When you base your policies on virtue signaling.... you can end up looking stupid.

So Tim Tebow praying is virture signaling??

Of course it is. How is it not?
Virtue Signaling is anything a person does to bring attention to themselves proclaiming their support of something they think makes them look good. And especially when that thing is baseless.
Colorado doesn't have a law that allows the state legislature to tell its people to go fuck themselves and divvy Electoral Votes how they see fit. And their polls don't close at 5pm.

Oh, and they don't arrest people for giving grandma water in the line. So other than that, you're right they're very similar...save the Nazi-ism.
Once again you look stupid.
Colorado has less voting days than GA.
And GA does not, have not or will ever "outlaw" giving water to voters. You can literally pull up in a truck full of water bottles and put up a sign and give water away all day. At every precinct.
So once again - we can see the virtue signalers are just plain stupid like this guy
The voting days don't matter if they're only open ****ing 8 to 5, now be quiet.

That's like saying "Healthcare is free for everyone" except on the way to the hospital there's an American Gladiators-style arena with crocodiles in a moat and razers in the doorway.
You are still regurgitate lies fed to you by your handlers. Grow a brain.
Colorado doesn't have a law that allows the state legislature to tell its people to go fuck themselves and divvy Electoral Votes how they see fit. And their polls don't close at 5pm.

Oh, and they don't arrest people for giving grandma water in the line. So other than that, you're right they're very similar...save the Nazi-ism.
Do you often lie?

The Georgia and Colorado law do not permit political parties to give grandma water while she waits in line.

I'll give you ONLY one guess as to why it is wrong for people wearing political affiliation attire or working for a political party to give people water or food.
I like how you ignored the worst part of the bill....and it isn't water bottles....it is:

State legislatures being able to throw out election results and declaring the winner as they see fit

Which is exactly what Trump wanted Georgia's Sec of State to do but couldn't due to the law....so the GOP changed the law...because they can't win elections based on policies
Then you must have a problem with the US Constitution. You see, it says that the STATE legislatures make the rules for elections.

I actually agree with the Bills putting the election responsibility in the people's hands. You see, the Legislature is the will of the people. An 'anointed' election official who can ignore the will of the people for their party is the very definition of corruption.

People tasked with ensuring the integrity of the elections MUST answer to someone, and answering to the People is exactly who they should answer to.
Yes, the states make rules for elections under the Voting Rights Act....and the Georgia GOP made the rules for the previous election and still lost....

Now they are changing the rules again ...and if they lose that election too......the cycle repeats....

Maybe their policies just suck??
View attachment 476825
Who is changing the rules? Google HR1 dumbass.
So Tim Tebow praying is virture signaling??

Of course it is. How is it not?
Virtue Signaling is anything a person does to bring attention to themselves proclaiming their support of something they think makes them look good. And especially when that thing is baseless.

Like frankie graham and the falwell bunch?
Are you dense or just like seeing your own post?
Obviously that is virtue signaling.
You don't have to be a liberal to be a virtue signaler. It is just that, obviously, virtue signaling has been elevated to the extreme currently by the left.
In fact, it is good you bring up religious examples.
The left has become what they hate. Pre 1970 America was ran by the Christian right. And people who don't follow those religious principles were often shunned and ridiculed.
And now you have the EXACT SAME PRACTICE happening on the left. Where they shun opinions that disagree with their own. Literally block roadways and demand people "honk for BLM". Where college students shout down speakers they disagree with.
Very much like the Christian right once did many years ago.
State legislatures being able to throw out election results and declaring the winner as they see fit
So, I assume, states that throw away their states will for the national popular vote is just as bad?!
Lets cancel those states! They are fucking racist!
What does the Constitution say??

Don't like it, change the Constitution....but stop pretending that conservatives give a fuck about the will of the people....especially when it comes to votes....

It basically says anything not federally legislated is left to the states.
Right, except y'all bitch everytime the federal adds legislation lmao.
You do realize don't you that the Constitution does NOT allow the federal government to enact legislation that alters the rights not given to it by the Constitution. Please read and attempt to comprehend.

Tenth Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. ( Hint.. notice the words in bold print )
If the govt actually lived up to the 10th, it would be 1/1000th the size it is.
Congratulations are in order for Major League Baseball in moving to Colorado to get away from such a systemic voting racist state like Georgia!!!


Oops... Colorado's voting requirements, point by point, are very similar to Georgia's. Only minor differences. Both require ID's in-person, and even with mail-in Colorado is voting on requiring it for mail in also. And in GA, you don't have to have one for mail in either. You can use a utility bill, bank/credit statement etc. - Who doesn't have that??
Oops... Atlanta is 51% minority. Denver is 74% white.

And once again, we can see the stupidity of the virtue signaling left ,as well as their bullying tactics they use against others - even when they can't show anything is wrong. Just an accusation is all they need.

You really are too stupid to be one person.

Colorado requires ID to vote. Any ID. Not a super special ID that matches all government records and can only be obtained at midnight from a jar on Funk and Wagnal's front porch. Colorado will accept ANY form of ID, including bank statements and utility bills.

Colorado also mails ballots to everyone without asking them asking. They've been doing it for a generation. They've never had a voter fraud problem. Last but not least, after the 2020 election, no laws are being passed in Colorado to change any of this or limit access to the polls

That's true in Canada as well. I can use any ID, even those without photos, including credit cards, bank statements and utility bills. The only thing I can't use is my government health insurance card. It can't be used for ID for anything due to medical records privacy.

Speaking as a foreigner, it is completely beyond the rest of the world that Republicans consistently try to win elections voter via suppression, and the voters keep believing their lies about voter fraud, every time Republicans lose an election.

The subtext to "stop the steal" was that it was "urban" voters who elected Joe Biden not "real Americans", because white Republicans voted for Trump.
Oh shut up.
Colorado doesn't have a law that allows the state legislature to tell its people to go fuck themselves and divvy Electoral Votes how they see fit. And their polls don't close at 5pm.

Oh, and they don't arrest people for giving grandma water in the line. So other than that, you're right they're very similar...save the Nazi-ism.
Do you often lie?

The Georgia and Colorado law do not permit political parties to give grandma water while she waits in line.

I'll give you ONLY one guess as to why it is wrong for people wearing political affiliation attire or working for a political party to give people water or food.
I like how you ignored the worst part of the bill....and it isn't water bottles....it is:

State legislatures being able to throw out election results and declaring the winner as they see fit

Which is exactly what Trump wanted Georgia's Sec of State to do but couldn't due to the law....so the GOP changed the law...because they can't win elections based on policies
Then you must have a problem with the US Constitution. You see, it says that the STATE legislatures make the rules for elections.

I actually agree with the Bills putting the election responsibility in the people's hands. You see, the Legislature is the will of the people. An 'anointed' election official who can ignore the will of the people for their party is the very definition of corruption.

People tasked with ensuring the integrity of the elections MUST answer to someone, and answering to the People is exactly who they should answer to.
Yes, the states make rules for elections under the Voting Rights Act....and the Georgia GOP made the rules for the previous election and still lost....

Now they are changing the rules again ...and if they lose that election too......the cycle repeats....

Maybe their policies just suck??
View attachment 476825
Who is changing the rules? Google HR1 dumbass.
I did....it has POPULAR SUPPORT because of what is in it....

The GOP bills don't.....

Which is why goofy muthafuckas like you keep whining about it....

Like I said...maybe the GOP policies just suck
Puppy, you are getting your ass beat here. All these people aren't wrong. That means you are. Give yourself a chance and have a thought not spawned by the globalists.
Ask yourself, "Is what the left is telling me actually GOOD for America?" Use your own state as an example. You have a leftist crisis at your border. Is that really good for Texas?
Colorado doesn't have a law that allows the state legislature to tell its people to go fuck themselves and divvy Electoral Votes how they see fit. And their polls don't close at 5pm.

Oh, and they don't arrest people for giving grandma water in the line. So other than that, you're right they're very similar...save the Nazi-ism.
Do you often lie?

The Georgia and Colorado law do not permit political parties to give grandma water while she waits in line.

I'll give you ONLY one guess as to why it is wrong for people wearing political affiliation attire or working for a political party to give people water or food.
I like how you ignored the worst part of the bill....and it isn't water bottles....it is:

State legislatures being able to throw out election results and declaring the winner as they see fit

Which is exactly what Trump wanted Georgia's Sec of State to do but couldn't due to the law....so the GOP changed the law...because they can't win elections based on policies
Then you must have a problem with the US Constitution. You see, it says that the STATE legislatures make the rules for elections.

I actually agree with the Bills putting the election responsibility in the people's hands. You see, the Legislature is the will of the people. An 'anointed' election official who can ignore the will of the people for their party is the very definition of corruption.

People tasked with ensuring the integrity of the elections MUST answer to someone, and answering to the People is exactly who they should answer to.
Yes, the states make rules for elections under the Voting Rights Act....and the Georgia GOP made the rules for the previous election and still lost....

Now they are changing the rules again ...and if they lose that election too......the cycle repeats....

Maybe their policies just suck??
View attachment 476825
Who is changing the rules? Google HR1 dumbass.
I did....it has POPULAR SUPPORT because of what is in it....

The GOP bills don't.....

Which is why goofy muthafuckas like you keep whining about it....

Like I said...maybe the GOP policies just suck
Link to this “popular support” of the blatantly unconstitutional HR1?
Colorado doesn't have a law that allows the state legislature to tell its people to go fuck themselves and divvy Electoral Votes how they see fit. And their polls don't close at 5pm.

Oh, and they don't arrest people for giving grandma water in the line. So other than that, you're right they're very similar...save the Nazi-ism.
Once again you look stupid.
Colorado has less voting days than GA.
And GA does not, have not or will ever "outlaw" giving water to voters. You can literally pull up in a truck full of water bottles and put up a sign and give water away all day. At every precinct.
So once again - we can see the virtue signalers are just plain stupid like this guy
The voting days don't matter if they're only open ****ing 8 to 5, now be quiet.

That's like saying "Healthcare is free for everyone" except on the way to the hospital there's an American Gladiators-style arena with crocodiles in a moat and razers in the doorway.
You are the one that spews the lies. Polls are not shutting at 5 like your lie claims.

The part of the Bill that YOU twisted and felt a need to lie about is that absentee ballots
have to be counted by 5PM the day after the election.

I think the part his masters and their talking points were lying about was that the new law set a MINIMUM number of hours per day that counties had to have polls open for early voting. That's where the "9 to 5" came in. Some counties didn't have early voting polls open that many hours per day prior to the new election law.
So Tim Tebow praying is virture signaling??

Of course it is. How is it not?
Virtue Signaling is anything a person does to bring attention to themselves proclaiming their support of something they think makes them look good. And especially when that thing is baseless.

Like frankie graham and the falwell bunch?
Are you dense or just like seeing your own post?
Obviously that is virtue signaling.
You don't have to be a liberal to be a virtue signaler. It is just that, obviously, virtue signaling has been elevated to the extreme currently by the left.
In fact, it is good you bring up religious examples.
The left has become what they hate. Pre 1970 America was ran by the Christian right. And people who don't follow those religious principles were often shunned and ridiculed.
And now you have the EXACT SAME PRACTICE happening on the left. Where they shun opinions that disagree with their own. Literally block roadways and demand people "honk for BLM". Where college students shout down speakers they disagree with.
Very much like the Christian right once did many years ago.

I don't remember the religious right EVER blocking a roadway and demanding that people "honk if you love Jesus". I also don't remember them ever acting about college speakers they don't like the way today's leftist snowflakes do.
No dispute that gop thinking changed on getting as many to vote as possible.
Fewer Republicans now say everything should be done to make voting easy | Pew Research Center

I'd agree the dems highlite the "Jim Crow" aspects of Ga (and Tex) changes, but the overall intent is clear.
Point out the “JimCrow” aspects.

Be specific and quote the actual statute, not what your handlers have fed you.

Once again, the left belittles and insults the group they're trying to pander to. Comparing Georgia's new election law with Jim Crow does nothing but demean and dismiss how awful Jim Crow actually was, very similar to the way the left tries to compare everything to slavery and ends up devaluing how terrible slavery was.
No dispute that gop thinking changed on getting as many to vote as possible.
Fewer Republicans now say everything should be done to make voting easy | Pew Research Center

I'd agree the dems highlite the "Jim Crow" aspects of Ga (and Tex) changes, but the overall intent is clear.
Point out the “JimCrow” aspects.

Be specific and quote the actual statute, not what your handlers have fed you.

Once again, the left belittles and insults the group they're trying to pander to. Comparing Georgia's new election law with Jim Crow does nothing but demean and dismiss how awful Jim Crow actually was, very similar to the way the left tries to compare everything to slavery and ends up devaluing how terrible slavery was.
And bendog tucked tail and ran away from that challenge, huh?
No dispute that gop thinking changed on getting as many to vote as possible.
Fewer Republicans now say everything should be done to make voting easy | Pew Research Center

I'd agree the dems highlite the "Jim Crow" aspects of Ga (and Tex) changes, but the overall intent is clear.
Point out the “JimCrow” aspects.

Be specific and quote the actual statute, not what your handlers have fed you.

Once again, the left belittles and insults the group they're trying to pander to. Comparing Georgia's new election law with Jim Crow does nothing but demean and dismiss how awful Jim Crow actually was, very similar to the way the left tries to compare everything to slavery and ends up devaluing how terrible slavery was.
And bendog tucked tail and ran away from that challenge, huh?

Maybe he's not quite brainwashed enough to think he can actually make any sort of case for his talking points on this one. That's okay, I'm sure the BLM SWAT Team will catch up with him and drag him off to a nice indoctrination camp where that will be corrected.
So Tim Tebow praying is virture signaling??

Of course it is. How is it not?
Virtue Signaling is anything a person does to bring attention to themselves proclaiming their support of something they think makes them look good. And especially when that thing is baseless.

Why do you think he is bringing attention to himself?
Pretty much like all virtue signalers, they want attention and think people will think they are awesome.
Or to be a part of the "cool group".
So Tim Tebow praying is virture signaling??

Of course it is. How is it not?
Virtue Signaling is anything a person does to bring attention to themselves proclaiming their support of something they think makes them look good. And especially when that thing is baseless.

Why do you think he is bringing attention to himself?
Pretty much like all virtue signalers, they want attention and think people will think they are awesome.
Or to be a part of the "cool group".

You obviously don't know a fucking thing about Tim Tebow or you would not make such a stupid statement!

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