What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?

More like a lack of any real experience in knowing different kinds of people. Ignorance is an effective incubator for fear.
Nothing wrong with different kinds of people. It's when those people group together to do evil is when we have a problem. The character of an individual as well as the character of an entire group means everything when assessment is taken of the individual or group being dealt with in life. A problem occurs, and is also tragic when an individual or group doesn't realize that their character has become bad, and their forward movement in life creates chaos and mayhem for everyone that comes in contact with such individuals or group's.

Yep and that's why we blacks are talking about continuing white racism .
Be fair, and don't discard continuing black racism either. And yes it does exist, maybe even more so today than ever before.

Realizing power can be an awesome yet corrupting thing, so will blacks handle their rise to power well or will they be consumed by it to repeat or to recreate themselves the very things they fight against or claim that they rebuke ???? Are we seeing a preview yet ?? Hmmm.
Blacks here talk about what blacks need to do to solve the problem. Most agree they need more black owned businesses.

I just want to see them do it in Detroit. Detroit is doing better now but that’s because half the citizens left and five rich white guys bought up and fixed up down town. How come we don’t see these black communities or neighborhoods surrounding downtown popping up with new businesses?

Right now th3 blacks in Detroit are not sharing in th3 economic boom. Security guards are complaining they want $15 hr. The economy is not booming for detroiters like it is for metro detroiters.

How come blacks aren’t solving this problem themselves? Please don’t tell me you believe whitey is purposely keeping them down.
Go ask IM2.
Well it is obvious that rich white men have purchased all the best real estate downtown Detroit. It is amazing. You wouldn’t believe how beautiful it is now.

But don’t turn down the wrong block. It gets ugly fast. So why don’t black people start businesses on the edges of downtown Detroit? Clean up the neighborhoods, start working with the cops, black businesses start up. I could see the first black owned grocery store like a Meijer or Kroger or even a black Walmart. These white national chain grocery stores won’t go into Detroit. Security dangerous and shoplifting costs being the reasons given.

So it’s even obvious to rich black people that even though there’s plenty of money in the hood and this is a slam dunk untapped market, they don’t want to start businesses is poor black communities. They don’t want to deal with the citizens in these neighborhoods.

Let’s be real.

YOu "know" that we are "racist" because......

Because of your own words and attitudes. Instead of whining about it, change your words and attitudes. Or don't, but stop being such a little bitch about it if you choose to be a racist.
Care to put any specific statements up that show anyone a racist here ?? Easy to accuse but where is your proof ?
He doesn’t know the meaning of the word.

What he means is bigot but even then to call someone a bigot without explaining why the bigot is wrong is not helping.

I may be a bigot but I sincerely want to solve this problem.

YOu "know" that we are "racist" because......

Because of your own words and attitudes. Instead of whining about it, change your words and attitudes. Or don't, but stop being such a little bitch about it if you choose to be a racist.
Care to put any specific statements up that show anyone a racist here ?? Easy to accuse but where is your proof ?

Read the thread. I've quoted these jackasses many times. Bobobrainless, im2, correll, all racist weaklings; all part of the problem.
Did you ever say what you thought was the best way to stop racism?
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

Can I be honest? It’s not going to sound nice but here goes.

To stop racism towards blacks, poor black ghettos are going to have to stop being the shitholes they are.

Imagine what the Jews would do with the ghettos if we put them in it. Do that.

In metro Detroit we put the Arabs in Dearborn. They are the buffer between blacks and whites. They’re doing better than the blacks. Do what they do. Instead Arabs are the ones who own the businesses in those black communities.

Blacks in metro Detroit don’t experience the racism nearly as much as ghetto blacks. Do what they do.

I’m sure indians from India and Mexicans experience some racism too. That doesn’t stop them from being happy here in metro Detroit.

What I’m saying is there has always been this us vs them here in metro Detroit. Blacks in Detroit need to copy whatever it is us metro detroiters are doing.

I know of all the unfairness I won’t disagree. Still black people in these poor high crime neighborhoods need to change their behavior

Do you know how many more words a white mother teaches her child before kindergarten? I know we can also afford preschool where hood mothers can not. I know that’s unfair too but the point is this fact matters. Blacks need to take som advice and see some of their problems they are going to need to fix themselves regardless of how unfair
I think it all comes down to empathy, which is really the core of all morality. People can be educated/indoctrinated to reject racism, but if they lack the ability (or the will) to see the world from someone else's perspective, they will always be easy marks for the racists. Same goes for most hate-mongering really.

White society in general shows a greater capacity for empathy than any others. It's one of our strengths and one of our greatest weaknesses.


This is your first post in this thread.

You shouldn’t be allowed to chime in without first telling us what you think the best way to stop racism is.

Do you have an opinion we can hear so we can point out the flaws?
No, kids today are better.

...the good blackies you teach ....

Only democrats can talk like this and still tell themselves they aren’t rabid fucking racists.

Fucking hypocrites.
I’m just being silly on a message board.

At least I don’t vote for a racist. That’s worse because he appoints racist judges.

You don’t think judge cavanaugh has ever said the n word?

YOu see the knee jerk reaction to call someone like you, a "Racist", and then accept it when it is aimed at someone else.

That is not rational.
Words have meaning. Guys like unkotare change the word racist to mean what it isn’t. To call me a racist just for calling a black person darky means that every person, including trump, is a racist because they made some inappropriate joke at one time in their lives........

More hypocrisy. I wonder how many democrats would give their political opponents a pass if they added "just kidding!" at the end of any blatantly racist comment like calling black Americans "darkie." Of course democrats think they get a pass on any offense just because they are democrats. The worst kind of hypocrisy and their most telling characteristic as a party.

I may be a bigot but I sincerely want to solve this problem.

Plantation owners sincerely wanted to solve problems like slave uprisings, but they took the nation to war and sacrificed scores of lives on both sides when faced with the prospect of ending their evil institution.

YOu "know" that we are "racist" because......

Because of your own words and attitudes. Instead of whining about it, change your words and attitudes. Or don't, but stop being such a little bitch about it if you choose to be a racist.
Care to put any specific statements up that show anyone a racist here ?? Easy to accuse but where is your proof ?

Read the thread. I've quoted these jackasses many times. Bobobrainless, im2, correll, all racist weaklings; all part of the problem.
Did you ever say what you thought was the best way to stop racism?

Racism like lying, theft , murder, will be practiced until end of time .Thinking you can extinquish it is foolhardy
Can't argue with that. The best we can do is marginalize it to the best of our ability as a culture.

Right now, what we're doing -- screaming at each other -- probably won't cut it, I'm guessing.
I think the best way to solve these problems is to talk about it.

Me making a joke is a lot different than not hiring blacks because they are blacks. This is happening too much in America. The statistics prove it.

But republicans think it’s a bigger problem that we are hiring blacks because they are black. They’re against affirmative action, a program designed to combat the bias.

And they deny blacks aren’t being hired because of bias, instead they think 99% of the time the white guy is the most qualified. Not possible. To deny this unfairness is insane. Only a racist would deny bias is keeping blacks down.

That doesn’t mean I can’t tell black people they need to do a better job in the inner cities. They need to start acting like suburb blacks. Assimilate.
..... Blacks need to take som [sic] advice ......

From great and wise white guys like you? Like you?! Just who the fuck do you think you are? Idiocy like this is what keeps im2 churning out his own racist nonsense in kind. The two of you are the problem.
Asians need to take some advice too. Stop looking at me like that. No wonder we interned them.

I may be a bigot but I sincerely want to solve this problem.

Plantation owners sincerely wanted to solve problems like slave uprisings, but they took the nation to war and sacrificed scores of lives on both sides when faced with the prospect of ending their evil institution.
You think I want to keep blacks poor in Detroit? I want Detroit to be a Mecca thriving fun cool safe place where I can go get some good waffles and fried chicken boy!
No, kids today are better.

...the good blackies you teach ....

Only democrats can talk like this and still tell themselves they aren’t rabid fucking racists.

Fucking hypocrites.
I’m just being silly on a message board.

At least I don’t vote for a racist. That’s worse because he appoints racist judges.

You don’t think judge cavanaugh has ever said the n word?

YOu see the knee jerk reaction to call someone like you, a "Racist", and then accept it when it is aimed at someone else.

That is not rational.
Words have meaning. Guys like unkotare change the word racist to mean what it isn’t. To call me a racist just for calling a black person darky means that every person, including trump, is a racist because they made some inappropriate joke at one time in their lives.

Maybe unkotare is defusing the word racist. It’s like calling someone a Nazi. Overdo it and suddenly to use it means you’ve just lost the argument.

And it should be against the rules for guys lik unkotare to call you a racist without explaining why it’s racist. If he tried to explain you could point out the hypocrisy
And why would you call someone a darky ?? Good grief.
Racism like lying, theft , murder, will be practiced until end of time .Thinking you can extinquish it is foolhardy
Can't argue with that. The best we can do is marginalize it to the best of our ability as a culture.

Right now, what we're doing -- screaming at each other -- probably won't cut it, I'm guessing.

Me making a joke is a lot different than .....

A standard no democrat would ever apply to any Republican who made a racist "joke."
Racism like lying, theft , murder, will be practiced until end of time .Thinking you can extinquish it is foolhardy
Can't argue with that. The best we can do is marginalize it to the best of our ability as a culture.

Right now, what we're doing -- screaming at each other -- probably won't cut it, I'm guessing.

Me making a joke is a lot different than .....

A standard no democrat would ever apply to any Republican who made a racist "joke."
Not if he got caught on tape no sir that’s true. Trump could get away with it though. He has actually used the “I was just kidding” defense several times.

Remember Larry flint exposed every republican who busted Clinton for having secret lovers themselves?

I don’t care if a republican says he agrees with affirmative action for darkies. It’s better than no affirmative action for African Americans.
...the good blackies you teach ....

Only democrats can talk like this and still tell themselves they aren’t rabid fucking racists.

Fucking hypocrites.
I’m just being silly on a message board.

At least I don’t vote for a racist. That’s worse because he appoints racist judges.

You don’t think judge cavanaugh has ever said the n word?

YOu see the knee jerk reaction to call someone like you, a "Racist", and then accept it when it is aimed at someone else.

That is not rational.
Words have meaning. Guys like unkotare change the word racist to mean what it isn’t. To call me a racist just for calling a black person darky means that every person, including trump, is a racist because they made some inappropriate joke at one time in their lives.

Maybe unkotare is defusing the word racist. It’s like calling someone a Nazi. Overdo it and suddenly to use it means you’ve just lost the argument.

And it should be against the rules for guys lik unkotare to call you a racist without explaining why it’s racist. If he tried to explain you could point out the hypocrisy
And why would you call someone a darky ?? Good grief.
I was being stupid.
Nothing wrong with different kinds of people. It's when those people group together to do evil is when we have a problem. The character of an individual as well as the character of an entire group means everything when assessment is taken of the individual or group being dealt with in life. A problem occurs, and is also tragic when an individual or group doesn't realize that their character has become bad, and their forward movement in life creates chaos and mayhem for everyone that comes in contact with such individuals or group's.

Yep and that's why we blacks are talking about continuing white racism .
Be fair, and don't discard continuing black racism either. And yes it does exist, maybe even more so today than ever before.

Realizing power can be an awesome yet corrupting thing, so will blacks handle their rise to power well or will they be consumed by it to repeat or to recreate themselves the very things they fight against or claim that they rebuke ???? Are we seeing a preview yet ?? Hmmm.
Blacks here talk about what blacks need to do to solve the problem. Most agree they need more black owned businesses.

I just want to see them do it in Detroit. Detroit is doing better now but that’s because half the citizens left and five rich white guys bought up and fixed up down town. How come we don’t see these black communities or neighborhoods surrounding downtown popping up with new businesses?

Right now th3 blacks in Detroit are not sharing in th3 economic boom. Security guards are complaining they want $15 hr. The economy is not booming for detroiters like it is for metro detroiters.

How come blacks aren’t solving this problem themselves? Please don’t tell me you believe whitey is purposely keeping them down.
Go ask IM2.
Well it is obvious that rich white men have purchased all the best real estate downtown Detroit. It is amazing. You wouldn’t believe how beautiful it is now.

But don’t turn down the wrong block. It gets ugly fast. So why don’t black people start businesses on the edges of downtown Detroit? Clean up the neighborhoods, start working with the cops, black businesses start up. I could see the first black owned grocery store like a Meijer or Kroger or even a black Walmart. These white national chain grocery stores won’t go into Detroit. Security dangerous and shoplifting costs being the reasons given.

So it’s even obvious to rich black people that even though there’s plenty of money in the hood and this is a slam dunk untapped market, they don’t want to start businesses is poor black communities. They don’t want to deal with the citizens in these neighborhoods.

Let’s be real.
Shouldn't be any all black businesses or other such non-sense being promoted in this country. It should be that anyone (as has been proven in the past regardless of color), can make it to any level they desire in America. Just because all or even a majority of blacks don't make it to certain levels, doesn't mean they were held back by whites. It might mean that it is just where they wanted to be in life, and not be harassed or chastised for being there. The problem with this thinking that everyone should be successful or they are being held back by someone, is about the most exploited thing ever in this country by these corrupt politicians now.
...the good blackies you teach ....

Only democrats can talk like this and still tell themselves they aren’t rabid fucking racists.

Fucking hypocrites.
I’m just being silly on a message board.

At least I don’t vote for a racist. That’s worse because he appoints racist judges.

You don’t think judge cavanaugh has ever said the n word?

YOu see the knee jerk reaction to call someone like you, a "Racist", and then accept it when it is aimed at someone else.

That is not rational.
Words have meaning. Guys like unkotare change the word racist to mean what it isn’t. To call me a racist just for calling a black person darky means that every person, including trump, is a racist because they made some inappropriate joke at one time in their lives.

Maybe unkotare is defusing the word racist. It’s like calling someone a Nazi. Overdo it and suddenly to use it means you’ve just lost the argument.

And it should be against the rules for guys lik unkotare to call you a racist without explaining why it’s racist. If he tried to explain you could point out the hypocrisy
And why would you call someone a darky ?? Good grief.

Do you like it that saying the n word is not allowed? Like when Kramer from Seinfeld said it and now he can’t find work?

Then why are you feeding into the liberal argument that I can’t use the word darky now? What other words can’t i use in your politically correct world?

And I would never say it in real life. Just here on a private message board where nobody knows your name. I can’t say it on Facebook that’s for sure.
Yep and that's why we blacks are talking about continuing white racism .
Be fair, and don't discard continuing black racism either. And yes it does exist, maybe even more so today than ever before.

Realizing power can be an awesome yet corrupting thing, so will blacks handle their rise to power well or will they be consumed by it to repeat or to recreate themselves the very things they fight against or claim that they rebuke ???? Are we seeing a preview yet ?? Hmmm.
Blacks here talk about what blacks need to do to solve the problem. Most agree they need more black owned businesses.

I just want to see them do it in Detroit. Detroit is doing better now but that’s because half the citizens left and five rich white guys bought up and fixed up down town. How come we don’t see these black communities or neighborhoods surrounding downtown popping up with new businesses?

Right now th3 blacks in Detroit are not sharing in th3 economic boom. Security guards are complaining they want $15 hr. The economy is not booming for detroiters like it is for metro detroiters.

How come blacks aren’t solving this problem themselves? Please don’t tell me you believe whitey is purposely keeping them down.
Go ask IM2.
Well it is obvious that rich white men have purchased all the best real estate downtown Detroit. It is amazing. You wouldn’t believe how beautiful it is now.

But don’t turn down the wrong block. It gets ugly fast. So why don’t black people start businesses on the edges of downtown Detroit? Clean up the neighborhoods, start working with the cops, black businesses start up. I could see the first black owned grocery store like a Meijer or Kroger or even a black Walmart. These white national chain grocery stores won’t go into Detroit. Security dangerous and shoplifting costs being the reasons given.

So it’s even obvious to rich black people that even though there’s plenty of money in the hood and this is a slam dunk untapped market, they don’t want to start businesses is poor black communities. They don’t want to deal with the citizens in these neighborhoods.

Let’s be real.
Shouldn't be any all black businesses or other such non-sense being promoted in this country. It should be that anyone (as has been proven in the past regardless of color), can make it to any level they desire in America. Just because all or even a majority of blacks don't make it to certain levels, doesn't mean they were held back by whites. It might mean that it is just where they wanted to be in life, and not be harassed or chastised for being there. The problem with this thinking that everyone should be successful or they are being held back by someone, is about the most exploited thing ever in this country by these corrupt politicians now.
Well I think what we do is we crunch the numbers every year and we see what the median average income is for all Americans.

We see how many people are poor, lower middle class, middle class, upper middle class, rich and mega rich.

And we judge each society based on how big the middle class is. The bigger and better the middle class does the better the economy is judged.

But that’s not what trickle down republicans think.

And interestingly enough do you know who buys into your trickle down mentality? Poor whites in red states. They are the true happy slaves being kept on the plantation with god, gays, guns and racism.

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