When you've just had enough and need a break thread.

Moki snores. But he stays in Daddys room. Karma is very quiet at night. When I get in the bed, she gets in her bed..which is my bed since my bed is now the recliner, lol. And in the morning...they both are very very quiet until we wake up. Such good fur children, they are.:)

They're better than most people. :)
Agreed. Which is why I am up here and will stay up here. And I am glad I called you with the pug pic cuz otherwise I would rarely see you..or your pugs. :)

I haven't posted much in politics/current events lately. I go through spells where I simply lose interest, and this is one of those weeks. :)
I wander upstairs now. No more downstairs. Which is a bummer in a way cuz Cassy Mo posted about her medical issue, Lone Laugher posted about his son making detective, GT gave info on his new podcast, etc. And I can't respond. Or rather...won't. Not down there.

You should post down there whenever you feel like it. F-em.
Nope. Never again. Done.

Anyway....glad I have threads up here. I can always @ them in any of the ones I started. :)
They're better than most people. :)
Agreed. Which is why I am up here and will stay up here. And I am glad I called you with the pug pic cuz otherwise I would rarely see you..or your pugs. :)

I haven't posted much in politics/current events lately. I go through spells where I simply lose interest, and this is one of those weeks. :)
I wander upstairs now. No more downstairs. Which is a bummer in a way cuz Cassy Mo posted about her medical issue, Lone Laugher posted about his son making detective, GT gave info on his new podcast, etc. And I can't respond. Or rather...won't. Not down there.

You should post down there whenever you feel like it. F-em.
Nope. Never again. Done.

Anyway....glad I have threads up here. I can always @ them in any of the ones I started. :)

I'll come visit you up here.

I gotta get my beauty rest now. Have a good one! :p
I rarely pm. A scant few. And I am on ignore now with many of them...and they are on mine as well.

Meh. I shouldn't have mentioned it. Suffice it to say....they know where I can be found. :)
Night Carla. Give the snoring farting puggers kisses for me!
So....I am watching Battle Of The Five Armies...again. This is probably about the 30th time?
It soothes me. I might fall asleep.


Oops. I think it's started. Dozed off there for a sec and my head landed on the keyboard.^

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