What's wrong with smart guns?

Here you go...Europe murdered 1.5 million children...and that is probably a low estimate.........

all because their parents allowed themselves to be disarmed because they thought only the police and soldiers should have guns........and that the government would protect them...

Children during the Holocaust

The Germans and their collaborators killed as many as 1.5 million children. This number included over a million Jewish children and tens of thousands of Romani (Gypsy)children, German children with physical and mental disabilities living in institutions, Polish children, and children residing in the occupied Soviet Union. Some Jewish and some non-Jewish adolescents (13-18 years old) had a greater chance of survival, as they could be used for forced labor.

The fates of Jewish and non-Jewish children can be categorized in the following ways:

1) children killed when they arrived in killing centers
2) children killed immediately after birth or in institutions
3) children born in ghettos and camps who survived because prisoners hid them
4) children, usually over age 12, who were used as laborers and as subjects of medical experiments
5) children killed during reprisal operations or so-called anti-partisan operations.

And this was when again?

During World War 2...just 70 years ago.......so I have to guess you think it will never happen again...and you are so sure you are happy to give up your guns..........

Most of Europe is not armed and it isn't happening.... And it would never happen here. So stop with the silliness.

Tell that to the Japanese.....

And it would never happen here

If you asked those 12 million people the year before they were shipped to the gas chambers..that is exactly what they would have said......

Sure and was there 24/7 news then? Smart phones? The internet? Sorry but Europe is not armed and it is not happening. That kills your whole theory.

Hmmm...seems to me isis is using the 24/7 news cycle, smart phones and the internet..........and the San Bernadino killers also used smart phones and computers.......each thing you listed makes it easier for mass murder, not more difficult.......
So....Europeans, if you divide 1.5 million by 70 years, the years of World War 2 to today....murdered 21,428 children a year............

Hmmm...that is more than get killed by democrat criminals here each year.......

How about you stick with stats for like the last two decades? Or do you prefer to be ridiculous?

How is that ridiculous...Germany and Europe were modern nations, with universities, philosphy, science, the rule of law.....and democracy.....and in 20 years they became a place where they murdered 12 million innocent men, women and 1.5 million children..........they were not a medieval Europe...they were the most modern nations on the planet at the time........and a small group......in control....murdered 12 million unarmed people.....

You really don't think it could ever happen again....with all the muslims flooding Europe right now...and all the increased tensions...and the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.....? And do you think the Russians are treating the people in the occupied areas of Ukraine with gentleness and fondness.....really?

I think an armed population has nothing to do with it. Again most of Europe is not armed and yet it isn't happening.

I will never happen here, our military are the best people we have. With 24/7 news, the internet, smart phones... Sorry will not ever happen.

And the 12 million people would have said they live in Europe......the most advanced nations of the world.....nothing like that would ever happen...they would call you crazy.........well, they might be right on that one....but they would have said there was no way any German, no matter who it was and how much they hated Jews would march 12 million people, men, women and 1.5 million children into gas chambers......it would never happen.
Why would't assaults matter? Or kids over 15? Strange.

15 is prime gang membership age.....and the majority of any gun injuries 15 and over are crime related.....

Still kids.

Yes....lie.....you have to.....reality, facts and the truth show that you are wrong...so you have to include hard core 15 year old gang members murdering other gang members as the same as kids playing in the park with their parents....

It's not a lie. You're comparing every form of child murder to guns and think that's equal.

No...that is what you are doing....you are saying a 15 year old gang member, who kills another gang member is the same as a kid who isn't a gang member and who accidentally gets shot hunting with his dad...........

And then you are saying, through your post that 18 year olds also qualify as "kids" and that 25 year olds also qualify as kids...since if you don't include them....you only have 69 kids accidentally killed with guns and just over 100 due to gun murder....while over 700 are murdered by other means....

Try harder.......you need to work for it.

Actually, this only relates to the ones getting shot and kids are kids. They all matter.

How many kids in your report went to the hospital because of guns?
So....Europeans, if you divide 1.5 million by 70 years, the years of World War 2 to today....murdered 21,428 children a year............

Hmmm...that is more than get killed by democrat criminals here each year.......

How about you stick with stats for like the last two decades? Or do you prefer to be ridiculous?

How is that ridiculous...Germany and Europe were modern nations, with universities, philosphy, science, the rule of law.....and democracy.....and in 20 years they became a place where they murdered 12 million innocent men, women and 1.5 million children..........they were not a medieval Europe...they were the most modern nations on the planet at the time........and a small group......in control....murdered 12 million unarmed people.....

You really don't think it could ever happen again....with all the muslims flooding Europe right now...and all the increased tensions...and the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.....? And do you think the Russians are treating the people in the occupied areas of Ukraine with gentleness and fondness.....really?

I think an armed population has nothing to do with it. Again most of Europe is not armed and yet it isn't happening.

I will never happen here, our military are the best people we have. With 24/7 news, the internet, smart phones... Sorry will not ever happen.

And the 12 million people would have said they live in Europe......the most advanced nations of the world.....nothing like that would ever happen...they would call you crazy.........well, they might be right on that one....but they would have said there was no way any German, no matter who it was and how much they hated Jews would march 12 million people, men, women and 1.5 million children into gas chambers......it would never happen.
15 is prime gang membership age.....and the majority of any gun injuries 15 and over are crime related.....

Still kids.

Yes....lie.....you have to.....reality, facts and the truth show that you are wrong...so you have to include hard core 15 year old gang members murdering other gang members as the same as kids playing in the park with their parents....

It's not a lie. You're comparing every form of child murder to guns and think that's equal.

No...that is what you are doing....you are saying a 15 year old gang member, who kills another gang member is the same as a kid who isn't a gang member and who accidentally gets shot hunting with his dad...........

And then you are saying, through your post that 18 year olds also qualify as "kids" and that 25 year olds also qualify as kids...since if you don't include them....you only have 69 kids accidentally killed with guns and just over 100 due to gun murder....while over 700 are murdered by other means....

Try harder.......you need to work for it.

Actually, this only relates to the ones getting shot and kids are kids. They all matter.

How many kids in your report went to the hospital because of guns?

Look it up...I linked the CDC....do some actual research that doesn't come from gun grabbers.....

Total of accidental gun deaths of children in 2013......in a country of over 320 million people.... 69.

Each one a tragedy....but 69 out of 320 million......
So....Europeans, if you divide 1.5 million by 70 years, the years of World War 2 to today....murdered 21,428 children a year............

Hmmm...that is more than get killed by democrat criminals here each year.......

How about you stick with stats for like the last two decades? Or do you prefer to be ridiculous?

How is that ridiculous...Germany and Europe were modern nations, with universities, philosphy, science, the rule of law.....and democracy.....and in 20 years they became a place where they murdered 12 million innocent men, women and 1.5 million children..........they were not a medieval Europe...they were the most modern nations on the planet at the time........and a small group......in control....murdered 12 million unarmed people.....

You really don't think it could ever happen again....with all the muslims flooding Europe right now...and all the increased tensions...and the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.....? And do you think the Russians are treating the people in the occupied areas of Ukraine with gentleness and fondness.....really?

I think an armed population has nothing to do with it. Again most of Europe is not armed and yet it isn't happening.

I will never happen here, our military are the best people we have. With 24/7 news, the internet, smart phones... Sorry will not ever happen.

And the 12 million people would have said they live in Europe......the most advanced nations of the world.....nothing like that would ever happen...they would call you crazy.........well, they might be right on that one....but they would have said there was no way any German, no matter who it was and how much they hated Jews would march 12 million people, men, women and 1.5 million children into gas chambers......it would never happen.
15 is prime gang membership age.....and the majority of any gun injuries 15 and over are crime related.....

Still kids.

Yes....lie.....you have to.....reality, facts and the truth show that you are wrong...so you have to include hard core 15 year old gang members murdering other gang members as the same as kids playing in the park with their parents....

It's not a lie. You're comparing every form of child murder to guns and think that's equal.

No...that is what you are doing....you are saying a 15 year old gang member, who kills another gang member is the same as a kid who isn't a gang member and who accidentally gets shot hunting with his dad...........

And then you are saying, through your post that 18 year olds also qualify as "kids" and that 25 year olds also qualify as kids...since if you don't include them....you only have 69 kids accidentally killed with guns and just over 100 due to gun murder....while over 700 are murdered by other means....

Try harder.......you need to work for it.

Actually, this only relates to the ones getting shot and kids are kids. They all matter.

How many kids in your report went to the hospital because of guns?

and your post said over 80% were 17 and older and shot due to gang activity..............keep trying...
How about you stick with stats for like the last two decades? Or do you prefer to be ridiculous?

How is that ridiculous...Germany and Europe were modern nations, with universities, philosphy, science, the rule of law.....and democracy.....and in 20 years they became a place where they murdered 12 million innocent men, women and 1.5 million children..........they were not a medieval Europe...they were the most modern nations on the planet at the time........and a small group......in control....murdered 12 million unarmed people.....

You really don't think it could ever happen again....with all the muslims flooding Europe right now...and all the increased tensions...and the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.....? And do you think the Russians are treating the people in the occupied areas of Ukraine with gentleness and fondness.....really?

I think an armed population has nothing to do with it. Again most of Europe is not armed and yet it isn't happening.

I will never happen here, our military are the best people we have. With 24/7 news, the internet, smart phones... Sorry will not ever happen.

And the 12 million people would have said they live in Europe......the most advanced nations of the world.....nothing like that would ever happen...they would call you crazy.........well, they might be right on that one....but they would have said there was no way any German, no matter who it was and how much they hated Jews would march 12 million people, men, women and 1.5 million children into gas chambers......it would never happen.
Still kids.

Yes....lie.....you have to.....reality, facts and the truth show that you are wrong...so you have to include hard core 15 year old gang members murdering other gang members as the same as kids playing in the park with their parents....

It's not a lie. You're comparing every form of child murder to guns and think that's equal.

No...that is what you are doing....you are saying a 15 year old gang member, who kills another gang member is the same as a kid who isn't a gang member and who accidentally gets shot hunting with his dad...........

And then you are saying, through your post that 18 year olds also qualify as "kids" and that 25 year olds also qualify as kids...since if you don't include them....you only have 69 kids accidentally killed with guns and just over 100 due to gun murder....while over 700 are murdered by other means....

Try harder.......you need to work for it.

Actually, this only relates to the ones getting shot and kids are kids. They all matter.

How many kids in your report went to the hospital because of guns?

Look it up...I linked the CDC....do some actual research that doesn't come from gun grabbers.....

Total of accidental gun deaths of children in 2013......in a country of over 320 million people.... 69.

Each one a tragedy....but 69 out of 320 million......

320 million kids?
Here you go...Europe murdered 1.5 million children...and that is probably a low estimate.........

all because their parents allowed themselves to be disarmed because they thought only the police and soldiers should have guns........and that the government would protect them...

Children during the Holocaust

The Germans and their collaborators killed as many as 1.5 million children. This number included over a million Jewish children and tens of thousands of Romani (Gypsy)children, German children with physical and mental disabilities living in institutions, Polish children, and children residing in the occupied Soviet Union. Some Jewish and some non-Jewish adolescents (13-18 years old) had a greater chance of survival, as they could be used for forced labor.

The fates of Jewish and non-Jewish children can be categorized in the following ways:

1) children killed when they arrived in killing centers
2) children killed immediately after birth or in institutions
3) children born in ghettos and camps who survived because prisoners hid them
4) children, usually over age 12, who were used as laborers and as subjects of medical experiments
5) children killed during reprisal operations or so-called anti-partisan operations.

And this was when again?

During World War 2...just 70 years ago.......so I have to guess you think it will never happen again...and you are so sure you are happy to give up your guns..........

Most of Europe is not armed and it isn't happening.... And it would never happen here. So stop with the silliness.

Yet.....they are importing violent immigrants...who are completely at odds with European culture....nothing can go wrong there...right?
How is that ridiculous...Germany and Europe were modern nations, with universities, philosphy, science, the rule of law.....and democracy.....and in 20 years they became a place where they murdered 12 million innocent men, women and 1.5 million children..........they were not a medieval Europe...they were the most modern nations on the planet at the time........and a small group......in control....murdered 12 million unarmed people.....

You really don't think it could ever happen again....with all the muslims flooding Europe right now...and all the increased tensions...and the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.....? And do you think the Russians are treating the people in the occupied areas of Ukraine with gentleness and fondness.....really?

I think an armed population has nothing to do with it. Again most of Europe is not armed and yet it isn't happening.

I will never happen here, our military are the best people we have. With 24/7 news, the internet, smart phones... Sorry will not ever happen.

And the 12 million people would have said they live in Europe......the most advanced nations of the world.....nothing like that would ever happen...they would call you crazy.........well, they might be right on that one....but they would have said there was no way any German, no matter who it was and how much they hated Jews would march 12 million people, men, women and 1.5 million children into gas chambers......it would never happen.
Yes....lie.....you have to.....reality, facts and the truth show that you are wrong...so you have to include hard core 15 year old gang members murdering other gang members as the same as kids playing in the park with their parents....

It's not a lie. You're comparing every form of child murder to guns and think that's equal.

No...that is what you are doing....you are saying a 15 year old gang member, who kills another gang member is the same as a kid who isn't a gang member and who accidentally gets shot hunting with his dad...........

And then you are saying, through your post that 18 year olds also qualify as "kids" and that 25 year olds also qualify as kids...since if you don't include them....you only have 69 kids accidentally killed with guns and just over 100 due to gun murder....while over 700 are murdered by other means....

Try harder.......you need to work for it.

Actually, this only relates to the ones getting shot and kids are kids. They all matter.

How many kids in your report went to the hospital because of guns?

Look it up...I linked the CDC....do some actual research that doesn't come from gun grabbers.....

Total of accidental gun deaths of children in 2013......in a country of over 320 million people.... 69.

Each one a tragedy....but 69 out of 320 million......

320 million kids?
320 million people.......... over 357 million guns in private hands.... and over 13 million people carrying guns for self defense..... and a total of 69 accidental gun deaths of children.......real children...not hardened gang members....
How is that ridiculous...Germany and Europe were modern nations, with universities, philosphy, science, the rule of law.....and democracy.....and in 20 years they became a place where they murdered 12 million innocent men, women and 1.5 million children..........they were not a medieval Europe...they were the most modern nations on the planet at the time........and a small group......in control....murdered 12 million unarmed people.....

You really don't think it could ever happen again....with all the muslims flooding Europe right now...and all the increased tensions...and the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.....? And do you think the Russians are treating the people in the occupied areas of Ukraine with gentleness and fondness.....really?

I think an armed population has nothing to do with it. Again most of Europe is not armed and yet it isn't happening.

I will never happen here, our military are the best people we have. With 24/7 news, the internet, smart phones... Sorry will not ever happen.

And the 12 million people would have said they live in Europe......the most advanced nations of the world.....nothing like that would ever happen...they would call you crazy.........well, they might be right on that one....but they would have said there was no way any German, no matter who it was and how much they hated Jews would march 12 million people, men, women and 1.5 million children into gas chambers......it would never happen.
Yes....lie.....you have to.....reality, facts and the truth show that you are wrong...so you have to include hard core 15 year old gang members murdering other gang members as the same as kids playing in the park with their parents....

It's not a lie. You're comparing every form of child murder to guns and think that's equal.

No...that is what you are doing....you are saying a 15 year old gang member, who kills another gang member is the same as a kid who isn't a gang member and who accidentally gets shot hunting with his dad...........

And then you are saying, through your post that 18 year olds also qualify as "kids" and that 25 year olds also qualify as kids...since if you don't include them....you only have 69 kids accidentally killed with guns and just over 100 due to gun murder....while over 700 are murdered by other means....

Try harder.......you need to work for it.

Actually, this only relates to the ones getting shot and kids are kids. They all matter.

How many kids in your report went to the hospital because of guns?

Look it up...I linked the CDC....do some actual research that doesn't come from gun grabbers.....

Total of accidental gun deaths of children in 2013......in a country of over 320 million people.... 69.

Each one a tragedy....but 69 out of 320 million......

320 million kids?

according to the 2010 census.....74.2 million kids.... and 69 accidental gun deaths of kids in 2013...

The Changing Child Population of the United States - The Annie E. Casey Foundation
So, according to the CDC almost as many people die by firearms as by cars?
So, according to the CDC almost as many people die by firearms as by cars?

actually, more people die from car accidents....so we need to ban cars....if you have a gun and a car...get rid of the car......
So, according to the CDC almost as many people die by firearms as by cars?

Here you go...this may be easier to read.....and compare...


Here are the stats on some common types of death....it would be better to start a crusade to teach people how to walk upright...and save them from falling deaths...you would save more lives.....


guns, drowning and poisoning....

If you cared about people....you would push to ban the following...



Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in 2013....

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-14 years old: 39
Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people) ( 74.2 million kids in the U.S. in 2010)



Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


So...accidental gun deaths have been coming down as more people own and carry guns for self defense....now 12.8 million people actually carry guns for self defense......on their person, and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up....
So, according to the CDC almost as many people die by firearms as by cars?

So....accidental gun deaths of all ages in 2013.... 505

Accidental car deaths of all ages 2013.... 35,369

See...keep the gun...and the cannoli, and get rid of the car....
So....Europeans, if you divide 1.5 million by 70 years, the years of World War 2 to today....murdered 21,428 children a year............

Hmmm...that is more than get killed by democrat criminals here each year.......

How about you stick with stats for like the last two decades? Or do you prefer to be ridiculous?

How is that ridiculous...Germany and Europe were modern nations, with universities, philosphy, science, the rule of law.....and democracy.....and in 20 years they became a place where they murdered 12 million innocent men, women and 1.5 million children..........they were not a medieval Europe...they were the most modern nations on the planet at the time........and a small group......in control....murdered 12 million unarmed people.....

You really don't think it could ever happen again....with all the muslims flooding Europe right now...and all the increased tensions...and the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.....? And do you think the Russians are treating the people in the occupied areas of Ukraine with gentleness and fondness.....really?

I think an armed population has nothing to do with it. Again most of Europe is not armed and yet it isn't happening.

I will never happen here, our military are the best people we have. With 24/7 news, the internet, smart phones... Sorry will not ever happen.

And the 12 million people would have said they live in Europe......the most advanced nations of the world.....nothing like that would ever happen...they would call you crazy.........well, they might be right on that one....but they would have said there was no way any German, no matter who it was and how much they hated Jews would march 12 million people, men, women and 1.5 million children into gas chambers......it would never happen.

You are aware it is a completely different world now right? Again, they didn't have 24/7 news and the internet, and smart phones...

And again Europe is not armed and they are fine. That kills your crazy theory.
According to FBI table 8...total gun murders 2014.... 8,124...

Car deaths 2013... 35,369

Again..get rid of the car.....
And this was when again?

During World War 2...just 70 years ago.......so I have to guess you think it will never happen again...and you are so sure you are happy to give up your guns..........

Most of Europe is not armed and it isn't happening.... And it would never happen here. So stop with the silliness.

Tell that to the Japanese.....

And it would never happen here

If you asked those 12 million people the year before they were shipped to the gas chambers..that is exactly what they would have said......

Sure and was there 24/7 news then? Smart phones? The internet? Sorry but Europe is not armed and it is not happening. That kills your whole theory.

Hmmm...seems to me isis is using the 24/7 news cycle, smart phones and the internet..........and the San Bernadino killers also used smart phones and computers.......each thing you listed makes it easier for mass murder, not more difficult.......

And those aren't governments.
So, according to the CDC almost as many people die by firearms as by cars?

actually, more people die from car accidents....so we need to ban cars....if you have a gun and a car...get rid of the car......

Not many, less than 200 more by car and by far more people come into contact with cars than they do guns on a day to day basis.

Look at this trend:

So....Europeans, if you divide 1.5 million by 70 years, the years of World War 2 to today....murdered 21,428 children a year............

Hmmm...that is more than get killed by democrat criminals here each year.......

How about you stick with stats for like the last two decades? Or do you prefer to be ridiculous?

How is that ridiculous...Germany and Europe were modern nations, with universities, philosphy, science, the rule of law.....and democracy.....and in 20 years they became a place where they murdered 12 million innocent men, women and 1.5 million children..........they were not a medieval Europe...they were the most modern nations on the planet at the time........and a small group......in control....murdered 12 million unarmed people.....

You really don't think it could ever happen again....with all the muslims flooding Europe right now...and all the increased tensions...and the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.....? And do you think the Russians are treating the people in the occupied areas of Ukraine with gentleness and fondness.....really?

I think an armed population has nothing to do with it. Again most of Europe is not armed and yet it isn't happening.

I will never happen here, our military are the best people we have. With 24/7 news, the internet, smart phones... Sorry will not ever happen.

And the 12 million people would have said they live in Europe......the most advanced nations of the world.....nothing like that would ever happen...they would call you crazy.........well, they might be right on that one....but they would have said there was no way any German, no matter who it was and how much they hated Jews would march 12 million people, men, women and 1.5 million children into gas chambers......it would never happen.

You are aware it is a completely different world now right? Again, they didn't have 24/7 news and the internet, and smart phones...

And again Europe is not armed and they are fine. That kills your crazy theory.

yes...tell that to the Yzidis...or the people at the Christmas Party in San Bernadino..........

The European civilians are not armed.......just like in Germany in 1930s the police and military have all the guns.......that worked out...right?
During World War 2...just 70 years ago.......so I have to guess you think it will never happen again...and you are so sure you are happy to give up your guns..........

Most of Europe is not armed and it isn't happening.... And it would never happen here. So stop with the silliness.

Tell that to the Japanese.....

And it would never happen here

If you asked those 12 million people the year before they were shipped to the gas chambers..that is exactly what they would have said......

Sure and was there 24/7 news then? Smart phones? The internet? Sorry but Europe is not armed and it is not happening. That kills your whole theory.

Hmmm...seems to me isis is using the 24/7 news cycle, smart phones and the internet..........and the San Bernadino killers also used smart phones and computers.......each thing you listed makes it easier for mass murder, not more difficult.......

And those aren't governments.

You don't think putin is committng atrocities in Ukraine?

Or that mass murder, like what is happening in Mexico right now by the drug cartels and their government allies can't happen anywhere else in the world...? Who is delusional now....?
According to FBI table 8...total gun murders 2014.... 8,124...

Car deaths 2013... 35,369

Again..get rid of the car.....

Guns are used only a tiny fraction of the number of times cars are used. Cars are used many millions of times each day. Guns are far more dangerous.

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