When has socialism ever worked?

The general Government can easily own this federal issue and promote the general welfare in the process.

How much general revenue can be generated on a general basis to pay for port operations and help fund equality and equal protection of the laws under our form of Capitalism, not socialism.
You must live in a place like NYC that grew up around mass transit. You are the only person I’ve ever heard say they have a “great public transport” system. People use them, but from what Ive seen they are crowded, smelly and uncomfortable. How do you transport multiple bags of groceries home? How do you transport anything large or heavy that you buy? The answer is that you don’t. You shop every day, or every second day for groceries and pay through the nose for deliveries for large or heavy things. Amazon is a godsend for people like you. When you go anywhere you have to transfer to multiple trains or buses which waste time.
I live in Australia. I said I use public transport 90 per cent of the time. Yes I use the car to go shopping once a week. For the odd piece here and there I walk to the supermarket. I referee soccer two nights a week. Use public transport. No traffic lights. No worrying about road works or car accidents delaying time. In the 14 years I've been in Australia there's been 4 occasions where there was a delay in the train system. Two of those instances were due to people throwing themselves in front of a train. Love the public transport system.
Democrats have become ardent supporters of socialism...just look at the collapse of USSR in 1989, and China? Is THAT a political model we want?
Your assessment is incorrect. Our country, economically, is successful with capitalism and socialism in cahoots. We do not have an autocracy as in Russia and China---yet.
Democrats have become ardent supporters of socialism...just look at the collapse of USSR in 1989, and China? Is THAT a political model we want?

Socialism has a 100% success rate!

The Party Leaders become overnight billionaires and the sheep who thought they would be better off surrendering their freedom and property end up eating their pets and selling their kids - but everyone is happy!
Name the parts of those systems they support.
AOC “I believe health care is a right and people should be paid enough to live. Those are offensive values to them.”

Sanders “In the long run, democratic socialists want to end capitalism…we want to end our society’s subservience to the market.”

Brandon “Almost every great innovation was [created] by government.”

Omar “Here’s what we need to make universal, as a start,” Omar said on Twitter, before listing healthcare, school meals, vote-by-mail, housing, and basic income:

If you need more examples, let Google be your source, it’s fairly easy…
AOC “I believe health care is a right and people should be paid enough to live. Those are offensive values to them.”

Sanders “In the long run, democratic socialists want to end capitalism…we want to end our society’s subservience to the market.”

Brandon “Almost every great innovation was [created] by government.”

Omar “Here’s what we need to make universal, as a start,” Omar said on Twitter, before listing healthcare, school meals, vote-by-mail, housing, and basic income:

If you need more examples, let Google be your source, it’s fairly easy…
They are not Chinese or Russian ideals. Nor are they Communist. Maybe a little bit of socialism. You need to bone up on:
1) the definition of words
2) The governmental systems that are in place in China and Russia.
You need to bone up on:
1) the definition of words
2) The governmental systems that are in place in China and Russia.
Indeed, but they're not going to do that.

They just want to scream SOCIALISM and COMMIE to scare themselves and each other. Obviously, that's a very effective tactic. They are petrified.

I've tried MANY times to get them to provide clear definitions, and they never respond. Not sure why they don't.
The only decent parts of any society are the socialist parts, like public transportations systems, public school, the post office, libraries, non-profit hospitals, churches, fire fighters, police, defense, etc.
The capitalist parts are evil aspects that lie, cheat, steal, etc.
Have any Trumpsters provided their definition of "socialism" yet?

Socialism is the last step before "communism," where the government seizes control of the means of production in order to make the transition to "communism."

The problem.......the socialists never give up the power...........
Democrats have become ardent supporters of socialism...just look at the collapse of USSR in 1989, and China? Is THAT a political model we want?

The Soviet Union was Communist. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, France etc have varying degrees of socialism and capitalism. They are clean and successful with good healthcare and education.
The Soviet Union was Communist. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, France etc have varying degrees of socialism and capitalism. They are clean and successful with good healthcare and education.

The size, scope and cost of government exists on a continuum. The conversation should be where any given country is on that continuum.

This simplistic one-or-the-other crap is just noise and talking points, it's boring, and it helps nothing.
I live in Australia. I said I use public transport 90 per cent of the time. Yes I use the car to go shopping once a week. For the odd piece here and there I walk to the supermarket. I referee soccer two nights a week. Use public transport. No traffic lights. No worrying about road works or car accidents delaying time. In the 14 years I've been in Australia there's been 4 occasions where there was a delay in the train system. Two of those instances were due to people throwing themselves in front of a train. Love the public transport system.

Cool.. Do you live in a city or a small town?

The size, scope and cost of government exists on a continuum. The conversation should be where any given country is on that continuum.

This simplistic one-or-the-other crap is just noise and talking points, it's boring, and it helps nothing.

I noticed the all or nothing thinking some years ago.. It is the mark of simpletons.
Have any Trumpsters provided their definition of "socialism" yet?
Sure a pathway to communism or Fascism. You know. Tyrannical assholes in charge of everything kinda like California assholes of today.

Glad I could help you out.

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