What's wrong with smart guns?

But our suicide rate is where it is due in part to the number of guns we have and how wreckless we are with them.

Who gives a rat's ass? What does some troubled pilgrim offing himself have to do with anyone else's guns?

BTW, the word is reckless. Don't tell me it's a typo. It's clearly a spelling error.
yeah....nice try.....the anti gun extremists can't get real research to back them up so they are now turning to medical research to hide their lies.......you of course didn't quote this part......

Since when are 15 year old gang bangers shooting each other "children."

About 84 percent of these shootings involved teens aged 15 to 19, and two-thirds of those were related to assaults. While the study's database does not provide specifics, Leventhal said it's natural to assume that gang violence explains some of these gunshot injuries

So....my advice...stop paying attention to ant gun extremists.......they hate guns so much they let it cloud their judgment and it makes them lie.....

Why would't assaults matter? Or kids over 15? Strange.

15 is prime gang membership age.....and the majority of any gun injuries 15 and over are crime related.....

Still kids.

Yes....lie.....you have to.....reality, facts and the truth show that you are wrong...so you have to include hard core 15 year old gang members murdering other gang members as the same as kids playing in the park with their parents....

It's not a lie. You're comparing every form of child murder to guns and think that's equal.
Isn't that the whole argument you morons use? That the supposed horrific rate that kids are killed by firearms is to much? Well until you are shown that the supposed rate is small compared to most other forms of death of children.
I don't have to, gjuns don't make a difference in the greater suicide rate in Japan, South Korea and China....and they don't make a difference in the 19,000 suicides in this country that do not use guns....

You can use anti gun biased medical research all you want, it doesn't change the truth, facts or reality.

More guns, more suicide

High-Gun States Low-Gun States

Population 39 million 40 million

Household Gun Ownership 47% 15%

Firearm Suicide 9,749 2,606

Non-Firearm Suicide 5,060 5,446

Total Suicide 14,809 8,052

yeah.....where did you get that stat and how many years does it cover...because that is not a yearly stat. You realize that right? This is another gun grabber lie technique..they lump large periods of time together, and don't tell you they did it so they get this huge number........to scare people who don't follow the actual links.....

I already posted the link, it clearly states the time line from 2000-2002.

Oh...I see.....it looked like they were talking millions...

Total suicides in the whole country from the CDC in 2013....


from guns...


From unspecified...not guns...


And in Japan, South Korea, and China....all suicides...not guns...

again....guns are not the issue...

What is 21/175? Is that 21,175? So like almost half of all suicides are by gun? Kind of high.

And all of the suicides in Japan, South Korea and China are not by gun….and they have more of them…and Apparently so does Scandinavia, Poland and Hungary……..

And you would have to convince us that since 19,900 people in the United States commit suicide without guns, that the 21,175 people wouldn't just commit suicide with the other methods the other 19,900 used….

And I don't believe you answered my question……since you lefties love the idea of Doctor assisted suicide…would it be okay with you if the Dr. just shot the person they were assisting?
Bullshit. Take ten cookies. Coat one with cyanide. Place in bowl and have someone else mix them. Choose one and eat it. An intellectually honest person would agree that those are not favorable odds WITH YOUR LIFE!

But we know that you are not intellectually honest so have fun with your retarded circle jerk.

Please. What percent do you put on you being attacked and needing to fire there little bunny? Why is it I know so many people that are completely unarmed and they aren't scared?

It doesn't matter jackass. If there is a one tenth of one percent chance that I will need a gun and it won't work that is too much. The fact that you're mentally deficient doesn't alter the fact that I value my life and I will make sure that I have the best possible equipment to protect it. The fact that it seems you would take your children and put them in a car seat that isn't the absolute best that it can be reflects rather poorly on you.

Real life and real death matter to those who are affected. Your delusional BS is just that. BS.

Yes it does matter. You are really scared and paranoid. You are aware there are only about 1.5 million violent crimes each year right? We are a country of over 300 million. Right there your chance of being a victim is just a fraction of a percent. Then you can figure many of the victims are involved in criminal activity. So if you aren't its a lower tiny fraction of a percent for you. And in murders most people are killed by a friend or family so you wouldn't be given a chance to use your gun anyhow. And you gun guys insist in like 99.999% of the time the gun doesn't need to be fired for a defense. So you are this scared and paranoid about miniscule fraction of a percent chance you will need to shoot? And then even with your ridiculous claim you still have 90% chance? And keep in mind the better source I used says they are over 99%. Wow you are timid, you need therapy. Imagine how you would be in someplace like Iraq that isn't so safe.

How paranoid are all the rape, robbery and murder victims.....just before they are raped, robbed or murdered? Or are you saying that rape, robbery and murder are just fairy tales?

Look at the stats, you aren't very likely to fall victim to any of those. And with rape the vast majority aren't defendable with a gun. With murder you are most likely to know the person so I doubt they will give you an opportunity to defend yourself with a gun. We are a country of over 300 million people. Only 1.5 million violent crimes each year. Many of which are gang related. You in a gang? If not you are really safe, don't be so scared.

No….1.5 million crimes that actually have a report….another 1.5 million are stopped by Americans using guns to stop them according to bill clinton, and barak obama and the government agencies they hired to do the research…..and that is on top of the 40 years of research that supports those finding…..

All crimes are underreported so the 1.5 million number you use is not accurate.
Your link is wildly optimistic. The best rate tested by a non biased source is 90% reliable. And that company is now out of business.

Even using your 90% number you are still quite safe. You are first very unlikely to be attacked in some way. Second your are extremely unlikely to need to fire a gun. And last you still have 90% chance it will fire. You are so scared that isn't enough for you? Are you a little bunny?

What is your non biased source?

Bullshit. Take ten cookies. Coat one with cyanide. Place in bowl and have someone else mix them. Choose one and eat it. An intellectually honest person would agree that those are not favorable odds WITH YOUR LIFE!

But we know that you are not intellectually honest so have fun with your retarded circle jerk.

Please. What percent do you put on you being attacked and needing to fire there little bunny? Why is it I know so many people that are completely unarmed and they aren't scared?

I don't give a fuck moron. Real life isn't a game. Real life is one shot. Take your BS games and take a flying leap.

Real life is you are very, very unlikely to be attacked. Real life is if you are attacked just pointing a gun at the person will stop them. You live in some fantasy place where you are really scared.

Real life is you are very, very unlikely to be attacked.

I agree….until you actually are attacked……..and you have listed 1.5 million reported crimes where actual human beings have been attacked…so it does in fact happen…and each day you wake up, you have no idea if that is your day to be a victim….unless they are like you brain and can see into the future.
I don't have to, gjuns don't make a difference in the greater suicide rate in Japan, South Korea and China....and they don't make a difference in the 19,000 suicides in this country that do not use guns....

You can use anti gun biased medical research all you want, it doesn't change the truth, facts or reality.

More guns, more suicide

High-Gun States Low-Gun States

Population 39 million 40 million

Household Gun Ownership 47% 15%

Firearm Suicide 9,749 2,606

Non-Firearm Suicide 5,060 5,446

Total Suicide 14,809 8,052

From the link neither one of you opted to click on.

Big deal. Correlation does not equal causation except in the minds of intellectually dishonest people. You have shown your stripes. You can leave now because you are full of shit and no amount of factual data that refutes everything you say will ever alter your political goals. You're a propagandist. We ALL know that. You have failed, so stop wasting yours and our time.

The number of non gun suicides was about even. The states with high gun ownership rates is a different story. Correlation does not equal causation but you insist on using Japan as an example? How perfectly inconsistent of you.

No...you are the one who thinks guns are the issue...we give you a number of countries without access to guns and 2x the suicide rate..and you say it doesn't matter.......

The facts, the truth and reality show you are wrong....

Japan has a long history of suicide in their culture. It's not the same as ours. However in the US, as pointed out states with high gun ownership have higher suicide rates due to the use of guns.

And yet…Japan doesn't need guns for their people to kill themselves….they are pretty clever that way…right?
Smart guns, which will only shoot with the owner's fingerprint, would prevent children from shooting themselves and others, and thieves and criminals couldn't use them. Gun rights advocates will say they are a form of gun control and a violation of the second amendment rights. I say abide by the second amendment by owning a musket. When rapid fire guns were invented no gun rights person refused to use them because they weren't muskets. Time changes everything. As for hacking a smart gun, you're more likely to have your phone or computer hacked and that doesn't stop people from using them. And they worry that the government will "track" them. So? We've been tracked for years and it hasn't made an iota of difference in our lives.

well it wouldnt be very handy to the mrs if she was forced to use it
I don't have to, gjuns don't make a difference in the greater suicide rate in Japan, South Korea and China....and they don't make a difference in the 19,000 suicides in this country that do not use guns....

You can use anti gun biased medical research all you want, it doesn't change the truth, facts or reality.

More guns, more suicide

High-Gun States Low-Gun States

Population 39 million 40 million

Household Gun Ownership 47% 15%

Firearm Suicide 9,749 2,606

Non-Firearm Suicide 5,060 5,446

Total Suicide 14,809 8,052

From the link neither one of you opted to click on.

Big deal. Correlation does not equal causation except in the minds of intellectually dishonest people. You have shown your stripes. You can leave now because you are full of shit and no amount of factual data that refutes everything you say will ever alter your political goals. You're a propagandist. We ALL know that. You have failed, so stop wasting yours and our time.

The number of non gun suicides was about even. The states with high gun ownership rates is a different story. Correlation does not equal causation but you insist on using Japan as an example? How perfectly inconsistent of you.

It's not correlational. It is factual that Japanese have no access to firearms and their suicide rate is double ours. No correlation needed silly boy.

And? Would their suicide rate go up by 10, 20, 30, 40% with guns? We dons't know this, hence is a bogus comparison.

You expect our suicide rates to naturally be at the same level but there is no reason to make this assumption.

They don't need guns…all of the people in Japan who plan on committing suicide do so easily…….
Please. What percent do you put on you being attacked and needing to fire there little bunny? Why is it I know so many people that are completely unarmed and they aren't scared?

It doesn't matter jackass. If there is a one tenth of one percent chance that I will need a gun and it won't work that is too much. The fact that you're mentally deficient doesn't alter the fact that I value my life and I will make sure that I have the best possible equipment to protect it. The fact that it seems you would take your children and put them in a car seat that isn't the absolute best that it can be reflects rather poorly on you.

Real life and real death matter to those who are affected. Your delusional BS is just that. BS.

Yes it does matter. You are really scared and paranoid. You are aware there are only about 1.5 million violent crimes each year right? We are a country of over 300 million. Right there your chance of being a victim is just a fraction of a percent. Then you can figure many of the victims are involved in criminal activity. So if you aren't its a lower tiny fraction of a percent for you. And in murders most people are killed by a friend or family so you wouldn't be given a chance to use your gun anyhow. And you gun guys insist in like 99.999% of the time the gun doesn't need to be fired for a defense. So you are this scared and paranoid about miniscule fraction of a percent chance you will need to shoot? And then even with your ridiculous claim you still have 90% chance? And keep in mind the better source I used says they are over 99%. Wow you are timid, you need therapy. Imagine how you would be in someplace like Iraq that isn't so safe.

How paranoid are all the rape, robbery and murder victims.....just before they are raped, robbed or murdered? Or are you saying that rape, robbery and murder are just fairy tales?

Look at the stats, you aren't very likely to fall victim to any of those. And with rape the vast majority aren't defendable with a gun. With murder you are most likely to know the person so I doubt they will give you an opportunity to defend yourself with a gun. We are a country of over 300 million people. Only 1.5 million violent crimes each year. Many of which are gang related. You in a gang? If not you are really safe, don't be so scared.

No….1.5 million crimes that actually have a report….another 1.5 million are stopped by Americans using guns to stop them according to bill clinton, and barak obama and the government agencies they hired to do the research…..and that is on top of the 40 years of research that supports those finding…..

All crimes are underreported so the 1.5 million number you use is not accurate.

Your 1.5 number is inaccurate and ancient. Crime is down dramatically. Regardless they aren't shooting their guns or they would be reported. So again you would be fine with a smart gun.
It doesn't matter jackass. If there is a one tenth of one percent chance that I will need a gun and it won't work that is too much. The fact that you're mentally deficient doesn't alter the fact that I value my life and I will make sure that I have the best possible equipment to protect it. The fact that it seems you would take your children and put them in a car seat that isn't the absolute best that it can be reflects rather poorly on you.

Real life and real death matter to those who are affected. Your delusional BS is just that. BS.

Yes it does matter. You are really scared and paranoid. You are aware there are only about 1.5 million violent crimes each year right? We are a country of over 300 million. Right there your chance of being a victim is just a fraction of a percent. Then you can figure many of the victims are involved in criminal activity. So if you aren't its a lower tiny fraction of a percent for you. And in murders most people are killed by a friend or family so you wouldn't be given a chance to use your gun anyhow. And you gun guys insist in like 99.999% of the time the gun doesn't need to be fired for a defense. So you are this scared and paranoid about miniscule fraction of a percent chance you will need to shoot? And then even with your ridiculous claim you still have 90% chance? And keep in mind the better source I used says they are over 99%. Wow you are timid, you need therapy. Imagine how you would be in someplace like Iraq that isn't so safe.

How paranoid are all the rape, robbery and murder victims.....just before they are raped, robbed or murdered? Or are you saying that rape, robbery and murder are just fairy tales?

Look at the stats, you aren't very likely to fall victim to any of those. And with rape the vast majority aren't defendable with a gun. With murder you are most likely to know the person so I doubt they will give you an opportunity to defend yourself with a gun. We are a country of over 300 million people. Only 1.5 million violent crimes each year. Many of which are gang related. You in a gang? If not you are really safe, don't be so scared.

No….1.5 million crimes that actually have a report….another 1.5 million are stopped by Americans using guns to stop them according to bill clinton, and barak obama and the government agencies they hired to do the research…..and that is on top of the 40 years of research that supports those finding…..

All crimes are underreported so the 1.5 million number you use is not accurate.

Your 1.5 number is inaccurate and ancient. Crime is down dramatically. Regardless they aren't shooting their guns or they would be reported. So again you would be fine with a smart gun.

I do not choose a smart gun…I like the options I have….if you like them so much…order one.
It doesn't matter jackass. If there is a one tenth of one percent chance that I will need a gun and it won't work that is too much. The fact that you're mentally deficient doesn't alter the fact that I value my life and I will make sure that I have the best possible equipment to protect it. The fact that it seems you would take your children and put them in a car seat that isn't the absolute best that it can be reflects rather poorly on you.

Real life and real death matter to those who are affected. Your delusional BS is just that. BS.

Yes it does matter. You are really scared and paranoid. You are aware there are only about 1.5 million violent crimes each year right? We are a country of over 300 million. Right there your chance of being a victim is just a fraction of a percent. Then you can figure many of the victims are involved in criminal activity. So if you aren't its a lower tiny fraction of a percent for you. And in murders most people are killed by a friend or family so you wouldn't be given a chance to use your gun anyhow. And you gun guys insist in like 99.999% of the time the gun doesn't need to be fired for a defense. So you are this scared and paranoid about miniscule fraction of a percent chance you will need to shoot? And then even with your ridiculous claim you still have 90% chance? And keep in mind the better source I used says they are over 99%. Wow you are timid, you need therapy. Imagine how you would be in someplace like Iraq that isn't so safe.

How paranoid are all the rape, robbery and murder victims.....just before they are raped, robbed or murdered? Or are you saying that rape, robbery and murder are just fairy tales?

Look at the stats, you aren't very likely to fall victim to any of those. And with rape the vast majority aren't defendable with a gun. With murder you are most likely to know the person so I doubt they will give you an opportunity to defend yourself with a gun. We are a country of over 300 million people. Only 1.5 million violent crimes each year. Many of which are gang related. You in a gang? If not you are really safe, don't be so scared.

No….1.5 million crimes that actually have a report….another 1.5 million are stopped by Americans using guns to stop them according to bill clinton, and barak obama and the government agencies they hired to do the research…..and that is on top of the 40 years of research that supports those finding…..

All crimes are underreported so the 1.5 million number you use is not accurate.

Your 1.5 number is inaccurate and ancient. Crime is down dramatically. Regardless they aren't shooting their guns or they would be reported. So again you would be fine with a smart gun.

Yes…..we now have 13 million people carrying guns for self defense so the 1.5 million number from bill clinton will be higher today.
Even using your 90% number you are still quite safe. You are first very unlikely to be attacked in some way. Second your are extremely unlikely to need to fire a gun. And last you still have 90% chance it will fire. You are so scared that isn't enough for you? Are you a little bunny?

What is your non biased source?

Bullshit. Take ten cookies. Coat one with cyanide. Place in bowl and have someone else mix them. Choose one and eat it. An intellectually honest person would agree that those are not favorable odds WITH YOUR LIFE!

But we know that you are not intellectually honest so have fun with your retarded circle jerk.

Please. What percent do you put on you being attacked and needing to fire there little bunny? Why is it I know so many people that are completely unarmed and they aren't scared?

I don't give a fuck moron. Real life isn't a game. Real life is one shot. Take your BS games and take a flying leap.

Real life is you are very, very unlikely to be attacked. Real life is if you are attacked just pointing a gun at the person will stop them. You live in some fantasy place where you are really scared.

Real life is you are very, very unlikely to be attacked.

I agree….until you actually are attacked……..and you have listed 1.5 million reported crimes where actual human beings have been attacked…so it does in fact happen…and each day you wake up, you have no idea if that is your day to be a victim….unless they are like you brain and can see into the future.

And you know a huge number are gang related. Are you involved in gang activity? And another huge chunk are committed by friends and family who wouldn't let you use a gun for defense anyhow. And well in a country of over 300 million it's just a fraction of a pecent anyhow. Don't be so paranoid and scared.
Yes it does matter. You are really scared and paranoid. You are aware there are only about 1.5 million violent crimes each year right? We are a country of over 300 million. Right there your chance of being a victim is just a fraction of a percent. Then you can figure many of the victims are involved in criminal activity. So if you aren't its a lower tiny fraction of a percent for you. And in murders most people are killed by a friend or family so you wouldn't be given a chance to use your gun anyhow. And you gun guys insist in like 99.999% of the time the gun doesn't need to be fired for a defense. So you are this scared and paranoid about miniscule fraction of a percent chance you will need to shoot? And then even with your ridiculous claim you still have 90% chance? And keep in mind the better source I used says they are over 99%. Wow you are timid, you need therapy. Imagine how you would be in someplace like Iraq that isn't so safe.

How paranoid are all the rape, robbery and murder victims.....just before they are raped, robbed or murdered? Or are you saying that rape, robbery and murder are just fairy tales?

Look at the stats, you aren't very likely to fall victim to any of those. And with rape the vast majority aren't defendable with a gun. With murder you are most likely to know the person so I doubt they will give you an opportunity to defend yourself with a gun. We are a country of over 300 million people. Only 1.5 million violent crimes each year. Many of which are gang related. You in a gang? If not you are really safe, don't be so scared.

No….1.5 million crimes that actually have a report….another 1.5 million are stopped by Americans using guns to stop them according to bill clinton, and barak obama and the government agencies they hired to do the research…..and that is on top of the 40 years of research that supports those finding…..

All crimes are underreported so the 1.5 million number you use is not accurate.

Your 1.5 number is inaccurate and ancient. Crime is down dramatically. Regardless they aren't shooting their guns or they would be reported. So again you would be fine with a smart gun.

Yes…..we now have 13 million people carrying guns for self defense so the 1.5 million number from bill clinton will be higher today.

No you need a crime. The number of guns doesn't matter when there aren't enough crimes being attempted.
Yes it does matter. You are really scared and paranoid. You are aware there are only about 1.5 million violent crimes each year right? We are a country of over 300 million. Right there your chance of being a victim is just a fraction of a percent. Then you can figure many of the victims are involved in criminal activity. So if you aren't its a lower tiny fraction of a percent for you. And in murders most people are killed by a friend or family so you wouldn't be given a chance to use your gun anyhow. And you gun guys insist in like 99.999% of the time the gun doesn't need to be fired for a defense. So you are this scared and paranoid about miniscule fraction of a percent chance you will need to shoot? And then even with your ridiculous claim you still have 90% chance? And keep in mind the better source I used says they are over 99%. Wow you are timid, you need therapy. Imagine how you would be in someplace like Iraq that isn't so safe.

How paranoid are all the rape, robbery and murder victims.....just before they are raped, robbed or murdered? Or are you saying that rape, robbery and murder are just fairy tales?

Look at the stats, you aren't very likely to fall victim to any of those. And with rape the vast majority aren't defendable with a gun. With murder you are most likely to know the person so I doubt they will give you an opportunity to defend yourself with a gun. We are a country of over 300 million people. Only 1.5 million violent crimes each year. Many of which are gang related. You in a gang? If not you are really safe, don't be so scared.

No….1.5 million crimes that actually have a report….another 1.5 million are stopped by Americans using guns to stop them according to bill clinton, and barak obama and the government agencies they hired to do the research…..and that is on top of the 40 years of research that supports those finding…..

All crimes are underreported so the 1.5 million number you use is not accurate.

Your 1.5 number is inaccurate and ancient. Crime is down dramatically. Regardless they aren't shooting their guns or they would be reported. So again you would be fine with a smart gun.

I do not choose a smart gun…I like the options I have….if you like them so much…order one.

They aren't sold here.
Bullshit. Take ten cookies. Coat one with cyanide. Place in bowl and have someone else mix them. Choose one and eat it. An intellectually honest person would agree that those are not favorable odds WITH YOUR LIFE!

But we know that you are not intellectually honest so have fun with your retarded circle jerk.

Please. What percent do you put on you being attacked and needing to fire there little bunny? Why is it I know so many people that are completely unarmed and they aren't scared?

I don't give a fuck moron. Real life isn't a game. Real life is one shot. Take your BS games and take a flying leap.

Real life is you are very, very unlikely to be attacked. Real life is if you are attacked just pointing a gun at the person will stop them. You live in some fantasy place where you are really scared.

Real life is you are very, very unlikely to be attacked.

I agree….until you actually are attacked……..and you have listed 1.5 million reported crimes where actual human beings have been attacked…so it does in fact happen…and each day you wake up, you have no idea if that is your day to be a victim….unless they are like you brain and can see into the future.

And you know a huge number are gang related. Are you involved in gang activity? And another huge chunk are committed by friends and family who wouldn't let you use a gun for defense anyhow. And well in a country of over 300 million it's just a fraction of a pecent anyhow. Don't be so paranoid and scared.

Paranoid and scared need emotion….I have a gun with the same emotional investment as I have with my cell phone. You guys are the paranoid ones…….you see every gun owners as a homicidal killer…and you just pointed out most gun murder is committed by career criminals…a vast majority of those gang members in democrat controlled cities.

But…….innocent people are targeted for crime all the time……better to be safe than sorry……..talk to actual victims sometime..see what they have to say.
How paranoid are all the rape, robbery and murder victims.....just before they are raped, robbed or murdered? Or are you saying that rape, robbery and murder are just fairy tales?

Look at the stats, you aren't very likely to fall victim to any of those. And with rape the vast majority aren't defendable with a gun. With murder you are most likely to know the person so I doubt they will give you an opportunity to defend yourself with a gun. We are a country of over 300 million people. Only 1.5 million violent crimes each year. Many of which are gang related. You in a gang? If not you are really safe, don't be so scared.

No….1.5 million crimes that actually have a report….another 1.5 million are stopped by Americans using guns to stop them according to bill clinton, and barak obama and the government agencies they hired to do the research…..and that is on top of the 40 years of research that supports those finding…..

All crimes are underreported so the 1.5 million number you use is not accurate.

Your 1.5 number is inaccurate and ancient. Crime is down dramatically. Regardless they aren't shooting their guns or they would be reported. So again you would be fine with a smart gun.

I do not choose a smart gun…I like the options I have….if you like them so much…order one.

They aren't sold here.

Order directly from the manufacturer and have it sent to a local gun store…..unless you live in a gun free killing zone like France…but you could get a fully automatic rifle cheaply and quickly….
How paranoid are all the rape, robbery and murder victims.....just before they are raped, robbed or murdered? Or are you saying that rape, robbery and murder are just fairy tales?

Look at the stats, you aren't very likely to fall victim to any of those. And with rape the vast majority aren't defendable with a gun. With murder you are most likely to know the person so I doubt they will give you an opportunity to defend yourself with a gun. We are a country of over 300 million people. Only 1.5 million violent crimes each year. Many of which are gang related. You in a gang? If not you are really safe, don't be so scared.

No….1.5 million crimes that actually have a report….another 1.5 million are stopped by Americans using guns to stop them according to bill clinton, and barak obama and the government agencies they hired to do the research…..and that is on top of the 40 years of research that supports those finding…..

All crimes are underreported so the 1.5 million number you use is not accurate.

Your 1.5 number is inaccurate and ancient. Crime is down dramatically. Regardless they aren't shooting their guns or they would be reported. So again you would be fine with a smart gun.

Yes…..we now have 13 million people carrying guns for self defense so the 1.5 million number from bill clinton will be higher today.

No you need a crime. The number of guns doesn't matter when there aren't enough crimes being attempted.

Yeah….violent crime is a myth…..got you…..

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