When republicans complain about single moms getting food stamps, why don’t they consider the well-being of the child?

Who says I don’t? Again, regardless of how irresponsible the mother is, the child still exists either way. If the mother can’t provide, then yeah, enter the tax payers. It’s part of being part of a society.
So you claim. Now, try to support that contention. Links.

It may be nice to help care for the children of the irresponsible. But is it an obligation of society? Who gave you the authority to tell anybody else what they are obliged to do?
Single moms having kids they can’t afford is an easy target. It makes a right winger feel superior by shitting on such a woman. It makes it easy to rail against the idea of food stamps altogether. Such a person judging feels superior because they aren’t on food stamps and have a full time job in comparison. Somebody should probably tell them that it is very common for anyone to have a full time job and not be on food stamps lol. Such people judging aren’t as special as they like to think they are. Food stamps is not the epidemic that republicans like to think it is. They simply pretend that it is because it makes them feel less insecure about themselves. The truth is that few actual able bodied adults are even on food stamps. The ones that are have dependents.

But sure, such irresponsible women do exist.

We can all agree: an impoverished woman should not have kids and she made a mistake when she had one. Okay sure. However, the kid still…. exists. What should we do with that kid? Should the kid suffer because of the mom’s mistakes? Probably not, right? Government assistance is required either way.

“SNAP targets those in greatest need. Among those participating in the program, most are children, elderly persons, or individuals with a disability. In fact, 86 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households that include a child, elderly person, or person with disabilities. In addition, about 92 percent of all SNAP benefits go to households with income at or below the federal poverty line.”

Your post contained ZERO evidence of anything against Republicans meanwhile there have been a lot of bi partisan support of the program through the decades

The first SNAP program was created in 1939.

A Short History of SNAP

Better if you parked your partisanship it will make you smarter and better informed.

I used the SNAP program for about 8 months in 2016-2017 as I had NO income for months as I waited for the Disability support to get set up it was easy as I got the card the same day I applied for it.
So you claim. Now, try to support that contention. Links.

It may be nice to help care for the children of the irresponsible. But is it an obligation of society? Who gave you the authority to tell anybody else what they are obliged to do?
Republicans could care less about babies after they were born. There were people taunting the Uvalde mourner at the NRA convention on Friday. So sad Republicans have no soul.
So you claim. Now, try to support that contention. Links.

It may be nice to help care for the children of the irresponsible. But is it an obligation of society? Who gave you the authority to tell anybody else what they are obliged to do?
Lol you want me to provide links to support the moral obligation that we as a society should chip in and help take care of this baby? Well that’s stupid. I guess I shouldn’t waste my time explaining all this to republicans. You’re all too selfish and dimwitted to care about anyone but yourselves even when it comes to kids. It makes your pro life stance all the more stupid and bizarre. The democrats are the grown ups I guess.
Lol you want me to provide links to support the moral obligation that we as a society should chip in and help take care of this baby? Well that’s stupid. I guess I shouldn’t waste my time explaining all this to republicans. You’re all too selfish and dimwitted to care about anyone but yourselves even when it comes to kids. It makes your pro life stance all the more stupid and bizarre. The democrats are the grown ups I guess.

And constitutionally ignorant.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants congress the right, of EXPENDING ON ARTICLES OF BENEVOLENCE, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
Who says I don’t? Again, regardless of how irresponsible the mother is, the child still exists either way. If the mother can’t provide, then yeah, enter the tax payers. It’s part of being part of a society.

If the mother can't provide, she should give the child up to adoption. You'd see how fast she'd find a way to feed her family.
Single moms aren't the problem. Military guns and Republicans are the problem. We need to vote out the Republicana and get the guns. We will.

You aren't doing shit. The Communist party has been trying that for decades. Unfortunately for them we have a US Constitution to protect our rights.
If the mother can't provide, she should give the child up to adoption. You'd see how fast she'd find a way to feed her family.
Do you think people are just lining up to adopt kids? Hell no. The older they are the less likely. Also, do you know how much it would cost tax payers per year for a kid in the foster system?
Stinky strawman alert. No one's asking you to support my kids. I support my own. And the difference between you and me is that I don't want your kids cut up into pieces by armor piercing shells, either. You could care less about anything else but yourself and your immediate family. You're just as bad as Abbott and the rest of them.

May God have mercy on your. Serously.

If you don't want me to support your kids, then what did you mean by Republicans not caring for children?

The stupidity of thinking if you go after guns instead of securing schools means that Republicans don't care about children is typical leftist mindset.

If Trump becomes President in 24, I hope he makes a bet with you anti-Americans. We will implement your stupid gun laws for five years, and if they don't drastically reduce gun murders and mass shootings, we erase those laws and you on the left never bring it up again. Would you be willing to make that bet?

Of course not. Because you know damn well as I do that restricting access to a particular firearm won't do shit. People don't become murderers because they can get guns, they are murderers long before they do get one.

This isn't about the kids, it's about using those barely cold little bodies to disarm law abiding Americans.

If the mother can't provide, she should give the child up to adoption. You'd see how fast she'd find a way to feed her family.
Also, what if the woman refuses to give the kid up? Is your fascist solution for the government to take her kid away from her? Why would that even be best for the kid psychologically? Why should these strangers be the best thing for this kid?
And constitutionally ignorant.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants congress the right, of EXPENDING ON ARTICLES OF BENEVOLENCE, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
What is general welfare if not articles of benevolence?

Oh. Right.

Reading incomprehension. My bad.
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Also, what if the woman refuses to give the kid up? Is your fascist solution for the government to take her kid away from her? Why would that even be best for the kid psychologically? Why should these strangers be the best thing for this kid?

They wouldn't but few women would give up their children, that's the point. You on the left always try to get your way because of the children. The children are a crutch for not having a job and feeding your own family.

I go to the store, I see what goes on with these SNAP people. Sometimes they'll bug you in the checkout line asking if they can purchase some of your food items with their SNAP's card, and at the end of the line you give them cash for your items back. I see what they have on the belt when they checkout. Greeting cards, beer and wine, flowers, huge bags of dog food or cat litter, or both. They pay for their food items with the card and whip out a wad of cash for their other goodies. A few times I seen them leave the line and go to the head cashier to buy a carton of cigarettes or a bunch of lottery tickets.

The point is that many don't need these handouts to survive, but as long as we're stupid enough to give it to them, of course they'll take advantage of it.
Lol you want me to provide links to support the moral obligation that we as a society should chip in and help take care of this baby? Well that’s stupid. I guess I shouldn’t waste my time explaining all this to republicans. You’re all too selfish and dimwitted to care about anyone but yourselves even when it comes to kids. It makes your pro life stance all the more stupid and bizarre. The democrats are the grown ups I guess.
Yes. Links to support your claim, you fumbling retard. Or,alternatively, maybe you could get an intelligent adult to assist you in order to cobble together the premises and the syllogism that supports an otherwise mere empty claim (your idiotic opinion) that there exists such an obligation.

I know it just killls you libtards, but your mere claims and contentions don’t amount to proof.

I’ve already agreed it is nice of others in society to take on a burden of providing aid for the children of irresponsible adults who won’t do the work necessary to care for their own kids. And frankly, we do that. But that doesn’t make it an “obligation” of society.

Are you intelligent enough to share what (you contend) somehow makes it an “obligation?” Don’t fret. We all know already that YOU are vastly too stupid to rise to the occasion.
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21 pages and not one single right wing nut could explain how not supporting SNAP (food stamps) for children is in line with their BS “pro life” movement. Just whining about lazy poor people, personal responsibility, and fraud. Pro life means caring about real children. Fake caring about a group of cells doesn’t absolve you MFers.
21 pages and not one single right wing nut could explain how not supporting SNAP (food stamps) for children is in line with their BS “pro life” movement. Just whining about lazy poor people, personal responsibility, and fraud. Pro life means caring about real children. Fake caring about a group of cells doesn’t absolve you MFers.
Irrelevant. You classify everyone who disagrees with your smarmy bullshit as a right wing nut. But opposing your views doesn’t require being any kind of nut.

If what you were trying to claim was that nobody answered the stupid OP contention, then obviously you can’t read or comprehend what you read. So, fuck off.
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They wouldn't but few women would give up their children, that's the point. You on the left always try to get your way because of the children. The children are a crutch for not having a job and feeding your own family.

I go to the store, I see what goes on with these SNAP people. Sometimes they'll bug you in the checkout line asking if they can purchase some of your food items with their SNAP's card, and at the end of the line you give them cash for your items back. I see what they have on the belt when they checkout. Greeting cards, beer and wine, flowers, huge bags of dog food or cat litter, or both. They pay for their food items with the card and whip out a wad of cash for their other goodies. A few times I seen them leave the line and go to the head cashier to buy a carton of cigarettes or a bunch of lottery tickets.

The point is that many don't need these handouts to survive, but as long as we're stupid enough to give it to them, of course they'll take advantage of it.
Lol dude you are so full of shit. This does not happen to you at the check out line. It’s so stupid to lie about it. I get that I makes you feel manly and superior shitting on these people, but making shit up like this is so pathetic.

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