Where do mask threads belong?

Since mask culture is one of the hottest political topics, I post them in politics. Since no lefty has any idea how masks even work, or even how many hundreds of times larger the pores of masks are compared to the virus, mask culture is obviously faith based. This means you could post mask threads in the religion section. If lefties think that masks are somehow connected to health care policies and insurance, this could be where the threads wind up. If you see mask threads that are started by me in rubber rooms, flame rooms, and heath insurance sections, be aware that they were all originally posted where the hottest political topics belong, and that they can only move for political reasons.
Actually by talking about the "pores" in masks you have proven you are the one who knows nothing about how masks work

Not really.
To allow airflow, there have to be openings, and pores are a reasonable term for them.
The fact they likely are spaces between cross hatched fibers, makes no difference.

Not what I meant. I've explained how masks capture particles far smaller than the openings between the fibers a dozen times here, and I'm tired of dealing with you denier types.

Skip the mask, do the world a favor and autodarwinate for the common good.

Yes we all know about how the water droplets in our breath are much larger than the virus spores they contain.
But we also know that water evaporates, causing those spores to be blown away when we exhale, after the they have dried out.
The ONLY advantage of a mask is to shorten the range of a cough or sneeze, which people can and should be covering when needed only.

But that is not the real people with "flattening the curve".
The real problem is that herd immunity saves lives by local burn out of hosts, so if we had LET the virus spike back in March, it likely would have burned out in March and have been done with, greatly reducing the death total, which would likely have gone on forever, due to our meddling.
Wow, I hadn't realized you were an anti science nut.

Letting the virus peak deliberately at any time would and still might overwhelm our healthcare infrastructure.

Do you understand what that means?

Anyone who has used any science to study any epidemics at all knows that ONLY herd immunity ends or has ended any epidemic. Vaccines not only rely on herd immunity, but take too long.

There is NO use of the health care infrastructure at all if healthy young people use variolation to speed up the herd immunity, local host burn out, of the spike.
The difference in age factor changes the mortality rate by as much as 630%.


Do YOU understand that by reducing the initial spike by less than half, we have increased the duration and death total by a factor of 10 or more?
Spewing crazy conspiracy theories is getting people killed.

The ONLY conspiracy is among the mask cult
I believe I already used this one today, but it's none the less appropriate for this situation as well.


Do Masks Cause Bacterial Pneumonia?
Video Source Links:

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

These Kitsch Cotton Face Masks Are My Go-To to Stay Safe

Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing - Global Research

Bacterial Pneumonia Is Not Caused By Wearing Face Masks

VERIFY: No, Dr. Fauci didn't blame masks for 1918 Spanish flu deaths


‘Mask Mouth’- a novel threat to oral health in the COVID era – Dr Pooja Muley

‘Mask mouth’ is a seriously stinky side effect of wearing masks

More research is needed on their effect on the nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal bacterial flora

SARS-CoV-2-related pneumonia cases in pneumonia picture in Russia in March-May 2020: Secondary bacterial pneumonia and viral co-infections


Bacterial pneumonia, a complication of influenza, not linked to mask wearing

No, you won’t get pneumonia from normal face mask use




Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)















Do Masks Cause Bacterial Pneumonia?

Mask make people sick.

If wearing a mask was good for Americans, Democrats would be against it.
I recently had a friend die of a heart attack. She was only 44. I just could not figure it out. She used to be in otherwise good health.

She believed, religiously, everything in the MSM. Took everything NPR and PBS said as gospel. Needless to say, she was the type that would wear a mask all the damn time.

After watching the above podcast about mask wearing, gingivitis, and how it relates to giving more folks heart attacks. . . things are starting to make sense now.
Since mask culture is one of the hottest political topics, I post them in politics. Since no lefty has any idea how masks even work, or even how many hundreds of times larger the pores of masks are compared to the virus, mask culture is obviously faith based. This means you could post mask threads in the religion section. If lefties think that masks are somehow connected to health care policies and insurance, this could be where the threads wind up. If you see mask threads that are started by me in rubber rooms, flame rooms, and heath insurance sections, be aware that they were all originally posted where the hottest political topics belong, and that they can only move for political reasons.
Since you have set yourself up as an authority on face mask efficiency, you should explain to everyone why or why not they are of no help.

But, be prepared to face humiliation for either, your complete ignorance on why face masks slow the spread of disease, or your pure stupidity of being a typical RWNJ. Or both.

N-95, KN-95, Surgical-type masks, bandannas, neck gators, etc.

Funny you should notice that I am well versed in masks. I have worked with hazmat for many decades, and have taken ongoing hazmat training the whole time. I've been fit tested for respirators every couple years, and am trained to select the proper respirator cartridges and masks in accordance with OSHA. I only wear masks or cartridges that are NIOSH approved for whatever specific hazmat that I am working with. If I were caught at my place of work wearing a hokey DIY mask, it would be an OSHA violation. Always wear the proper PPE!
So, since you say face masks are of no help reducing the spread of disease, all other experts are wrong?

Somehow, you give off that typical, RWNJ grand air of self-proclaimed, inherent knowledge of all subjects. Claiming superior expertise in all fields was "born in" and is beyond question.

In other words, you're just another right-wing blowhard spewing their regular bullsh!t.


No, regular masks that everyone is wearing aren't efficient. We know you enjoy wearing your face diaper though. A true branch covidian.
You realize the branch davidians were conservitard heros, right?

They were cultists just like lib hive mentality of mask wearing. Innocent women and children were burned to death due to the federal govt actions.
Just wanted to make sure you knew how stupid you sounded, but if you're OK with it then who am I to judge.

View attachment 435891

No, these mask wearers are the new branch covidians. The regular masks everyone is wearing aren't efficient. It's laughable actually. I dont wear one in public.
Dude, there's being ok with it, and then there's broadcasting it for all to see. You are currently engaged in the latter.

Just so ya know.

We know. You don't like your ignorance being pointed out. Don't worry though. You're not alone. Many regurgitate the propaganda from mainstream news.
You're are so completely clueless I don't even know how to respond to that.

View attachment 435946

Lol. There is no hope for you. I'm losing IQ points even conversing with you.
Since mask culture is one of the hottest political topics, I post them in politics. Since no lefty has any idea how masks even work, or even how many hundreds of times larger the pores of masks are compared to the virus, mask culture is obviously faith based. This means you could post mask threads in the religion section. If lefties think that masks are somehow connected to health care policies and insurance, this could be where the threads wind up. If you see mask threads that are started by me in rubber rooms, flame rooms, and heath insurance sections, be aware that they were all originally posted where the hottest political topics belong, and that they can only move for political reasons.
Since you have set yourself up as an authority on face mask efficiency, you should explain to everyone why or why not they are of no help.

But, be prepared to face humiliation for either, your complete ignorance on why face masks slow the spread of disease, or your pure stupidity of being a typical RWNJ. Or both.

N-95, KN-95, Surgical-type masks, bandannas, neck gators, etc.

Funny you should notice that I am well versed in masks. I have worked with hazmat for many decades, and have taken ongoing hazmat training the whole time. I've been fit tested for respirators every couple years, and am trained to select the proper respirator cartridges and masks in accordance with OSHA. I only wear masks or cartridges that are NIOSH approved for whatever specific hazmat that I am working with. If I were caught at my place of work wearing a hokey DIY mask, it would be an OSHA violation. Always wear the proper PPE!
So, since you say face masks are of no help reducing the spread of disease, all other experts are wrong?

Somehow, you give off that typical, RWNJ grand air of self-proclaimed, inherent knowledge of all subjects. Claiming superior expertise in all fields was "born in" and is beyond question.

In other words, you're just another right-wing blowhard spewing their regular bullsh!t.


No, regular masks that everyone is wearing aren't efficient. We know you enjoy wearing your face diaper though. A true branch covidian.
You realize the branch davidians were conservitard heros, right?

They were cultists just like lib hive mentality of mask wearing. Innocent women and children were burned to death due to the federal govt actions.
Just wanted to make sure you knew how stupid you sounded, but if you're OK with it then who am I to judge.

View attachment 435891

No, these mask wearers are the new branch covidians. The regular masks everyone is wearing aren't efficient. It's laughable actually. I dont wear one in public.
Dude, there's being ok with it, and then there's broadcasting it for all to see. You are currently engaged in the latter.

Just so ya know.

We know. You don't like your ignorance being pointed out. Don't worry though. You're not alone. Many regurgitate the propaganda from mainstream news.
You're are so completely clueless I don't even know how to respond to that.

View attachment 435946

Lol. There is no hope for you. I'm losing IQ points even conversing with you.
Ha! Like you had any to start with!

Do Masks Cause Bacterial Pneumonia?
Video Source Links:

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

These Kitsch Cotton Face Masks Are My Go-To to Stay Safe

Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing - Global Research

Bacterial Pneumonia Is Not Caused By Wearing Face Masks

VERIFY: No, Dr. Fauci didn't blame masks for 1918 Spanish flu deaths


‘Mask Mouth’- a novel threat to oral health in the COVID era – Dr Pooja Muley

‘Mask mouth’ is a seriously stinky side effect of wearing masks

More research is needed on their effect on the nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal bacterial flora

SARS-CoV-2-related pneumonia cases in pneumonia picture in Russia in March-May 2020: Secondary bacterial pneumonia and viral co-infections


Bacterial pneumonia, a complication of influenza, not linked to mask wearing

No, you won’t get pneumonia from normal face mask use

Fact check: No evidence mask wearers are arriving in ICUs with pneumonia

Do masks heighten the risk of ‘antibiotic resistant strains of pneumonia’ or the risk of developing pneumonia at all?

A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Testing the efficacy of homemade masks: would they protect in an influenza pandemic? - PubMed

Microbial Contamination on Used Surgical Masks among Hospital Personnel and Microbial Air Quality in their Working Wards: A Hospital in Bangkok

Bacteria in Your Mouth Can Affect Your Brain

The physiological impact of wearing an N95 mask during hemodialysis as a precaution against SARS in patients with end-stage renal disease - PubMed

Respiratory consequences of N95-type Mask usage in pregnant healthcare workers-a controlled clinical study - PubMed

[Effect of a surgical mask on six minute walking distance] - PubMed

Contamination by respiratory viruses on outer surface of medical masks used by hospital healthcare workers - PubMed

"Exercise with facemask; Are we handling a devil's sword?" - A physiological hypothesis - PubMed

8 Face-Mask Mistakes I've Learned the Hard Way Not to Make



More than 1.5 billion face masks will pollute oceans this year, report says

Discarded coronavirus masks clutter Hong Kong's beaches, trails

'The masks you throw away could kill a whale'

Do Masks Cause Bacterial Pneumonia?

I've been saying that wearing a mask is going to come back to bite those who do. They are germ incubators on your face.

If wearing masks was good for Americans, Democrats would oppose it.

Do Masks Cause Bacterial Pneumonia?
Video Source Links:

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

These Kitsch Cotton Face Masks Are My Go-To to Stay Safe

Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing - Global Research

Bacterial Pneumonia Is Not Caused By Wearing Face Masks

VERIFY: No, Dr. Fauci didn't blame masks for 1918 Spanish flu deaths


‘Mask Mouth’- a novel threat to oral health in the COVID era – Dr Pooja Muley

‘Mask mouth’ is a seriously stinky side effect of wearing masks

More research is needed on their effect on the nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal bacterial flora

SARS-CoV-2-related pneumonia cases in pneumonia picture in Russia in March-May 2020: Secondary bacterial pneumonia and viral co-infections


Bacterial pneumonia, a complication of influenza, not linked to mask wearing

No, you won’t get pneumonia from normal face mask use

Fact check: No evidence mask wearers are arriving in ICUs with pneumonia

Do masks heighten the risk of ‘antibiotic resistant strains of pneumonia’ or the risk of developing pneumonia at all?

A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Testing the efficacy of homemade masks: would they protect in an influenza pandemic? - PubMed

Microbial Contamination on Used Surgical Masks among Hospital Personnel and Microbial Air Quality in their Working Wards: A Hospital in Bangkok

Bacteria in Your Mouth Can Affect Your Brain

The physiological impact of wearing an N95 mask during hemodialysis as a precaution against SARS in patients with end-stage renal disease - PubMed

Respiratory consequences of N95-type Mask usage in pregnant healthcare workers-a controlled clinical study - PubMed

[Effect of a surgical mask on six minute walking distance] - PubMed

Contamination by respiratory viruses on outer surface of medical masks used by hospital healthcare workers - PubMed

"Exercise with facemask; Are we handling a devil's sword?" - A physiological hypothesis - PubMed

8 Face-Mask Mistakes I've Learned the Hard Way Not to Make



More than 1.5 billion face masks will pollute oceans this year, report says

Discarded coronavirus masks clutter Hong Kong's beaches, trails

'The masks you throw away could kill a whale'

Do Masks Cause Bacterial Pneumonia?

Bacteria and masks create a huge problem with today's mask culture. Masks are designed for and worn in medical facilities specifically to control the bacteria problem in those facilities. While masks don't filter out viruses, they really do work for the bacteria that they were designed for. Mask wearers exhale waste bacteria that their bodies have rejected, and it gets trapped in the mask that was designed to capture bacteria. Then they breathe it right back in. Huge danger here.

Do Masks Cause Bacterial Pneumonia?
Video Source Links:

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

These Kitsch Cotton Face Masks Are My Go-To to Stay Safe

Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing - Global Research

Bacterial Pneumonia Is Not Caused By Wearing Face Masks

VERIFY: No, Dr. Fauci didn't blame masks for 1918 Spanish flu deaths


‘Mask Mouth’- a novel threat to oral health in the COVID era – Dr Pooja Muley

‘Mask mouth’ is a seriously stinky side effect of wearing masks

More research is needed on their effect on the nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal bacterial flora

SARS-CoV-2-related pneumonia cases in pneumonia picture in Russia in March-May 2020: Secondary bacterial pneumonia and viral co-infections


Bacterial pneumonia, a complication of influenza, not linked to mask wearing

No, you won’t get pneumonia from normal face mask use

Fact check: No evidence mask wearers are arriving in ICUs with pneumonia

Do masks heighten the risk of ‘antibiotic resistant strains of pneumonia’ or the risk of developing pneumonia at all?

A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Testing the efficacy of homemade masks: would they protect in an influenza pandemic? - PubMed

Microbial Contamination on Used Surgical Masks among Hospital Personnel and Microbial Air Quality in their Working Wards: A Hospital in Bangkok

Bacteria in Your Mouth Can Affect Your Brain

The physiological impact of wearing an N95 mask during hemodialysis as a precaution against SARS in patients with end-stage renal disease - PubMed

Respiratory consequences of N95-type Mask usage in pregnant healthcare workers-a controlled clinical study - PubMed

[Effect of a surgical mask on six minute walking distance] - PubMed

Contamination by respiratory viruses on outer surface of medical masks used by hospital healthcare workers - PubMed

"Exercise with facemask; Are we handling a devil's sword?" - A physiological hypothesis - PubMed

8 Face-Mask Mistakes I've Learned the Hard Way Not to Make



More than 1.5 billion face masks will pollute oceans this year, report says

Discarded coronavirus masks clutter Hong Kong's beaches, trails

'The masks you throw away could kill a whale'

Do Masks Cause Bacterial Pneumonia?

I've been saying that wearing a mask is going to come back to bite those who do. They are germ incubators on your face.

If wearing masks was good for Americans, Democrats would oppose it.

Germ incubators! I plan to hijack this rhetoric and adopt it as my own. I hereby recognize you as being the one to pass this gift along to me. Thank you.

Do Masks Cause Bacterial Pneumonia?
Video Source Links:

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

These Kitsch Cotton Face Masks Are My Go-To to Stay Safe

Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing - Global Research

Bacterial Pneumonia Is Not Caused By Wearing Face Masks

VERIFY: No, Dr. Fauci didn't blame masks for 1918 Spanish flu deaths


‘Mask Mouth’- a novel threat to oral health in the COVID era – Dr Pooja Muley

‘Mask mouth’ is a seriously stinky side effect of wearing masks

More research is needed on their effect on the nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal bacterial flora

SARS-CoV-2-related pneumonia cases in pneumonia picture in Russia in March-May 2020: Secondary bacterial pneumonia and viral co-infections


Bacterial pneumonia, a complication of influenza, not linked to mask wearing

No, you won’t get pneumonia from normal face mask use

Fact check: No evidence mask wearers are arriving in ICUs with pneumonia

Do masks heighten the risk of ‘antibiotic resistant strains of pneumonia’ or the risk of developing pneumonia at all?

A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Testing the efficacy of homemade masks: would they protect in an influenza pandemic? - PubMed

Microbial Contamination on Used Surgical Masks among Hospital Personnel and Microbial Air Quality in their Working Wards: A Hospital in Bangkok

Bacteria in Your Mouth Can Affect Your Brain

The physiological impact of wearing an N95 mask during hemodialysis as a precaution against SARS in patients with end-stage renal disease - PubMed

Respiratory consequences of N95-type Mask usage in pregnant healthcare workers-a controlled clinical study - PubMed

[Effect of a surgical mask on six minute walking distance] - PubMed

Contamination by respiratory viruses on outer surface of medical masks used by hospital healthcare workers - PubMed

"Exercise with facemask; Are we handling a devil's sword?" - A physiological hypothesis - PubMed

8 Face-Mask Mistakes I've Learned the Hard Way Not to Make



More than 1.5 billion face masks will pollute oceans this year, report says

Discarded coronavirus masks clutter Hong Kong's beaches, trails

'The masks you throw away could kill a whale'

Do Masks Cause Bacterial Pneumonia?

I've been saying that wearing a mask is going to come back to bite those who do. They are germ incubators on your face.

If wearing masks was good for Americans, Democrats would oppose it.

Germ incubators! I plan to hijack this rhetoric and adopt it as my own. I hereby recognize you as being the one to pass this gift along to me. Thank you.

Cool beans bro :cool:

Chinacrats know that people go around touching surfaces with virus on them, then touch their mask where they have a much better chance of creating an infection. People who hate Americans wouldn't promote positive actions to benefit them.
Mask make people sick.

If wearing a mask was good for Americans, Democrats would be against it.
I recently had a friend die of a heart attack. She was only 44. I just could not figure it out. She used to be in otherwise good health.

She believed, religiously, everything in the MSM. Took everything NPR and PBS said as gospel. Needless to say, she was the type that would wear a mask all the damn time.

After watching the above podcast about mask wearing, gingivitis, and how it relates to giving more folks heart attacks. . . things are starting to make sense now.
Sucking the rotting juice from your teeth down your throat takes awhile to cause heart issues. I'm sure hers was congenital. Sorry for your loss

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