What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?

I don’t give a rats ass what color you or anyone else is, little victim. If you quack like a duck, you’ll be identified as a duck. Deal with it.


LL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.

Again, little bitch, if someone cares what color your skin is it ain’t me. So shut the fuck up about it already you whiny little victim bitch.

Ah the classic pretending to be colorblind. ...

I never said that, dick breath.

Not once.
Do YOU believe that poor whites should be asked to check their privilege?

No, little victim. I don’t want you to have to sit at the back of the bus, I don’t want you thrown out of the lunch counter, I don’t want you attacked by police dogs, I don’t want you rejected for housing, I don’t want you to use a separate water cooler or train or school or church. OK, little victim? Does your little victim bitch ass feel safe now? Can you stop crying and whining like a little bitch now?

My question to Seely was because he was supporting asking poor whites to check their privilege.


Then take your little racist versus racist purse fight to the private messages. You’re both a couple of ridiculous racist clowns and hypocrites. Eventually you will most likely fall into each others arms when you realize how much you have in common.

You vote for the same politicians he votes for unkotare so stfu

You have no idea of anyone I have ever voted for, you illogical douche stain.
You voted for Trump. You are against unions even though you are in one and the only reason you make over $65K is because of the union. You are going to get a pension no matter what, at least you think so, so you have the luxury of voting GOP even though the only reason you can afford a family is us liberals.

And even with our help you still need a 2nd job stupid.
No, little victim. I don’t want you to have to sit at the back of the bus, I don’t want you thrown out of the lunch counter, I don’t want you attacked by police dogs, I don’t want you rejected for housing, I don’t want you to use a separate water cooler or train or school or church. OK, little victim? Does your little victim bitch ass feel safe now? Can you stop crying and whining like a little bitch now?

My question to Seely was because he was supporting asking poor whites to check their privilege.


Then take your little racist versus racist purse fight to the private messages. You’re both a couple of ridiculous racist clowns and hypocrites. Eventually you will most likely fall into each others arms when you realize how much you have in common.

You vote for the same politicians he votes for unkotare so stfu

You have no idea of anyone I have ever voted for, you illogical douche stain.
You voted for Trump. .......d.

I never said that, you brainless buffoon.
/——/ DemocRATs built those ghettos for their pets.

Nonsense. Ever hear of white flight? Who do you think were the first whites to move out of a neighborhood when the first black moved in? A conservative or liberal? Be honest.

you be honest. Likely 50/50 as to who moved first.

I've had lib friends admit to "White flight". It takes a real asshole to put their child at risk for political ideology.

(no disrespect to those parent(s) that don't have the ability to move to the suburbs)

Also, here is another observation I noticed about Republicans/Conservatives in the white suburbs. They were the most racist even though most of them never even met a black person. Must be what their parents taught them. And they were the most freaked out and angry when the first black moved out to our all white neighborhood.

These things you can't deny.

I deny them.

Most racist? LOL!!!!

Then you are a liar. All the racist dads in my neighborhood loved Reagan and hated blacks. These are the idiots who belonged to unions, had job security, were paid amazingly well, were going to get pensions after 30 years of service. These should be liberal Democrats but they were conservative white republican men. Why? God, Gays, Guns and Racism. This is how the GOP got middle class whites to vote for them.

What makes me sick is that these men knew they were going to get their pensions so they could afford to sell the rest of us out. This was one reason why I was sort of hoping the Big 3 would have all gone bankrupt. Fuck all those idiots who voted for Bush/Trump/Rick Snyder. They deserve to have those pensions cut in half. And you will deserve it when one day they make drastic cuts to your social security. In fact I will defend them for doing it because, "hey, we're broke"

Reagan was a massively popular president.


YOu dont' agree with those that supported Reagan. Understand that you do not really grasp why we supported him.

YOu were beaten up by black kids for being white. If you had children would you send them to a school where you knew that they would be beaten up for being white by blacks?
NOting that I am not falling for your lies, and that you obviously know you are lying, and then speculating on who you are trying to lie to, then,

is hardly a conspiracy theory, you asshole.

EVERYTHING is a political "leftist attack on the right" to you......dumbass.. All that one needs to do is read enough of what you post to see that.

Besides that, whatever you were trying to say was very poorly worded.

I'm not lying about you, which is what has you so flustered, that you're not making any sense.

Too funny.

Flustered? What are you talking about?

Sooo, you are you dropping the conspiracy theory nonsense, or are you conflating conspiracy theory to include "political attack"?

You are not making any sense.

Talking about the obvious. It appears to be your belief that anyone who believes you to be a racist/bigot is a so called "leftie".

In fact, the majority of your tirades in this forum are about so called "liberals and lefties".

And you know it.

No need for you to play dumb.

1. Well, as nothing I ever say is racist, it takes a special kind of stupid to consider me racist, so yes, most of the people that call me racist are lefties. That is not a conspiracy theory. It is just noticing that lefties are stupid that way.

2. A lot of my "tirades" on this forum are about liberals and lefties, that is true. It is a political discussion forum. Not sure why you think that is odd.

3. Not play dumb? COming from you, that is hilarious.

Yes, it's illegals, immigrants, liberals, soros, progressives, blacks, affirmative action, regulations, obama and clinton's fault.

You blame everyone but the people who really sold you down the river. I think it's crazy the GOP can cause a great recession and walk out of it with you convinced it was Democrats fault. Or the classic, "both sides" fault. That's what Republicans always say whenever they screw up. Bush lied us into Iraq? Yea but Clinton voted for it. Clinton signed NAFTA? Forget the fact the GOP invented and defended it and HW Bush was going to sign it into law when he lost his re election. Forget all that factual history. Republicans can only remember Clinton signed it. Forget the details. Details are lost on Republicans.

To address ONE of your points. One of the better ones.

NAFTA. Yes, Bill Clinton signed it, and took credit for it. I have always admitted that it was more the brainchild of the Republican Congress and the Free Traders that were more responsible for it.

And as we got to see the results, which as always, were NOT what we were promised by the Free Traders, I grew increasingly unhappy with it, to the the point that when an anti-"Free Trader" came along, I ignored the words of my political leadership, and went with the outsider who was pushing to walk back some of that policy, ie Donald Trump.

If you were to take the time to review my discussions with other republicans during the 2016 campaign you would find that I constantly and regularly addressed the responsibility that the GOP has for the "Free Trade" policies of the last 50 years and their results.

THe rest of your points, are similarly wrong.
1. Except you have not demonstrated that they "clearly apply" to me.


YOU have demonstrated that.


I refuse to accept your restrictions on what I can say, as a white person.

Say what you want, just don’t cry when you are called out for what you are.

ALL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.
That's all you will ever get out of unkotare.

I know.

I can only hope that constant repetition will slowly sink in over time.
/——/ DemocRATs built those ghettos for their pets.

Nonsense. Ever hear of white flight? Who do you think were the first whites to move out of a neighborhood when the first black moved in? A conservative or liberal? Be honest.
That would depend on how the black person' you speak of, otherwise how his character is, and how he conducts his personality to go along with that character to be found within his actions that are taken... They might all (black, white, yellow or red), move if he is bad enough. The same goes for any bad neighbor in any neighborhood regardless of one's skin color, so what's your point ???
Point is stupid, we didn’t build ghettos. You created them by putting your home on the market because a colored person moved into the neighborhood.

It was you racist conservatives who moved out not us liberals.
ROTFLMBO.... Kidding me right ??

Is that all you can come back with? Of course you know I'm right. We were the last whites to move out of the neighborhood in Detroit. Mainly because we were broke but we know who moved out first. It was the most racist whites. And when we moved out to the suburbs we talk among ourselves as to when we left and why. It was always the Republicans/Conservatives who bragged about moving out first.

And today whites are moving back to Detroit. It certainly isn't conservatives moving back. They/you are the most racist whites. Obvious.

And your reply to my comment was pathetic.

Are you suggesting it was conservatives/Republican whites who were the last ones to white flight out of Detroit? That would be HILARIOUS and a lie.
So you were stuck, and now years later you are mad as hell about it ????? Ohhhh I see now.

Well I can't help ya bud, you'll have to deal with them demons on your own.

Now go look at the poor communities all across this land either in real time or in these documentaries, and then look at the homelessness, the drugs, the gangs, the prostitution, the check cashing joints, the liquor stores, the near by abortion clinics, the parks where the drug dealers hang out, the bars on the windows of every home, the trash thrown into the streets, the torn up lottery cards, the brown bagged empty bottles of booze, the groups with their pants on the ground, the loud cursing rap music or super loud bass thumping as cars ride the streets all times of the day and night, the gangland culture, the no tresspassing signs in every front yard, the status symbol pit bull dogs on thick chains, tennyshoes tied together, and thrown over the power lines signifying territories, graffiti, burgularies, murders, intimidation, loitering, joblessness, uneducated, chaos, confusion, troubles, bad influences, yet you think that people should just stay put, and ignore the writtings on the wall eh ???

Sorry you were poor and couldn't get out.

One thing about being poor, and that is that you still have choices and responsibilities in life, and if you make the wrong choices, then don't get mad when no one wants to stick around to absorb those bad choices with you or who ever it might be that had made the bad choices in life.

There will always be choices, and there will always be movement in America by those not sticking around to find out what the choices might be. Alot is at stake, so people try to collect up their things, and move them in order to retain as much value in them as possible. Land values and home values is another area that has suffered greatly due to communities going in the wrong directions over time.

None of this strictly pertains to race, because it goes on in many places across this nation, but stats don't lie about these things in which tells us always that some cultures and their practices are different than others. Nothing wrong with that, as long as it's always respectful and good.
Nonsense. Ever hear of white flight? Who do you think were the first whites to move out of a neighborhood when the first black moved in? A conservative or liberal? Be honest.

you be honest. Likely 50/50 as to who moved first.

I've had lib friends admit to "White flight". It takes a real asshole to put their child at risk for political ideology.

(no disrespect to those parent(s) that don't have the ability to move to the suburbs)

Also, here is another observation I noticed about Republicans/Conservatives in the white suburbs. They were the most racist even though most of them never even met a black person. Must be what their parents taught them. And they were the most freaked out and angry when the first black moved out to our all white neighborhood.

These things you can't deny.

I deny them.

Most racist? LOL!!!!

Then you are a liar. All the racist dads in my neighborhood loved Reagan and hated blacks. These are the idiots who belonged to unions, had job security, were paid amazingly well, were going to get pensions after 30 years of service. These should be liberal Democrats but they were conservative white republican men. Why? God, Gays, Guns and Racism. This is how the GOP got middle class whites to vote for them.

What makes me sick is that these men knew they were going to get their pensions so they could afford to sell the rest of us out. This was one reason why I was sort of hoping the Big 3 would have all gone bankrupt. Fuck all those idiots who voted for Bush/Trump/Rick Snyder. They deserve to have those pensions cut in half. And you will deserve it when one day they make drastic cuts to your social security. In fact I will defend them for doing it because, "hey, we're broke"

Reagan was a massively popular president.


YOu dont' agree with those that supported Reagan. Understand that you do not really grasp why we supported him.

YOu were beaten up by black kids for being white. If you had children would you send them to a school where you knew that they would be beaten up for being white by blacks?

You poor and middle class fans of Reagan didn't realize that he is the reason the middle class is struggling today. Him and that party he belongs to.

They've been cutting down on the New Deal for decades. They've been driving our highest paid jobs overseas for decades. They even sold you on the idea. They demonized the unions. Sure the unions are corrupt but so are the corporations they work for. But you sided with the corporations not the workers.

Here is how stupid you American's are. Instead of looking at how good union workers had it and saying, "hey I want that too", instead you saw how good they had it and said "if I don't have it that good, neither should they"

So guess the fuck what? None of you have it that good anymore.

I told people for years I would probably do better in an every man for himself society. Well turns out I was right. I make around $90K and everyone else in my office makes between $40K and $80K. And very few make $80K. So my office is the perfect example of America. Very few blacks get hired here. The guys making the least couldn't possibly raise a family on their wages, or save what they need to be saving for retirement. No pensions are coming. The people who make more than $50K have kids and a spouse working and still they are barely making ends meet.

And then you went and gave the corporations tax breaks so they don't pay taxes anymore. This is going to shift the tax burden more onto us. So just like Reagan, some of you love Trump, because you don't know the harm his policies are going to cause down the road. Instead you are putting all your hopes into the idea that hes' going to lower immigration until wages come back up. Up to what? Even though wages are up, most of you are still struggling. And with cuts to social security that are sure to come, you're going to be doing even worse in the future.

Congrats you American idiots. You got conned by Bush and now Trump. You don't like Hillary? Good! Die fucking broke.
EVERYTHING is a political "leftist attack on the right" to you......dumbass.. All that one needs to do is read enough of what you post to see that.

Besides that, whatever you were trying to say was very poorly worded.

I'm not lying about you, which is what has you so flustered, that you're not making any sense.

Too funny.

Flustered? What are you talking about?

Sooo, you are you dropping the conspiracy theory nonsense, or are you conflating conspiracy theory to include "political attack"?

You are not making any sense.

Talking about the obvious. It appears to be your belief that anyone who believes you to be a racist/bigot is a so called "leftie".

In fact, the majority of your tirades in this forum are about so called "liberals and lefties".

And you know it.

No need for you to play dumb.

1. Well, as nothing I ever say is racist, it takes a special kind of stupid to consider me racist, so yes, most of the people that call me racist are lefties. That is not a conspiracy theory. It is just noticing that lefties are stupid that way.

2. A lot of my "tirades" on this forum are about liberals and lefties, that is true. It is a political discussion forum. Not sure why you think that is odd.

3. Not play dumb? COming from you, that is hilarious.

Yes, it's illegals, immigrants, liberals, soros, progressives, blacks, affirmative action, regulations, obama and clinton's fault.

You blame everyone but the people who really sold you down the river. I think it's crazy the GOP can cause a great recession and walk out of it with you convinced it was Democrats fault. Or the classic, "both sides" fault. That's what Republicans always say whenever they screw up. Bush lied us into Iraq? Yea but Clinton voted for it. Clinton signed NAFTA? Forget the fact the GOP invented and defended it and HW Bush was going to sign it into law when he lost his re election. Forget all that factual history. Republicans can only remember Clinton signed it. Forget the details. Details are lost on Republicans.

To address ONE of your points. One of the better ones.

NAFTA. Yes, Bill Clinton signed it, and took credit for it. I have always admitted that it was more the brainchild of the Republican Congress and the Free Traders that were more responsible for it.

And as we got to see the results, which as always, were NOT what we were promised by the Free Traders, I grew increasingly unhappy with it, to the the point that when an anti-"Free Trader" came along, I ignored the words of my political leadership, and went with the outsider who was pushing to walk back some of that policy, ie Donald Trump.

If you were to take the time to review my discussions with other republicans during the 2016 campaign you would find that I constantly and regularly addressed the responsibility that the GOP has for the "Free Trade" policies of the last 50 years and their results.

THe rest of your points, are similarly wrong.

Actually when Clinton signed NAFTA he insisted on putting in protections for workers and the environment. Guess who removed those protections?

HW's son GW did. That's when companies in the 2000's started racing to go overseas. As soon as it was allowed.
Nonsense. Ever hear of white flight? Who do you think were the first whites to move out of a neighborhood when the first black moved in? A conservative or liberal? Be honest.
That would depend on how the black person' you speak of, otherwise how his character is, and how he conducts his personality to go along with that character to be found within his actions that are taken... They might all (black, white, yellow or red), move if he is bad enough. The same goes for any bad neighbor in any neighborhood regardless of one's skin color, so what's your point ???
Point is stupid, we didn’t build ghettos. You created them by putting your home on the market because a colored person moved into the neighborhood.

It was you racist conservatives who moved out not us liberals.
ROTFLMBO.... Kidding me right ??

Is that all you can come back with? Of course you know I'm right. We were the last whites to move out of the neighborhood in Detroit. Mainly because we were broke but we know who moved out first. It was the most racist whites. And when we moved out to the suburbs we talk among ourselves as to when we left and why. It was always the Republicans/Conservatives who bragged about moving out first.

And today whites are moving back to Detroit. It certainly isn't conservatives moving back. They/you are the most racist whites. Obvious.

And your reply to my comment was pathetic.

Are you suggesting it was conservatives/Republican whites who were the last ones to white flight out of Detroit? That would be HILARIOUS and a lie.
So you were stuck, and now years later you are mad as hell about it ????? Ohhhh I see now.

Well I can't help ya bud, you'll have to deal with them demons on your own.

Now go look at the poor communities all across this land either in real time or in these documentaries, and then look at the homelessness, the drugs, the gangs, the prostitution, the check cashing joints, the liquor stores, the near by abortion clinics, the parks where the drug dealers hang out, the bars on the windows of every home, the trash thrown into the streets, the torn up lottery cards, the brown bagged empty bottles of booze, the groups with their pants on the ground, the loud cursing rap music or super loud bass thumping as cars ride the streets all times of the day and night, the gangland culture, the no tresspassing signs in every front yard, the status symbol pit bull dogs on thick chains, tennyshoes tied together, and thrown over the power lines signifying territories, graffiti, burgularies, murders, intimidation, loitering, joblessness, uneducated, chaos, confusion, troubles, bad influences, yet you think that people should just stay put, and ignore the writtings on the wall eh ???

Sorry you were poor and couldn't get out.

One thing about being poor, and that is that you still have choices and responsibilities in life, and if you make the wrong choices, then don't get mad when no one wants to stick around to absorb those bad choices with you or who ever it might be that had made the bad choices in life.

There will always be choices, and there will always be movement in America by those not sticking around to find out what the choices might be. Alot is at stake, so people try to collect up their things, and move them in order to retain as much value in them as possible. Land values and home values is another area that has suffered greatly due to communities going in the wrong directions over time.

None of this strictly pertains to race, because it goes on in many places across this nation, but stats don't lie about these things in which tells us always that some cultures and their practices are different than others. Nothing wrong with that, as long as it's always respectful and good.
Good reply

I refuse to accept your restrictions on what I can say, as a white person.

Say what you want, just don’t cry when you are called out for what you are.

ALL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.
That's all you will ever get out of unkotare.

I know.

I can only hope that constant repetition will slowly sink in over time.

I posted an article that described people like unkotare perfectly. They want to pretend they are color blind and they won't answer any questions because they would be forced to address the fact that they aren't really color blind.

So I can't even have a conversation with the guy. If he's not going to answer questions like normal people do then it's impossible to solve this.

Instead he just calls you a racist and changes the subject. Stop wasting your time with the guy.

Here is the article

Colorblind Ideology Is a Form of Racism

Racial issues are often uncomfortable to discuss and rife with stress and controversy. Many ideas have been advanced to address this sore spot in the American psyche. Currently, the most pervasive approach is known as colorblindness. Colorblindness is the racial ideology that posits the best way to end discrimination is by treating individuals as equally as possible, without regard to race, culture, or ethnicity.

At its face value, colorblindness seems like a good thing however, colorblindness alone is not sufficient to heal racial wounds on a national or personal level. It is only a half-measure that in the end operates as a form of racism.

And this is exactly why I say unkotare is a closet racist. If he won't answer any questions I have to fill in the blanks and based on everything I know about the guy, this is his MO.

No one is truly “color blind”.
Say what you want, just don’t cry when you are called out for what you are.

ALL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.
That's all you will ever get out of unkotare.

I know.

I can only hope that constant repetition will slowly sink in over time.

I posted an article that described people like unkotare perfectly. They want to pretend they are color blind and they won't answer any questions because they would be forced to address the fact that they aren't really color blind.

So I can't even have a conversation with the guy. If he's not going to answer questions like normal people do then it's impossible to solve this.

Instead he just calls you a racist and changes the subject. Stop wasting your time with the guy.

Here is the article

Colorblind Ideology Is a Form of Racism

Racial issues are often uncomfortable to discuss and rife with stress and controversy. Many ideas have been advanced to address this sore spot in the American psyche. Currently, the most pervasive approach is known as colorblindness. Colorblindness is the racial ideology that posits the best way to end discrimination is by treating individuals as equally as possible, without regard to race, culture, or ethnicity.

At its face value, colorblindness seems like a good thing however, colorblindness alone is not sufficient to heal racial wounds on a national or personal level. It is only a half-measure that in the end operates as a form of racism.

And this is exactly why I say unkotare is a closet racist. If he won't answer any questions I have to fill in the blanks and based on everything I know about the guy, this is his MO.

No one is truly “color blind”.

Well, some people really do suffer from rod monochromacy.
you be honest. Likely 50/50 as to who moved first.

I've had lib friends admit to "White flight". It takes a real asshole to put their child at risk for political ideology.

(no disrespect to those parent(s) that don't have the ability to move to the suburbs)

Also, here is another observation I noticed about Republicans/Conservatives in the white suburbs. They were the most racist even though most of them never even met a black person. Must be what their parents taught them. And they were the most freaked out and angry when the first black moved out to our all white neighborhood.

These things you can't deny.

I deny them.

Most racist? LOL!!!!

Then you are a liar. All the racist dads in my neighborhood loved Reagan and hated blacks. These are the idiots who belonged to unions, had job security, were paid amazingly well, were going to get pensions after 30 years of service. These should be liberal Democrats but they were conservative white republican men. Why? God, Gays, Guns and Racism. This is how the GOP got middle class whites to vote for them.

What makes me sick is that these men knew they were going to get their pensions so they could afford to sell the rest of us out. This was one reason why I was sort of hoping the Big 3 would have all gone bankrupt. Fuck all those idiots who voted for Bush/Trump/Rick Snyder. They deserve to have those pensions cut in half. And you will deserve it when one day they make drastic cuts to your social security. In fact I will defend them for doing it because, "hey, we're broke"

Reagan was a massively popular president.


YOu dont' agree with those that supported Reagan. Understand that you do not really grasp why we supported him.

YOu were beaten up by black kids for being white. If you had children would you send them to a school where you knew that they would be beaten up for being white by blacks?

You poor and middle class fans of Reagan didn't realize that he is the reason the middle class is struggling today. Him and that party he belongs to.

They've been cutting down on the New Deal for decades. They've been driving our highest paid jobs overseas for decades. They even sold you on the idea. They demonized the unions. Sure the unions are corrupt but so are the corporations they work for. But you sided with the corporations not the workers.

Here is how stupid you American's are. Instead of looking at how good union workers had it and saying, "hey I want that too", instead you saw how good they had it and said "if I don't have it that good, neither should they"

So guess the fuck what? None of you have it that good anymore.

I told people for years I would probably do better in an every man for himself society. Well turns out I was right. I make around $90K and everyone else in my office makes between $40K and $80K. And very few make $80K. So my office is the perfect example of America. Very few blacks get hired here. The guys making the least couldn't possibly raise a family on their wages, or save what they need to be saving for retirement. No pensions are coming. The people who make more than $50K have kids and a spouse working and still they are barely making ends meet.

And then you went and gave the corporations tax breaks so they don't pay taxes anymore. This is going to shift the tax burden more onto us. So just like Reagan, some of you love Trump, because you don't know the harm his policies are going to cause down the road. Instead you are putting all your hopes into the idea that hes' going to lower immigration until wages come back up. Up to what? Even though wages are up, most of you are still struggling. And with cuts to social security that are sure to come, you're going to be doing even worse in the future.

Congrats you American idiots. You got conned by Bush and now Trump. You don't like Hillary? Good! Die fucking broke.
/——/ Hey shyt for brains. Cutting corporate taxes results in lower consumer prices. When you raise corporate taxes, it’s treated as overhead and passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices. It’s a cascade effect since it affects every company that touches the product from manufacture to delivery. And corporate taxes were not eliminated just lowered to be competitive to other countries. You dummy. BTW no one was forced to quit the unions. People quit whenever they get the opportunity. Numbnuts
Also, here is another observation I noticed about Republicans/Conservatives in the white suburbs. They were the most racist even though most of them never even met a black person. Must be what their parents taught them. And they were the most freaked out and angry when the first black moved out to our all white neighborhood.

These things you can't deny.

I deny them.

Most racist? LOL!!!!

Then you are a liar. All the racist dads in my neighborhood loved Reagan and hated blacks. These are the idiots who belonged to unions, had job security, were paid amazingly well, were going to get pensions after 30 years of service. These should be liberal Democrats but they were conservative white republican men. Why? God, Gays, Guns and Racism. This is how the GOP got middle class whites to vote for them.

What makes me sick is that these men knew they were going to get their pensions so they could afford to sell the rest of us out. This was one reason why I was sort of hoping the Big 3 would have all gone bankrupt. Fuck all those idiots who voted for Bush/Trump/Rick Snyder. They deserve to have those pensions cut in half. And you will deserve it when one day they make drastic cuts to your social security. In fact I will defend them for doing it because, "hey, we're broke"

Reagan was a massively popular president.


YOu dont' agree with those that supported Reagan. Understand that you do not really grasp why we supported him.

YOu were beaten up by black kids for being white. If you had children would you send them to a school where you knew that they would be beaten up for being white by blacks?

You poor and middle class fans of Reagan didn't realize that he is the reason the middle class is struggling today. Him and that party he belongs to.

They've been cutting down on the New Deal for decades. They've been driving our highest paid jobs overseas for decades. They even sold you on the idea. They demonized the unions. Sure the unions are corrupt but so are the corporations they work for. But you sided with the corporations not the workers.

Here is how stupid you American's are. Instead of looking at how good union workers had it and saying, "hey I want that too", instead you saw how good they had it and said "if I don't have it that good, neither should they"

So guess the fuck what? None of you have it that good anymore.

I told people for years I would probably do better in an every man for himself society. Well turns out I was right. I make around $90K and everyone else in my office makes between $40K and $80K. And very few make $80K. So my office is the perfect example of America. Very few blacks get hired here. The guys making the least couldn't possibly raise a family on their wages, or save what they need to be saving for retirement. No pensions are coming. The people who make more than $50K have kids and a spouse working and still they are barely making ends meet.

And then you went and gave the corporations tax breaks so they don't pay taxes anymore. This is going to shift the tax burden more onto us. So just like Reagan, some of you love Trump, because you don't know the harm his policies are going to cause down the road. Instead you are putting all your hopes into the idea that hes' going to lower immigration until wages come back up. Up to what? Even though wages are up, most of you are still struggling. And with cuts to social security that are sure to come, you're going to be doing even worse in the future.

Congrats you American idiots. You got conned by Bush and now Trump. You don't like Hillary? Good! Die fucking broke.
/——/ Hey shyt for brains. Cutting corporate taxes results in lower consumer prices. When you raise corporate taxes, it’s treated as overhead and passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices. It’s a cascade effect since it affects every company that touches the product from manufacture to delivery. And corporate taxes were not eliminated just lowered to be competitive to other countries. You dummy. BTW no one was forced to quit the unions. People quit whenever they get the opportunity. Numbnuts

Show me that corporations lowered their prices after Trump's tax cuts. If you can't then stfu. Corporations will charge whatever the market will bare.

Instead corporations took those tax breaks and gave them to the CEO, VP's and shareholders. Consumers still pay the same, shyt for brains.
ALL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.
That's all you will ever get out of unkotare.

I know.

I can only hope that constant repetition will slowly sink in over time.

I posted an article that described people like unkotare perfectly. They want to pretend they are color blind and they won't answer any questions because they would be forced to address the fact that they aren't really color blind.

So I can't even have a conversation with the guy. If he's not going to answer questions like normal people do then it's impossible to solve this.

Instead he just calls you a racist and changes the subject. Stop wasting your time with the guy.

Here is the article

Colorblind Ideology Is a Form of Racism

Racial issues are often uncomfortable to discuss and rife with stress and controversy. Many ideas have been advanced to address this sore spot in the American psyche. Currently, the most pervasive approach is known as colorblindness. Colorblindness is the racial ideology that posits the best way to end discrimination is by treating individuals as equally as possible, without regard to race, culture, or ethnicity.

At its face value, colorblindness seems like a good thing however, colorblindness alone is not sufficient to heal racial wounds on a national or personal level. It is only a half-measure that in the end operates as a form of racism.

And this is exactly why I say unkotare is a closet racist. If he won't answer any questions I have to fill in the blanks and based on everything I know about the guy, this is his MO.

No one is truly “color blind”.

Well, some people really do suffer from rod monochromacy.

Thanks for contributing this to the conversation jackass.

And thanks for telling us you don't live in Detroit. You are contributing so much to this conversation just like you always do. LOL
Kids today are generally better about the racial nonsense than previous generations.

Maybe they are the ones to answer the OP.
ALL you have, is that you don't like it what a guy with white skin discusses ghetto culture.

That is YOU being racist, not me.
That's all you will ever get out of unkotare.

I know.

I can only hope that constant repetition will slowly sink in over time.

I posted an article that described people like unkotare perfectly. They want to pretend they are color blind and they won't answer any questions because they would be forced to address the fact that they aren't really color blind.

So I can't even have a conversation with the guy. If he's not going to answer questions like normal people do then it's impossible to solve this.

Instead he just calls you a racist and changes the subject. Stop wasting your time with the guy.

Here is the article

Colorblind Ideology Is a Form of Racism

Racial issues are often uncomfortable to discuss and rife with stress and controversy. Many ideas have been advanced to address this sore spot in the American psyche. Currently, the most pervasive approach is known as colorblindness. Colorblindness is the racial ideology that posits the best way to end discrimination is by treating individuals as equally as possible, without regard to race, culture, or ethnicity.

At its face value, colorblindness seems like a good thing however, colorblindness alone is not sufficient to heal racial wounds on a national or personal level. It is only a half-measure that in the end operates as a form of racism.

And this is exactly why I say unkotare is a closet racist. If he won't answer any questions I have to fill in the blanks and based on everything I know about the guy, this is his MO.

No one is truly “color blind”.

Well, some people really do suffer from rod monochromacy.

Hence the quotes so that someone like you would not make a joke about it. Failed.

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