where are the 30 million documents Obama took ?

Poor MAGA-cultists.....don't know anything about the scope of search warrants.
Didn't need a warrant to see this on Hunter's laptop. When is Garland going to Raid Hunter and Joe's underwear drawers?
What you are admitting (tho you may not be self-aware enough to know it) is that you believe your orange godlet is not above hiding classified material in his wife's underwear. :heehee:
Funny how, if the disgraced fat former guy had been cooperating all along the FBI STILL found boxes and boxes of classified material at his Florida lair.
Garland is about to conduct an "Equal Application of The Law" Right little Satanic DemNazi.
Nothing was found at Maro Lago
Maybe Garland should look in Ukraine.
Uh Oh.


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These things happen when you are a con man criminal thief... He did not cooperate on this and this is what happens. Also someone around him told them he wasn't cooperating lol
No, Trump has been working with archives. They searched Mar-A-Lago back in June and Trump cooperated and has been doing so. You really need to get better info.
No, Trump has been working with archives. They searched Mar-A-Lago back in June and Trump cooperated and has been doing so. You really need to get better info.
The former 1-term president was served a second subpoena in early June...did he turn anything over?

Because he was cooperating...
So you claim Obozo does not have 30 million documents he took with him you fucking racist? Damn you’re a true Kool-Aid drinking cultist. Vanity Fair? Get a real source.
Bullshit you retarded ass. Trump had been cooperating the entire time. The last correspondence they received was June 3 and everything was fine. Then this shit that has backfired huge on the Dems. Enjoy the wholesale slaughter coming for your party in November.
If he cooperated why did the FBI find boxes & boxes of TOP SECRET documents during the search, asscrack?

Keep posting dumb shit, bedwetter.
Obama took over 30 million documents ! he also promised to digitize them and put them online ! and nearly 6yrs later he hasnt ! the article below is from 2019 ... and still to this day the docs are hidden from the public eye .

Thread fail
This article is from today.

“The agency said, in accordance with the Presidential Records Act (PRA), Obama's unclassified presidential records are in a facility they control in Chicago while the classified Obama records are in a secure facility in the Washington D.C. area.
Obama has no control over them, the agency said.

'As required by the PRA, former President Barack Obama has no control over where and how NARA stores the presidential records of his administration,' the National Archives and Records Administration noted in a statement.”

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