What's The Best Way To Fight and/or Stop Racism?

.... it all depends on their negative life experiences in dealing with the different races .....

More like a lack of any real experience in knowing different kinds of people. Ignorance is an effective incubator for fear.

That is really living in the past.



2. NOw with reverse discrimination, there are plenty of whites that people like you would call "racist", who's "racism" is completely based on real world experiences and/or knowledge.


Racists always believe they are “right” and therefore their racism is justified. Racists like you and im2 and Bobobrainless and brokeloser and all the other racists around here all believe you are “right.” You’re all wrong.

1. Errr, everyone always believes they are "right" and therefor their views are justified. YOu just basically said nothing there. But I can see why you need filler.

2. And that you think other people are racist, or "Racist", yes, we got that too. THanks. You are really cooking with gas now.

3. AND you disagree with those people. Got it.

4. And of course, not one once of even attempting to support any of your claims with ANYTHING.
Can we save everyone?

Me thinks not.

I like how brother Beau of the Fifth Column put it...

What about you, what say you, what's the best way to stop this vile thing called "racism/bigotry/prejudice?"

Accept it for what it is-a human flaw.

Not born with, but a taught one like so many other errors in character people possess once exposed to those errors be it by the teacher or by the carrier. The teacher and the carrier can be of any color at anytime.
50 years ago, maybe, it might have made sense to assume that white racists were whites who did not know any blacks and based their fears ignorance.

Now, everything about that is wrong.

1. The areas where a white person would not live next to, or work with or socialize with blacks is very small.



How so?

Millions of Americans have little to no significant, meaningful interaction with people of other so-called races. These are invariably the loudest loudmouth racist of all. And of course, you can live or work right next to someone and not know them at all if that’s what your beer and bigotry and prejudice leave you too.

Nice assumption. Very self serving and completely unsupported.

Do the math. Or better yet, just ask your fellow racists here.
Says the amateur expert on racism ?? Dig deep boy. It ain't as easy as you think it is to explain or identify.

Millions of Americans have little to no significant, meaningful interaction with people of other so-called races. These are invariably the loudest loudmouth racist of all. And of course, you can live or work right next to someone and not know them at all if that’s what your beer and bigotry and prejudice leave you too.

Nice assumption. Very self serving and completely unsupported.

Do the math. Or better yet, just ask your fellow racists here.
Says the amateur expert on racism ?? Dig deep boy. It ain't as easy as you think it is to explain or identify.

What isn’t?

Millions of Americans have little to no significant, meaningful interaction with people of other so-called races. These are invariably the loudest loudmouth racist of all. And of course, you can live or work right next to someone and not know them at all if that’s what your beer and bigotry and prejudice leave you too.

Nice assumption. Very self serving and completely unsupported.

Do the math. Or better yet, just ask your fellow racists here.
Says the amateur expert on racism ?? Dig deep boy. It ain't as easy as you think it is to explain or identify.

What isn’t?
The causes of racism, and how to stop it no matter who picks the hammer up.
If we just don't talk about crime, will it go away too?

Last year murder was 1.4 percent of all crimes and less than that as a percentage of total deaths. Do we now ignore murder and claim it's a problem we don't feel is worth talking about here?

Because while crimes were committed by approximately 3.5 percent of our population, over 30 percent are either racist or hold white supremacist views according to Pew Research.

So what is really the bigger problem?
Ever hear of the 80 20 rule? Listen 80% talk 20%. So you’re good at talking about racism but are you good at listening?

The other day the guy who changed my flat was a black guy. Not very talkative. Made me a little uncomfortable so I was just polite but not talkative. I thought he must be like you. A racist. Doesn’t like whites.

But then I started to think about all the negative experiences he may have had with whites. Ignorant arrogant whites who are insulting and rude. If he has had the kinds of experiences I imagine with ignorant whites, I too may only keep it professional. No smiles, no casual talk.

I imagine how many dumb trump supporters he must run into. So I thanked him for his help and that was that.

Later when they called me to fill out a survey on the experience I gave him all tens. He did his job perfectly. I bet a bunch of whites give him poor scores for not being all smiles. Not me. I get it.
What I said is that the next generation is already better, and leaving mindless racists in the past where they belong.

The last generation was already better. So was the one before that. ......e.

No, kids today are better.

...the good blackies you teach ....

Only democrats can talk like this and still tell themselves they aren’t rabid fucking racists.

Fucking hypocrites.
I’m just being silly on a message board.

At least I don’t vote for a racist. That’s worse because he appoints racist judges.

You don’t think judge cavanaugh has ever said the n word?
What fantasies?

.... it all depends on their negative life experiences in dealing with the different races .....

More like a lack of any real experience in knowing different kinds of people. Ignorance is an effective incubator for fear.
Nothing wrong with different kinds of people. It's when those people group together to do evil is when we have a problem. The character of an individual as well as the character of an entire group means everything when assessment is taken of the individual or group being dealt with in life. A problem occurs, and is also tragic when an individual or group doesn't realize that their character has become bad, and their forward movement in life creates chaos and mayhem for everyone that comes in contact with such individuals or group's.

Yep and that's why we blacks are talking about continuing white racism .
Be fair, and don't discard continuing black racism either. And yes it does exist, maybe even more so today than ever before.

Realizing power can be an awesome yet corrupting thing, so will blacks handle their rise to power well or will they be consumed by it to repeat or to recreate themselves the very things they fight against or claim that they rebuke ???? Are we seeing a preview yet ?? Hmmm.
Blacks here talk about what blacks need to do to solve the problem. Most agree they need more black owned businesses.

I just want to see them do it in Detroit. Detroit is doing better now but that’s because half the citizens left and five rich white guys bought up and fixed up down town. How come we don’t see these black communities or neighborhoods surrounding downtown popping up with new businesses?

Right now th3 blacks in Detroit are not sharing in th3 economic boom. Security guards are complaining they want $15 hr. The economy is not booming for detroiters like it is for metro detroiters.

How come blacks aren’t solving this problem themselves? Please don’t tell me you believe whitey is purposely keeping them down.
Millions of Americans have little to no significant, meaningful interaction with people of other so-called races. These are invariably the loudest loudmouth racist of all. And of course, you can live or work right next to someone and not know them at all if that’s what your beer and bigotry and prejudice leave you too.

Nice assumption. Very self serving and completely unsupported.

Do the math. Or better yet, just ask your fellow racists here.
Says the amateur expert on racism ?? Dig deep boy. It ain't as easy as you think it is to explain or identify.

What isn’t?
The causes of racism.....

Millions of Americans have little to no significant, meaningful interaction with people of other so-called races. These are invariably the loudest loudmouth racist of all. And of course, you can live or work right next to someone and not know them at all if that’s what your beer and bigotry and prejudice leave you too.

Nice assumption. Very self serving and completely unsupported.

Do the math. Or better yet, just ask your fellow racists here.
Says the amateur expert on racism ?? Dig deep boy. It ain't as easy as you think it is to explain or identify.

What isn’t?
...how to stop it ....

Stop being pussies.
50 years ago, maybe, it might have made sense to assume that white racists were whites who did not know any blacks and based their fears ignorance.

Now, everything about that is wrong.

1. The areas where a white person would not live next to, or work with or socialize with blacks is very small.



How so?

Millions of Americans have little to no significant, meaningful interaction with people of other so-called races. These are invariably the loudest loudmouth racist of all. And of course, you can live or work right next to someone and not know them at all if that’s what your beer and bigotry and prejudice leave you too.

Nice assumption. Very self serving and completely unsupported.

Do the math. Or better yet, just ask your fellow racists here.

Perfect circular reasoning. When challenged to support your assumptions that support your accusation of racism, all you have is to accuse racism.

YOu "know" that we are "racist" because you "know" that we are "racist".


except that what you just demonstrated, was my point, not yours. THanks. buddy.

We cannot fight racism, without fighting the constant, and massive use of false accusations of "racism" by people like you.
What I said is that the next generation is already better, and leaving mindless racists in the past where they belong.

The last generation was already better. So was the one before that. ......e.

No, kids today are better.

...the good blackies you teach ....

Only democrats can talk like this and still tell themselves they aren’t rabid fucking racists.

Fucking hypocrites.
I’m just being silly on a message board.

At least I don’t vote for a racist. That’s worse because he appoints racist judges.

You don’t think judge cavanaugh has ever said the n word?

YOu see the knee jerk reaction to call someone like you, a "Racist", and then accept it when it is aimed at someone else.

That is not rational.
50 years ago, maybe, it might have made sense to assume that white racists were whites who did not know any blacks and based their fears ignorance.

Now, everything about that is wrong.

1. The areas where a white person would not live next to, or work with or socialize with blacks is very small.



How so?

Millions of Americans have little to no significant, meaningful interaction with people of other so-called races. These are invariably the loudest loudmouth racist of all. And of course, you can live or work right next to someone and not know them at all if that’s what your beer and bigotry and prejudice leave you too.

Nice assumption. Very self serving and completely unsupported.

Do the math. Or better yet, just ask your fellow racists here.
You are correct, I see white flight every day. It may interest you though, that it is not against blacks as much as illegal/legal aliens-its the language, culture, attitude thing. Watch for it.
.... it all depends on their negative life experiences in dealing with the different races .....

More like a lack of any real experience in knowing different kinds of people. Ignorance is an effective incubator for fear.
Nothing wrong with different kinds of people. It's when those people group together to do evil is when we have a problem. The character of an individual as well as the character of an entire group means everything when assessment is taken of the individual or group being dealt with in life. A problem occurs, and is also tragic when an individual or group doesn't realize that their character has become bad, and their forward movement in life creates chaos and mayhem for everyone that comes in contact with such individuals or group's.

Yep and that's why we blacks are talking about continuing white racism .
Be fair, and don't discard continuing black racism either. And yes it does exist, maybe even more so today than ever before.

Realizing power can be an awesome yet corrupting thing, so will blacks handle their rise to power well or will they be consumed by it to repeat or to recreate themselves the very things they fight against or claim that they rebuke ???? Are we seeing a preview yet ?? Hmmm.
Blacks here talk about what blacks need to do to solve the problem. Most agree they need more black owned businesses.

I just want to see them do it in Detroit. Detroit is doing better now but that’s because half the citizens left and five rich white guys bought up and fixed up down town. How come we don’t see these black communities or neighborhoods surrounding downtown popping up with new businesses?

Right now th3 blacks in Detroit are not sharing in th3 economic boom. Security guards are complaining they want $15 hr. The economy is not booming for detroiters like it is for metro detroiters.

How come blacks aren’t solving this problem themselves? Please don’t tell me you believe whitey is purposely keeping them down.
Go ask IM2.
Nice assumption. Very self serving and completely unsupported.

Do the math. Or better yet, just ask your fellow racists here.
Says the amateur expert on racism ?? Dig deep boy. It ain't as easy as you think it is to explain or identify.

What isn’t?
...how to stop it ....

Stop being pussies.
Stop living your fantasies through this message board.
Do the math. Or better yet, just ask your fellow racists here.
Says the amateur expert on racism ?? Dig deep boy. It ain't as easy as you think it is to explain or identify.

What isn’t?
...how to stop it ....

Stop being pussies.
Stop living your fantasies through this message board.

What "fantasies"?


YOu "know" that we are "racist" because......

Because of your own words and attitudes. Instead of whining about it, change your words and attitudes. Or don't, but stop being such a little bitch about it if you choose to be a racist.

YOu "know" that we are "racist" because......

Because of your own words and attitudes. Instead of whining about it, change your words and attitudes. Or don't, but stop being such a little bitch about it if you choose to be a racist.
Care to put any specific statements up that show anyone a racist here ?? Easy to accuse but where is your proof ?

YOu "know" that we are "racist" because......

Because of your own words and attitudes. Instead of whining about it, change your words and attitudes. Or don't, but stop being such a little bitch about it if you choose to be a racist.
Care to put any specific statements up that show anyone a racist here ?? Easy to accuse but where is your proof ?

Read the thread. I've quoted these jackasses many times. Bobobrainless, im2, correll, all racist weaklings; all part of the problem.
The last generation was already better. So was the one before that. ......e.

No, kids today are better.

...the good blackies you teach ....

Only democrats can talk like this and still tell themselves they aren’t rabid fucking racists.

Fucking hypocrites.
I’m just being silly on a message board.

At least I don’t vote for a racist. That’s worse because he appoints racist judges.

You don’t think judge cavanaugh has ever said the n word?

YOu see the knee jerk reaction to call someone like you, a "Racist", and then accept it when it is aimed at someone else.

That is not rational.
Words have meaning. Guys like unkotare change the word racist to mean what it isn’t. To call me a racist just for calling a black person darky means that every person, including trump, is a racist because they made some inappropriate joke at one time in their lives.

Maybe unkotare is defusing the word racist. It’s like calling someone a Nazi. Overdo it and suddenly to use it means you’ve just lost the argument.

And it should be against the rules for guys lik unkotare to call you a racist without explaining why it’s racist. If he tried to explain you could point out the hypocrisy

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