Where do you stand on State succession?

Do you support the right of States to succeed from the Union?

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You daffy Conservatives! You don't know what big government is! You yowl and shriek whenever a Democrat is in the White House. You whine and bitch that the sky is falling at every proposal from any legislator with a (D) behind their name.

And once again you're kicking around the failed notion of secession. The last time a group of Conservatives thought that was a grand idea, their lives and fortunes were rightly ruined for their traitorous actions. All because they thought that keeping human beings in captivity and taking all the fruits of their labor was the right, noral and ethical choice.

Today, you are scared of health care reforms. Once again the hew and cry is let forth that doing anything will bring ruin, while doing nothing was indeed ruining our standard of living.

Come down from the ledge. Cash your Social Security check and stop bitching about socialism when you do so. Read a history book and learn lessons from your predecessors.

While you're at it, check out societies that function under real socialism and societies that fail to function under weak central governments. You'll be back waving the flag in no time.
For most of my life, I could not have contemplated the idea that I would support such a thing. But the curve of the country towards socialism and away from liberty is so steep that I would now not only embrace the idea, but move to a State that secession. What say you?

We could swap out Texas for Puerto Rico and never have to change the flag.

I think California and New York should just take over things and say unless you want to starve or go back to the dark ages, step in line and do as we say.

Speaking of California.

Venture capitalist Tim Draper of Silicon Valley has filed paperwork for a November ballot measure that would divide California into six states, calling the Golden State as presently constituted “too big and bloated.”
- See more at: https://www.teaparty.org/break-will...gress-soon-decide-32872/#sthash.8K58QcaF.dpuf
For most of my life, I could not have contemplated the idea that I would support such a thing. But the curve of the country towards socialism and away from liberty is so steep that I would now not only embrace the idea, but move to a State that secession. What say you?

We could swap out Texas for Puerto Rico and never have to change the flag.

I think California and New York should just take over things and say unless you want to starve or go back to the dark ages, step in line and do as we say.

If Texas seceded, then a lot of the South would probably go with them. Ironically wanting to maintain slavery was one of the big reasons the South seceded the first time, and this time it would be to escape slavery...
If Texas secedes, the U.S will be better off.
The whole point of the Constitution was to keep states from being able to leave the Confederation. The response to Shays' rebellion made it clear our Founders did not believe in secession.

Wrong. That wasn't the point. The issue in Shay's rebellion wasn't that they wanted to secede. The issue was that they refused to pay taxes.

The issue was the federal government found itself woefully prepared to handle a...

...wait for it...


No, that wasn't the issue.
For most of my life, I could not have contemplated the idea that I would support such a thing. But the curve of the country towards socialism and away from liberty is so steep that I would now not only embrace the idea, but move to a State that secession. What say you?

Let's see. If 100% of the citizens who reside in Texas - for example - decided to leave the union, I'd support it with these provisions:

1. Every passport or form of identification provided by the United States held by every citizen of the Texas Republic be surrendered and held by the State Department, and every Texas citizen be denied entry into the United States for life;

2. All federal benefits due to every citizen of Texas be null and void. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, VA Benefits, Railroad retirement, Federal government retirement, etc.; and all real property owned by any resident of Texas within the United States of America be taken and become the property of the United States or the State in which it is located.

You not only don't let people leave, but if they are sick of your ass, you want to try to destroy them on their way out? You must be a delightful person just to know.

He also wants to treat them far worse than foreigners are treated. The federal government wouldn't think of stripping any foreigner of any property he may own in the USA.
You daffy Conservatives! You don't know what big government is! You yowl and shriek whenever a Democrat is in the White House. You whine and bitch that the sky is falling at every proposal from any legislator with a (D) behind their name.

And once again you're kicking around the failed notion of secession. The last time a group of Conservatives thought that was a grand idea, their lives and fortunes were rightly ruined for their traitorous actions. All because they thought that keeping human beings in captivity and taking all the fruits of their labor was the right, noral and ethical choice.

Today, you are scared of health care reforms. Once again the hew and cry is let forth that doing anything will bring ruin, while doing nothing was indeed ruining our standard of living.

Come down from the ledge. Cash your Social Security check and stop bitching about socialism when you do so. Read a history book and learn lessons from your predecessors.

While you're at it, check out societies that function under real socialism and societies that fail to function under weak central governments. You'll be back waving the flag in no time.

North Korea and Cuba come to mind.
Anyone who thinks it's a good idea for their state to secede from the union does not have a clue how many benefits each state receives from the federal government. There are a few pros to secession but the cons far outweigh them.

No state receives benefits that it doesn't also pay for.

What do you want to bet that if States were leaving the Union, the Leftists who remain would suddenly grasp that there is no Social Security trust fund?

The numskulls don't seem to understand that because NYCaribeener thinks the people in the seceding states would be deprived of something if they don't get their federal SSI benefits.
Let's see. If 100% of the citizens who reside in Texas - for example - decided to leave the union, I'd support it with these provisions:

1. Every passport or form of identification provided by the United States held by every citizen of the Texas Republic be surrendered and held by the State Department, and every Texas citizen be denied entry into the United States for life;

2. All federal benefits due to every citizen of Texas be null and void. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, VA Benefits, Railroad retirement, Federal government retirement, etc.; and all real property owned by any resident of Texas within the United States of America be taken and become the property of the United States or the State in which it is located.

You not only don't let people leave, but if they are sick of your ass, you want to try to destroy them on their way out? You must be a delightful person just to know.

He also wants to treat them far worse than foreigners are treated. The federal government wouldn't think of stripping any foreigner of any property he may own in the USA.

It's happened in the past. The Traitor R. E. Lee and his family once owned Arlington Cemetery. Read some history, you won't then appear to be such a moron.
You daffy Conservatives! You don't know what big government is! You yowl and shriek whenever a Democrat is in the White House. You whine and bitch that the sky is falling at every proposal from any legislator with a (D) behind their name.

And once again you're kicking around the failed notion of secession. The last time a group of Conservatives thought that was a grand idea, their lives and fortunes were rightly ruined for their traitorous actions. All because they thought that keeping human beings in captivity and taking all the fruits of their labor was the right, noral and ethical choice.

Today, you are scared of health care reforms. Once again the hew and cry is let forth that doing anything will bring ruin, while doing nothing was indeed ruining our standard of living.

Come down from the ledge. Cash your Social Security check and stop bitching about socialism when you do so. Read a history book and learn lessons from your predecessors.

While you're at it, check out societies that function under real socialism and societies that fail to function under weak central governments. You'll be back waving the flag in no time.

North Korea and Cuba come to mind.
Sorry. Check your dictionary. Those are Authoritarian states. I'm thinking more like Norway and Sweden.

Unless you either really don't know what socialism is or your thought process is clouded by Right Wing propaganda, conflating Communist authoritarianism and socialism is a foolish argument.
We the People decided a long, long time ago. I will send you a copy of the msg.

Actually, no we didn't. Even if we did, as I already said, we can decide otherwise tomorrow.

That is not what you said, but, yes, We the People (of which and to which you are bound) could change tomorrow.

But . . . probably will not happen.

That's a big difference from saying "it has already been decided."
Right, because companies have no interest in being in a capitalist State when they could stay with your socialist one. Socialism is where American businesses "bread is buttered."

What's even funner than the crap you people say is that you actually believe it, don't you? In reality, companies that span seceding States and non-seceding States would stay in both, but they would move their headquarters and as much of their operations out of your workers paradise that they can.

And what funding or contracts would these defense and aerospace companies rely on for their proffits? The US government spends more on defense than all other countries combined. Do you actually think they would deal with you idiots that left? I would think they would also nudge our alloes not to deal with you either.

No, of course not. No company wants to make money by selling things, they would of course share your bitterness and refuse to deal with us and pass on the business because of resentment. Obviously no country the size of Texas, much of the south as well as possibly Arizona, Oklahoma in the world can afford a military.

You sir, are a tool

And what equipment would this "new army" have? What currency are you going to use to pay for this equpment? What reserves do you have to back up that currency? I guess companies will just go on your word as a "Southern Gentleman".
You not only don't let people leave, but if they are sick of your ass, you want to try to destroy them on their way out? You must be a delightful person just to know.

He also wants to treat them far worse than foreigners are treated. The federal government wouldn't think of stripping any foreigner of any property he may own in the USA.

It's happened in the past. The Traitor R. E. Lee and his family once owned Arlington Cemetery. Read some history, you won't then appear to be such a moron.

Yeah, we already know that Lincoln was a vile, despicable, thieving, bloodthirsty tyrant.

All you're saying is that you want to follow in his footsteps.
Let's see. If 100% of the citizens who reside in Texas - for example - decided to leave the union, I'd support it with these provisions:

1. Every passport or form of identification provided by the United States held by every citizen of the Texas Republic be surrendered and held by the State Department, and every Texas citizen be denied entry into the United States for life;

2. All federal benefits due to every citizen of Texas be null and void. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, VA Benefits, Railroad retirement, Federal government retirement, etc.; and all real property owned by any resident of Texas within the United States of America be taken and become the property of the United States or the State in which it is located.

You not only don't let people leave, but if they are sick of your ass, you want to try to destroy them on their way out? You must be a delightful person just to know.

He also wants to treat them far worse than foreigners are treated. The federal government wouldn't think of stripping any foreigner of any property he may own in the USA.

Agreed. I'd take the deal though. I'd rather go to a free country with only the shirt on my back. When they take my property, they can only spend it once. They don't have me continuing to create wealth they can continue to leach on like they do now.
Spell it 'secession', and we can go from there.

Any state can leave the Union, provided the other states approve.

Won't happen.

In this country now you have to secede to succeed! And that's a non answer, the question is what do you support. As if I don't know the answer of a big government "conservative." But I do like the formality.

1. A state can't legally, or constitutionally if you prefer, secede. For starters, the Supremacy Clause prevents it.

2. U.S. citizens have a right to the protections of the federal government that cannot be taken away from them by state law, including any act of secession.
We could swap out Texas for Puerto Rico and never have to change the flag.

I think California and New York should just take over things and say unless you want to starve or go back to the dark ages, step in line and do as we say.

If Texas seceded, then a lot of the South would probably go with them. Ironically wanting to maintain slavery was one of the big reasons the South seceded the first time, and this time it would be to escape slavery...
If Texas secedes, the U.S will be better off.

And bonus, you'd be rid of me too because I'd move there
Wrong. That wasn't the point. The issue in Shay's rebellion wasn't that they wanted to secede. The issue was that they refused to pay taxes.

The issue was the federal government found itself woefully prepared to handle a...

...wait for it...


No, that wasn't the issue.

Jake is a trip. LOL, the Constitutional convention was the founding fathers sitting around and fretting about OMG, what if one of us want to leave? How would we stop that?
You daffy Conservatives! You don't know what big government is! You yowl and shriek whenever a Democrat is in the White House. You whine and bitch that the sky is falling at every proposal from any legislator with a (D) behind their name.

And once again you're kicking around the failed notion of secession. The last time a group of Conservatives thought that was a grand idea, their lives and fortunes were rightly ruined for their traitorous actions. All because they thought that keeping human beings in captivity and taking all the fruits of their labor was the right, noral and ethical choice.

Today, you are scared of health care reforms. Once again the hew and cry is let forth that doing anything will bring ruin, while doing nothing was indeed ruining our standard of living.

Come down from the ledge. Cash your Social Security check and stop bitching about socialism when you do so. Read a history book and learn lessons from your predecessors.

While you're at it, check out societies that function under real socialism and societies that fail to function under weak central governments. You'll be back waving the flag in no time.

North Korea and Cuba come to mind.
Sorry. Check your dictionary. Those are Authoritarian states. I'm thinking more like Norway and Sweden..

Your belief that "socialist" and "authoritarian" are mutually exclusive is hilarious. Sweden and Norway are capitalist countries, BTW.

[Unless you either really don't know what socialism is or your thought process is clouded by Right Wing propaganda, conflating Communist authoritarianism and socialism is a foolish argument.

We conflate nothing. We aren't suffering from the leftwing delusion that socialism is a euphemism meaning "earthly paradise."
Spell it 'secession', and we can go from there.

Any state can leave the Union, provided the other states approve.

Won't happen.

In this country now you have to secede to succeed! And that's a non answer, the question is what do you support. As if I don't know the answer of a big government "conservative." But I do like the formality.

1. A state can't legally, or constitutionally if you prefer, secede. For starters, the Supremacy Clause prevents it.

That argument has been shot down 1000 times.

2. U.S. citizens have a right to the protections of the federal government that cannot be taken away from them by state law, including any act of secession.

Only so long as it remains part of the union.

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