Zone1 When Do You Think Jesus Will Return?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Any ideas? Will it be in our lifetimes or not? I already know that nobody except God knows for sure, but I sort of think it will be in my lifetime and I also sort of think that the world has gotten way too crazy at the moment for Him to come back. Btw, how can Jesus not know the time but God the Father did? Wasn't Jesus God in human flesh?
How do you know she is not here already?
Would we execute Jesus again?
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Any ideas? Will it be in our lifetimes or not? I already know that nobody except God knows for sure, but I sort of think it will be in my lifetime and I also sort of think that the world has gotten way too crazy at the moment for Him to come back. Btw, how can Jesus not know the time but God the Father did? Wasn't Jesus God in human flesh?
September 23rd, 2022 at 06:00. You still got time for that trip you've want to take and whatever you have now really doesn't matter if you have plastic until then.
September 23rd, 2022 at 06:00. You still got time for that trip you've want to take and whatever you have now really doesn't matter if you have plastic until then.

ET or CT?
I imagine Jesus would probably appear in China or India …..that is where most the people are

Why would she appear in a country that already is Christian?

If Jesus appears in a Muslim country, she would probably be executed for heresy
Any ideas? Will it be in our lifetimes or not? I already know that nobody except God knows for sure, but I sort of think it will be in my lifetime and I also sort of think that the world has gotten way too crazy at the moment for Him to come back. Btw, how can Jesus not know the time but God the Father did? Wasn't Jesus God in human flesh?
Jesus was and is the Son of God, as detailed in scripture there are 3 parts of the Godhead.........the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost/Spirit. Jesus is God the same way that you are human..........His Father is God, therefore Jesus has the same essence (the same properties) as His Father. You being your father's son.........can you be anything other than human?

When Jesus came to earth He came as a human......the Son of Man. The Christ willingly made of Himself of no reputation (Phil. 2:7), He empited Himself, He moved from the spiritual realm to the physical realm (John 1:14). He voluntarialy became as all other men, He hungered, He thrist, He suffered from weariness, pain....etc., who for the first time "increased in wisdom" after coming to earth in the form of a helpless babe. (Luke 2:52). Thus while on earth in the flesh He voluntarialy placed Himself as subordinate to the Father.
Jesus was and is the Son of God, as detailed in scripture there are 3 parts of the Godhead.........the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost/Spirit. Jesus is God the same way that you are human..........His Father is God, therefore Jesus has the same essence (the same properties) as His Father. You being your father's son.........can you be anything other than human?

When Jesus came to earth He came as a human......the Son of Man. The Christ willingly made of Himself of no reputation (Phil. 2:7), He empited Himself, He moved from the spiritual realm to the physical realm (John 1:14). He voluntarialy became as all other men, He hungered, He thrist, He suffered from weariness, pain....etc., who for the first time "increased in wisdom" after coming to earth in the form as a helpless babe. (Luke 2:52). Thus while on earth in the flesh He voluntarialy placed Himself as subordinate to the Father.

So in other words He gave up His godly knowledge as a man?
So in other words He gave up His godly knowledge as a man?
He gained wisdom as would any other man. The point Jesus was making in detailing that No Man could predict the day of Judgement was in parallel to the days of Noah.......that day will come on a day like any other day, it will come like a theif in the night, even though there was plently of time for the people to prepare for that day, only 8 was saved. (Matthew 24:38-39).

Jesus ends the message by declaring the righteous person should live each day as it was THAT DAY, for one day it will be when God's longsuffering ends, prepare each day as if it is your last. (Matt. 24:42-44) God is longsuffering and desires all men be saved by coming to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2:4)

Reality: Man has been living in the "LAST DAYS" now for well over 2000 years. (Acts 1, 2)

When the day of judgement comes Peter will come like a theif in the night, the earth and the heavens shall persish in FIRE, there will be no earth, all the elements will be gone. (2 Peter 3:10-13). Jesus will not come back to rule on earth, He will return to judge both the living and the dead. There will be no earth to rule.
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ET or CT?
Tennessee's time, some snake handling church near Gallatin.

Jesus was and is the Son of God, as detailed in scripture there are 3 parts of the Godhead.........the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost/Spirit. Jesus is God the same way that you are human..........His Father is God, therefore Jesus has the same essence (the same properties) as His Father. You being your father's son.........can you be anything other than human?

When Jesus came to earth He came as a human......the Son of Man. The Christ willingly made of Himself of no reputation (Phil. 2:7), He empited Himself, He moved from the spiritual realm to the physical realm (John 1:14). He voluntarialy became as all other men, He hungered, He thrist, He suffered from weariness, pain....etc., who for the first time "increased in wisdom" after coming to earth in the form of a helpless babe. (Luke 2:52). Thus while on earth in the flesh He voluntarialy placed Himself as subordinate to the Father.

While I agree that all of this is true, it is also true that Jesus was God in the flesh.

Chapter 14​

8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.

9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
So that would be a yes. That's all you had to say. Why can't you just say a simple yes or no instead of making things so complicated?
When asked a question concerning the FAITH that rests in one's heart (1 Peter 3:15)........a Christian is commanded to answer in Spirit and in Truth. There are no simple, cute, short answers when you are speaking about truth, the entire truth must be GOT YAs. The word of God must be Rightly Divided.
When asked a question concerning the FAITH that rests in one's heart........a Christian is commanded to answer in Spirit and Truth. There are no simple, cute, short answers when you are speaking about truth, the entire truth must be considered.

I guess,.. but a simple yes or no can be quite truthful.
When asked a question concerning the FAITH that rests in one's heart (1 Peter 3:15)........a Christian is commanded to answer in Spirit and in Truth. There are no simple, cute, short answers when you are speaking about truth, the entire truth must be GOT YAs. The word of God must be Rightly Divided.
You talk Goofy
Sounds like JW false doctrine or Mormonism.........No the Father was never flesh. Simple logic demonstrates that........why send YOUR ONLY BEGOTTEN SON as flesh, if the Father was flesh? Why go through the while orderal when the Father could have simply come to earth as a man and lived a sin free life?
He is already here, He is always with us, HE never left us.

But we don't realize it.

“… and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” ~ Jesus

from Matthew 28:12
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