When has socialism ever worked?

Nazi Pisslosi, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Kamal Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Alexandra Cortez, Hillary Clinton, Elijah Cummins, Cory Booker, Beto O'Rourke, John Kerry, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Ilhan Omar, Gavin Newsom, Raphael Warnock, Dianne Feinstein, Ayanna Pressley, Jim Clyburn, Jane Napolitano, Patrick Leahy, yada, yada, yada.
That 0/22 for Bripat.
If you want to know what's wrong with Germany, just check out the size of a typical apartment in Germany. Check out how many people own cars there. Check out how much it costs to use a golf course or a tennis court there.
And how many average Americans can play on a golf course owned, by say, the Trumpster? You think golfing is cheap in the US?
What is wrong with German public transport. Runs very well and is super efficient.
Housing is housing. There are literally millions of shitty little apartments in many US cities. You want small apartments? Go to Hong Kong where the shower head is over the toilet. That's right, you put the toilet lid down when you have a shower and the water runs down a drain next to the toilet (you don't sit on the John to shower, but you are right next to it).
And how many average Americans can play on a golf course owned, by say, the Trumpster? You think golfing is cheap in the US?

There are plenty of courses then can play on, dumbass. Why do you imagine Trump has to own it? It can easily cost $250 to play on an average course in Germany. You can play on a city owned course in Denver for $25.

What is wrong with German public transport. Runs very well and is super efficient.

Public transport is not a car. Just ask anyone riding the bus if they wouldn't prefer to have a car.

Housing is housing. There are literally millions of shitty little apartments in many US cities. You want small apartments? Go to Hong Kong where the shower head is over the toilet. That's right, you put the toilet lid down when you have a shower and the water runs down a drain next to the toilet (you don't sit on the John to shower, but you are right next to it).

We aren't comparing Germany with Hong Kong. We're comparing it with the USA where an average apartment is double the size of the average apartment in Germany. Do you really believe there's no difference between a 1000 sqft apartment and a 500 sqft apartment? Then you're a moron.
There are plenty of courses then can play on, dumbass. Why do you imagine Trump has to own it? It can easily cost $250 to play on an average course in Germany. You can play on a city owned course in Denver for $25.

Public transport is not a car. Just ask anyone riding the bus if they wouldn't prefer to have a car.

We aren't comparing Germany with Hong Kong. We're comparing it with the USA where an average apartment is double the size of the average apartment in Germany. Do you really believe there's no difference between a 1000 sqft apartment and a 500 sqft apartment? Then you're a moron.

The US has 15,500 golf courses. Germany 750 odd. Germans don't like golf.
I have a car but 90 per cent of the time use the great public transport we have. A good number of people I know much prefer public transport than a car.
Stop pulling stats out your arse and post some links with regards to apartments.
Um, no. Communism was about everybody being equal and having the same amount of input and say in how a country was run, as well as the govt owning everything. Are you telling me the street sweeper in Red Square had a nice little dacha on the Black Sea that was the same as Stalin's? Don't think so.
Communism was about a political system which is a process that equality does not take place until the end which of course will never be achieved. In the meantime it is still communism when the elite dictators contro0l everything.
Once upon a time, the Scandinavian nations were held up as proof that socialism could provide an excellent standard of living as well as protecting the freedoms of its people. None of them are still under a socialist system but when they WERE, it was marginally successful. IMO, it succeeded for awhile due to the unique circumstances at that time.

The population of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway were highly homogeneous in culture, well educated, and had an outstanding societal work-ethic. They also had a very stable and lucrative income source. North Sea oil was the cash cow and there was enough to take care of everyone without much economic stress being exacted on any one group. As that economic reality began to change, those countries also enacted changes in their economic model. Unfortunately, the Left took control of the once stable and prosperous region, flooded it with migrants who neither wanted nor respected the rules of their culture and now those nations are crumbling from within.

If I ever decided to leave the U.S. to strike out for a new place to live, I'd choose Viktor Orban's Hungary.
Do you have any idea how bad it is life for most Americans compared to many countries that are heavily socialized in Europe? any given state there are few pockets of wealth but most people eat poorly, less educated, dress poorly, have bad or no health coverage, crumbling infrastructure. If you ever been to Europe you'll feel bad for most Americans.
Epic ignorance. Dangerous ignorance. You're fired from this thread. Democide. Ever hear of it? Every form of human government since time immemorial is guilty of committing it; for religion, for ideology—but most of all to establish complete control over the populace.
Rigby is famous for the astoundingly idiotic narratives he tells on here. Seriously, search his posts. He actually wrote an op ed on here during the Afghanistan withdrawal about how the Taliban and Al Qaeda were the good guys. Lol.
If you want to know what's wrong with Germany, just check out the size of a typical apartment in Germany. Check out how many people own cars there. Check out how much it costs to use a golf course or a tennis court there.
A lot of Germans live in urban areas and there urban apartments are around the same space... They are cheaper to rent as rent control in Germany, this is one of the reasons they have far less homeless problem unlike US.. They estimate Germany has a homeless rate that 4.5 times smaller than US.

As for car ownership... US(0.816) owns more cars but Germany(0.574) have a World Class Public Transport system... Germany that access to transport is the largest factor to economic mobility... Difference is a poor person in Germany get free public transport which means they can work in wealthier areas and make a better wage. But saying that Germany like rest of Europe tries to social housing areas smaller and closer to more affluent areas, this results a better outcome for society.

German's don't play much Golf... They ski and hike a lot and that is generally very economic on the non Tourist mountains... Tennis Courts, Squash Courts..... they have local facilities which are brilliant and cheap... Golf in US can be very expensive in top courses... Compare the top courses in the world and you will see the top courses especially in Ireland are way cheaper.. I can play Trump's course tomorrow for $75 in Ireland (winter rate)... Summer rate is $150.... That might be the cheapest rate for a Trump course.. It is a top 20 ranked course in Ireland but has to keep rates low because the market dictates it..
There are plenty of courses then can play on, dumbass. Why do you imagine Trump has to own it? It can easily cost $250 to play on an average course in Germany. You can play on a city owned course in Denver for $25.

Public transport is not a car. Just ask anyone riding the bus if they wouldn't prefer to have a car.

We aren't comparing Germany with Hong Kong. We're comparing it with the USA where an average apartment is double the size of the average apartment in Germany. Do you really believe there's no difference between a 1000 sqft apartment and a 500 sqft apartment? Then you're a moron.
This is a German top 100 course...

50 euros to play... in a highly urban area that is not bad...

I played a course in Ireland on Saturday for 25 euro.. Very good course...

Golf in US and Europe is pretty even..
This is a German top 100 course...

50 euros to play... in a highly urban area that is not bad...

I played a course in Ireland on Saturday for 25 euro.. Very good course...

Golf in US and Europe is pretty even..
50 euros on a weekday, 60 on a weekend. 60 euros is about $70.

Prices for the other courses aren't listed.
50 euros on a weekday, 60 on a weekend. 60 euros is about $70.

Prices for the other courses aren't listed.
That is the Tourist price... Half Price for members Germany's Golf Union...

Golf in US and Europe is generally the same price... Germany might be higher as it isn't a popular sport but skiing is probably cheaper...

If golf is more expensive it could be because they have more disposable income than US... Higher Prices signifies a better economy and better spending power..
No one kills over a theoretical ideology that does not actually effect profits.
When Stalin had Trotsky killed in Mexico, it has nothing to do with ideology, but the fact Stalin was instead milking the cover story of ideology, so he could reap the profits instead.

You're kidding right? Of all the political murders and incarcerations and gulags and "dissapearances" in history - -- you're gonna rely on a weak excuse of WHY Stalin was only "milking" ideology when he hit Trotsky? You apologizing for a cover story? Stalin killed over 30,000 Kulak farmers DIRECTLY as "enemies of the State" triggering the famine that killed a million Russians and you dont think this was a political hit..

Whenever the State mass murders THOUSANDS at a time and creates the Gulags for OTHERS -- it's political..

Dont think PUTIN is targeting political dissidents TODAY??

Can't discuss with anyone so void of actual big muscular government history.. The mountains of skulls in Cambodia weren't "political dissidents of enemies of the state"??

What kinda faith does one have to have to ENCOURAGE powerful centralized govts and lawlessness in the name of gaining and retaining power? You must think you're always gonna be on the RIGHT side of a tyrannical govt..

How about the "trespassers" held in solitary for their first 120 days from Jan 6th here in the USA? Is that NOT political retribution?
Yes it is.
When ever you have a public shared investment in any thing that could have been done privately

All of it is socialism.
When ever you have a public enterprise do what a private, for profit, company could have done, that is socialism.
Actually the definition of socialism includes when you just regulate private enterprise so that it is not abusive, like laws about over time, monopolies, child labor, OSHA, etc.

Nope.. Until you start mandating EQUAL OUTCOMES for everyone and polarizing the populace with hatred for anyone or anything that is merit based, it's not really socialism..

All the things you CALL socialism is just an argument about what government CAN AND SHOULD DO.. And folks you're pushing for MORE government mismanagement and redistribution of wealth are just more aware that govt services and programs are ALWAYS more expensive, less effective and VERY POORLY managed..

When you get to calls for the insanely ridiculous like "defunding the police" whilst you are EXPANDING the IRS by THOUSANDS of additional "wallet spies" and floating plans for "Basic Minimum Income" while you PAY folks not to work and cause massive "supply chain disruptions" -- THAT'S where stories like Zimbabwe and Venezuela START...
Socialism has never failed.
For example, all families are socialist, and families would certainly not be better if they were capitalist and the parents charged children room and board for a profit motive.
Lol, this person actually believes his own nonsense. But here, let me help him along--------------->

Rigby, Capitalism gives the SOCIALIST family unit the money it requires to be SOCIALIST! People work in the capitalist society, then fund their own families with the profit, as they see fit.

Without CAPITALISM, Socialism fails because there is no money, lol. NOBODY works for no profit, do they? The more they make under CAPITALISM, the more they can spend on their SOCIALISTIC families.

As far as your assertion on how people from long ago shared, did you ever read the REAL account of the 1st Thanksgiving? Try it, and you will see how your SOCIALISM actually worked with the settlers, and why it was quickly abandoned, lol!
Socialism can help speed up US mail services.

Standard containers already in use would be helpful to the private sector. Bulk processing with integrated services and hardware can be beneficial, generate revenue for the public sector and increase supply for the private sector.
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