When Did Trump Make You A Keynesian?

We've all heard the pseudocon Rube Herd parrot the meme that "tax cuts increase revenues". They get this meme from their propagandists and then repeat it unthinkingly.

There are two key facts which expose the lie hidden in that meme. First, the obvious fact is that if you lower tax rates all the way to zero, you have zero revenues. So at some point, tax cuts fail to increase revenues.

The second fact is one which their propagandists deliberately keep from the rubes. This is a deliberate omission, and therefore a deliberately crafted lie. And that fact is that revenues have also increased after a tax INCREASE.

See for yourself. Here is a history of tax rates: https://files.taxfoundation.org/legacy/docs/fed_individual_rate_history_nominal.pdf

Notice how tax rates increased under Bill Clinton in 1993. The top marginal rate increased from 31 percent to 39.6 percent, and stayed that way until 2001.

Now here is a history of federal revenues: Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

Notice how tax revenues INCREASED after the tax rates went UP a whopping 8.6 points:

FY 1991 - $1.05 trillion.
FY 1992 - $1.09 trillion.
FY 1993 - $1.15 trillion.
FY 1994 - $1.26 trillion.
FY 1995 - $1.35 trillion.
FY 1996 - $1.45 trillion.
FY 1997 - $1.58 trillion.
FY 1998 - $1.72 trillion.
FY 1999 - $1.82 trillion.
FY 2000 - $2.03 trillion

Just a few years after Clinton's tax increase, federal revenues had DOUBLED!!!

And after the Bush tax cut expired on the top marginal rate in 2013, federal revenues continued to increase:

FY 2012 - $2.45 trillion.
FY 2013 - $2.77 trillion.
FY 2014 - $3.02 trillion.
FY 2015 - $3.25 trillion.
FY 2016 - $3.27 trillion.
FY 2017 - $3.32 trillion.

So, clearly, increasing or decreasing tax rates a few points here and there has almost nothing to do with revenues.

As Bill Clinton said, "It's the economy, stupid."

By the way, job growth exploded during the higher tax Clinton years. 30 million jobs in 8 years, with less than 5 percent unemployment.

So the next time you are crowing about the current tax rate increasing revenues, you should know your propagandists are counting on you not looking beyond the carefully framed numbers they present to your dumb ass.

But it gets worse. Much worse. You are being even dumber than that.

Because while your pseudocon propagandists are crowing about revenues, they are counting on you not noticing that despite increased revenues, your party and your President are EXPLODING our deficits!

It's called misdirection. A classic magician's trick to fool the rubes.

Trump is on track to blow Obama's debt record wide open. And after whining and whining and whining and whining non-stop for eight years about Obama's spending, your propagandists have gone dark.

And so have you.

The stench of hypocrisy is all over you.

So, clearly, increasing or decreasing tax rates a few points here and there has almost nothing to do with revenues.

In that case, I vote for decreasing tax rates.
I vote for eliminating tax expenditures so we can lower tax rates for everyone the right way, with the result of a balanced budget and decreasing debt at the same time.

Your way just adds to the debt.
Trump's $1.5 trillion debt bomb he called a "tax reform" was supposed to stimulate the economy. Remember how wages were going to explode?

It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks
Not only is that most ever, it nearly doubles the previous record of $242.1 billion, which was set during the first three months of the year.


It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

That's awful!!
I hate it when my stocks increase in price.
Trump's $1.5 trillion debt bomb he called a "tax reform" was supposed to stimulate the economy. Remember how wages were going to explode?

It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks
Not only is that most ever, it nearly doubles the previous record of $242.1 billion, which was set during the first three months of the year.


It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

That's awful!!
I hate it when my stocks increase in price.
Stocks are below where they were in January...
We've all heard the pseudocon Rube Herd parrot the meme that "tax cuts increase revenues". They get this meme from their propagandists and then repeat it unthinkingly.

There are two key facts which expose the lie hidden in that meme. First, the obvious fact is that if you lower tax rates all the way to zero, you have zero revenues. So at some point, tax cuts fail to increase revenues.

The second fact is one which their propagandists deliberately keep from the rubes. This is a deliberate omission, and therefore a deliberately crafted lie. And that fact is that revenues have also increased after a tax INCREASE.

See for yourself. Here is a history of tax rates: https://files.taxfoundation.org/legacy/docs/fed_individual_rate_history_nominal.pdf

Notice how tax rates increased under Bill Clinton in 1993. The top marginal rate increased from 31 percent to 39.6 percent, and stayed that way until 2001.

Now here is a history of federal revenues: Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

Notice how tax revenues INCREASED after the tax rates went UP a whopping 8.6 points:

FY 1991 - $1.05 trillion.
FY 1992 - $1.09 trillion.
FY 1993 - $1.15 trillion.
FY 1994 - $1.26 trillion.
FY 1995 - $1.35 trillion.
FY 1996 - $1.45 trillion.
FY 1997 - $1.58 trillion.
FY 1998 - $1.72 trillion.
FY 1999 - $1.82 trillion.
FY 2000 - $2.03 trillion

Just a few years after Clinton's tax increase, federal revenues had DOUBLED!!!

And after the Bush tax cut expired on the top marginal rate in 2013, federal revenues continued to increase:

FY 2012 - $2.45 trillion.
FY 2013 - $2.77 trillion.
FY 2014 - $3.02 trillion.
FY 2015 - $3.25 trillion.
FY 2016 - $3.27 trillion.
FY 2017 - $3.32 trillion.

So, clearly, increasing or decreasing tax rates a few points here and there has almost nothing to do with revenues.

As Bill Clinton said, "It's the economy, stupid."

By the way, job growth exploded during the higher tax Clinton years. 30 million jobs in 8 years, with less than 5 percent unemployment.

So the next time you are crowing about the current tax rate increasing revenues, you should know your propagandists are counting on you not looking beyond the carefully framed numbers they present to your dumb ass.

But it gets worse. Much worse. You are being even dumber than that.

Because while your pseudocon propagandists are crowing about revenues, they are counting on you not noticing that despite increased revenues, your party and your President are EXPLODING our deficits!

It's called misdirection. A classic magician's trick to fool the rubes.

Trump is on track to blow Obama's debt record wide open. And after whining and whining and whining and whining non-stop for eight years about Obama's spending, your propagandists have gone dark.

And so have you.

The stench of hypocrisy is all over you.

So, clearly, increasing or decreasing tax rates a few points here and there has almost nothing to do with revenues.

In that case, I vote for decreasing tax rates.
twisted spin you have there

Spin? The OP said rates don't matter.
I prefer lower rates, pretty straightforward.
We've all heard the pseudocon Rube Herd parrot the meme that "tax cuts increase revenues". They get this meme from their propagandists and then repeat it unthinkingly.

There are two key facts which expose the lie hidden in that meme. First, the obvious fact is that if you lower tax rates all the way to zero, you have zero revenues. So at some point, tax cuts fail to increase revenues.

The second fact is one which their propagandists deliberately keep from the rubes. This is a deliberate omission, and therefore a deliberately crafted lie. And that fact is that revenues have also increased after a tax INCREASE.

See for yourself. Here is a history of tax rates: https://files.taxfoundation.org/legacy/docs/fed_individual_rate_history_nominal.pdf

Notice how tax rates increased under Bill Clinton in 1993. The top marginal rate increased from 31 percent to 39.6 percent, and stayed that way until 2001.

Now here is a history of federal revenues: Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

Notice how tax revenues INCREASED after the tax rates went UP a whopping 8.6 points:

FY 1991 - $1.05 trillion.
FY 1992 - $1.09 trillion.
FY 1993 - $1.15 trillion.
FY 1994 - $1.26 trillion.
FY 1995 - $1.35 trillion.
FY 1996 - $1.45 trillion.
FY 1997 - $1.58 trillion.
FY 1998 - $1.72 trillion.
FY 1999 - $1.82 trillion.
FY 2000 - $2.03 trillion

Just a few years after Clinton's tax increase, federal revenues had DOUBLED!!!

And after the Bush tax cut expired on the top marginal rate in 2013, federal revenues continued to increase:

FY 2012 - $2.45 trillion.
FY 2013 - $2.77 trillion.
FY 2014 - $3.02 trillion.
FY 2015 - $3.25 trillion.
FY 2016 - $3.27 trillion.
FY 2017 - $3.32 trillion.

So, clearly, increasing or decreasing tax rates a few points here and there has almost nothing to do with revenues.

As Bill Clinton said, "It's the economy, stupid."

By the way, job growth exploded during the higher tax Clinton years. 30 million jobs in 8 years, with less than 5 percent unemployment.

So the next time you are crowing about the current tax rate increasing revenues, you should know your propagandists are counting on you not looking beyond the carefully framed numbers they present to your dumb ass.

But it gets worse. Much worse. You are being even dumber than that.

Because while your pseudocon propagandists are crowing about revenues, they are counting on you not noticing that despite increased revenues, your party and your President are EXPLODING our deficits!

It's called misdirection. A classic magician's trick to fool the rubes.

Trump is on track to blow Obama's debt record wide open. And after whining and whining and whining and whining non-stop for eight years about Obama's spending, your propagandists have gone dark.

And so have you.

The stench of hypocrisy is all over you.

So, clearly, increasing or decreasing tax rates a few points here and there has almost nothing to do with revenues.

In that case, I vote for decreasing tax rates.
I vote for eliminating tax expenditures so we can lower tax rates for everyone the right way, with the result of a balanced budget and decreasing debt at the same time.

Your way just adds to the debt.

Your way just adds to the debt.

Cutting rates add to the debt? So your OP was a lie?
Trump's $1.5 trillion debt bomb he called a "tax reform" was supposed to stimulate the economy. Remember how wages were going to explode?

It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks
Not only is that most ever, it nearly doubles the previous record of $242.1 billion, which was set during the first three months of the year.


It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

That's awful!!
I hate it when my stocks increase in price.
Stocks are below where they were in January...

Which ones?
We've all heard the pseudocon Rube Herd parrot the meme that "tax cuts increase revenues". They get this meme from their propagandists and then repeat it unthinkingly.

There are two key facts which expose the lie hidden in that meme. First, the obvious fact is that if you lower tax rates all the way to zero, you have zero revenues. So at some point, tax cuts fail to increase revenues.

The second fact is one which their propagandists deliberately keep from the rubes. This is a deliberate omission, and therefore a deliberately crafted lie. And that fact is that revenues have also increased after a tax INCREASE.

See for yourself. Here is a history of tax rates: https://files.taxfoundation.org/legacy/docs/fed_individual_rate_history_nominal.pdf

Notice how tax rates increased under Bill Clinton in 1993. The top marginal rate increased from 31 percent to 39.6 percent, and stayed that way until 2001.

Now here is a history of federal revenues: Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

Notice how tax revenues INCREASED after the tax rates went UP a whopping 8.6 points:

FY 1991 - $1.05 trillion.
FY 1992 - $1.09 trillion.
FY 1993 - $1.15 trillion.
FY 1994 - $1.26 trillion.
FY 1995 - $1.35 trillion.
FY 1996 - $1.45 trillion.
FY 1997 - $1.58 trillion.
FY 1998 - $1.72 trillion.
FY 1999 - $1.82 trillion.
FY 2000 - $2.03 trillion

Just a few years after Clinton's tax increase, federal revenues had DOUBLED!!!

And after the Bush tax cut expired on the top marginal rate in 2013, federal revenues continued to increase:

FY 2012 - $2.45 trillion.
FY 2013 - $2.77 trillion.
FY 2014 - $3.02 trillion.
FY 2015 - $3.25 trillion.
FY 2016 - $3.27 trillion.
FY 2017 - $3.32 trillion.

So, clearly, increasing or decreasing tax rates a few points here and there has almost nothing to do with revenues.

As Bill Clinton said, "It's the economy, stupid."

By the way, job growth exploded during the higher tax Clinton years. 30 million jobs in 8 years, with less than 5 percent unemployment.

So the next time you are crowing about the current tax rate increasing revenues, you should know your propagandists are counting on you not looking beyond the carefully framed numbers they present to your dumb ass.

But it gets worse. Much worse. You are being even dumber than that.

Because while your pseudocon propagandists are crowing about revenues, they are counting on you not noticing that despite increased revenues, your party and your President are EXPLODING our deficits!

It's called misdirection. A classic magician's trick to fool the rubes.

Trump is on track to blow Obama's debt record wide open. And after whining and whining and whining and whining non-stop for eight years about Obama's spending, your propagandists have gone dark.

And so have you.

The stench of hypocrisy is all over you.

So, clearly, increasing or decreasing tax rates a few points here and there has almost nothing to do with revenues.

In that case, I vote for decreasing tax rates.
twisted spin you have there

Spin? The OP said rates don't matter.
I prefer lower rates, pretty straightforward.
EVERYONE "prefers" lower rates. That is until we need to pay for things, and even when most everyone would like to keep the rates as low as possible. People favoring a rate increase are not advocating a preference for high rates. Dis ingenuousness is sad to observe
We've all heard the pseudocon Rube Herd parrot the meme that "tax cuts increase revenues". They get this meme from their propagandists and then repeat it unthinkingly.

There are two key facts which expose the lie hidden in that meme. First, the obvious fact is that if you lower tax rates all the way to zero, you have zero revenues. So at some point, tax cuts fail to increase revenues.

The second fact is one which their propagandists deliberately keep from the rubes. This is a deliberate omission, and therefore a deliberately crafted lie. And that fact is that revenues have also increased after a tax INCREASE.

See for yourself. Here is a history of tax rates: https://files.taxfoundation.org/legacy/docs/fed_individual_rate_history_nominal.pdf

Notice how tax rates increased under Bill Clinton in 1993. The top marginal rate increased from 31 percent to 39.6 percent, and stayed that way until 2001.

Now here is a history of federal revenues: Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

Notice how tax revenues INCREASED after the tax rates went UP a whopping 8.6 points:

FY 1991 - $1.05 trillion.
FY 1992 - $1.09 trillion.
FY 1993 - $1.15 trillion.
FY 1994 - $1.26 trillion.
FY 1995 - $1.35 trillion.
FY 1996 - $1.45 trillion.
FY 1997 - $1.58 trillion.
FY 1998 - $1.72 trillion.
FY 1999 - $1.82 trillion.
FY 2000 - $2.03 trillion

Just a few years after Clinton's tax increase, federal revenues had DOUBLED!!!

And after the Bush tax cut expired on the top marginal rate in 2013, federal revenues continued to increase:

FY 2012 - $2.45 trillion.
FY 2013 - $2.77 trillion.
FY 2014 - $3.02 trillion.
FY 2015 - $3.25 trillion.
FY 2016 - $3.27 trillion.
FY 2017 - $3.32 trillion.

So, clearly, increasing or decreasing tax rates a few points here and there has almost nothing to do with revenues.

As Bill Clinton said, "It's the economy, stupid."

By the way, job growth exploded during the higher tax Clinton years. 30 million jobs in 8 years, with less than 5 percent unemployment.

So the next time you are crowing about the current tax rate increasing revenues, you should know your propagandists are counting on you not looking beyond the carefully framed numbers they present to your dumb ass.

But it gets worse. Much worse. You are being even dumber than that.

Because while your pseudocon propagandists are crowing about revenues, they are counting on you not noticing that despite increased revenues, your party and your President are EXPLODING our deficits!

It's called misdirection. A classic magician's trick to fool the rubes.

Trump is on track to blow Obama's debt record wide open. And after whining and whining and whining and whining non-stop for eight years about Obama's spending, your propagandists have gone dark.

And so have you.

The stench of hypocrisy is all over you.

So, clearly, increasing or decreasing tax rates a few points here and there has almost nothing to do with revenues.

In that case, I vote for decreasing tax rates.
I vote for eliminating tax expenditures so we can lower tax rates for everyone the right way, with the result of a balanced budget and decreasing debt at the same time.

Your way just adds to the debt.

Your way just adds to the debt.

Cutting rates add to the debt? So your OP was a lie?
Wow. Thanks for demonstrating how your propagandists have been able to successfully keep you misdirected from the rising debt. :lol:

I did not say cutting rates adds to the debt, dumbass. I took great pains to dumb this shit down for rubes like you, and you STILL don't get it.

What I meant by "your way" is that raising or lowering tax rates has had NO EFFECT on reducing our debt, idiot. Our debt continues to rise when we continue to do things the GOP or Democratic way. "Your way" is the GOP way, and it is as big a failure as the Democratic way.

Got it now?

I guess the propagandists have had you in their clutches for too long. You are beyond salvage.
Trump's $1.5 trillion debt bomb he called a "tax reform" was supposed to stimulate the economy. Remember how wages were going to explode?

It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks
Not only is that most ever, it nearly doubles the previous record of $242.1 billion, which was set during the first three months of the year.


It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

That's awful!!
I hate it when my stocks increase in price.
Stocks are below where they were in January...

Which ones?
Most of them.
We've all heard the pseudocon Rube Herd parrot the meme that "tax cuts increase revenues". They get this meme from their propagandists and then repeat it unthinkingly.

There are two key facts which expose the lie hidden in that meme. First, the obvious fact is that if you lower tax rates all the way to zero, you have zero revenues. So at some point, tax cuts fail to increase revenues.

The second fact is one which their propagandists deliberately keep from the rubes. This is a deliberate omission, and therefore a deliberately crafted lie. And that fact is that revenues have also increased after a tax INCREASE.

See for yourself. Here is a history of tax rates: https://files.taxfoundation.org/legacy/docs/fed_individual_rate_history_nominal.pdf

Notice how tax rates increased under Bill Clinton in 1993. The top marginal rate increased from 31 percent to 39.6 percent, and stayed that way until 2001.

Now here is a history of federal revenues: Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

Notice how tax revenues INCREASED after the tax rates went UP a whopping 8.6 points:

FY 1991 - $1.05 trillion.
FY 1992 - $1.09 trillion.
FY 1993 - $1.15 trillion.
FY 1994 - $1.26 trillion.
FY 1995 - $1.35 trillion.
FY 1996 - $1.45 trillion.
FY 1997 - $1.58 trillion.
FY 1998 - $1.72 trillion.
FY 1999 - $1.82 trillion.
FY 2000 - $2.03 trillion

Just a few years after Clinton's tax increase, federal revenues had DOUBLED!!!

And after the Bush tax cut expired on the top marginal rate in 2013, federal revenues continued to increase:

FY 2012 - $2.45 trillion.
FY 2013 - $2.77 trillion.
FY 2014 - $3.02 trillion.
FY 2015 - $3.25 trillion.
FY 2016 - $3.27 trillion.
FY 2017 - $3.32 trillion.

So, clearly, increasing or decreasing tax rates a few points here and there has almost nothing to do with revenues.

As Bill Clinton said, "It's the economy, stupid."

By the way, job growth exploded during the higher tax Clinton years. 30 million jobs in 8 years, with less than 5 percent unemployment.

So the next time you are crowing about the current tax rate increasing revenues, you should know your propagandists are counting on you not looking beyond the carefully framed numbers they present to your dumb ass.

But it gets worse. Much worse. You are being even dumber than that.

Because while your pseudocon propagandists are crowing about revenues, they are counting on you not noticing that despite increased revenues, your party and your President are EXPLODING our deficits!

It's called misdirection. A classic magician's trick to fool the rubes.

Trump is on track to blow Obama's debt record wide open. And after whining and whining and whining and whining non-stop for eight years about Obama's spending, your propagandists have gone dark.

And so have you.

The stench of hypocrisy is all over you.

So, clearly, increasing or decreasing tax rates a few points here and there has almost nothing to do with revenues.

In that case, I vote for decreasing tax rates.
twisted spin you have there

Spin? The OP said rates don't matter.
I prefer lower rates, pretty straightforward.
EVERYONE "prefers" lower rates. That is until we need to pay for things, and even when most everyone would like to keep the rates as low as possible. People favoring a rate increase are not advocating a preference for high rates. Dis ingenuousness is sad to observe

EVERYONE "prefers" lower rates.

Obama said he actually prefers higher rates, even if that reduces government revenues.
The Republicans cut tax rates, the debt goes up.

The Democrats raise tax rates, the debt goes up.

And yet the fucking rubes keeping buying the horseshit their demagogues are selling them! They keep falling for the same trick over and over and over and over!

"I will raise/lower tax rates! Woo hoo!"

The problem is not the tax rates, retards. When the FUCK will you ever catch on???
We've all heard the pseudocon Rube Herd parrot the meme that "tax cuts increase revenues". They get this meme from their propagandists and then repeat it unthinkingly.

There are two key facts which expose the lie hidden in that meme. First, the obvious fact is that if you lower tax rates all the way to zero, you have zero revenues. So at some point, tax cuts fail to increase revenues.

The second fact is one which their propagandists deliberately keep from the rubes. This is a deliberate omission, and therefore a deliberately crafted lie. And that fact is that revenues have also increased after a tax INCREASE.

See for yourself. Here is a history of tax rates: https://files.taxfoundation.org/legacy/docs/fed_individual_rate_history_nominal.pdf

Notice how tax rates increased under Bill Clinton in 1993. The top marginal rate increased from 31 percent to 39.6 percent, and stayed that way until 2001.

Now here is a history of federal revenues: Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

Notice how tax revenues INCREASED after the tax rates went UP a whopping 8.6 points:

FY 1991 - $1.05 trillion.
FY 1992 - $1.09 trillion.
FY 1993 - $1.15 trillion.
FY 1994 - $1.26 trillion.
FY 1995 - $1.35 trillion.
FY 1996 - $1.45 trillion.
FY 1997 - $1.58 trillion.
FY 1998 - $1.72 trillion.
FY 1999 - $1.82 trillion.
FY 2000 - $2.03 trillion

Just a few years after Clinton's tax increase, federal revenues had DOUBLED!!!

And after the Bush tax cut expired on the top marginal rate in 2013, federal revenues continued to increase:

FY 2012 - $2.45 trillion.
FY 2013 - $2.77 trillion.
FY 2014 - $3.02 trillion.
FY 2015 - $3.25 trillion.
FY 2016 - $3.27 trillion.
FY 2017 - $3.32 trillion.

So, clearly, increasing or decreasing tax rates a few points here and there has almost nothing to do with revenues.

As Bill Clinton said, "It's the economy, stupid."

By the way, job growth exploded during the higher tax Clinton years. 30 million jobs in 8 years, with less than 5 percent unemployment.

So the next time you are crowing about the current tax rate increasing revenues, you should know your propagandists are counting on you not looking beyond the carefully framed numbers they present to your dumb ass.

But it gets worse. Much worse. You are being even dumber than that.

Because while your pseudocon propagandists are crowing about revenues, they are counting on you not noticing that despite increased revenues, your party and your President are EXPLODING our deficits!

It's called misdirection. A classic magician's trick to fool the rubes.

Trump is on track to blow Obama's debt record wide open. And after whining and whining and whining and whining non-stop for eight years about Obama's spending, your propagandists have gone dark.

And so have you.

The stench of hypocrisy is all over you.

So, clearly, increasing or decreasing tax rates a few points here and there has almost nothing to do with revenues.

In that case, I vote for decreasing tax rates.
I vote for eliminating tax expenditures so we can lower tax rates for everyone the right way, with the result of a balanced budget and decreasing debt at the same time.

Your way just adds to the debt.

Your way just adds to the debt.

Cutting rates add to the debt? So your OP was a lie?
Wow. Thanks for demonstrating how your propagandists have been able to successfully keep you misdirected from the rising debt. :lol:

I did not say cutting rates adds to the debt, dumbass. I took great pains to dumb this shit down for rubes like you, and you STILL don't get it.

What I meant by "your way" is that raising or lowering tax rates has had NO EFFECT on reducing our debt, idiot. Our debt continues to rise when we continue to do things the GOP or Democratic way. "Your way" is the GOP way, and it is as big a failure as the Democratic way.

Got it now?

I guess the propagandists have had you in their clutches for too long. You are beyond salvage.

I did not say cutting rates adds to the debt

That is excellent news. In that case, let's cut rates further.

What I meant by "your way" is that raising or lowering tax rates has had NO EFFECT on reducing our debt,

That is excellent news. In that case, let's cut rates further.
We've all heard the pseudocon Rube Herd parrot the meme that "tax cuts increase revenues". They get this meme from their propagandists and then repeat it unthinkingly.

There are two key facts which expose the lie hidden in that meme. First, the obvious fact is that if you lower tax rates all the way to zero, you have zero revenues. So at some point, tax cuts fail to increase revenues.

The second fact is one which their propagandists deliberately keep from the rubes. This is a deliberate omission, and therefore a deliberately crafted lie. And that fact is that revenues have also increased after a tax INCREASE.

See for yourself. Here is a history of tax rates: https://files.taxfoundation.org/legacy/docs/fed_individual_rate_history_nominal.pdf

Notice how tax rates increased under Bill Clinton in 1993. The top marginal rate increased from 31 percent to 39.6 percent, and stayed that way until 2001.

Now here is a history of federal revenues: Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

Notice how tax revenues INCREASED after the tax rates went UP a whopping 8.6 points:

FY 1991 - $1.05 trillion.
FY 1992 - $1.09 trillion.
FY 1993 - $1.15 trillion.
FY 1994 - $1.26 trillion.
FY 1995 - $1.35 trillion.
FY 1996 - $1.45 trillion.
FY 1997 - $1.58 trillion.
FY 1998 - $1.72 trillion.
FY 1999 - $1.82 trillion.
FY 2000 - $2.03 trillion

Just a few years after Clinton's tax increase, federal revenues had DOUBLED!!!

And after the Bush tax cut expired on the top marginal rate in 2013, federal revenues continued to increase:

FY 2012 - $2.45 trillion.
FY 2013 - $2.77 trillion.
FY 2014 - $3.02 trillion.
FY 2015 - $3.25 trillion.
FY 2016 - $3.27 trillion.
FY 2017 - $3.32 trillion.

So, clearly, increasing or decreasing tax rates a few points here and there has almost nothing to do with revenues.

As Bill Clinton said, "It's the economy, stupid."

By the way, job growth exploded during the higher tax Clinton years. 30 million jobs in 8 years, with less than 5 percent unemployment.

So the next time you are crowing about the current tax rate increasing revenues, you should know your propagandists are counting on you not looking beyond the carefully framed numbers they present to your dumb ass.

But it gets worse. Much worse. You are being even dumber than that.

Because while your pseudocon propagandists are crowing about revenues, they are counting on you not noticing that despite increased revenues, your party and your President are EXPLODING our deficits!

It's called misdirection. A classic magician's trick to fool the rubes.

Trump is on track to blow Obama's debt record wide open. And after whining and whining and whining and whining non-stop for eight years about Obama's spending, your propagandists have gone dark.

And so have you.

The stench of hypocrisy is all over you.

So, clearly, increasing or decreasing tax rates a few points here and there has almost nothing to do with revenues.

In that case, I vote for decreasing tax rates.
I vote for eliminating tax expenditures so we can lower tax rates for everyone the right way, with the result of a balanced budget and decreasing debt at the same time.

Your way just adds to the debt.

Your way just adds to the debt.

Cutting rates add to the debt? So your OP was a lie?
Wow. Thanks for demonstrating how your propagandists have been able to successfully keep you misdirected from the rising debt. :lol:

I did not say cutting rates adds to the debt, dumbass. I took great pains to dumb this shit down for rubes like you, and you STILL don't get it.

What I meant by "your way" is that raising or lowering tax rates has had NO EFFECT on reducing our debt, idiot. Our debt continues to rise when we continue to do things the GOP or Democratic way. "Your way" is the GOP way, and it is as big a failure as the Democratic way.

Got it now?

I guess the propagandists have had you in their clutches for too long. You are beyond salvage.

I did not say cutting rates adds to the debt

That is excellent news. In that case, let's cut rates further.

What I meant by "your way" is that raising or lowering tax rates has had NO EFFECT on reducing our debt,

That is excellent news. In that case, let's cut rates further.
You seem to enjoy advertising your stupidity in public.
We are seeing exactly why and how our politicians get away with their bullshit. Man, I could not have asked these people to demonstrate the willful stupidity better than if I had paid them.

We are all being robbed blind because of the idiots of the Rube Herd.
Trump's $1.5 trillion debt bomb he called a "tax reform" was supposed to stimulate the economy. Remember how wages were going to explode?

It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks
Not only is that most ever, it nearly doubles the previous record of $242.1 billion, which was set during the first three months of the year.


It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

That's awful!!
I hate it when my stocks increase in price.
Stocks are below where they were in January...

Which ones?
Most of them.

Not sure if you're lying or ignorant.
I am sure that you're wrong.
Our stock market is higher now than it was in January.
So, clearly, increasing or decreasing tax rates a few points here and there has almost nothing to do with revenues.

In that case, I vote for decreasing tax rates.
I vote for eliminating tax expenditures so we can lower tax rates for everyone the right way, with the result of a balanced budget and decreasing debt at the same time.

Your way just adds to the debt.

Your way just adds to the debt.

Cutting rates add to the debt? So your OP was a lie?
Wow. Thanks for demonstrating how your propagandists have been able to successfully keep you misdirected from the rising debt. :lol:

I did not say cutting rates adds to the debt, dumbass. I took great pains to dumb this shit down for rubes like you, and you STILL don't get it.

What I meant by "your way" is that raising or lowering tax rates has had NO EFFECT on reducing our debt, idiot. Our debt continues to rise when we continue to do things the GOP or Democratic way. "Your way" is the GOP way, and it is as big a failure as the Democratic way.

Got it now?

I guess the propagandists have had you in their clutches for too long. You are beyond salvage.

I did not say cutting rates adds to the debt

That is excellent news. In that case, let's cut rates further.

What I meant by "your way" is that raising or lowering tax rates has had NO EFFECT on reducing our debt,

That is excellent news. In that case, let's cut rates further.
You seem to enjoy advertising your stupidity in public.

I seem to enjoy advertising your stupidity in public.
Trump's $1.5 trillion debt bomb he called a "tax reform" was supposed to stimulate the economy. Remember how wages were going to explode?

It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks

It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

That's awful!!
I hate it when my stocks increase in price.
Stocks are below where they were in January...

Which ones?
Most of them.

Not sure if you're lying or ignorant.
I am sure that you're wrong.
Our stock market is higher now than it was in January.
The stock market was 200 points higher in January than it is right now.

It has remained relatively flat for nine months.
I vote for eliminating tax expenditures so we can lower tax rates for everyone the right way, with the result of a balanced budget and decreasing debt at the same time.

Your way just adds to the debt.

Your way just adds to the debt.

Cutting rates add to the debt? So your OP was a lie?
Wow. Thanks for demonstrating how your propagandists have been able to successfully keep you misdirected from the rising debt. :lol:

I did not say cutting rates adds to the debt, dumbass. I took great pains to dumb this shit down for rubes like you, and you STILL don't get it.

What I meant by "your way" is that raising or lowering tax rates has had NO EFFECT on reducing our debt, idiot. Our debt continues to rise when we continue to do things the GOP or Democratic way. "Your way" is the GOP way, and it is as big a failure as the Democratic way.

Got it now?

I guess the propagandists have had you in their clutches for too long. You are beyond salvage.

I did not say cutting rates adds to the debt

That is excellent news. In that case, let's cut rates further.

What I meant by "your way" is that raising or lowering tax rates has had NO EFFECT on reducing our debt,

That is excellent news. In that case, let's cut rates further.
You seem to enjoy advertising your stupidity in public.

I seem to enjoy advertising your stupidity in public.
You are happy with the haggling over a few points here and there in the tax rate, and perfectly fine with the debt continuing to rise to record levels.

So that brings us to the topic: When did Trump make you a Keynesian?
It turns out all those corporations who received a big cash windfall from their tax cuts used that money to do stock buybacks instead of trickling it down to their workers.

That's awful!!
I hate it when my stocks increase in price.
Stocks are below where they were in January...

Which ones?
Most of them.

Not sure if you're lying or ignorant.
I am sure that you're wrong.
Our stock market is higher now than it was in January.
The stock market was 200 points higher in January than it is right now.

It has remained relatively flat for nine months.

So the claim that "Most stocks are below where they were in January" is proven by the 30 DJIA stocks?

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