What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?

Care to put any specific statements up that show anyone a racist here ?? Easy to accuse but where is your proof ?

Read the thread. I've quoted these jackasses many times. Bobobrainless, im2, correll, all racist weaklings; all part of the problem.

Yeah. I said "ghetto" and since I have white skin, it makes me "Racist".

.. they are only used and never truly accepted. ...

How do you know?
Don't cut my post up in an attempt to short change the readers.

He does that a lot. It is quite dishonest.
Care to put any specific statements up that show anyone a racist here ?? Easy to accuse but where is your proof ?

Read the thread. I've quoted these jackasses many times. Bobobrainless, im2, correll, all racist weaklings; all part of the problem.

Yeah. I said "ghetto" and since I have white skin, it makes me "Racist".

.. they are only used and never truly accepted. ...

How do you know?
Don't cut my post up in an attempt to short change the readers.

The readers will be fine if you answer the question.
Best way to end racism is to stop calling us honky and cracker.
Racism like lying, theft , murder, will be practiced until end of time .Thinking you can extinquish it is foolhardy
Can't argue with that. The best we can do is marginalize it to the best of our ability as a culture.

Right now, what we're doing -- screaming at each other -- probably won't cut it, I'm guessing.
I think the best way to solve these problems is to talk about it.

Me making a joke is a lot different than not hiring blacks because they are blacks. This is happening too much in America. The statistics prove it.

But republicans think it’s a bigger problem that we are hiring blacks because they are black. They’re against affirmative action, a program designed to combat the bias.

And they deny blacks aren’t being hired because of bias, instead they think 99% of the time the white guy is the most qualified. Not possible. To deny this unfairness is insane. Only a racist would deny bias is keeping blacks down.

That doesn’t mean I can’t tell black people they need to do a better job in the inner cities. They need to start acting like suburb blacks. Assimilate.
Ok, now where I'm from we have the same problems in the black communities, but what is becoming even a bigger problem for young whites is what most would think that the affirmative action level has been taken too in which is wrong in their eyes. Almost every fast food restaurant has all black staff and servers here. That to many is reverse racism being played out against whites, but it may be something worse than that, where as white business owners are doing this in order to combat higher wages demanded by whites who are expecting fair wages for a exceptional days labor being put forth on their behalf. Otherwise the affirmative action program is actually being exploited by rich white business owners to replace white youth workers with black workers who will work for way less. If found to be the case, then white people should rise up against white people, and put the blame squarely upon where it lay.

Qualifications should be the only determining factor in an interview, and never ones color ever being a factor.

Time for change folks, and white folks it's time to find out just who your real enemies are in life, and it ain't the black folks.
Wait. You have a problem with a business owner hiring a black American for $20 hr because the white worker demands $30?

What do you propose to do about it?

Also keep in mind blacks are only like 15% of the population.
No I don't, so don't try to misconstrue my words here with such non-sense.

I have a problem with a janitor let's say, coming to work for 10 year's, and sharing in the profits from the company gain's (by a percentage of), in which is granted by his employer yearly due to his good record, his loyalty, his being on time, his work ethic, his ideas, and his good character to be replaced corruptly by another for cheap labor reasoning only...... It's not right to be replaced by another after a new modernized manager is brought in to implement policy that looks to find more money on the bottom line, and to increase bonuses or values for shareholder's at any cost to the employees at hand in a very corrupt manor... Otherwise this is done by replacing the employee mentioned earlier with a cheaper laborer in an attempt to bring up profits in order to make it appear that the company had finally found it's super manager, and is doing better under such a manager, but doesn't realize that it is actually losing in the long run once all is said and done.

The new trend is to land in a company for 5 years, rape it, and then parachute out before it is realized what had just happened. Hopefully the company isn't taken down by the bullcrap, and quickly recovers after discovering the problem it fell prey too.

Then you aren't a Republican. I hope Republicans here will have the balls to step up and challenge you on this idea that you somehow have a right to your job. The idea that your years of service means anything is hilarious coming from a conservatives mouth. The company is only in business to maximize profits. If you are starting to cost the company too much, they need to let you go and replace you with younger cheaper workers who might actually be better than you because you are old.

You worked for 10 years. They paid you for 10 years. Beyond that, they owe you nothing. Now if you are willing to take a pay cut to keep your job then that's fine.

Everything you are saying is your opinion. Corruptly replaced? Isn't that the business' decision not yours? What do you want to do? Do you want to pass laws that say corporations have to keep you on even if they don't want to?

I thought that's what right to work states are all about. You have no right to your job. And they have the right to fire you
Only democrats can talk like this and still tell themselves they aren’t rabid fucking racists.

Fucking hypocrites.
I’m just being silly on a message board.

At least I don’t vote for a racist. That’s worse because he appoints racist judges.

You don’t think judge cavanaugh has ever said the n word?

YOu see the knee jerk reaction to call someone like you, a "Racist", and then accept it when it is aimed at someone else.

That is not rational.
Words have meaning. Guys like unkotare change the word racist to mean what it isn’t. To call me a racist just for calling a black person darky means that every person, including trump, is a racist because they made some inappropriate joke at one time in their lives.

Maybe unkotare is defusing the word racist. It’s like calling someone a Nazi. Overdo it and suddenly to use it means you’ve just lost the argument.

And it should be against the rules for guys lik unkotare to call you a racist without explaining why it’s racist. If he tried to explain you could point out the hypocrisy
And why would you call someone a darky ?? Good grief.

It will be interesting to see is his reason for calling cavanaugh a racist, is better than "he called some one a darky".

Who called Cav a racist?
Can't argue with that. The best we can do is marginalize it to the best of our ability as a culture.

Right now, what we're doing -- screaming at each other -- probably won't cut it, I'm guessing.
I think the best way to solve these problems is to talk about it.

Me making a joke is a lot different than not hiring blacks because they are blacks. This is happening too much in America. The statistics prove it.

But republicans think it’s a bigger problem that we are hiring blacks because they are black. They’re against affirmative action, a program designed to combat the bias.

And they deny blacks aren’t being hired because of bias, instead they think 99% of the time the white guy is the most qualified. Not possible. To deny this unfairness is insane. Only a racist would deny bias is keeping blacks down.

That doesn’t mean I can’t tell black people they need to do a better job in the inner cities. They need to start acting like suburb blacks. Assimilate.
Ok, now where I'm from we have the same problems in the black communities, but what is becoming even a bigger problem for young whites is what most would think that the affirmative action level has been taken too in which is wrong in their eyes. Almost every fast food restaurant has all black staff and servers here. That to many is reverse racism being played out against whites, but it may be something worse than that, where as white business owners are doing this in order to combat higher wages demanded by whites who are expecting fair wages for a exceptional days labor being put forth on their behalf. Otherwise the affirmative action program is actually being exploited by rich white business owners to replace white youth workers with black workers who will work for way less. If found to be the case, then white people should rise up against white people, and put the blame squarely upon where it lay.

Qualifications should be the only determining factor in an interview, and never ones color ever being a factor.

Time for change folks, and white folks it's time to find out just who your real enemies are in life, and it ain't the black folks.
Wait. You have a problem with a business owner hiring a black American for $20 hr because the white worker demands $30?

What do you propose to do about it?

Also keep in mind blacks are only like 15% of the population.
No I don't, so don't try to misconstrue my words here with such non-sense.

I have a problem with a janitor let's say, coming to work for 10 year's, and sharing in the profits from the company gain's (by a percentage of), in which is granted by his employer yearly due to his good record, his loyalty, his being on time, his work ethic, his ideas, and his good character to be replaced corruptly by another for cheap labor reasoning only...... It's not right to be replaced by another after a new modernized manager is brought in to implement policy that looks to find more money on the bottom line, and to increase bonuses or values for shareholder's at any cost to the employees at hand in a very corrupt manor... Otherwise this is done by replacing the employee mentioned earlier with a cheaper laborer in an attempt to bring up profits in order to make it appear that the company had finally found it's super manager, and is doing better under such a manager, but doesn't realize that it is actually losing in the long run once all is said and done.

The new trend is to land in a company for 5 years, rape it, and then parachute out before it is realized what had just happened. Hopefully the company isn't taken down by the bullcrap, and quickly recovers after discovering the problem it fell prey too.

Then you aren't a Republican. I hope Republicans here will have the balls to step up and challenge you on this idea that you somehow have a right to your job. The idea that your years of service means anything is hilarious coming from a conservatives mouth. The company is only in business to maximize profits. If you are starting to cost the company too much, they need to let you go and replace you with younger cheaper workers who might actually be better than you because you are old.

You worked for 10 years. They paid you for 10 years. Beyond that, they owe you nothing. Now if you are willing to take a pay cut to keep your job then that's fine.

Everything you are saying is your opinion. Corruptly replaced? Isn't that the business' decision not yours? What do you want to do? Do you want to pass laws that say corporations have to keep you on even if they don't want to?

I thought that's what right to work states are all about. You have no right to your job. And they have the right to fire you
Don't try to twist this into something it ain't. Only ones merit earns the right to their job for as long as the company shall have them. The rest is just ethical practices on a companies part.
Racism like lying, theft , murder, will be practiced until end of time .Thinking you can extinquish it is foolhardy
Can't argue with that. The best we can do is marginalize it to the best of our ability as a culture.

Right now, what we're doing -- screaming at each other -- probably won't cut it, I'm guessing.

Me making a joke is a lot different than .....

A standard no democrat would ever apply to any Republican who made a racist "joke."

We "interned" them
I think the best way to solve these problems is to talk about it.

Me making a joke is a lot different than not hiring blacks because they are blacks. This is happening too much in America. The statistics prove it.

But republicans think it’s a bigger problem that we are hiring blacks because they are black. They’re against affirmative action, a program designed to combat the bias.

And they deny blacks aren’t being hired because of bias, instead they think 99% of the time the white guy is the most qualified. Not possible. To deny this unfairness is insane. Only a racist would deny bias is keeping blacks down.

That doesn’t mean I can’t tell black people they need to do a better job in the inner cities. They need to start acting like suburb blacks. Assimilate.
Ok, now where I'm from we have the same problems in the black communities, but what is becoming even a bigger problem for young whites is what most would think that the affirmative action level has been taken too in which is wrong in their eyes. Almost every fast food restaurant has all black staff and servers here. That to many is reverse racism being played out against whites, but it may be something worse than that, where as white business owners are doing this in order to combat higher wages demanded by whites who are expecting fair wages for a exceptional days labor being put forth on their behalf. Otherwise the affirmative action program is actually being exploited by rich white business owners to replace white youth workers with black workers who will work for way less. If found to be the case, then white people should rise up against white people, and put the blame squarely upon where it lay.

Qualifications should be the only determining factor in an interview, and never ones color ever being a factor.

Time for change folks, and white folks it's time to find out just who your real enemies are in life, and it ain't the black folks.
Wait. You have a problem with a business owner hiring a black American for $20 hr because the white worker demands $30?

What do you propose to do about it?

Also keep in mind blacks are only like 15% of the population.
No I don't, so don't try to misconstrue my words here with such non-sense.

I have a problem with a janitor let's say, coming to work for 10 year's, and sharing in the profits from the company gain's (by a percentage of), in which is granted by his employer yearly due to his good record, his loyalty, his being on time, his work ethic, his ideas, and his good character to be replaced corruptly by another for cheap labor reasoning only...... It's not right to be replaced by another after a new modernized manager is brought in to implement policy that looks to find more money on the bottom line, and to increase bonuses or values for shareholder's at any cost to the employees at hand in a very corrupt manor... Otherwise this is done by replacing the employee mentioned earlier with a cheaper laborer in an attempt to bring up profits in order to make it appear that the company had finally found it's super manager, and is doing better under such a manager, but doesn't realize that it is actually losing in the long run once all is said and done.

The new trend is to land in a company for 5 years, rape it, and then parachute out before it is realized what had just happened. Hopefully the company isn't taken down by the bullcrap, and quickly recovers after discovering the problem it fell prey too.

Then you aren't a Republican. I hope Republicans here will have the balls to step up and challenge you on this idea that you somehow have a right to your job. The idea that your years of service means anything is hilarious coming from a conservatives mouth. The company is only in business to maximize profits. If you are starting to cost the company too much, they need to let you go and replace you with younger cheaper workers who might actually be better than you because you are old.

You worked for 10 years. They paid you for 10 years. Beyond that, they owe you nothing. Now if you are willing to take a pay cut to keep your job then that's fine.

Everything you are saying is your opinion. Corruptly replaced? Isn't that the business' decision not yours? What do you want to do? Do you want to pass laws that say corporations have to keep you on even if they don't want to?

I thought that's what right to work states are all about. You have no right to your job. And they have the right to fire you
Don't try to twist this into something it ain't. Only ones merit earns the right to their job for as long as the company shall have them. The rest is just ethical practices on a companies part.

I'm not twisting anything. I've caught you sounding real fucking liberal when it comes to you having a right to your job. If you are a republican you can't possibly be serious right now. I can actually see you trying to back peddle out of this one.

No your merits don't earn you a right to your job. The company decides if you are worth what they pay you. And if they can find someone cheaper and they decide that's better for them, it doesn't really matter if it's fair or even a good decision. You're just the worker bee. Go find another job or start your own company.

Ethical practices? What if the company is being unethical? What do you want to do to them?

I think you are a worker bee who doesn't really understand what being a conservative Republican is all about. You probably work in a fucking union so you are used to having rights and job security.

What is it called when someone holds two conflicting views? God I can't think of the word right now.
Racism like lying, theft , murder, will be practiced until end of time .Thinking you can extinquish it is foolhardy
Can't argue with that. The best we can do is marginalize it to the best of our ability as a culture.

Right now, what we're doing -- screaming at each other -- probably won't cut it, I'm guessing.

Me making a joke is a lot different than .....

A standard no democrat would ever apply to any Republican who made a racist "joke."

We "interned" them

Bottom line is unkotare is worried about people making off color jokes on the internet while I'm concerned that people aren't hiring other people because of the color of their skin.

Off color jokes don't bother me but not hiring someone because you are a racist is a big problem for me. Unkotare is only worried about me calling him a jap cock lover.
Racism like lying, theft , murder, will be practiced until end of time .Thinking you can extinquish it is foolhardy
Can't argue with that. The best we can do is marginalize it to the best of our ability as a culture.

Right now, what we're doing -- screaming at each other -- probably won't cut it, I'm guessing.

Me making a joke is a lot different than .....

A standard no democrat would ever apply to any Republican who made a racist "joke."

We "interned" them

Bottom line is unkotare is worried about people making off color jokes on the internet while I'm concerned that people aren't hiring other people because of the color of their skin.

Off color jokes don't bother me but not hiring someone because you are a racist is a big problem for me. Unkotare is only worried about me calling him a jap cock lover.

Because you think the way you do about people, you would never personally hire someone like unkatore. He knows it and I know it.

You're a perfect Leftist. Chastise everyone else for the way YOU think, but try to hide.
Can't argue with that. The best we can do is marginalize it to the best of our ability as a culture.

Right now, what we're doing -- screaming at each other -- probably won't cut it, I'm guessing.

Me making a joke is a lot different than .....

A standard no democrat would ever apply to any Republican who made a racist "joke."

We "interned" them

Bottom line is unkotare is worried about people making off color jokes on the internet while I'm concerned that people aren't hiring other people because of the color of their skin.

Off color jokes don't bother me but not hiring someone because you are a racist is a big problem for me. Unkotare is only worried about me calling him a jap cock lover.

Because you think the way you do about people, you would never personally hire someone like unkatore. He knows it and I know it.

You're a perfect Leftist. Chastise everyone else for the way YOU think, but try to hide.

Really? Coming from you? You just started this thread:

" Half the people out there are stupid..And half of people are more stupid than THAT."

Do you feel that way about your students? Does unkotare share this feeling?

If your students aren't learning maybe you suck old lady.
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

Vote for Trump
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

Vote for Trump

Why? Republican policies screw minorities. Now I know you lying right wingers will say the Democratic Party founded the Ku Klux Klan but while the Democratic Party of the 19th century was in favor of slavery and after the Civil War opposed civil rights, the Democratic Party reversed course in the 20th century and became the party of civil rights and reform. The Republican Party of today has embraced racist policies like gerrymandered districts and extreme voter suppression. The only logical choice is to vote Democratic.

And how can you have a guy like this in your party and ask black people to vote Republican?
A full-blown "white-people shouldn’t intermarry with other races if they plan to have kids," "black people like to attack white people just because they’re white," "we need more white-people-friendly organizations," racist. Why are we not surprised that Corley Everett, a past and current Republican state House candidate who has since changed his name to Everett Corley, appeared on a web broadcast in 2014 with an honest-to-God white nationalist and parroted the guy’s white supremacist views?

The Republican Party has a racism problem. And it’s not only Rep. Steve King.

Me making a joke is a lot different than .....

A standard no democrat would ever apply to any Republican who made a racist "joke."

We "interned" them

Bottom line is unkotare is worried about people making off color jokes on the internet while I'm concerned that people aren't hiring other people because of the color of their skin.

Off color jokes don't bother me but not hiring someone because you are a racist is a big problem for me. Unkotare is only worried about me calling him a jap cock lover.

Because you think the way you do about people, you would never personally hire someone like unkatore. He knows it and I know it.

You're a perfect Leftist. Chastise everyone else for the way YOU think, but try to hide.

Really? Coming from you? You just started this thread:

" Half the people out there are stupid..And half of people are more stupid than THAT."

Do you feel that way about your students? Does unkotare share this feeling?

If your students aren't learning maybe you suck old lady.

No. Children have infinitely more common sense than almost all adults. Well, at least adults in 2019

Me making a joke is a lot different than .....

A standard no democrat would ever apply to any Republican who made a racist "joke."

We "interned" them
And what do you do other than sleep with lots of black men to make you feel better about yourself?

Well that would be deeply against my religion since I've been married to the same man for nearly 25 years.

You have some serious ugliness on the inside. But you know that, and so do I.

Yes and so do you and unkotare. You're is more on the outside though.

I'm talking before you got hitched.

So in one thread you've called me old lady, ugly and a dingbat.

That is the famed way Leftists treat women, online and off. You're doing beautifully. Keep going
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

Vote for Trump

Why? Republican policies screw minorities. Now I know you lying right wingers will say the Democratic Party founded the Ku Klux Klan but while the Democratic Party of the 19th century was in favor of slavery and after the Civil War opposed civil rights, the Democratic Party reversed course in the 20th century and became the party of civil rights and reform. The Republican Party of today has embraced racist policies like gerrymandered districts and extreme voter suppression. The only logical choice is to vote Democratic.

And how can you have a guy like this in your party and ask black people to vote Republican?
A full-blown "white-people shouldn’t intermarry with other races if they plan to have kids," "black people like to attack white people just because they’re white," "we need more white-people-friendly organizations," racist. Why are we not surprised that Corley Everett, a past and current Republican state House candidate who has since changed his name to Everett Corley, appeared on a web broadcast in 2014 with an honest-to-God white nationalist and parroted the guy’s white supremacist views?

The Republican Party has a racism problem. And it’s not only Rep. Steve King.

Actually Alveda King voted for Trump. But retards who only watch cnn and msnbc will never know this.

All democrats want are black slaves on welfare
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

Vote for Trump

Why? Republican policies screw minorities. Now I know you lying right wingers will say the Democratic Party founded the Ku Klux Klan but while the Democratic Party of the 19th century was in favor of slavery and after the Civil War opposed civil rights, the Democratic Party reversed course in the 20th century and became the party of civil rights and reform. The Republican Party of today has embraced racist policies like gerrymandered districts and extreme voter suppression. The only logical choice is to vote Democratic.

And how can you have a guy like this in your party and ask black people to vote Republican?
A full-blown "white-people shouldn’t intermarry with other races if they plan to have kids," "black people like to attack white people just because they’re white," "we need more white-people-friendly organizations," racist. Why are we not surprised that Corley Everett, a past and current Republican state House candidate who has since changed his name to Everett Corley, appeared on a web broadcast in 2014 with an honest-to-God white nationalist and parroted the guy’s white supremacist views?

The Republican Party has a racism problem. And it’s not only Rep. Steve King.

Actually Alveda King voted for Trump. But retards who only watch cnn and msnbc will never know this.

All democrats want are black slaves on welfare

Maybe one day blacks will buy that lie and start voting for Republicans.

So basically you're saying black are stupid and the way they vote shows it. Got it. That's not racist at all.
A standard no democrat would ever apply to any Republican who made a racist "joke."

We "interned" them
And what do you do other than sleep with lots of black men to make you feel better about yourself?

Well that would be deeply against my religion since I've been married to the same man for nearly 25 years.

You have some serious ugliness on the inside. But you know that, and so do I.

Yes and so do you and unkotare. You're is more on the outside though.

I'm talking before you got hitched.

So in one thread you've called me old lady, ugly and a dingbat.

That is the famed way Leftists treat women, online and off. You're doing beautifully. Keep going

Hey, I complain for you that there aren't enough women CEO's. Republicans say there are perfectly good explanations for why women only make up 6.6% of Fortune 500 CEO's.

As of the date of publication, womenheld 6.6 percent of Fortune 500 CEO roles.

And after listening to you, I'm starting to agree with Republicans that it's not sexism's fault it's women's fault. Or, they don't have what it takes to be a CEO. I agree with Republicans now, after talking to your stupid ass.

Quit following Unkotare around. Too bad you are out of school for the summer but can't afford to do anything but play on USMB all day.

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