When Did Trump Make You A Keynesian?

I get that you're black and all that, but do you think you have a right to the property of others? You should get yourself tested too.
What the fuck?

His race has exactly FUCKALL to do with this discussion!

Ask yourself why you brought it up.
Where do you think free stuff comes from? And who do you think gets it? Oh yeah, and why do you think blacks vote 95% for the party of free stuff?
Blacks vote for the party of civil rights.

The Republican party has made it very clear how much it hates blacks. As have its arms of propaganda.

[cue doom music]

"Welcome to another edition of Blacks Behaving Badly!"

The party of civil rights has always been Republican. Blacks vote for the party of free stuff (and fags). You're useless.

You're full of Bull-Lunacy.
Your way just adds to the debt.

Cutting rates add to the debt? So your OP was a lie?
Wow. Thanks for demonstrating how your propagandists have been able to successfully keep you misdirected from the rising debt. :lol:

I did not say cutting rates adds to the debt, dumbass. I took great pains to dumb this shit down for rubes like you, and you STILL don't get it.

What I meant by "your way" is that raising or lowering tax rates has had NO EFFECT on reducing our debt, idiot. Our debt continues to rise when we continue to do things the GOP or Democratic way. "Your way" is the GOP way, and it is as big a failure as the Democratic way.

Got it now?

I guess the propagandists have had you in their clutches for too long. You are beyond salvage.

I did not say cutting rates adds to the debt

That is excellent news. In that case, let's cut rates further.

What I meant by "your way" is that raising or lowering tax rates has had NO EFFECT on reducing our debt,

That is excellent news. In that case, let's cut rates further.
You seem to enjoy advertising your stupidity in public.

I seem to enjoy advertising your stupidity in public.
You are happy with the haggling over a few points here and there in the tax rate, and perfectly fine with the debt continuing to rise to record levels.

So that brings us to the topic: When did Trump make you a Keynesian?

You are happy with the haggling over a few points here and there in the tax rate

I'd be happier if rates were a few points lower than now as compared to a few points higher than now.

and perfectly fine with the debt continuing to rise to record levels.

Where did you get that stupid idea?
I'd cut spending 30%, to start.
What the fuck?

His race has exactly FUCKALL to do with this discussion!

Ask yourself why you brought it up.
Where do you think free stuff comes from? And who do you think gets it? Oh yeah, and why do you think blacks vote 95% for the party of free stuff?
Blacks vote for the party of civil rights.

The Republican party has made it very clear how much it hates blacks. As have its arms of propaganda.

[cue doom music]

"Welcome to another edition of Blacks Behaving Badly!"
The party of civil rights has always been Republican. Blacks vote for the party of free stuff (and fags). You're useless.
The Republican Party ceased being the party of civil rights half a century ago. It has lost its way, bigly.

You can't even see how you prove that point by your denigration of blacks as only voting for free stuff.

Christ, the irony is rich!
Blacks do only vote for free stuff. If they didn't they wouldn't vote 95% Dem. Perhaps stats are confusing for you.
the right wing votes for tax cut economics, regardless of the economic situation.
People seem to think it is the kind of taxes we have which are the problem. It isn't. The problem is exemptions, credits, and deductions.

We could eliminate the federal income tax today, and replace it with a national sales tax, and the day after that both parties would be putting exemptions in the national sales tax code.

Democrats would be exempting milk, Republicans would be exempting yachts.

After $1.4 trillion of exemptions were put in the national sales tax, what would have to happen to make up the difference?

Exactly. We would have to raise the tax rate and borrow money.

Just. Like. We. Do. Now.

When you have a spending problem does it really matter?

It's like trying to legalize illegal aliens and not secure the border.

What we need it a control on spending, otherwise they will just spend the increased taxation.
The only way we will grow our economy at a healthy rate is to bring in a lot of immigrants. Another fact kept from pseudocons by their propagandists.

Our birth rate is now below 2. It is at a 30 year low.

To grow an economy, you have to grow your population. Our birth rate is below the replacement rate.

So...we need immigrants. A lot of them.

That's what made America great in the past. That's what will make us great again.

So let me get this straight, the US needs more people so they should bring in strangers from another country rather than choose to raise their own offspring by aborting them by the millions?

Sounds about right.
People seem to think it is the kind of taxes we have which are the problem. It isn't. The problem is exemptions, credits, and deductions.

We could eliminate the federal income tax today, and replace it with a national sales tax, and the day after that both parties would be putting exemptions in the national sales tax code.

Democrats would be exempting milk, Republicans would be exempting yachts.

After $1.4 trillion of exemptions were put in the national sales tax, what would have to happen to make up the difference?

Exactly. We would have to raise the tax rate and borrow money.

Just. Like. We. Do. Now.

When you have a spending problem does it really matter?

It's like trying to legalize illegal aliens and not secure the border.

What we need it a control on spending, otherwise they will just spend the increased taxation.
The only way we will grow our economy at a healthy rate is to bring in a lot of immigrants. Another fact kept from pseudocons by their propagandists.

Our birth rate is now below 2. It is at a 30 year low.

To grow an economy, you have to grow your population. Our birth rate is below the replacement rate.

So...we need immigrants. A lot of them.

That's what made America great in the past. That's what will make us great again.

So let me get this straight, the US needs more people so they should bring in strangers from another country rather than choose to raise their own offspring by aborting them by the millions?

Sounds about right.
Red herrings only, but insist, learning how to fish is important, right wingers?

Unfilled jobs cost the U.S. economy $160 billion a year
The stench of hypocrisy is all over yo

It is....the fact is we love debt

myself, i just can't help going out in the yard and rolling in those heaping piles of fresh debt

but at least i don't chase bankers down the street anymore

People seem to think it is the kind of taxes we have which are the problem. It isn't. The problem is exemptions, credits, and deductions.

We could eliminate the federal income tax today, and replace it with a national sales tax, and the day after that both parties would be putting exemptions in the national sales tax code.

Democrats would be exempting milk, Republicans would be exempting yachts.

After $1.4 trillion of exemptions were put in the national sales tax, what would have to happen to make up the difference?

Exactly. We would have to raise the tax rate and borrow money.

Just. Like. We. Do. Now.

When you have a spending problem does it really matter?

It's like trying to legalize illegal aliens and not secure the border.

What we need it a control on spending, otherwise they will just spend the increased taxation.
The only way we will grow our economy at a healthy rate is to bring in a lot of immigrants. Another fact kept from pseudocons by their propagandists.

Our birth rate is now below 2. It is at a 30 year low.

To grow an economy, you have to grow your population. Our birth rate is below the replacement rate.

So...we need immigrants. A lot of them.

That's what made America great in the past. That's what will make us great again.

So let me get this straight, the US needs more people so they should bring in strangers from another country rather than choose to raise their own offspring by aborting them by the millions?

Sounds about right.
Red herrings only, but insist, learning how to fish is important, right wingers?

Unfilled jobs cost the U.S. economy $160 billion a year

Red herring? But I thought Americans needed more people.

To date, over 50 million have been aborted since Roe vs. Wade. My guess is that that number is much higher.

And guess the number one reason mothers kill their offspring. It's because of financial concerns because kids are expensive and time consuming.

Then in their next breath, after murdering their child these liberal dead heads will advocate millions of uneducated illegal immigrants to come in and go on welfare that cost the US hundreds of billions of dollars a year?

The pitiful aspect of all this is that those half wit dead headed liberals are probably happier with darker skinned people in the country rather than the white skin they have and seem to detest.

Sick bunch.
The stench of hypocrisy is all over yo

It is....the fact is we love debt

myself, i just can't help going out in the yard and rolling in those heaping piles of fresh debt

but at least i don't chase bankers down the street anymore


Americans are not taught about economics. They will teach you pretty everything EXCEPT how to manage money.

Coincidence? No, it's not.
People seem to think it is the kind of taxes we have which are the problem. It isn't. The problem is exemptions, credits, and deductions.

We could eliminate the federal income tax today, and replace it with a national sales tax, and the day after that both parties would be putting exemptions in the national sales tax code.

Democrats would be exempting milk, Republicans would be exempting yachts.

After $1.4 trillion of exemptions were put in the national sales tax, what would have to happen to make up the difference?

Exactly. We would have to raise the tax rate and borrow money.

Just. Like. We. Do. Now.

When you have a spending problem does it really matter?

It's like trying to legalize illegal aliens and not secure the border.

What we need it a control on spending, otherwise they will just spend the increased taxation.
The only way we will grow our economy at a healthy rate is to bring in a lot of immigrants. Another fact kept from pseudocons by their propagandists.

Our birth rate is now below 2. It is at a 30 year low.

To grow an economy, you have to grow your population. Our birth rate is below the replacement rate.

So...we need immigrants. A lot of them.

That's what made America great in the past. That's what will make us great again.

So let me get this straight, the US needs more people so they should bring in strangers from another country rather than choose to raise their own offspring by aborting them by the millions?

Sounds about right.
Red herrings only, but insist, learning how to fish is important, right wingers?

Unfilled jobs cost the U.S. economy $160 billion a year

Red herring? But I thought Americans needed more people.

To date, over 50 million have been aborted since Roe vs. Wade. My guess is that that number is much higher.

And guess the number one reason mothers kill their offspring. It's because of financial concerns because kids are expensive and time consuming.

Then in their next breath, after murdering their child these liberal dead heads will advocate millions of uneducated illegal immigrants to come in and go on welfare that cost the US hundreds of billions of dollars a year?

The pitiful aspect of all this is that those half wit dead headed liberals are probably happier with darker skinned people in the country rather than the white skin they have and seem to detest.

Sick bunch.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, instead of means tested welfare, would be an improvement. The right wing doesn't like it, Because the Poor may benefit.
Blacks do only vote for free stuff. If they didn't they wouldn't vote 95% Dem. Perhaps stats are confusing for you.
Holy Fuck.

You are one bigoted motherfucker.

Race is a political construct, nothing more.

After all, politics is all about obtaining power and getting a leg up over other people. To do this they need to divide us into groups through various strategies, such as the color of your skin.

Now if politicians were really interested in equality, then they would treat everyone the same. Who then would give them all that money and support?

No one, that's who.

The only other useful aspect of race is medical. Genetics is important to know for health reasons.

When Obama ran for office 99.99999999% of black voted for him in order to get a leg up over whitey, and even though there are more blacks that have a job under Trump than Obama, they will still hate Trump and love the DNC.
The stench of hypocrisy is all over yo

It is....the fact is we love debt

myself, i just can't help going out in the yard and rolling in those heaping piles of fresh debt

but at least i don't chase bankers down the street anymore


Americans are not taught about economics. They will teach you pretty everything EXCEPT how to manage money.

Coincidence? No, it's not.
That's a good point. What economics is taught is not practical economics that would help you understand important money concepts that would benefit you personally. It could be as you say by design to keep the average person dumb and in debt to keep the old consumer economy rolling along.
When you have a spending problem does it really matter?

It's like trying to legalize illegal aliens and not secure the border.

What we need it a control on spending, otherwise they will just spend the increased taxation.
The only way we will grow our economy at a healthy rate is to bring in a lot of immigrants. Another fact kept from pseudocons by their propagandists.

Our birth rate is now below 2. It is at a 30 year low.

To grow an economy, you have to grow your population. Our birth rate is below the replacement rate.

So...we need immigrants. A lot of them.

That's what made America great in the past. That's what will make us great again.

So let me get this straight, the US needs more people so they should bring in strangers from another country rather than choose to raise their own offspring by aborting them by the millions?

Sounds about right.
Red herrings only, but insist, learning how to fish is important, right wingers?

Unfilled jobs cost the U.S. economy $160 billion a year

Red herring? But I thought Americans needed more people.

To date, over 50 million have been aborted since Roe vs. Wade. My guess is that that number is much higher.

And guess the number one reason mothers kill their offspring. It's because of financial concerns because kids are expensive and time consuming.

Then in their next breath, after murdering their child these liberal dead heads will advocate millions of uneducated illegal immigrants to come in and go on welfare that cost the US hundreds of billions of dollars a year?

The pitiful aspect of all this is that those half wit dead headed liberals are probably happier with darker skinned people in the country rather than the white skin they have and seem to detest.

Sick bunch.
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, instead of means tested welfare, would be an improvement. The right wing doesn't like it, Because the Poor may benefit.

Is forcing people to only work for a certain amount of money a good thing?

So let's say I'm poor and want a job and am willing to work for below minimum wage. Is it better not to be making any money than to make the money you sneer at? I don't see the logic. They should have that freedom until something better comes along. No one is holding a gun to their head, and society benefits as well.

There are many assumptions here. You are assuming that the person earning the money has "X" number of expenditures to pay when maybe they do not. Take a high school student or college student or retired person. They may not need all that money to pay a mortgage/rent and car. What they earn is mad money for them, more than for the person on minimum wage who has no mad money and can't often pay for what they do need.

Increasing wages only increases costs. It's like chasing your tail and sends jobs overseas.

Why is it Progs are so bent out of shape about jobs going over seas but have no problem with illegals coming in to take jobs from Americans?

Again, the looney Left is insane.
The stench of hypocrisy is all over yo

It is....the fact is we love debt

myself, i just can't help going out in the yard and rolling in those heaping piles of fresh debt

but at least i don't chase bankers down the street anymore


Americans are not taught about economics. They will teach you pretty everything EXCEPT how to manage money.

Coincidence? No, it's not.
That's a good point. What economics is taught is not practical economics that would help you understand important money concepts that would benefit you personally. It could be as you say by design to keep the average person dumb and in debt to keep the old consumer economy rolling along.

Also teach them about the economic history of socialism.

Nope, they won't do it.
I do not agree with trickle down economics. It has proven time and again to be utter nonsense.

But I also do not agree with high taxes on anyone.

30% should be the top tax bracket - so long as capital gains and income tax rates are identical.

BTW - I also am against all tax deductions except for capital losses and charitable contributions.

Finally, I think the corporate tax rate should be 0% as these taxes are ALWAYS passed on to the general population through reduced shareholder dividends and/or decreased worker numbers/pay/compensation and/or increases in prices on products/services sold. Corporations do not 'eat' corporate taxes.
We could easily achieve tax rates lower than 30 percent and a balanced budget simply by eliminating tax expenditures.

This never penetrates the skulls of the tards.

Why do they let this sorry bastard troll continually?

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