When Republicans asked for a 1 yr waiver

Asking? Demanding was more like it.

There's no way out no, candycorn. You guys didn't want to delay the law, you wanted to force it on everyone. Look what you impatience has wrought. Millions uninsured, a president running scared because of his broken promises. A party now defecting en masse from their once revered leader, and millions of Americans now realizing the truth.

You can only lie so much, deceive people for so long, before people start waking up.
It's rough to be in the minority, gang, and we will remain there as long as the far right reactionaries run the GOP.
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You "proved" your contentions on a message board with links to a message board.


Right wing much?


First, I asked a question. Didn't make a contention.

Second, there were Democrats calling for them to be charged with sedition. We had discusses on it. The links I provided pretty much establish that as fact.

I never claimed every Democrat was calling for it. I was simply asking if those who were planned on being consistant.

I can see that for some reason you feel the need to convince yourself that you are right and I am wrong. I am not sure why you need to. But if makes you feel better, I will graciously tell you you are my superior in whatever you'd like to feel superior in. But it's not going to change the fact that there were Democrats calling for Republicans to be charged with sedition for doing the exact same thing Obama just did.

Im going to take it from your response to this thread that you simply aren't one of those partisan nutjobs who were calling for sedition charges against Republicans but wont be now that Obama has done it.
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You "proved" your contentions on a message board with links to a message board.


Right wing much?


It's a lot like the "messiah" nonsense...the only ones using the phrase in reference to Obama is the right wing yet it's only used because they say the left wing uses it.
Democrats wanted to file charges against them for sedition.

Now that Obama is unilaterally granting waivers (despite the illegality of it), will Democrats be calling for him to be charged with sedition?

Who here are you referring to?

You all spoke tacitly of how Republicans should be tried for treason and crimes against America. Don't sit there and deny it.
Seems to work that way when one party has the president and control of one of the House or Senate.

Actually, this is unprecedented - and unconstitutional.

Then I guess the Republicans should file a lawsuit against the President allowing these people to keep their plans.


LOL. How snide. Perhaps if Obama would do things by the book instead of his own whim, people wouldn't mind it so much.

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