When the court is destroyed by a president that demands that the justices will be controlled by him and a party, it's a court that no longer has value

Well, imo only Clarence has done anything impeachable, but the dems lack the balls and votes.

Persoanlly, I hope they repeal gay marriage next. I mean, that's gotta be enough to piss of 70% of the country.
The states end up with the power. Wha tis the big deal? We have such a huge disconnect and it has been going on for a long time. It is city and rural. The pleasure of each should be respected. But the city wants total domination.
And BO's appointees are doing the same from the left side of the fence. So what is your point?
Obama didn't expect them to do what he told them to do., Scum bag did , scum bag has never appointed anyone in office or in business and his own life that he didn't control/ Obama was nothing like that , Obama was a great man and president , Trump was a scum ball and will be considered the worst president in our history. HE is at this point the most hated man in the world.
The states end up with the power. Wha tis the big deal? We have such a huge disconnect and it has been going on for a long time. It is city and rural. The pleasure of each should be respected. But the city wants total domination.
That's just silly.
All three of Trumps selection agreed to do as they are told if Trump would select them, like literally every person Trump has ever selected for anything in his whole lifetime.. Bypassing their decisions anyway possible, as Biden is doing with his Executive order on abortion rights, is the only answer. We have to decide how to fix the court before we arbitrarily respect the court again. One way is to impeach. There is an obvious person that needs impeachment in the supreme court. The next step would to increase the size of the supreme court to take away the power of this hate Nazi court. Then set that number as the only number in the future that is acceptable. I don't care if the right can attempt to change it in the future, they would anyway. Just make it as hard as possible on them now and the near future. And yes, this is my opinion!
Nice temper tantrum, Buttercup.

You need a coloring book and safe space now?
All three of Trumps selection agreed to do as they are told if Trump would select them, like literally every person Trump has ever selected for anything in his whole lifetime.. Bypassing their decisions anyway possible, as Biden is doing with his Executive order on abortion rights, is the only answer. We have to decide how to fix the court before we arbitrarily respect the court again. One way is to impeach. There is an obvious person that needs impeachment in the supreme court. The next step would to increase the size of the supreme court to take away the power of this hate Nazi court. Then set that number as the only number in the future that is acceptable. I don't care if the right can attempt to change it in the future, they would anyway. Just make it as hard as possible on them now and the near future. And yes, this is my opinion!

You are just one more moron.
The states end up with the power. Wha tis the big deal? We have such a huge disconnect and it has been going on for a long time. It is city and rural. The pleasure of each should be respected. But the city wants total domination.
Cities and feds are joined at the hip.
Obama didn't expect them to do what he told them to do., Scum bag did , scum bag has never appointed anyone in office or in business and his own life that he didn't control/ Obama was nothing like that , Obama was a great man and president , Trump was a scum ball and will be considered the worst president in our history. HE is at this point the most hated man in the world.
Like hell. BO is a Chicago political street thug who is good on a teleprompter. His appointees were not going to stray from the leftist line. Trump while having some warts did fine. The DC insiders hated Trump because he was not a deep state dirtbag. And I include so called Republicans like McConnell and Romney in with them.
Obama didn't expect them to do what he told them to do., Scum bag did , scum bag has never appointed anyone in office or in business and his own life that he didn't control/ Obama was nothing like that , Obama was a great man and president , Trump was a scum ball and will be considered the worst president in our history. HE is at this point the most hated man in the world.

So what did the worst President in history do:

Gave us the greatest economy in 50 years.
Gasoline never went above $3.00 a gallon nationally during that time.
Gave us the Stay in Mexico policy that was responsible for our huge illegal immigration reduction.
Women and all minority groups experienced the lowest unemployment since records were kept.
First US President in history that personally met with the North Korean leader and got him to stop shooting off test missiles.
Rebuilt the military DumBama let go to hell.
Reversed his policy of letting weirdos in dresses compete in high school female athletics that robbed real girls of their trophies and college scholarships.
Got rid of Commie Care fines assessed to the people that needed their money the most.
Lowered taxes on businesses and workers alike.
Built replacement or new walls on 465 miles of our southern border in spite of commie opposition. He found a way to get it done.
Had a million more jobs than Americans that could do them before Covid.
During Covid the US experienced the least GDP damage if all G7 countries outside China, and that's because they had a head start on battling the virus.
Instrumental in getting 2 vaccines in record time.
Created the policy that for every new business regulation made, two had to be removed in it's place.
Got rid of the phony Iran deal.
Got rid of the Paris Accord that gave the world control over our industry, that Dementia brought back.

Yes the world will remember him as the worst President in history, and that's why he was the best President for the US in history.
Like hell. BO is a Chicago political street thug who is good on a teleprompter. His appointees were not going to stray from the leftist line. Trump while having some warts did fine. The DC insiders hated Trump because he was not a deep state dirtbag. And I include so called Republicans like McConnell and Romney in with them.
You people , you Q anon wackos just don't understand how ridiculous you look, Deep state , ya you bet. Q anon wackos are all MAGA Maggots. Bottom feeders without a clue. Big fricken difference when a politician follows the party line over Trumps, people who do as Trump tells them. BIG BIG Difference. On is following a political philosophy, one is following a piece of shit criminal.
And you just demanded to get dumped, and I obliged you, what an idiot.
Everyone if people don't contribute, dump their asses, that is the only real way to keep a forum alive. Making a thread and then having to read a half dozen times that someone doesn't like you, think you are dumb or attack your spelling is a total waste of bandwidth. Who in the hell cares what someone thinks personally about someone else. Then there are the hijackers who respond to a post about Trump and answer with Hunter Biden or that Obama wasn't born here or that Clinton lied. If They do that, dump their stupid ass.

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