When the iron fist of government is used to compel you to take the Covid vaccine …


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
It becomes quite troubling to learn the vaccine is not only experimental, but it has proven to cause considerable deaths and hospitalizations across the country:

SEE: 159 Dead, 593 Hospitalized in Illinois Breakthrough COVID Cases

July 21, 2021

"More than 150 people have died and nearly 600 have been hospitalized in Illinois due to COVID-19 in "breakthrough" cases after they were fully vaccinated, according to state health officials."

Also see: 5,100 Vaccinated People Acquire COVID in Massachusetts... 80 Dead

”More than 5,100 Massachusetts residents have tested positive for COVID-19, despite being fully vaccinated against the virus, and at least 80 of them have died, state health officials said Tuesday night.”

And aside from the above, we now find CDC: COVID vaccines won’t stop transmission; Fully vaccinated can still get, spread Delta strain

Aug 5, 2021

WASHINGTON — COVID-19 vaccine will not stop transmission of the virus, U.S. Centers for Disease Control Rochelle Walensky said Thursday.

So why is our federal government so determined to require our entire population to be injected with a vaccine proven to be deadly to some, and causing hospitalizations in others?

Additionally, now that we have a game changing treatment which has proven to be successful ___ the monoclonal antibody treatment, LINK ___ and deaths from Covid across the entire United States are currently under 600 during a seven day averaging, LINK , something is very suspicious when the iron fist of government is used to force citizens across the country into accepting a medical treatment which only a doctor may be competent to make to a particular patient.


Is it not a fact President Biden is giving aid and comfort to thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border?
It becomes quite troubling to learn the vaccine is not only experimental, but it has proven to cause considerable deaths and hospitalizations across the country:

SEE: 159 Dead, 593 Hospitalized in Illinois Breakthrough COVID Cases

July 21, 2021

"More than 150 people have died and nearly 600 have been hospitalized in Illinois due to COVID-19 in "breakthrough" cases after they were fully vaccinated, according to state health officials."

Also see: 5,100 Vaccinated People Acquire COVID in Massachusetts... 80 Dead

”More than 5,100 Massachusetts residents have tested positive for COVID-19, despite being fully vaccinated against the virus, and at least 80 of them have died, state health officials said Tuesday night.”

And aside from the above, we now find CDC: COVID vaccines won’t stop transmission; Fully vaccinated can still get, spread Delta strain

Aug 5, 2021

WASHINGTON — COVID-19 vaccine will not stop transmission of the virus, U.S. Centers for Disease Control Rochelle Walensky said Thursday.

So why is our federal government so determined to require our entire population to be injected with a vaccine proven to be deadly to some, and causing hospitalizations in others?

Additionally, now that we have a game changing treatment which has proven to be successful ___ the monoclonal antibody treatment, LINK ___ and deaths from Covid across the entire United States are currently under 600 during a seven day averaging, LINK , something is very suspicious when the iron fist of government is used to force citizens across the country into accepting a medical treatment which only a doctor may be competent to make to a particular patient.


Is it not a fact President Biden is giving aid and comfort to thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border?
The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is way beyond experimental
The decision to get the vaccine ought to be between the individual and their doctor. And those who are not doctors, and making a judgement call for a particular patient, ought to keep their nose out of other people’s medical decisions, and that includes the heavy hand of the Biden Administration.


Is it not time for America’s freedom loving people to rise up and rebel against a federal government which is acting in rebellion to our written Constitution?
It becomes quite troubling to learn the vaccine is not only experimental, but it has proven to cause considerable deaths and hospitalizations across the country:

SEE: 159 Dead, 593 Hospitalized in Illinois Breakthrough COVID Cases

July 21, 2021

"More than 150 people have died and nearly 600 have been hospitalized in Illinois due to COVID-19 in "breakthrough" cases after they were fully vaccinated, according to state health officials."

Also see: 5,100 Vaccinated People Acquire COVID in Massachusetts... 80 Dead

”More than 5,100 Massachusetts residents have tested positive for COVID-19, despite being fully vaccinated against the virus, and at least 80 of them have died, state health officials said Tuesday night.”

And aside from the above, we now find CDC: COVID vaccines won’t stop transmission; Fully vaccinated can still get, spread Delta strain

Aug 5, 2021

WASHINGTON — COVID-19 vaccine will not stop transmission of the virus, U.S. Centers for Disease Control Rochelle Walensky said Thursday.

So why is our federal government so determined to require our entire population to be injected with a vaccine proven to be deadly to some, and causing hospitalizations in others?

Additionally, now that we have a game changing treatment which has proven to be successful ___ the monoclonal antibody treatment, LINK ___ and deaths from Covid across the entire United States are currently under 600 during a seven day averaging, LINK , something is very suspicious when the iron fist of government is used to force citizens across the country into accepting a medical treatment which only a doctor may be competent to make to a particular patient.


Is it not a fact President Biden is giving aid and comfort to thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border?

Your children have to be vaccinated before they can attend school.
The decision to get the vaccine ought to be between the individual and their doctor. And those who are not doctors, and making a judgement call for a particular patient, ought to keep their nose out of other people’s medical decisions, and that includes the heavy hand of the Biden Administration.


Is it not time for America’s freedom loving people to rise up and rebel against a federal government which is acting in rebellion to our written Constitution?

Did you fight the Salk Vaccine?
Did you fight the Salk Vaccine?


What does your comment have to do with the fact that only a doctor and their patient are in a position to make a decision with respect to taking a vaccine?


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, are now their worst nightmare.
It becomes quite troubling to learn the vaccine is not only experimental, but it has proven to cause considerable deaths and hospitalizations across the country:
Just post a number:
How many people do you think have died due to the vaccine. Not interested in links...just post a number.

We have had zero deaths at my hospital due to a covid vaccine (includes entire healthcare system) and 33 visits that were due to bad reactions to the vaccine. Two hospitalizations. Both discharged.
The reason for taking the vaccine has changed. It has gone from a health concern to take it because the government says so. Punishments under consideration are moving toward a tyrannical absurd. Payroll deductions, inability to obtain food, interstate highway checkpoints, charging unmasked children with murder. One or more of the more absurd demands will be a bridge too far and armed bands will invade CVS to smash all vaccines.
Did you fight the Salk Vaccine?
No one was threatened either. There was no punishment for not taking the Salk vaccine. There was never a lockdown.

It's the escalating threats and increasing punishments that has fueled the lack of confidence in the vaccine. It's the wildly swinging methods to combat the disease. It's the constantly changing criteria and ultimately the oiliness of Dr. Fauci who resembles more weasel than respected anything. The government should shut up and leave people alone, not have brainstorming sessions on what new punishment they can visit on the lab rats in their cages.

Sort of the way it was handled when the Salk vaccine was distributed.
Why do people keep comparing this to normal vaccines?
This doesnt even meet the definition of a "vaccine" It is also experimental. Its newer technology that didnt even have normal trials like every other vaccine on the planet.
The comparisons are asinine.
It's been in development for 10 years

Just post a number:
How many people do you think have died due to the vaccine. Not interested in links...just post a number.

We have had zero deaths at my hospital due to a covid vaccine (includes entire healthcare system) and 33 visits that were due to bad reactions to the vaccine. Two hospitalizations. Both discharged.
How would you know how many died or what is going with the vaccine..the way they take the stats and don't release info.

They are saying now that they don't consider someone a vaccine death------if they get sick within two weeks of the second shot.........this with vaccines that have been out for only a few months........
It becomes quite troubling to learn the vaccine is not only experimental, but it has proven to cause considerable deaths and hospitalizations across the country:

SEE: 159 Dead, 593 Hospitalized in Illinois Breakthrough COVID Cases

July 21, 2021

"More than 150 people have died and nearly 600 have been hospitalized in Illinois due to COVID-19 in "breakthrough" cases after they were fully vaccinated, according to state health officials."

Also see: 5,100 Vaccinated People Acquire COVID in Massachusetts... 80 Dead

”More than 5,100 Massachusetts residents have tested positive for COVID-19, despite being fully vaccinated against the virus, and at least 80 of them have died, state health officials said Tuesday night.”

And aside from the above, we now find CDC: COVID vaccines won’t stop transmission; Fully vaccinated can still get, spread Delta strain

Aug 5, 2021

WASHINGTON — COVID-19 vaccine will not stop transmission of the virus, U.S. Centers for Disease Control Rochelle Walensky said Thursday.

So why is our federal government so determined to require our entire population to be injected with a vaccine proven to be deadly to some, and causing hospitalizations in others?

Additionally, now that we have a game changing treatment which has proven to be successful ___ the monoclonal antibody treatment, LINK ___ and deaths from Covid across the entire United States are currently under 600 during a seven day averaging, LINK , something is very suspicious when the iron fist of government is used to force citizens across the country into accepting a medical treatment which only a doctor may be competent to make to a particular patient.


Is it not a fact President Biden is giving aid and comfort to thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border?
There has never been a single vaccine produced that is 100% effective and breakthrough cases happen with all vaccines.
Not interested in links...just post a number.
Of course you aren't.


Is it not a fact President Biden is giving aid and comfort to tens of thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border?
We have had zero deaths at my hospital due to a covid vaccine (includes entire healthcare system) and 33 visits that were due to bad reactions to the vaccine. Two hospitalizations. Both discharged.
The vaccine has proven to not be very effective in creating immunity. And now, those who have received the vaccine several months ago, are being told to get a booster shot.

On the other hand, we are learning that those who have tested positive for the virus and beat it, have developed antibodies which research is now showing are far more lasting and effective than the big-pharma’s vaccine. So, logic tells us that more attention ought to be focused on treatments, and informing the public to get a treatment in the very early stages of getting the virus. Instead, all we hear from our mainstream media is “get the vaccine or die”.


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.
It’s another hoax about Americans losing their jobs because they won’t take an experimental CDC panic injection nor any booster, all of which is Not FDA approved because it’s experimental and we are the supposed lab rats. Lib loons have been Very Excited last 10 days chanting about all the firings. Zero so far.
It will be a Golden field day for lawsuits if any firings occur over the refusal to inject yourself with this experimental innoculation

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