Where are the lib hypocrites who criticized Mitch's "make him a one term President?"

That's right, I called you hypocrites.

Just over two weeks into the Trump presidency, Maxine Waters said this " Well, I hope he’s not there for four years. I hope that this man and who he is, what he’s done and the way he’s defined himself and the way he’s acting, I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment.”

And from the left.......crickets......nothing.......no outrage. Yet When McConnell made his statement in 2010, we had to hear of the comment for the following six years of Obama's presidency.

Maxine Waters Says Her Greatest Desire Is To Lead Trump 'Right Into Impeachment'

If you're going to accuse them of being hypocrites, please show me where she vowed to make him a one term president. Far as I can see, she is hoping he won't be...and that is it. I see the right overreaching in an attempt to create a false equivalency.

Let me refresh your memory:

McConnel: “When I first came into office, the head of the Senate Republicans said, ‘my number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president.’ Now, after the election, either he will have succeeded in that goal or he will have failed at that goal.”

What's going on here, am I dealing with a bunch of illeterates or something? One more time:

I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment.”

That's nothing like McConnell said. That's what she desires not what she sets out to do: everything possible to make him a one term president. You guys are stretching.

Now isn't that typical? What Mitch said was repulsive but what Water's said is okay by liberal standards.
She has no power. He DID it. Mindless bought off party first tool.
That's right, I called you hypocrites.

Just over two weeks into the Trump presidency, Maxine Waters said this " Well, I hope he’s not there for four years. I hope that this man and who he is, what he’s done and the way he’s defined himself and the way he’s acting, I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment.”

And from the left.......crickets......nothing.......no outrage. Yet When McConnell made his statement in 2010, we had to hear of the comment for the following six years of Obama's presidency.

Maxine Waters Says Her Greatest Desire Is To Lead Trump 'Right Into Impeachment'
What goes around comes around. Repugs wanted Obama to fail , so they obstructed and fucked up everything they could for 8 years. Now you expect the Dems to make nice after all that shit? You must be as crazy as the orange loon you elected.
That's right, I called you hypocrites.

Just over two weeks into the Trump presidency, Maxine Waters said this " Well, I hope he’s not there for four years. I hope that this man and who he is, what he’s done and the way he’s defined himself and the way he’s acting, I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment.”

And from the left.......crickets......nothing.......no outrage. Yet When McConnell made his statement in 2010, we had to hear of the comment for the following six years of Obama's presidency.

Maxine Waters Says Her Greatest Desire Is To Lead Trump 'Right Into Impeachment'

If you're going to accuse them of being hypocrites, please show me where she vowed to make him a one term president. Far as I can see, she is hoping he won't be...and that is it. I see the right overreaching in an attempt to create a false equivalency.

Let me refresh your memory:

McConnel: “When I first came into office, the head of the Senate Republicans said, ‘my number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president.’ Now, after the election, either he will have succeeded in that goal or he will have failed at that goal.”

What's going on here, am I dealing with a bunch of illeterates or something? One more time:

I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment.”
Come on, she's a loose cannon, not the leader of Senate GOP. Blocking strange appointees for a couple days is NOT blocking EVERYTHING for 7 1/2 years. And Dems will go along with infrastructure spending and other good ideas, and will do tit for tat compromising. NOT "the no compromise, un-American TP GOP" -TIME.

Don't you just hate those no compromise people when they have power?

Oh puh leaze. Obama's single biggest criticism from his base was that he spent too much time trying to compromise with Republicans. We kept telling him "fuck them, they don't compromise", but he wouldn't stop trying.
That's right, I called you hypocrites.

Just over two weeks into the Trump presidency, Maxine Waters said this " Well, I hope he’s not there for four years. I hope that this man and who he is, what he’s done and the way he’s defined himself and the way he’s acting, I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment.”

And from the left.......crickets......nothing.......no outrage. Yet When McConnell made his statement in 2010, we had to hear of the comment for the following six years of Obama's presidency.

Maxine Waters Says Her Greatest Desire Is To Lead Trump 'Right Into Impeachment'
What goes around comes around. Repugs wanted Obama to fail , so they obstructed and fucked up everything they could for 8 years. Now you expect the Dems to make nice after all that shit? You must be as crazy as the orange loon you elected.
I never wanted Bush to fail, but he was a terrible failure.

But Trump? Three weeks in and he's already creating more mess than Bush did in his first four years.
That's right, I called you hypocrites.

Just over two weeks into the Trump presidency, Maxine Waters said this " Well, I hope he’s not there for four years. I hope that this man and who he is, what he’s done and the way he’s defined himself and the way he’s acting, I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment.”

And from the left.......crickets......nothing.......no outrage. Yet When McConnell made his statement in 2010, we had to hear of the comment for the following six years of Obama's presidency.

Maxine Waters Says Her Greatest Desire Is To Lead Trump 'Right Into Impeachment'
What goes around comes around. Repugs wanted Obama to fail , so they obstructed and fucked up everything they could for 8 years. Now you expect the Dems to make nice after all that shit? You must be as crazy as the orange loon you elected.
I never wanted Bush to fail, but he was a terrible failure.

But Trump? Three weeks in and he's already creating more mess than Bush did in his first four years.

Not surprised by your comment. Accomplishments are always considered a "mess" by liberals.
That's right, I called you hypocrites.

Just over two weeks into the Trump presidency, Maxine Waters said this " Well, I hope he’s not there for four years. I hope that this man and who he is, what he’s done and the way he’s defined himself and the way he’s acting, I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment.”

And from the left.......crickets......nothing.......no outrage. Yet When McConnell made his statement in 2010, we had to hear of the comment for the following six years of Obama's presidency.

Maxine Waters Says Her Greatest Desire Is To Lead Trump 'Right Into Impeachment'

If you're going to accuse them of being hypocrites, please show me where she vowed to make him a one term president. Far as I can see, she is hoping he won't be...and that is it. I see the right overreaching in an attempt to create a false equivalency.

Let me refresh your memory:

McConnel: “When I first came into office, the head of the Senate Republicans said, ‘my number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president.’ Now, after the election, either he will have succeeded in that goal or he will have failed at that goal.”

What's going on here, am I dealing with a bunch of illeterates or something? One more time:

I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment.”
Come on, she's a loose cannon, not the leader of Senate GOP. Blocking strange appointees for a couple days is NOT blocking EVERYTHING for 7 1/2 years. And Dems will go along with infrastructure spending and other good ideas, and will do tit for tat compromising. NOT "the no compromise, un-American TP GOP" -TIME.

Don't you just hate those no compromise people when they have power?

Oh puh leaze. Obama's single biggest criticism from his base was that he spent too much time trying to compromise with Republicans. We kept telling him "fuck them, they don't compromise", but he wouldn't stop trying.

Compromised on what????
Its okay if you are a liberal, totally different set of rules.
I totally agree with you.

When you are a Democratic President, you don't get to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in at least your last year of office.

When you are Republican Secretary of State, you never have to turn over your emails.

When you read a letter in the Senate, you are told to sit down and shut up even though you have Senators like GOP Ted Cruz calling the Senate Majority Leader a liar on the floor.

Rules just don't apply to Republicans. Trump is under criminal investigation but so what? He's a Republican.
NY AG: Trump can't dissolve foundation during investigation

Oh yea, a charitable foundation that might have accidentally benefited Trump's campaign is the same as accepting money from various actors here and abroad while you had political power to do favors. BTW, are those Clinton's still giving speeches anymore for ridiculous amounts of money? That seemed to dry up, didn't it. I wonder why? I mean........ if their 20 minute speeches were worth hundreds of thousands of dollars just a few years ago, why are they not worth it now????
It's OK to give speeches for as much money as you can. It's called "capitalism" sweetie. When you walk away, you have the money, but you don't owe anyone anything.

But about Trump's foundation? What the fuck are you talking about. There is no ACCIDENT there. It was unlicensed, uncertified, it had never been audited. He used the money collected from unsuspecting dupes and paid off lawsuits, bribes and bought stuff for his family. They even admitted to wrong doing.

Where the fuck is the "accident"?

Oh, you know so much, so why is there still an investigation?

No, has-beens like Bill Clinton making that kind of money is not capitalism, it's bribery.
OMG. Now you've crossed over into "Dum Dum".

Investigating a crooked foundation stretching back many years takes time. Especially since it had NEVER been audited. You don't find one thing and then say "OK, it's over". And even they admit to wrong doing, you keep looking. Their admission might mask something worse.

These are professionals investigation Trump's illegal Foundation, not dipshit nitwit Republicans out for political vendetta.

Report: The Trump Foundation Admits It Broke the Law

Trump Foundation Admits To Violating Ban On Self-Dealing In Tax Filing
That's right, I called you hypocrites.

Just over two weeks into the Trump presidency, Maxine Waters said this " Well, I hope he’s not there for four years. I hope that this man and who he is, what he’s done and the way he’s defined himself and the way he’s acting, I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment.”

And from the left.......crickets......nothing.......no outrage. Yet When McConnell made his statement in 2010, we had to hear of the comment for the following six years of Obama's presidency.

Maxine Waters Says Her Greatest Desire Is To Lead Trump 'Right Into Impeachment'
What goes around comes around. Repugs wanted Obama to fail , so they obstructed and fucked up everything they could for 8 years. Now you expect the Dems to make nice after all that shit? You must be as crazy as the orange loon you elected.

Our crazy orange loon doesn't need your "make nice." We will move forward with or without you. But given the fact the country is turning against liberalism, Communism and Socialism, I would say it's your best bet to get aboard or sink with the ship.
That's right, I called you hypocrites.

Just over two weeks into the Trump presidency, Maxine Waters said this " Well, I hope he’s not there for four years. I hope that this man and who he is, what he’s done and the way he’s defined himself and the way he’s acting, I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment.”

And from the left.......crickets......nothing.......no outrage. Yet When McConnell made his statement in 2010, we had to hear of the comment for the following six years of Obama's presidency.

Maxine Waters Says Her Greatest Desire Is To Lead Trump 'Right Into Impeachment'

If you're going to accuse them of being hypocrites, please show me where she vowed to make him a one term president. Far as I can see, she is hoping he won't be...and that is it. I see the right overreaching in an attempt to create a false equivalency.

Let me refresh your memory:

McConnel: “When I first came into office, the head of the Senate Republicans said, ‘my number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president.’ Now, after the election, either he will have succeeded in that goal or he will have failed at that goal.”

What's going on here, am I dealing with a bunch of illeterates or something? One more time:

I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment.”

That's nothing like McConnell said. That's what she desires not what she sets out to do: everything possible to make him a one term president. You guys are stretching.

Now isn't that typical? What Mitch said was repulsive but what Water's said is okay by liberal standards.
She has no power. He DID it. Mindless bought off party first tool.

Stupid....He had no power either (at the time) since the Republicans were a minority in the Senate.
If you're going to accuse them of being hypocrites, please show me where she vowed to make him a one term president. Far as I can see, she is hoping he won't be...and that is it. I see the right overreaching in an attempt to create a false equivalency.

Let me refresh your memory:

McConnel: “When I first came into office, the head of the Senate Republicans said, ‘my number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president.’ Now, after the election, either he will have succeeded in that goal or he will have failed at that goal.”

What's going on here, am I dealing with a bunch of illeterates or something? One more time:

I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment.”
Come on, she's a loose cannon, not the leader of Senate GOP. Blocking strange appointees for a couple days is NOT blocking EVERYTHING for 7 1/2 years. And Dems will go along with infrastructure spending and other good ideas, and will do tit for tat compromising. NOT "the no compromise, un-American TP GOP" -TIME.

Don't you just hate those no compromise people when they have power?

Oh puh leaze. Obama's single biggest criticism from his base was that he spent too much time trying to compromise with Republicans. We kept telling him "fuck them, they don't compromise", but he wouldn't stop trying.

Compromised on what????


Why do you think so much of Obama's stimulus package was tax cuts. We know tax cuts are only good for the rich. Look at the Bush Tax Cuts.

And then your kind says, "Oh, but why did Obama extend the Bush Tax Cuts?" Yea, why indeed.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Remember, as Bush was leaving office, normal people were losing jobs at the rate of 750,000 a month. Republicans were willing to fuck them over big league when they blackmailed Obama. Course, you can't really call blackmail "compromise".
Come on. We both know Republicans have no problem fucking over millions of Americans. You have to agree with that, right?
That's right, I called you hypocrites.

Just over two weeks into the Trump presidency, Maxine Waters said this " Well, I hope he’s not there for four years. I hope that this man and who he is, what he’s done and the way he’s defined himself and the way he’s acting, I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment.”

And from the left.......crickets......nothing.......no outrage. Yet When McConnell made his statement in 2010, we had to hear of the comment for the following six years of Obama's presidency.

Maxine Waters Says Her Greatest Desire Is To Lead Trump 'Right Into Impeachment'
Wow, what a revelation you've uncovered congrats!!! Yes, the Dems that complained about Mitch and are now doing the same thing to Trump are hypocrites. ALSO, the Reps who fell in line with Mitch and are now bitching about the Dems are hypocrites. Wingnut partisans are predictable and hypocritical and they come on both sides. Glad we got that figured out

So once again I ask: what is the difference between what Waters's said compared to what McConnell said?
If you're going to accuse them of being hypocrites, please show me where she vowed to make him a one term president. Far as I can see, she is hoping he won't be...and that is it. I see the right overreaching in an attempt to create a false equivalency.

Let me refresh your memory:

McConnel: “When I first came into office, the head of the Senate Republicans said, ‘my number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president.’ Now, after the election, either he will have succeeded in that goal or he will have failed at that goal.”

What's going on here, am I dealing with a bunch of illeterates or something? One more time:

I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment.”

That's nothing like McConnell said. That's what she desires not what she sets out to do: everything possible to make him a one term president. You guys are stretching.

Now isn't that typical? What Mitch said was repulsive but what Water's said is okay by liberal standards.
She has no power. He DID it. Mindless bought off party first tool.

Stupid....He had no power either (at the time) since the Republicans were a minority in the Senate.
Only for a few months. Then you had all those Blue Dogs.

How old are you? About 10. It was like the last 8 years. You gotta wait at least 15 years before you can rewrite history.
That's right, I called you hypocrites.

Just over two weeks into the Trump presidency, Maxine Waters said this " Well, I hope he’s not there for four years. I hope that this man and who he is, what he’s done and the way he’s defined himself and the way he’s acting, I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment.”

And from the left.......crickets......nothing.......no outrage. Yet When McConnell made his statement in 2010, we had to hear of the comment for the following six years of Obama's presidency.

Maxine Waters Says Her Greatest Desire Is To Lead Trump 'Right Into Impeachment'
Wow, what a revelation you've uncovered congrats!!! Yes, the Dems that complained about Mitch and are now doing the same thing to Trump are hypocrites. ALSO, the Reps who fell in line with Mitch and are now bitching about the Dems are hypocrites. Wingnut partisans are predictable and hypocritical and they come on both sides. Glad we got that figured out

So once again I ask: what is the difference between what Waters's said compared to what McConnell said?
You have to look at Trump and Obama. This is some of what Trump said:

Popular Trending Trumpisms:
A Mexican can't be a fair judge
Some Mexicans don't rape
Laziness is a trait in blacks
I like people who weren't captured
Mocking the disabled - I don't remember
Grab her by the pu$$y
That fat ugly face of hers

And there is about a 4 thousand difference in lawsuits.
And in Obama's first three weeks, he wasn't trying to sell his daughter's clothes line
Obama wasn't under criminal investigation for an illegal foundation.
Obama never had to pay off many, many millions to make lawsuits go away.

Obama didn't make enemies of the entire world.

There are so many differences you can't compare the two.
What's going on here, am I dealing with a bunch of illeterates or something? One more time:

I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment.”

That's nothing like McConnell said. That's what she desires not what she sets out to do: everything possible to make him a one term president. You guys are stretching.

Now isn't that typical? What Mitch said was repulsive but what Water's said is okay by liberal standards.
She has no power. He DID it. Mindless bought off party first tool.

Stupid....He had no power either (at the time) since the Republicans were a minority in the Senate.
Only for a few months. Then you had all those Blue Dogs.

How old are you? About 10. It was like the last 8 years. You gotta wait at least 15 years before you can rewrite history.

What's to rewrite? The country turned against Liberalism, Communism and Socialism. You are still feeling that wrath by losing the White House as well. Harry Weed left with over 300 Congressional bills not heard by the Democrat Senate, and yet you clowns claim the obstructionism was by Republicans. A few months? How about a fee years? McConnell made that comment in 2010.
That's nothing like McConnell said. That's what she desires not what she sets out to do: everything possible to make him a one term president. You guys are stretching.

Now isn't that typical? What Mitch said was repulsive but what Water's said is okay by liberal standards.
She has no power. He DID it. Mindless bought off party first tool.

Stupid....He had no power either (at the time) since the Republicans were a minority in the Senate.
Only for a few months. Then you had all those Blue Dogs.

How old are you? About 10. It was like the last 8 years. You gotta wait at least 15 years before you can rewrite history.

What's to rewrite? The country turned against Liberalism, Communism and Socialism. You are still feeling that wrath by losing the White House as well. Harry Weed left with over 300 Congressional bills not heard by the Democrat Senate, and yet you clowns claim the obstructionism was by Republicans. A few months? How about a fee years? McConnell made that comment in 2010.
Only the dupes turned against them, dupe.

Those bills Reid killed were all crap propaganda, not jobs bills at all- every single one anti-environmental or anti- worker rights. Just for you, dingbat.

And Dems had 24 days in session when they could beat a filbuster- all used for ACA. Scott Brown was a catastrophe.
That's right, I called you hypocrites.

Just over two weeks into the Trump presidency, Maxine Waters said this " Well, I hope he’s not there for four years. I hope that this man and who he is, what he’s done and the way he’s defined himself and the way he’s acting, I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment.”

And from the left.......crickets......nothing.......no outrage. Yet When McConnell made his statement in 2010, we had to hear of the comment for the following six years of Obama's presidency.

Maxine Waters Says Her Greatest Desire Is To Lead Trump 'Right Into Impeachment'
Wow, what a revelation you've uncovered congrats!!! Yes, the Dems that complained about Mitch and are now doing the same thing to Trump are hypocrites. ALSO, the Reps who fell in line with Mitch and are now bitching about the Dems are hypocrites. Wingnut partisans are predictable and hypocritical and they come on both sides. Glad we got that figured out

So once again I ask: what is the difference between what Waters's said compared to what McConnell said?
Maxine doesn't MATTER. DUHHHHH
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiIgNyW34TSAhVi6oMKHYJUCf4QFggmMAE&url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/post/republicans-had-it-in-for-obama-before-day-1/2012/08/10/0c96c7c8-e31f-11e1-ae7f-d2a13e249eb2_blog.html&usg=AFQjCNEdrqQ9YSonakUquf5h0OMVzy1_3g&sig2=ualM60iR6W_e-P4oTjclEg Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1. And Clinton. A mindless lying bought off disgrace, dupe.
That's nothing like McConnell said. That's what she desires not what she sets out to do: everything possible to make him a one term president. You guys are stretching.

Now isn't that typical? What Mitch said was repulsive but what Water's said is okay by liberal standards.
She has no power. He DID it. Mindless bought off party first tool.

Stupid....He had no power either (at the time) since the Republicans were a minority in the Senate.
Only for a few months. Then you had all those Blue Dogs.

How old are you? About 10. It was like the last 8 years. You gotta wait at least 15 years before you can rewrite history.

What's to rewrite? The country turned against Liberalism, Communism and Socialism. You are still feeling that wrath by losing the White House as well. Harry Weed left with over 300 Congressional bills not heard by the Democrat Senate, and yet you clowns claim the obstructionism was by Republicans. A few months? How about a fee years? McConnell made that comment in 2010.
Bills to do what? Republicans don't help anyone but the rich.

Come on. Don't be coy. Admit it. Republicans care about business. Tax cuts for the rich. That's pretty much it. We both know you can't not agree with that.
Now isn't that typical? What Mitch said was repulsive but what Water's said is okay by liberal standards.
She has no power. He DID it. Mindless bought off party first tool.

Stupid....He had no power either (at the time) since the Republicans were a minority in the Senate.
Only for a few months. Then you had all those Blue Dogs.

How old are you? About 10. It was like the last 8 years. You gotta wait at least 15 years before you can rewrite history.

What's to rewrite? The country turned against Liberalism, Communism and Socialism. You are still feeling that wrath by losing the White House as well. Harry Weed left with over 300 Congressional bills not heard by the Democrat Senate, and yet you clowns claim the obstructionism was by Republicans. A few months? How about a fee years? McConnell made that comment in 2010.
Bills to do what? Republicans don't help anyone but the rich.

Come on. Don't be coy. Admit it. Republicans care about business. Tax cuts for the rich. That's pretty much it. We both know you can't not agree with that.

Okay, so they care about tax cuts for the rich. What did they do the last time they addressed the rich? They increased taxes. They increased corporate taxes, they increased personal taxes on those who make over 450K a year, they increased capital gains taxes.

Nobody has been better to the rich than DumBama. You brainwashed dupes never ask yourself who are the people that attend $20,000 a plate dinner fundraisers for Democrats like Obama. Trump told Hillary he would release his tax returns if she released her transcripts of what she spoke about to Wall Street when they paid her hundreds of thousands of dollars. She didn't even consider it, and you here on USMB supported her decision.

So who raised taxes on the poor? DumBama. Within his first few weeks, he placed a heavy sin tax on tobacco users which statistically are products used by the middle-class and the poor. He tried to increase fuel costs by closing down coal fired power plants and making existing ones invest millions of dollars for "clean" technology that the poor and middle-class have to pay in their electric bills.

You leftists only see what you want to see because the truth would kill you.
That's right, I called you hypocrites.

Just over two weeks into the Trump presidency, Maxine Waters said this " Well, I hope he’s not there for four years. I hope that this man and who he is, what he’s done and the way he’s defined himself and the way he’s acting, I am hoping that we’re able to reveal all of this and my greatest desire is to lead him right into impeachment.”

And from the left.......crickets......nothing.......no outrage. Yet When McConnell made his statement in 2010, we had to hear of the comment for the following six years of Obama's presidency.

Maxine Waters Says Her Greatest Desire Is To Lead Trump 'Right Into Impeachment'
What goes around comes around. Repugs wanted Obama to fail , so they obstructed and fucked up everything they could for 8 years. Now you expect the Dems to make nice after all that shit? You must be as crazy as the orange loon you elected.


According to Hillary Clinton, when the Republicans go low, Democrats go high.

Or was she just a liar?

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