When Blacks Aren’t Black Enough

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Apr 25 2021
When Blacks Aren’t Black Enough

Even European countries are subject to the ravages of critical race theory. In Britain, the BBC employs a Diversity Manager named Miranda Wayland. “Diversity,” like “equity” and “antiracism,” is a euphemism for applied critical race theory.
Miranda is so good at finding insufficient diversity that she even denounced the show Luther, which trendily features a black hero. It turns out Luther hangs out with Caucasians and does not eat Caribbean food; therefore, he does not fulfill diversity quotas.

As Sarah Corriher explains in the video below, it is no longer enough to be a Person of Color; only moonbattery-compliant caricatures of a Person of Color are acceptable to the priests and priestesses of political correctness:

She is 100% correct that the objective of separating people into warring tribes with the dehumanizing ideology of critical race theory is to destroy our civilization so that a new authoritarian society can be constructed on its ashes, under the complete control of radical leftists.

On a tip from Lyle.

All links highlighted

Apperantly He ain't black

Maybe he should stab someone .....
The great Civil Rights leader, Julian Bond was very fair skinned. It was once said that he had to show ID to not be served at a lunch counter.


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