What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?

Flustered? What are you talking about?

Sooo, you are you dropping the conspiracy theory nonsense, or are you conflating conspiracy theory to include "political attack"?

You are not making any sense.

Talking about the obvious. It appears to be your belief that anyone who believes you to be a racist/bigot is a so called "leftie".

In fact, the majority of your tirades in this forum are about so called "liberals and lefties".

And you know it.

No need for you to play dumb.

1. Well, as nothing I ever say is racist, it takes a special kind of stupid to consider me racist, so yes, most of the people that call me racist are lefties. That is not a conspiracy theory. It is just noticing that lefties are stupid that way.

2. A lot of my "tirades" on this forum are about liberals and lefties, that is true. It is a political discussion forum. Not sure why you think that is odd.

3. Not play dumb? COming from you, that is hilarious.

Yes, it's illegals, immigrants, liberals, soros, progressives, blacks, affirmative action, regulations, obama and clinton's fault.

You blame everyone but the people who really sold you down the river. I think it's crazy the GOP can cause a great recession and walk out of it with you convinced it was Democrats fault. Or the classic, "both sides" fault. That's what Republicans always say whenever they screw up. Bush lied us into Iraq? Yea but Clinton voted for it. Clinton signed NAFTA? Forget the fact the GOP invented and defended it and HW Bush was going to sign it into law when he lost his re election. Forget all that factual history. Republicans can only remember Clinton signed it. Forget the details. Details are lost on Republicans.

To address ONE of your points. One of the better ones.

NAFTA. Yes, Bill Clinton signed it, and took credit for it. I have always admitted that it was more the brainchild of the Republican Congress and the Free Traders that were more responsible for it.

And as we got to see the results, which as always, were NOT what we were promised by the Free Traders, I grew increasingly unhappy with it, to the the point that when an anti-"Free Trader" came along, I ignored the words of my political leadership, and went with the outsider who was pushing to walk back some of that policy, ie Donald Trump.

If you were to take the time to review my discussions with other republicans during the 2016 campaign you would find that I constantly and regularly addressed the responsibility that the GOP has for the "Free Trade" policies of the last 50 years and their results.

THe rest of your points, are similarly wrong.

Actually when Clinton signed NAFTA he insisted on putting in protections for workers and the environment. Guess who removed those protections?

HW's son GW did. That's when companies in the 2000's started racing to go overseas. As soon as it was allowed.

Countries have been racing to go overseas since the 70s, at least.

Nafta was a just a part of a larger trade policy.

Me and you agree that it needs reversed. I've admitted that it was primarily a Republican idea.

What more do you want from me?

Kids today are generally better about the racial nonsense than previous generations.

Maybe they are the ones to answer the OP.

They will be in the same boat as the last 3 or 4 generations.

Raised indoctrinated in not being racist and then when they get to the age of having political interests, being viciously attacked as racist if they dare want their political interests represented in policy.

Unless they are not white. THE not white kids will be told to consider any attempt by their white friends to have their interests represented to be racism, and to turn on their friends.

And the discussion then will be how can we increase indoctrination of our young to avoid such horrible "racism"?
I deny them.

Most racist? LOL!!!!

Then you are a liar. All the racist dads in my neighborhood loved Reagan and hated blacks. These are the idiots who belonged to unions, had job security, were paid amazingly well, were going to get pensions after 30 years of service. These should be liberal Democrats but they were conservative white republican men. Why? God, Gays, Guns and Racism. This is how the GOP got middle class whites to vote for them.

What makes me sick is that these men knew they were going to get their pensions so they could afford to sell the rest of us out. This was one reason why I was sort of hoping the Big 3 would have all gone bankrupt. Fuck all those idiots who voted for Bush/Trump/Rick Snyder. They deserve to have those pensions cut in half. And you will deserve it when one day they make drastic cuts to your social security. In fact I will defend them for doing it because, "hey, we're broke"

Reagan was a massively popular president.


YOu dont' agree with those that supported Reagan. Understand that you do not really grasp why we supported him.

YOu were beaten up by black kids for being white. If you had children would you send them to a school where you knew that they would be beaten up for being white by blacks?

You poor and middle class fans of Reagan didn't realize that he is the reason the middle class is struggling today. Him and that party he belongs to.

They've been cutting down on the New Deal for decades. They've been driving our highest paid jobs overseas for decades. They even sold you on the idea. They demonized the unions. Sure the unions are corrupt but so are the corporations they work for. But you sided with the corporations not the workers.

Here is how stupid you American's are. Instead of looking at how good union workers had it and saying, "hey I want that too", instead you saw how good they had it and said "if I don't have it that good, neither should they"

So guess the fuck what? None of you have it that good anymore.

I told people for years I would probably do better in an every man for himself society. Well turns out I was right. I make around $90K and everyone else in my office makes between $40K and $80K. And very few make $80K. So my office is the perfect example of America. Very few blacks get hired here. The guys making the least couldn't possibly raise a family on their wages, or save what they need to be saving for retirement. No pensions are coming. The people who make more than $50K have kids and a spouse working and still they are barely making ends meet.

And then you went and gave the corporations tax breaks so they don't pay taxes anymore. This is going to shift the tax burden more onto us. So just like Reagan, some of you love Trump, because you don't know the harm his policies are going to cause down the road. Instead you are putting all your hopes into the idea that hes' going to lower immigration until wages come back up. Up to what? Even though wages are up, most of you are still struggling. And with cuts to social security that are sure to come, you're going to be doing even worse in the future.

Congrats you American idiots. You got conned by Bush and now Trump. You don't like Hillary? Good! Die fucking broke.
This has got to take the prize for the rant of the year award. :eusa_clap:.. LOL. So many variables in what you attempt to sum up as your understanding of current events, past events, and political life in the last 30 years, and yet the merit system again gets totally lost along the way. It's not a zero sum game, and there is always room to improve things, but the American voter has got to be honest, involved, and educated enough to understand the issues facing them always. People are finally awake after Trump has awoken them, and that scares the crap out of alot of the establishment types, and it really worries the corrupt establishment types.
You’re being conned dude.

To me it all comes down to this. Are you saving enough to retire at 67? Most Americans are not. Our parents did. Our grandparents did. But are we? No we are not. The FACT is most Americans are suddenly doing worse than their parents did. Now I know you’ll want to blame American workers but the fact is the middle class is shrinking and struggling. Again, a fact. And trump hasn’t changed that. In fact his policies have further widened the gap between the rich and poor. Another thing you deny is a problem.

All the reasons the middle class has gotten poorer and the rich got richer are because of republican policies. Tax breaks to the rich and corporations, jobs Americans won’t do, buying from China and Walmart, anti union, out of control ceo pay. You deny class warfare exists while the middle class is losing.

Yes, I think I sum it all up pretty good.

And I’m not crying for me. I don’t think republicans help me but I am not nearly as poor as the rest of you. 48, no kids, $100k income, home on a lake paid off, saving a lot in 401k, no debt. I’ll be ok when republicans cut our social security and Medicaid, idiots.

Except that now the Republicans elected someone to walk those policies back and the dems are the ones fighting that.
All caused by the Demon-crats... The republicans/conservatives/Christian's just began disconnecting from main stream society over time, and next came the huge flight from any governance or governing by the Demon-crats over the years.

Demon-crats caused the republicans/conservatives/Christian's to circle the wagons, and to stand off from engaging further in their Anti-republican/conservative/Christian climate that was being created by those Demon-crats.

For a uniting to take place in society, there has to be a theme that is compatible for all to unite under. That theme was ruined by the Demon-crats in my honest opinion.

Now the backing out of society for far two long (creating smaller yet new societies within the bigger society), was the wrong thing to do over time. It's like pushing people into a corner until those people have had enough. Next the people come out swinging.

This is what has happened under Trump. The people were being pushed to far for too long, and they elected Trump to come out swinging for them. Respect for this countries institution's, education, economy, and culture must be revived (MAGA), before positive huge long term investments return again. We must demand respect in anything we do, and we must give respect where it is warranted or merited. No other way to go about it.

You mean the white racist people.
And so once again here we have the real racist speaking (IM2)... Could you drop your racism for a day maybe ????? Never happen eh ???

You are the racist. When you drop your racism, I'll drop my opposition to it.

Dude, you are one of the biggest racists here and you prove it on a nearly daily basis. Do you REALLY believe that you have posted ANYTHING here that gives anyone a pause for thought? You carry this huge chip on your shoulder and use this forum to vent your anger. It seems to me that the only way one can prove themselves to not be "racist" is to agree with your fool-fueled rants and promise to vote "demcrat". I am anything but a racist but I wouldn't vote for a DNC sponsored commie even with a gun pointed at my head. Etch that in stone and commit it to memory.
So you vote for the party that denies the system is rigged for blacks but trump got you dopes to show up and vote because he told you the system is rigged and unfair towards whites.

The truth is the republicans don’t care what color you are. If you are poor or middle class you are an expense not an asset

The republicans are the lesser evil when it comes to the racial bias in the system against whites.

Sometimes republicans judges do rule against the more blatant discrimination that dem appointed judges are fine with. For one big example.
All caused by the Demon-crats... The republicans/conservatives/Christian's just began disconnecting from main stream society over time, and next came the huge flight from any governance or governing by the Demon-crats over the years.

Demon-crats caused the republicans/conservatives/Christian's to circle the wagons, and to stand off from engaging further in their Anti-republican/conservative/Christian climate that was being created by those Demon-crats.

For a uniting to take place in society, there has to be a theme that is compatible for all to unite under. That theme was ruined by the Demon-crats in my honest opinion.

Now the backing out of society for far two long (creating smaller yet new societies within the bigger society), was the wrong thing to do over time. It's like pushing people into a corner until those people have had enough. Next the people come out swinging.

This is what has happened under Trump. The people were being pushed to far for too long, and they elected Trump to come out swinging for them. Respect for this countries institution's, education, economy, and culture must be revived (MAGA), before positive huge long term investments return again. We must demand respect in anything we do, and we must give respect where it is warranted or merited. No other way to go about it.

You mean the white racist people.
And so once again here we have the real racist speaking (IM2)... Could you drop your racism for a day maybe ????? Never happen eh ???

You are the racist. When you drop your racism, I'll drop my opposition to it.

Dude, you are one of the biggest racists here and you prove it on a nearly daily basis. Do you REALLY believe that you have posted ANYTHING here that gives anyone a pause for thought? You carry this huge chip on your shoulder and use this forum to vent your anger. It seems to me that the only way one can prove themselves to not be "racist" is to agree with your fool-fueled rants and promise to vote "demcrat". I am anything but a racist but I wouldn't vote for a DNC sponsored commie even with a gun pointed at my head. Etch that in stone and commit it to memory.
So you vote for the party that denies the system is rigged for blacks but trump got you dopes to show up and vote because he told you the system is rigged and unfair towards whites.

The truth is the republicans don’t care what color you are. If you are poor or middle class you are an expense not an asset

You really are one stupid motherfucker, sealydouche. You wander through life as a clueless dope.
All caused by the Demon-crats... The republicans/conservatives/Christian's just began disconnecting from main stream society over time, and next came the huge flight from any governance or governing by the Demon-crats over the years.

Demon-crats caused the republicans/conservatives/Christian's to circle the wagons, and to stand off from engaging further in their Anti-republican/conservative/Christian climate that was being created by those Demon-crats.

For a uniting to take place in society, there has to be a theme that is compatible for all to unite under. That theme was ruined by the Demon-crats in my honest opinion.

Now the backing out of society for far two long (creating smaller yet new societies within the bigger society), was the wrong thing to do over time. It's like pushing people into a corner until those people have had enough. Next the people come out swinging.

This is what has happened under Trump. The people were being pushed to far for too long, and they elected Trump to come out swinging for them. Respect for this countries institution's, education, economy, and culture must be revived (MAGA), before positive huge long term investments return again. We must demand respect in anything we do, and we must give respect where it is warranted or merited. No other way to go about it.

You mean the white racist people.
And so once again here we have the real racist speaking (IM2)... Could you drop your racism for a day maybe ????? Never happen eh ???

You are the racist. When you drop your racism, I'll drop my opposition to it.

Dude, you are one of the biggest racists here and you prove it on a nearly daily basis. Do you REALLY believe that you have posted ANYTHING here that gives anyone a pause for thought? You carry this huge chip on your shoulder and use this forum to vent your anger. It seems to me that the only way one can prove themselves to not be "racist" is to agree with your fool-fueled rants and promise to vote "demcrat". I am anything but a racist but I wouldn't vote for a DNC sponsored commie even with a gun pointed at my head. Etch that in stone and commit it to memory.
So you vote for the party that denies the system is rigged for blacks but trump got you dopes to show up and vote because he told you the system is rigged and unfair towards whites.

The truth is the republicans don’t care what color you are. If you are poor or middle class you are an expense not an asset

Sealydouche SEZ??? "Dale, what are you doin'? You should be votin' leftard like I do if you want to be
virtuous! "

Sorry, Sealydouche,but I would slit the throat of a leftard before I would ever support one. Just the thought of being a leftard makes me want to throw up in my mouth. Those of your ilk absolutely sicken me.
Kids today are generally better about the racial nonsense than previous generations.

Maybe they are the ones to answer the OP.

They will be in the same boat as the last 3 or 4 generations.

Raised indoctrinated in not being racist and then when they get to the age of having political interests, being viciously attacked as racist if they dare want their political interests represented in policy.

Unless they are not white. THE not white kids will be told to consider any attempt by their white friends to have their interests represented to be racism, and to turn on their friends.

And the discussion then will be how can we increase indoctrination of our young to avoid such horrible "racism"?

Enough with the boo-hoo it’s so hard to be a white man in America nonsense. Stop your bitching and go out in the world and do something good...while the kids Move ahead.
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You poor and middle class fans of Reagan didn't realize that he is the reason the middle class is struggling today. Him and that party he belongs to.

They've been cutting down on the New Deal for decades. They've been driving our highest paid jobs overseas for decades. They even sold you on the idea. They demonized the unions. Sure the unions are corrupt but so are the corporations they work for. But you sided with the corporations not the workers.

Here is how stupid you American's are. Instead of looking at how good union workers had it and saying, "hey I want that too", instead you saw how good they had it and said "if I don't have it that good, neither should they"

So guess the fuck what? None of you have it that good anymore.

I told people for years I would probably do better in an every man for himself society. Well turns out I was right. I make around $90K and everyone else in my office makes between $40K and $80K. And very few make $80K. So my office is the perfect example of America. Very few blacks get hired here. The guys making the least couldn't possibly raise a family on their wages, or save what they need to be saving for retirement. No pensions are coming. The people who make more than $50K have kids and a spouse working and still they are barely making ends meet.

And then you went and gave the corporations tax breaks so they don't pay taxes anymore. This is going to shift the tax burden more onto us. So just like Reagan, some of you love Trump, because you don't know the harm his policies are going to cause down the road. Instead you are putting all your hopes into the idea that hes' going to lower immigration until wages come back up. Up to what? Even though wages are up, most of you are still struggling. And with cuts to social security that are sure to come, you're going to be doing even worse in the future.

Congrats you American idiots. You got conned by Bush and now Trump. You don't like Hillary? Good! Die fucking broke.
This has got to take the prize for the rant of the year award. :eusa_clap:.. LOL. So many variables in what you attempt to sum up as your understanding of current events, past events, and political life in the last 30 years, and yet the merit system again gets totally lost along the way. It's not a zero sum game, and there is always room to improve things, but the American voter has got to be honest, involved, and educated enough to understand the issues facing them always. People are finally awake after Trump has awoken them, and that scares the crap out of alot of the establishment types, and it really worries the corrupt establishment types.
You’re being conned dude.

To me it all comes down to this. Are you saving enough to retire at 67? Most Americans are not. Our parents did. Our grandparents did. But are we? No we are not. The FACT is most Americans are suddenly doing worse than their parents did. Now I know you’ll want to blame American workers but the fact is the middle class is shrinking and struggling. Again, a fact. And trump hasn’t changed that. In fact his policies have further widened the gap between the rich and poor. Another thing you deny is a problem.

All the reasons the middle class has gotten poorer and the rich got richer are because of republican policies. Tax breaks to the rich and corporations, jobs Americans won’t do, buying from China and Walmart, anti union, out of control ceo pay. You deny class warfare exists while the middle class is losing.

Yes, I think I sum it all up pretty good.

And I’m not crying for me. I don’t think republicans help me but I am not nearly as poor as the rest of you. 48, no kids, $100k income, home on a lake paid off, saving a lot in 401k, no debt. I’ll be ok when republicans cut our social security and Medicaid, idiots.
All caused by the Demon-crats... The republicans/conservatives/Christian's just began disconnecting from main stream society over time, and next came the huge flight from any governance or governing by the Demon-crats over the years.

Demon-crats caused the republicans/conservatives/Christian's to circle the wagons, and to stand off from engaging further in their Anti-republican/conservative/Christian climate that was being created by those Demon-crats.

For a uniting to take place in society, there has to be a theme that is compatible for all to unite under. That theme was ruined by the Demon-crats in my honest opinion.

Now the backing out of society for far two long (creating smaller yet new societies within the bigger society), was the wrong thing to do over time. It's like pushing people into a corner until those people have had enough. Next the people come out swinging.

This is what has happened under Trump. The people were being pushed to far for too long, and they elected Trump to come out swinging for them. Respect for this countries institution's, education, economy, and culture must be revived (MAGA), before positive huge long term investments return again. We must demand respect in anything we do, and we must give respect where it is warranted or merited. No other way to go about it.
Let’s see if trump delivers for blue collar. Ultimately they are still struggling and not saving enough. Maga? Not yet
/——-/ And what was Hildabeast’s plan to help the blue collar? 99 weeks of unemployment? Guaranteed income for sitting at home? Would she have written an EO forcing people to save money? What if people had no money to save?

If you are saving enough to retire, then by all means vote Republican. I won't even though I'm saving enough. But if you are a greedy evil prick who doesn't care about the middle class then go for it. If you are not saving enough then you should have voted for Hildabest, because Democrats are the only party that cares about the poor and middle class.

I'll tell you what she wouldn't have done. She wouldn't have tried to do away with pre existing conditions.

And you guys said the same thing about Obama. You said he let down the blacks. That's nonsense. Every poor black person got Obamacare for their kids.

Every policy the GOP has put forward since Reagan has made the middle class poorer and has made the rich richer. They have shifted the tax burden more onto us.

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

Their corporations are the ones hiring illegals

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

They promoted buying cheap from China and Walmart

They drove our highest paying jobs overseas. UNIONS.

No coincidence that the middle class has been falling apart ever since guys like Reagan and Jack Welch waged war on labor.

They broke the social contract companies had with workers. It was great for GE but not good for the middle class. And now GE doesn't even pay taxes.

You're an idiot.
You mean the white racist people.
And so once again here we have the real racist speaking (IM2)... Could you drop your racism for a day maybe ????? Never happen eh ???

You are the racist. When you drop your racism, I'll drop my opposition to it.

Dude, you are one of the biggest racists here and you prove it on a nearly daily basis. Do you REALLY believe that you have posted ANYTHING here that gives anyone a pause for thought? You carry this huge chip on your shoulder and use this forum to vent your anger. It seems to me that the only way one can prove themselves to not be "racist" is to agree with your fool-fueled rants and promise to vote "demcrat". I am anything but a racist but I wouldn't vote for a DNC sponsored commie even with a gun pointed at my head. Etch that in stone and commit it to memory.
So you vote for the party that denies the system is rigged for blacks but trump got you dopes to show up and vote because he told you the system is rigged and unfair towards whites.

The truth is the republicans don’t care what color you are. If you are poor or middle class you are an expense not an asset

Sealydouche SEZ??? "Dale, what are you doin'? You should be votin' leftard like I do if you want to be
virtuous! "

Sorry, Sealydouche,but I would slit the throat of a leftard before I would ever support one. Just the thought of being a leftard makes me want to throw up in my mouth. Those of your ilk absolutely sicken me.

I feel the same way about cons. Even though I'm rich enough to vote con I could never.

Just like you aren't rich enough to vote Con but you do because of social wedge issues like god, gays, guns and racism.

You actually sabotage your own financial best interests because of your ignorance. Sad.
Apparently some people think the best way to stop racism is by gassing on about socialist nonsense and democrat fantasies of class warfare.

How many of these big mouths ever have or ever will actually DO anything to make things better?
You mean the white racist people.
And so once again here we have the real racist speaking (IM2)... Could you drop your racism for a day maybe ????? Never happen eh ???

You are the racist. When you drop your racism, I'll drop my opposition to it.

Dude, you are one of the biggest racists here and you prove it on a nearly daily basis. Do you REALLY believe that you have posted ANYTHING here that gives anyone a pause for thought? You carry this huge chip on your shoulder and use this forum to vent your anger. It seems to me that the only way one can prove themselves to not be "racist" is to agree with your fool-fueled rants and promise to vote "demcrat". I am anything but a racist but I wouldn't vote for a DNC sponsored commie even with a gun pointed at my head. Etch that in stone and commit it to memory.
So you vote for the party that denies the system is rigged for blacks but trump got you dopes to show up and vote because he told you the system is rigged and unfair towards whites.

The truth is the republicans don’t care what color you are. If you are poor or middle class you are an expense not an asset

You really are one stupid motherfucker, sealydouche. You wander through life as a clueless dope.

I'm a pretty successful clueless dope.

I forgive rich people for being arrogant/ignorant assholes because it's in their financial best interests but I can't stand stupid poor people who vote Republican.

I get why Ben Carson votes GOP. But you? I don't get it. Broke ass.
Apparently some people think the best way to stop racism is by gassing on about socialist nonsense and democrat fantasies of class warfare.

How many of these big mouths ever have or ever will actually DO anything to make things better?

I vote for the part that wants to shrink income inequality. You vote for the GOP which is the party that makes the middle class and poor poorer so they can make the rich richer.

They want to do away with your pension and union unkotare. That would lower their taxes (make them richer) and make you poorer, you stupid fuck. Geez
You mean the white racist people.
And so once again here we have the real racist speaking (IM2)... Could you drop your racism for a day maybe ????? Never happen eh ???

You are the racist. When you drop your racism, I'll drop my opposition to it.

Dude, you are one of the biggest racists here and you prove it on a nearly daily basis. Do you REALLY believe that you have posted ANYTHING here that gives anyone a pause for thought? You carry this huge chip on your shoulder and use this forum to vent your anger. It seems to me that the only way one can prove themselves to not be "racist" is to agree with your fool-fueled rants and promise to vote "demcrat". I am anything but a racist but I wouldn't vote for a DNC sponsored commie even with a gun pointed at my head. Etch that in stone and commit it to memory.
So you vote for the party that denies the system is rigged for blacks but trump got you dopes to show up and vote because he told you the system is rigged and unfair towards whites.

The truth is the republicans don’t care what color you are. If you are poor or middle class you are an expense not an asset

The republicans are the lesser evil when it comes to the racial bias in the system against whites.

Sometimes republicans judges do rule against the more blatant discrimination that dem appointed judges are fine with. For one big example.

I'm going to change the subject for a second. The other day a Republican here said that crime wouldn't be so bad if us liberals weren't releasing violent criminals back on the streets. Well I saw a story this morning that confirmed what they are saying.

Why would this (black) judge let these violent criminals back on the streets?

Violent criminals are committing crimes in Detroit, only to be released back out onto the streets.

Police says its happening far too often, considering there are more than 10,000 felony cases a year in Wayne County.

Surveillance video in one instance, shows someone filling up at a Detroit gas station, and being robbed at gunpoint. Police say less than 48 hours later, the gunman was released back on the streets.

"When you look at some of the bails, for some felons in possession. I'll just put it this way. It's horrifying. Ex-con, he's a habitual offender. Got a gun. Gets out of jail for $200" says police chief James Craig.

Craig tells us the end result is, "There's no incentive for that person not to commit a crime."

Craig describes the problem as alarming, and says it also puts officers lives at risk having to catch the same violent criminals over and over.

Craig says, "But, let's talk about the courts. The low bails.Youlook at 36th District, it's amazing the ridiculously low bails and, yes, it has an affect on us continuing to drive crime down. Oakland and Macomb counties seem to get it right. I mean, that's our neighbors."

In December, records show Judge Dalton Roberson Sr. released a suspected armed robber on $1,000 personal bond despite prior gun offenses.

In another case, on May 14th, 2016, a felon caught carrying a gun got out for $2,000. After his release, he allegedly set fire to his girlfriend's house.

Not to mention, countless other habitual offenders getting out and threatening victim's family members and intimidating witnesses.

Craig says, "If you don't want it here, you have to set the appropriate tone. How about the rights of our victims, and people who live, work and play in this city?"

We also reached out to the Prosecutor's office for comment. So far, they've declined to talk about the issue.

Why would this judge do this in Wayne County (Detroit) but not in the neighboring (white) counties?

This is a bigger problem for Detroiters than racism. This has to stop!!!

We should ask the judge why he does this

Presiding criminal judge Timothy Kenny oversees cases mentioned by Craig, in Wayne County's 3rd Circuit Court. He supervises 24 judges, plus 9 visiting judges or magistrates on the bench for weekend arraignments at a rented facility in Romulus.
This has got to take the prize for the rant of the year award. :eusa_clap:.. LOL. So many variables in what you attempt to sum up as your understanding of current events, past events, and political life in the last 30 years, and yet the merit system again gets totally lost along the way. It's not a zero sum game, and there is always room to improve things, but the American voter has got to be honest, involved, and educated enough to understand the issues facing them always. People are finally awake after Trump has awoken them, and that scares the crap out of alot of the establishment types, and it really worries the corrupt establishment types.
You’re being conned dude.

To me it all comes down to this. Are you saving enough to retire at 67? Most Americans are not. Our parents did. Our grandparents did. But are we? No we are not. The FACT is most Americans are suddenly doing worse than their parents did. Now I know you’ll want to blame American workers but the fact is the middle class is shrinking and struggling. Again, a fact. And trump hasn’t changed that. In fact his policies have further widened the gap between the rich and poor. Another thing you deny is a problem.

All the reasons the middle class has gotten poorer and the rich got richer are because of republican policies. Tax breaks to the rich and corporations, jobs Americans won’t do, buying from China and Walmart, anti union, out of control ceo pay. You deny class warfare exists while the middle class is losing.

Yes, I think I sum it all up pretty good.

And I’m not crying for me. I don’t think republicans help me but I am not nearly as poor as the rest of you. 48, no kids, $100k income, home on a lake paid off, saving a lot in 401k, no debt. I’ll be ok when republicans cut our social security and Medicaid, idiots.
All caused by the Demon-crats... The republicans/conservatives/Christian's just began disconnecting from main stream society over time, and next came the huge flight from any governance or governing by the Demon-crats over the years.

Demon-crats caused the republicans/conservatives/Christian's to circle the wagons, and to stand off from engaging further in their Anti-republican/conservative/Christian climate that was being created by those Demon-crats.

For a uniting to take place in society, there has to be a theme that is compatible for all to unite under. That theme was ruined by the Demon-crats in my honest opinion.

Now the backing out of society for far two long (creating smaller yet new societies within the bigger society), was the wrong thing to do over time. It's like pushing people into a corner until those people have had enough. Next the people come out swinging.

This is what has happened under Trump. The people were being pushed to far for too long, and they elected Trump to come out swinging for them. Respect for this countries institution's, education, economy, and culture must be revived (MAGA), before positive huge long term investments return again. We must demand respect in anything we do, and we must give respect where it is warranted or merited. No other way to go about it.
Let’s see if trump delivers for blue collar. Ultimately they are still struggling and not saving enough. Maga? Not yet
/——-/ And what was Hildabeast’s plan to help the blue collar? 99 weeks of unemployment? Guaranteed income for sitting at home? Would she have written an EO forcing people to save money? What if people had no money to save?

If you are saving enough to retire, then by all means vote Republican. I won't even though I'm saving enough. But if you are a greedy evil prick who doesn't care about the middle class then go for it. If you are not saving enough then you should have voted for Hildabest, because Democrats are the only party that cares about the poor and middle class.

I'll tell you what she wouldn't have done. She wouldn't have tried to do away with pre existing conditions.

And you guys said the same thing about Obama. You said he let down the blacks. That's nonsense. Every poor black person got Obamacare for their kids.

Every policy the GOP has put forward since Reagan has made the middle class poorer and has made the rich richer. They have shifted the tax burden more onto us.

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

Their corporations are the ones hiring illegals

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"

They promoted buying cheap from China and Walmart

They drove our highest paying jobs overseas. UNIONS.

No coincidence that the middle class has been falling apart ever since guys like Reagan and Jack Welch waged war on labor.

They broke the social contract companies had with workers. It was great for GE but not good for the middle class. And now GE doesn't even pay taxes.

You're an idiot.
/——/ “Democrats are the only party that cares about the poor and middle class.”
Yeah, 60 years of the Great Society and the transfer of ten trillion in wealth from the producers to the non producers and we have as many poor as ever. That’s because you Progs need a permanent underclass that depends on Government assistances. Inner city schools are broken, democRAT controlled inner cities are a disaster but WOWZA you democRATs CARE about the poor.
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Apparently some people think the best way to stop racism is by gassing on about socialist nonsense and democrat fantasies of class warfare.

How many of these big mouths ever have or ever will actually DO anything to make things better?

I vote for the part that wants to shrink income inequality. You vote for the GOP which is the party that makes the middle class and poor poorer so they can make the rich richer.

They want to do away with your pension and union unkotare. That would lower their taxes (make them richer) and make you poorer, you stupid fuck. Geez
/——/ So take half of your income and give it to a poor person who has no job. Instant income equality. Problem solved.
Your average democrat will never part from a penny that didn’t come out of someone else’s pocket, and has never broken a sweat on behalf of the ‘ideas’ they like to congratulate each other about at cocktail parties.
And so once again here we have the real racist speaking (IM2)... Could you drop your racism for a day maybe ????? Never happen eh ???

You are the racist. When you drop your racism, I'll drop my opposition to it.

Dude, you are one of the biggest racists here and you prove it on a nearly daily basis. Do you REALLY believe that you have posted ANYTHING here that gives anyone a pause for thought? You carry this huge chip on your shoulder and use this forum to vent your anger. It seems to me that the only way one can prove themselves to not be "racist" is to agree with your fool-fueled rants and promise to vote "demcrat". I am anything but a racist but I wouldn't vote for a DNC sponsored commie even with a gun pointed at my head. Etch that in stone and commit it to memory.
So you vote for the party that denies the system is rigged for blacks but trump got you dopes to show up and vote because he told you the system is rigged and unfair towards whites.

The truth is the republicans don’t care what color you are. If you are poor or middle class you are an expense not an asset

Sealydouche SEZ??? "Dale, what are you doin'? You should be votin' leftard like I do if you want to be
virtuous! "

Sorry, Sealydouche,but I would slit the throat of a leftard before I would ever support one. Just the thought of being a leftard makes me want to throw up in my mouth. Those of your ilk absolutely sicken me.

I feel the same way about cons. Even though I'm rich enough to vote con I could never.

Just like you aren't rich enough to vote Con but you do because of social wedge issues like god, gays, guns and racism.

You actually sabotage your own financial best interests because of your ignorance. Sad.
/——-/ “Even though I'm rich enough to vote con I could never.”
What a stupid Strawman argument. A wealth test to vote Conservative- you jackass.
Even the little internet clownfish who swim in such a tiny bird feeder that the think they are sharks would never give up a penny of their own money without a crowbar, and the closest they ever get to the people they pretend to care about is putting up their windows as fast as they can when they turn their Prius down the ‘wrong’ road.

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