What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?

Kids today are generally better about the racial nonsense than previous generations.

Maybe they are the ones to answer the OP.

They will be in the same boat as the last 3 or 4 generations.

Raised indoctrinated in not being racist and then when they get to the age of having political interests, being viciously attacked as racist if they dare want their political interests represented in policy.

Unless they are not white. THE not white kids will be told to consider any attempt by their white friends to have their interests represented to be racism, and to turn on their friends.

And the discussion then will be how can we increase indoctrination of our young to avoid such horrible "racism"?

Enough with the boo-hoo it’s so hard to be a white man in America nonsense. Stop your bitching and go out in the world and do something good...while the kids Move ahead.

He has a point Correll. Black people are certainly not holding me back but then again I have a college degree and a skill that employers will pay more to have.

If you don't have a marketable skill then you should expect to be just like everyone else in America. Unable to save for retirement. Unable to come up with $400 in an emergency. Working 2 jobs.

This reminds me of the security guards in Detroit who patrol billionaire Dan Gilbert's properties. They want him to pay them $15 hr. Of course Dan Gilbert doesn't want to pay $15 hr.

Well same goes for your job Correll. Republicans don't want to pay more they are looking for ways to pay less. Maybe you and the black Detroit security guards should get together and start a union like the one unkotare belongs to.
Kids today are generally better about the racial nonsense than previous generations.

Maybe they are the ones to answer the OP.

They will be in the same boat as the last 3 or 4 generations.

Raised indoctrinated in not being racist and then when they get to the age of having political interests, being viciously attacked as racist if they dare want their political interests represented in policy.

Unless they are not white. THE not white kids will be told to consider any attempt by their white friends to have their interests represented to be racism, and to turn on their friends.

And the discussion then will be how can we increase indoctrination of our young to avoid such horrible "racism"?

Enough with the boo-hoo it’s so hard to be a white man in America nonsense. Stop your bitching and go out in the world and do something good...while the kids Move ahead.

He has a point Correll. Black people are certainly not holding me back but then again I have a college degree and a skill that employers will pay more to have.

If you don't have a marketable skill then you should expect to be just like everyone else in America. Unable to save for retirement. Unable to come up with $400 in an emergency. Working 2 jobs.

This reminds me of the security guards in Detroit who patrol billionaire Dan Gilbert's properties. They want him to pay them $15 hr. Of course Dan Gilbert doesn't want to pay $15 hr.

Well same goes for your job Correll. Republicans don't want to pay more they are looking for ways to pay less. Maybe you and the black Detroit security guards should get together and start a union like the one unkotare belongs to.

He made a post, making the fairly standard point that the way to fight racism, is to teach the next generation to not be racist.

I made the counterpoint, that that would NOT work, because the mechanism of racism and division today is more of people like him, smearing good people as "racist" for doing something, like, using the word "ghetto" properly in a sentence, and thus dividing US and fostering hate.

His response was to ignore what I actually said, and address a strawman, that I did NOT make in my post.

My point stands. We cannot fight racism, if we are going to allow false accusations of racism to flourish.

I am happy to discuss wages and various strategies for that policy issue, but not as a way to change the subject to avoid the thread topic.
What I said is that the next generation is already better, and leaving mindless racists in the past where they belong.
Best way to stop racism is to teach black people proper English.
I'm going to change the subject for a second. The other day a Republican here said that crime wouldn't be so bad if us liberals weren't releasing violent criminals back on the streets. Well I saw a story this morning that confirmed what they are saying.

Why would this (black) judge let these violent criminals back on the streets?

Violent criminals are committing crimes in Detroit, only to be released back out onto the streets.

Police says its happening far too often, considering there are more than 10,000 felony cases a year in Wayne County.

Surveillance video in one instance, shows someone filling up at a Detroit gas station, and being robbed at gunpoint. Police say less than 48 hours later, the gunman was released back on the streets.

"When you look at some of the bails, for some felons in possession. I'll just put it this way. It's horrifying. Ex-con, he's a habitual offender. Got a gun. Gets out of jail for $200" says police chief James Craig.

Craig tells us the end result is, "There's no incentive for that person not to commit a crime."

Craig describes the problem as alarming, and says it also puts officers lives at risk having to catch the same violent criminals over and over.

Craig says, "But, let's talk about the courts. The low bails.Youlook at 36th District, it's amazing the ridiculously low bails and, yes, it has an affect on us continuing to drive crime down. Oakland and Macomb counties seem to get it right. I mean, that's our neighbors."

In December, records show Judge Dalton Roberson Sr. released a suspected armed robber on $1,000 personal bond despite prior gun offenses.

In another case, on May 14th, 2016, a felon caught carrying a gun got out for $2,000. After his release, he allegedly set fire to his girlfriend's house.

Not to mention, countless other habitual offenders getting out and threatening victim's family members and intimidating witnesses.

Craig says, "If you don't want it here, you have to set the appropriate tone. How about the rights of our victims, and people who live, work and play in this city?"

We also reached out to the Prosecutor's office for comment. So far, they've declined to talk about the issue.

Why would this judge do this in Wayne County (Detroit) but not in the neighboring (white) counties?

This is a bigger problem for Detroiters than racism. This has to stop!!!

We should ask the judge why he does this

Presiding criminal judge Timothy Kenny oversees cases mentioned by Craig, in Wayne County's 3rd Circuit Court. He supervises 24 judges, plus 9 visiting judges or magistrates on the bench for weekend arraignments at a rented facility in Romulus.

I agree that that question should be asked.

But, you say that this problem is "bigger than racism"?

Here is a question for you. Why do the voters in the country keep electing people who are doing such a horrific job?

That's a great question. Why do poor whites in rural America keep voting for Republican? They did a survey and even though they are broke, they're also happy.

Wouldn't mind seeing the link for that study.

But you raised the very terrible policies that dem judges are inflicting on Detroit. IN a sane world, such terrible policies and results would lead to lost elections and new people and new policies.

This isn't the one but

The study finds that those living in counties outside metropolitan areas tend to report higher levels of happiness than those living in central cities, by about .05 points on a scale from 1 to 4.

At one end of the scale, the study finds that the three unhappiest counties are all urban. Coming in at number one is St. Louis, with a density of 5,700 people per square mile—about 19 times the density of the happiest county and five times the density of two of the three happiest counties. The Bronx and Brooklyn (Kings County), New York, take the next two spots, each with a density of over 30,000 people per square mile.

At the other end, the three happiest counties (which scored above a 3.5 on the happiness scale) are mostly rural or a mix of suburban and rural, according to the study. These counties include Douglas County, Colorado, outside Denver, which has a density of 300 people per square mile; Shelby County, Tennessee, outside Memphis, which has a density of 1,200 people per square mile; and Johnson County, Kansas, outside Kansas City, which has a density of 1,110 people per square mile. Note that each of these places is located near a large city, which may allow residents to benefit occasionally from urban resources and amenities while still living in a much lower-density area.

Indeed, the study finds that denser counties tend to have less happy residents, even when controlling for factors like greater crime and poverty. While these variables do weaken the relationship between density and unhappiness, the effect remains negative and significant. This leads the authors to conclude that size and density—what they call “the defining features of cities”—are associated with greater unhappiness. Even if cities were to reduce their levels of crime, poverty, or unemployment, urban residents would still be less happy than those living elsewhere. In this way, the study notes, “cities act like a magnifying glass, bringing out the best and the worst in us.”

In his second study, published in the journal Cities, Okulicz-Kozaryn explores this subject further by determining the tipping point at which a city’s size becomes too big and its residents become unhappy. In this case, the study defines happiness in terms of “subjective wellbeing,” a common definition of happiness, which includes both life satisfaction and one’s mood. Using data from the 1972-2012 U.S. General Social Survey, the study again finds that larger cities are far less happy than smaller ones. As the figure below shows, happiness gradually increases as population size declines. The one notable exception is a sharp decline in happiness in communities of around 5,000-8,000 people.

In the U.S., the Biggest Cities Are the Least Happy - CityLab
it could be a simple infrastructure problem. better public transportation and infrastructure could help with those issues.
And who pays for these ad nauseum idea's that have no true long term oversight or micro-management involved ??? Oh I know, the working class dummy taxpayers right ??? Higher taxes, higher taxes, higher taxes from the Demon-crat platform eh ???

How about showing proper management of the budgets and ideas we already have in play, instead of this hyperbolic bullcrap that requires more, more, more without the proper oversight to manage it all properly ????
What I said is that the next generation is already better, and leaving mindless racists in the past where they belong.
Good luck with your fantasies.

What fantasies?
Trying to leave mindless racist behind ????? It (racism), is embedded in people's character's, and in all of their mindsets in some form or another, yet it all depends on their negative life experiences in dealing with the different races or their positive experiences concerning individuals for whom have different cultures, lifestyles, beliefs, standards, morals, hobbies, religious beliefs, standards, and so on and so forth.

If a character is bad, then one might find many methods or ideas on how not to contribute to that bad, and how not to help empower it. This goes for all races.
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

The best way to stop racism is to stop focusing on race and treat people equally under the law. You know, how things were going before Obama.
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

The best way to stop racism is to stop focusing on race and treat people equally under the law. You know, how things were going before Obama.

Obama was just a cog in the wheel, but where we are at today has taken years upon years to be established, and it always seems to go in cycles. We'll have unity and peace until some loud mouth jack leg comes along to show people just how bad they can really be, and this in regards to these things. However, such a person has to have a platform given him or her to keep the crap storms brewing or going.
The best way to stop racism is to stop focusing on race and treat people equally under the law. You know, how things were going before Obama.
So, pilgrim, what did Obama do to topple your apple-cart in Utopia?
That's a great question. Why do poor whites in rural America keep voting for Republican? They did a survey and even though they are broke, they're also happy.

Why don't people realize that Republicans suck? I think they realize this but they've been convinced that the Democrats are no better and that voting doesn't matter. They don't realize the GOP is the party of income inequality. So how do they con you into voting for them? You tell me. I think it's god gays guns and racism.

Plus, it's not so much voters who are stupid. People who vote Republican tend to be more successful people. They show up and vote every 2 years for the status quo because they like the way things are. So to them the politicians aren't doing such a horrible job.

And it's not that the poor are electing people who are doing a horrible job. They have been convinced by your side that voting doesn't matter. So usually the only time your side wins is when there is low voter turnout. Trump being the exception. He got a lot of blue collar to show up for him.

Just remember this. America is not even close to being great again for blue collar or the middle class. Things aren't even close to being as good as they were when America was great. Not for the masses. They aren't even saving enough for retirement. This generation is expected to do worse than their parents.

The poor fucked up by voting for Reagan and then Bush 1. Then they fucked up by not voting for Gore or Kerry. Then they fucked up again by voting for Trump.

The masses have a very short memory. How could after 8 great years of Clinton could America go back to a Bush after his dad was made into a 1 term president? Did they really forget in 8 years how bad his father was?
What I said is that the next generation is already better, and leaving mindless racists in the past where they belong.

The last generation was already better. So was the one before that. We have had a national consensus AGAINST white racism since the late 60s.

It doesn't matter, because people are wiling to keep the flame of "racism" alive based on lies about people.
I agree that that question should be asked.

But, you say that this problem is "bigger than racism"?

Here is a question for you. Why do the voters in the country keep electing people who are doing such a horrific job?

That's a great question. Why do poor whites in rural America keep voting for Republican? They did a survey and even though they are broke, they're also happy.

Wouldn't mind seeing the link for that study.

But you raised the very terrible policies that dem judges are inflicting on Detroit. IN a sane world, such terrible policies and results would lead to lost elections and new people and new policies.

This isn't the one but

The study finds that those living in counties outside metropolitan areas tend to report higher levels of happiness than those living in central cities, by about .05 points on a scale from 1 to 4.

At one end of the scale, the study finds that the three unhappiest counties are all urban. Coming in at number one is St. Louis, with a density of 5,700 people per square mile—about 19 times the density of the happiest county and five times the density of two of the three happiest counties. The Bronx and Brooklyn (Kings County), New York, take the next two spots, each with a density of over 30,000 people per square mile.

At the other end, the three happiest counties (which scored above a 3.5 on the happiness scale) are mostly rural or a mix of suburban and rural, according to the study. These counties include Douglas County, Colorado, outside Denver, which has a density of 300 people per square mile; Shelby County, Tennessee, outside Memphis, which has a density of 1,200 people per square mile; and Johnson County, Kansas, outside Kansas City, which has a density of 1,110 people per square mile. Note that each of these places is located near a large city, which may allow residents to benefit occasionally from urban resources and amenities while still living in a much lower-density area.

Indeed, the study finds that denser counties tend to have less happy residents, even when controlling for factors like greater crime and poverty. While these variables do weaken the relationship between density and unhappiness, the effect remains negative and significant. This leads the authors to conclude that size and density—what they call “the defining features of cities”—are associated with greater unhappiness. Even if cities were to reduce their levels of crime, poverty, or unemployment, urban residents would still be less happy than those living elsewhere. In this way, the study notes, “cities act like a magnifying glass, bringing out the best and the worst in us.”

In his second study, published in the journal Cities, Okulicz-Kozaryn explores this subject further by determining the tipping point at which a city’s size becomes too big and its residents become unhappy. In this case, the study defines happiness in terms of “subjective wellbeing,” a common definition of happiness, which includes both life satisfaction and one’s mood. Using data from the 1972-2012 U.S. General Social Survey, the study again finds that larger cities are far less happy than smaller ones. As the figure below shows, happiness gradually increases as population size declines. The one notable exception is a sharp decline in happiness in communities of around 5,000-8,000 people.

In the U.S., the Biggest Cities Are the Least Happy - CityLab
it could be a simple infrastructure problem. better public transportation and infrastructure could help with those issues.
And who pays for these ad nauseum idea's that have no true long term oversight or micro-management involved ??? Oh I know, the working class dummy taxpayers right ??? Higher taxes, higher taxes, higher taxes from the Demon-crat platform eh ???

How about showing proper management of the budgets and ideas we already have in play, instead of this hyperbolic bullcrap that requires more, more, more without the proper oversight to manage it all properly ????
I won’t argue about cutting down on the waste abuse and fraud happening in government. Government contracts to defense contractors just for the sake of keeping those weapons manufacturers employees employed.

I’d much rather cut that spending and make that defense company make things we the people want not the military industrial complex
What I said is that the next generation is already better, and leaving mindless racists in the past where they belong.

The last generation was already better. So was the one before that. We have had a national consensus AGAINST white racism since the late 60s.

It doesn't matter, because people are wiling to keep the flame of "racism" alive based on lies about people.
What you are starting to realize is that to white rich people, you’re a nigga too.
What I said is that the next generation is already better, and leaving mindless racists in the past where they belong.

The last generation was already better. So was the one before that. ......e.

No, kids today are better.
Yea but look what they have to deal with. When I went to school it was $5k a year tuition. I could afford to pay at least half of it just working part time and summers. So worst case is I graduated with $10k student loan debt

Today it’s $80k debt give or take. That’s a big deal. That makes it a lot harder for the good blackies you teach to go to college. But you don’t care cause you got yours.

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