When has socialism ever worked?

Companies came down there with equipment and money and the assholes STOLE IT.
Yawn. Before the crash they stole the dang rigs from foreign companies. You have no clue.

They tanked from giving away Free Shit. The only reason we haven't tanked here from inflation is that we have the best military on planet earth and hold a gun to the head of anyone who dares try to take the Petro dollar down.

VZ nationalized the oil industry in 1976. Obviously you never heard of PetroCaribe. Several countries now use other currencies for trading oil.

Companies came down there with equipment and money and the assholes STOLE IT.

Nationalization of Oil in Venezuela - JSTOR
Nationalization of Oil in Venezuela 59 10 % of total world production. From the start, Venezuela's oil sector was completely monopolized by the major oil corporations. In 1929, Standard Oil of California (SOCAL) and Gulf together stood for 54.8 % of the production, and …
Nationalization of Oil in Venezuela - JSTOR
Nationalization of Oil in Venezuela 59 10 % of total world production. From the start, Venezuela's oil sector was completely monopolized by the major oil corporations. In 1929, Standard Oil of California (SOCAL) and Gulf together stood for 54.8 % of the production, and …
So. By the collapse companies from the world were there with their equipment. And it got stolen
So. By the collapse companies from the world were there with their equipment. And it got stolen

I haven't read the US concession agreements with Vz.... In KSA nationalization was agreed upon 50 years after the documents were signed. It was a smooth, flawless transition.

In 1971, Venezuela nationalized its natural gas industry, and began taking steps to nationalize its oil industry. The oil industry was officially nationalized in …
You do not understand anything. We live in a minimum of a soft tyranny. Those riots were allowed to happen for political purposes. The Progressive politicians all in lockstep allowed anarchy in their jurisdictions of rule. Notice that the same Progs governor, Evers of Wisconsin put Troops in Kenosha for the Rittenhouse trial. But not with the riots last year. The installed potentate Biden is in the White house so it is a little different now. No laws have been removed from all levels of government when it comes to enforcing crimes. Only the order to not enforce them. The worst things about these leaders is at least Castro and Che and Lenin and Stalin and Mao and more fought and put their lives on the line to get on the ground floor. None of these sell outs have done it and never will.
Swollen fringe. Where the hell do you dig up this BS. Stop taking all them drugs bro.

Now why the fuck does it suck so bad in California that people are running from it................hmmm........This is your NIRVANA of Socialism at work in the United States. Why is a failing miserably............LOL

Kinda like the forced vaccines that don't fing work. And your side refuses to look at the data that we Suck AT IT. ....Asian countries are LAUGHING AT US. .......We have the worst stats on planet earth and peeps like you say LISTEN TO THE SCIENCE.

Sorry..........I'll listen to India news first.
California has spent the last few decades moving too far left on the continuum. Self-inflicted wound.

I know you don't like fancy words like "continuum", but I don't care.
California has spent the last few decades moving too far left on the continuum. Self-inflicted wound.

I know you don't like fancy words like "continuum", but I don't care.
Thanks for proving my point. lmao

California the perfect example.

You do not understand anything. We live in a minimum of a soft tyranny. Those riots were allowed to happen for political purposes. The Progressive politicians all in lockstep allowed anarchy in their jurisdictions of rule. Notice that the same Progs governor, Evers of Wisconsin put Troops in Kenosha for the Rittenhouse trial.

But not with the riots last year. The installed potentate Biden is in the White house so it is a little different now. No laws have been removed from all levels of government when it comes to enforcing crimes. Only the order to not enforce them. The worst things about these leaders is at least Castro and Che and Lenin and Stalin and Mao and more fought and put their lives on the line to get on the ground floor. None of these sell outs have done it and never will.

I agree to a point that the riots were politically expedient. Trump cancelled the Taskforce for 21st Century Policing and never addressed BLM's grievances.
I agree to a point that the riots were politically expedient. Trump cancelled the Taskforce for 21st Century Policing and never addressed BLM's grievances.
There were race riots long before President Trump’s term and there’ve been more after. How can you possibly say they’re his fault?
There were race riots long before President Trump’s term and there were more after. How can you possibly say they’re his fault?

Trump did NOTHING to calm the grievances of BLM and Antifa.

The Taskforce for 21st Century Policing was implemented to restore confidence in and respect for law enforcement.

And now some of these clots want Trump to be Speaker of the House.
Trump did NOTHING to calm the grievances of BLM and Antifa.

The Taskforce for 21st Century Policing was implemented to restore confidence in and respect for law enforcement.

And now some of these clots want Trump to be Speaker of the House.
I had to look this up. I had no idea someone could be appointed Speaker of the House without already having been a member. Interesting.
I know that's what you're told in your universe.

Examples of Democrats advocating for full government ownership of production and distribution, please.

No doubt you have many.

This is what they want......they are taking it one step at a time......

Tell us that Biden's handlers nominee for comptroller of the currency doesn't want to nationalize bank accounts.......

Saule Omarova, President Biden’s pick to serve as a top banking regulator, faces a pivotal test of an unusually contentious nomination when she appears before the Senate Banking Committee today.
The Cornell University law professor, an outspoken critic of Wall Street banks, is in line to oversee them as comptroller of the currency.
“The People’s Ledger,” that Omarova described as a “reform proposal and a thought experiment.” In it, she proposes the Federal Reserve provide consumer banking services as a “cheaper and more efficient alternative” to deposit accounts offered by private banks.

They want to nationalize healthcare, the energy industry........sorry, your, "They aren't socialist because they say they aren't socialists," is just dumb......slow walking government control is socialism on the slow walk....

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