilege?

No, little victim. I don’t want you to have to sit at the back of the bus, I don’t want you thrown out of the lunch counter, I don’t want you attacked by police dogs, I don’t want you rejected for housing, I don’t want you to use a separate water cooler or train or school or church. OK, little victim? Does your little victim bitch ass feel safe now? Can you stop crying and whining like a little bitch now?

I refuse to accept your restrictions on what I can say, as a white person.

Say what you want, just don’t cry when you are called out for what you are.

ALL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.

I don’t give a rats ass what color you or anyone else is, little victim. If you quack like a duck, you’ll be identified as a duck. Deal with it.


LL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.

Again, little bitch, if someone cares what color your skin is it ain’t me. So shut the fuck up about it already you whiny little victim bitch.
I am willing to answer all of those questions, if you answer mine.

You even think about how poor whites feel when they are told they have it easy because of their white skin?

Oh, the weepy victim card again.

Asking a completely reasonable question is not playing the "weepy victim card".


Please. It’s exactly what you want.

Do YOU believe that poor whites should be asked to check their privilege?

No, little victim. I don’t want you to have to sit at the back of the bus, I don’t want you thrown out of the lunch counter, I don’t want you attacked by police dogs, I don’t want you rejected for housing, I don’t want you to use a separate water cooler or train or school or church. OK, little victim? Does your little victim bitch ass feel safe now? Can you stop crying and whining like a little bitch now?

My question to Seely was because he was supporting asking poor whites to check their privilege.

As you answer NO, to that, then the fact that you attack me for challenging him on that, makes you look quite senseless.
Say what you want, just don’t cry when you are called out for what you are.

ALL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.

I don’t give a rats ass what color you or anyone else is, little victim. If you quack like a duck, you’ll be identified as a duck. Deal with it.


LL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.

Again, little bitch, if someone cares what color your skin is it ain’t me. So shut the fuck up about it already you whiny little victim bitch.

Throwing a hissy fit, does not change the fact that you are being racist.
ALL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.

I don’t give a rats ass what color you or anyone else is, little victim. If you quack like a duck, you’ll be identified as a duck. Deal with it.


LL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.

Again, little bitch, if someone cares what color your skin is it ain’t me. So shut the fuck up about it already you whiny little victim bitch.

Throwing a hissy fit, does not change the fact that you are being racist.

Go back and read the posts again, little victim bitch. Nobody cares and nobody feels bad for you because of the color of your skin. Now put away the little victim card, little bitch.
Oh, the weepy victim card again.

Asking a completely reasonable question is not playing the "weepy victim card".


Please. It’s exactly what you want.

Do YOU believe that poor whites should be asked to check their privilege?

No, little victim. I don’t want you to have to sit at the back of the bus, I don’t want you thrown out of the lunch counter, I don’t want you attacked by police dogs, I don’t want you rejected for housing, I don’t want you to use a separate water cooler or train or school or church. OK, little victim? Does your little victim bitch ass feel safe now? Can you stop crying and whining like a little bitch now?

My question to Seely was because he was supporting asking poor whites to check their privilege.


Then take your little racist versus racist purse fight to the private messages. You’re both a couple of ridiculous racist clowns and hypocrites. Eventually you will most likely fall into each others arms when you realize how much you have in common.
Well how do you think blacks feel when they are stuck in high poverty ghettos and guys like you tell them racism doesn't exist in America.

You poor whites would have a much easier time getting in your car or on a bus and finding a new city/town/state to live in. Wherever you go chances are at least 70% of the people in the town you go to will be white and won't be prejudice because of the color of your skin.

So you white boy have zero/no excuse why you are poor. My grandparents came over here and couldn't even speak the language but their kids and grandkids became very successful in America. The fact that you are not successful is only your fault. Do you agree? If not, who's fault is it?

I find it funny that during the Bush years, anyone who wasn't successful was responsible for themselves. That's what Republicans said. If you were not successful it was your fault. Go back to school or start your own business is what your side said. Now you sound very much like the blacks who live in ghettos. They say it's whitey's fault and you say it's WHO's FAULT? Unions? Mexicans? Liberals and Democrats? Affirmative Action?

I'll agree on one thing. The corporations flooded the market with low wage workers. This started on Reagan's watch and picked up steam on GW Bush's watch. I like it that Republicans are even trying to cut down on legal immigration until wages are right.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
/——/ DemocRATs built those ghettos for their pets.

Nonsense. Ever hear of white flight? Who do you think were the first whites to move out of a neighborhood when the first black moved in? A conservative or liberal? Be honest.

you be honest. Likely 50/50 as to who moved first.

I've had lib friends admit to "White flight". It takes a real asshole to put their child at risk for political ideology.

(no disrespect to those parent(s) that don't have the ability to move to the suburbs)

Also, here is another observation I noticed about Republicans/Conservatives in the white suburbs. They were the most racist even though most of them never even met a black person. Must be what their parents taught them. And they were the most freaked out and angry when the first black moved out to our all white neighborhood.

These things you can't deny.

I deny them.

Most racist? LOL!!!!

Then you are a liar. All the racist dads in my neighborhood loved Reagan and hated blacks. These are the idiots who belonged to unions, had job security, were paid amazingly well, were going to get pensions after 30 years of service. These should be liberal Democrats but they were conservative white republican men. Why? God, Gays, Guns and Racism. This is how the GOP got middle class whites to vote for them.

What makes me sick is that these men knew they were going to get their pensions so they could afford to sell the rest of us out. This was one reason why I was sort of hoping the Big 3 would have all gone bankrupt. Fuck all those idiots who voted for Bush/Trump/Rick Snyder. They deserve to have those pensions cut in half. And you will deserve it when one day they make drastic cuts to your social security. In fact I will defend them for doing it because, "hey, we're broke"
Well how do you think blacks feel when they are stuck in high poverty ghettos and guys like you tell them racism doesn't exist in America.

You poor whites would have a much easier time getting in your car or on a bus and finding a new city/town/state to live in. Wherever you go chances are at least 70% of the people in the town you go to will be white and won't be prejudice because of the color of your skin.

So you white boy have zero/no excuse why you are poor. My grandparents came over here and couldn't even speak the language but their kids and grandkids became very successful in America. The fact that you are not successful is only your fault. Do you agree? If not, who's fault is it?

I find it funny that during the Bush years, anyone who wasn't successful was responsible for themselves. That's what Republicans said. If you were not successful it was your fault. Go back to school or start your own business is what your side said. Now you sound very much like the blacks who live in ghettos. They say it's whitey's fault and you say it's WHO's FAULT? Unions? Mexicans? Liberals and Democrats? Affirmative Action?

I'll agree on one thing. The corporations flooded the market with low wage workers. This started on Reagan's watch and picked up steam on GW Bush's watch. I like it that Republicans are even trying to cut down on legal immigration until wages are right.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
/——/ DemocRATs built those ghettos for their pets.

Nonsense. Ever hear of white flight? Who do you think were the first whites to move out of a neighborhood when the first black moved in? A conservative or liberal? Be honest.

you be honest. Likely 50/50 as to who moved first.

I've had lib friends admit to "White flight". It takes a real asshole to put their child at risk for political ideology.

(no disrespect to those parent(s) that don't have the ability to move to the suburbs)

Also, here is another observation I noticed about Republicans/Conservatives in the white suburbs. They were the most racist even though most of them never even met a black person. Must be what their parents taught them. And they were the most freaked out and angry when the first black moved out to our all white neighborhood.

These things you can't deny.

I deny them.

Most racist? LOL!!!!

Did I misspeak? I don't think I did. I think that would be the proper way to say it. Conservatives are the most racist whites I know.
WTF are you senselessly rambling about?
"Intended targets, fellow lefties"?

You obviously have a psychosis/obsession that causes you to spin left versus right conspiracy theories and insert political positions into nearly every thought.

It is you who implied that in some way I am associated with those that you call "lefties", just because you happen to be dense enough to confuse political beliefs with racial attitudes.

I merely pointed out that YOU being perceived to be a racist is obviously not a "left, right or center opinion.

I don't need to take sides with anyone else to "defend" that fact.

NOting that I am not falling for your lies, and that you obviously know you are lying, and then speculating on who you are trying to lie to, then,

is hardly a conspiracy theory, you asshole.

EVERYTHING is a political "leftist attack on the right" to you......dumbass.. All that one needs to do is read enough of what you post to see that.

Besides that, whatever you were trying to say was very poorly worded.

I'm not lying about you, which is what has you so flustered, that you're not making any sense.

Too funny.

Flustered? What are you talking about?

Sooo, you are you dropping the conspiracy theory nonsense, or are you conflating conspiracy theory to include "political attack"?

You are not making any sense.

Talking about the obvious. It appears to be your belief that anyone who believes you to be a racist/bigot is a so called "leftie".

In fact, the majority of your tirades in this forum are about so called "liberals and lefties".

And you know it.

No need for you to play dumb.

1. Well, as nothing I ever say is racist, it takes a special kind of stupid to consider me racist, so yes, most of the people that call me racist are lefties. That is not a conspiracy theory. It is just noticing that lefties are stupid that way.

2. A lot of my "tirades" on this forum are about liberals and lefties, that is true. It is a political discussion forum. Not sure why you think that is odd.

3. Not play dumb? COming from you, that is hilarious.

Yes, it's illegals, immigrants, liberals, soros, progressives, blacks, affirmative action, regulations, obama and clinton's fault.

You blame everyone but the people who really sold you down the river. I think it's crazy the GOP can cause a great recession and walk out of it with you convinced it was Democrats fault. Or the classic, "both sides" fault. That's what Republicans always say whenever they screw up. Bush lied us into Iraq? Yea but Clinton voted for it. Clinton signed NAFTA? Forget the fact the GOP invented and defended it and HW Bush was going to sign it into law when he lost his re election. Forget all that factual history. Republicans can only remember Clinton signed it. Forget the details. Details are lost on Republicans.
Do the words that so clearly apply hurt you, precious? Do you need to retreat to your safe space and have a good cry?

Dumbass snowflakes seem to think that free speech means free from consequence or even response.

Say what you want, and have the balls to stand by it. If you quack like a duck, don’t cry when it is pointed out that you’re a fucking duck.

1. Except you have not demonstrated that they "clearly apply" to me.


YOU have demonstrated that.


I refuse to accept your restrictions on what I can say, as a white person.

Say what you want, just don’t cry when you are called out for what you are.

ALL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.
That's all you will ever get out of unkotare.
Asking a completely reasonable question is not playing the "weepy victim card".


Please. It’s exactly what you want.

Do YOU believe that poor whites should be asked to check their privilege?

No, little victim. I don’t want you to have to sit at the back of the bus, I don’t want you thrown out of the lunch counter, I don’t want you attacked by police dogs, I don’t want you rejected for housing, I don’t want you to use a separate water cooler or train or school or church. OK, little victim? Does your little victim bitch ass feel safe now? Can you stop crying and whining like a little bitch now?

My question to Seely was because he was supporting asking poor whites to check their privilege.


Then take your little racist versus racist purse fight to the private messages. You’re both a couple of ridiculous racist clowns and hypocrites. Eventually you will most likely fall into each others arms when you realize how much you have in common.

You vote for the same politicians he votes for unkotare so stfu
Say what you want, just don’t cry when you are called out for what you are.

ALL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.

I don’t give a rats ass what color you or anyone else is, little victim. If you quack like a duck, you’ll be identified as a duck. Deal with it.


LL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.

Again, little bitch, if someone cares what color your skin is it ain’t me. So shut the fuck up about it already you whiny little victim bitch.

Ah the classic pretending to be colorblind. What an idiot you are.

Racial issues are often uncomfortable to discuss and rife with stress and controversy. This is why you don't answer questions. Many ideas have been advanced to address this sore spot in the American psyche. Currently, the most pervasive approach is known as colorblindness. Colorblindness is the racial ideology that says the best way to end discrimination is by treating individuals as equally as possible, without regard to race, culture, or ethnicity.

At its face value, colorblindness seems like a good thing — really taking MLK seriously on his call to judge people on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. It focuses on commonalities between people, such as their shared humanity. However, colorblindness alone is not sufficient to heal racial wounds on a national or personal level. It is only a half-measure that in the end operates as a form of racism.

In a colorblind society, White people, who are unlikely to experience disadvantages due to race, can effectively ignore racism in American life, justify the current social order, and feel more comfortable with their relatively privileged standing in society. Remind you of anyone?

Most minorities, however, who regularly encounter difficulties due to race, experience colorblind ideologies quite differently. Colorblindness creates a society that denies their negative racial experiences, rejects their cultural heritage, and invalidates their unique perspectives.

Thus, colorblindness has helped make race into a taboo topic that polite people cannot openly discuss. And if you can't talk about it, you can't understand it, much less fix the racial problems that plague our society.

Many Americans view colorblindness as helpful to people of color by asserting that race does not matter. But in America, most underrepresented minorities will explain that race does matter, as it affects opportunities, perceptions, income, and so much more. When race-related problems arise, colorblindness tends to individualize conflicts and shortcomings, rather than examining the larger picture with cultural differences, stereotypes, and values placed into context. Instead of resulting from an enlightened (albeit well-meaning) position, colorblindness comes from a lack of awareness of racial privilege conferred by Whiteness. White people can guiltlessly subscribe to colorblindness because they are usually unaware of how race affects people of color and American society as a whole.
Please. It’s exactly what you want.

Do YOU believe that poor whites should be asked to check their privilege?

No, little victim. I don’t want you to have to sit at the back of the bus, I don’t want you thrown out of the lunch counter, I don’t want you attacked by police dogs, I don’t want you rejected for housing, I don’t want you to use a separate water cooler or train or school or church. OK, little victim? Does your little victim bitch ass feel safe now? Can you stop crying and whining like a little bitch now?

My question to Seely was because he was supporting asking poor whites to check their privilege.


Then take your little racist versus racist purse fight to the private messages. You’re both a couple of ridiculous racist clowns and hypocrites. Eventually you will most likely fall into each others arms when you realize how much you have in common.

You vote for the same politicians he votes for unkotare so stfu

You have no idea of anyone I have ever voted for, you illogical douche stain.
ALL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.

I don’t give a rats ass what color you or anyone else is, little victim. If you quack like a duck, you’ll be identified as a duck. Deal with it.


LL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.

Again, little bitch, if someone cares what color your skin is it ain’t me. So shut the fuck up about it already you whiny little victim bitch.

Ah the classic pretending to be colorblind. ...

I never said that, dick breath.
I don’t give a rats ass what color you or anyone else is, little victim. If you quack like a duck, you’ll be identified as a duck. Deal with it.


LL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.

Again, little bitch, if someone cares what color your skin is it ain’t me. So shut the fuck up about it already you whiny little victim bitch.

Ah the classic pretending to be colorblind. ...

I never said that, dick breath.
OMG it's as if the article was written to address EXACTLY the shit you say

Let me repeat it because it addresses assholes like you

Racial issues are often uncomfortable to discuss and rife with stress and controversy. This is why you don't ever answer questions. Many ideas have been advanced to address this sore spot in the American psyche. Currently, the most pervasive approach is known as colorblindness. Colorblindness is the racial ideology that says the best way to end discrimination is by treating individuals as equally as possible, without regard to race, culture, or ethnicity.

At its face value, colorblindness seems like a good thing. It focuses on commonalities between people, such as their shared humanity. However, colorblindness alone is not sufficient to heal racial wounds. It is only a half-measure that in the end operates as a form of racism.

In a colorblind society, White people like you, who are unlikely to experience disadvantages due to race, can effectively ignore racism in American life, justify the current social order, and feel more comfortable with your relatively privileged standing in society.

Most minorities, however, who regularly encounter difficulties due to race, experience colorblind ideologies quite differently. Colorblindness creates a society that denies their negative racial experiences, rejects their cultural heritage, and invalidates their unique perspectives.

Thus, colorblindness has helped make race into a taboo topic that polite people cannot openly discuss. And if you can't talk about it, you can't understand it, much less fix the racial problems that plague our society.

Many Americans view colorblindness as helpful to people of color by asserting that race does not matter. But in America, most underrepresented minorities will explain that race does matter, as it affects opportunities, perceptions, income, and so much more. When race-related problems arise, colorblindness tends to individualize conflicts and shortcomings, rather than examining the larger picture with cultural differences, stereotypes, and values placed into context. Instead of resulting from an enlightened (albeit well-meaning) position, colorblindness comes from a lack of awareness of racial privilege conferred by Whiteness. White people can guiltlessly subscribe to colorblindness because they are usually unaware of how race affects people of color and American society as a whole.

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