Where in the New ACA Replacement Bill are State Limits Removed?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I have read repeatedly that it is not to be found, and yet the bills supporters are claiming it has everything Trump asked for.

So if it is in the bill, can someone cite page number and give the text?
This is the Bill, double HSA's and screw the rest. The conservatives bill doesn't care about anyone's health insurance.
This is the Bill, double HSA's and screw the rest. The conservatives bill doesn't care about anyone's health insurance.
Which puzzles me, why would the GOP commit political suicide?

That is what this bill is right now, political suicide without the state limits removed and some kind of way to allow the poor to get insurance with government assistance.
Why should the taxpayers be on the hook for the poor??
Because we are a decent and moral people?

This is the difference between moral civilizations and amoral Oligarchies that see their own people as mere cattle to be put down when convenient.
Why should the taxpayers be on the hook for the poor??
Because we are a decent and moral people?

This is the difference between moral civilizations and amoral Oligarchies that see their own people as mere cattle to be put down when convenient.

I disagree.

I'm not responsible for the poor and neither are the taxpayers of America. People like you frost my ass when you volunteer everyone to pay for the poor.

The poor need to get off their asses and take care of themselves.
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Why should the taxpayers be on the hook for the poor??
Because we are a decent and moral people?

This is the difference between moral civilizations and amoral Oligarchies that see their own people as mere cattle to be put down when convenient.

I disagree.

I'm not responsible for the poor and neither are the taxpayers of America. People like you frost my ass when you volunteer everyone to pay for the poor.

The poor need to get off their asses and take care of themselves.

So you want to let the poor starve and the physically disabled to rot and starve.

What will you do when you are the old person on disability and cant find work?

Since you have endorsed inhumane policies by the government, do you also endorse slavery and concubinage as well? Hell why not go full 1700?
So far no one seems to be able to answer my question about where in the bill the removal of state lines are.

Until I can find documentation I am going to work on the basis of Trump dropping his central claim about what he wants in the replacement of the ACA, the removal of state limits for health care insurance markets.
There is nothing in this bill to lower the costs of health care, they took out the measures that insurance companies need to use 80% of the profits back in to added health care for patients, 20% for the company..

This bill does not fill the medicare pill bill cap

This bill does not give you any promise of doctor's visits being a fixed low amount so you get more care before you ever get sick,

this bill does not preserve the ability for those with preexisting conditions to get health care because it does not cap what they can be charged...they can charge 3 times more for preexisting conditions or something like that, but not certain

it allows deductibles to be even higher....

it allows insurance to put caps on what they will pay in a year again

it allows insurance companies to charge you triple the premium if you have gone 63 days without carrying health insurance....so the MANDATE money now goes triple to the Insurance companies...because that IS A MANDATE....IF you can not go without insurance and then decide some day to get some, they can charge you three times the avg premium becasue you went without....sheesh!
Why should the taxpayers be on the hook for the poor??
Because we are a decent and moral people?

This is the difference between moral civilizations and amoral Oligarchies that see their own people as mere cattle to be put down when convenient.

I disagree.

I'm not responsible for the poor and neither are the taxpayers of America. People like you frost my ass when you volunteer everyone to pay for the poor.

The poor need to get off their asses and take care of themselves.

So you want to let the poor starve and the physically disabled to rot and starve.

What will you do when you are the old person on disability and cant find work?

Since you have endorsed inhumane policies by the government, do you also endorse slavery and concubinage as well? Hell why not go full 1700?

What a load of horseshit.

The poor need to get off their asses and take care of themselves. They aren't my responsibility nor are they the responsibility of the taxpayers.

We have loads of freeloaders in this country who are very happy to have that EBT card full of money every month and they couldn't care less where it comes from.

They are also happy to have "free" medical care and anything else they can get at taxpayer expense.

There is nothing inhumane about expecting people to pay their own way.

They have charties, churchs and people who give to same all across the country. Before the Govt came up with welfare and Medicaid there were plenty of wealthy people who gave to charity. Now the Govt., i.e. the taxpayer is stuck with it.

47% of the population right now pays no Fed taxes. Ever think what will happen when its 50 or 55%?? There will be more takers than producers.

Nowhere in the constitution will you find the word charity. You also won't fine where one group is expected to take care of another.
There is nothing in this bill to lower the costs of health care, they took out the measures that insurance companies need to use 80% of the profits back in to added health care for patients, 20% for the company..

This bill does not fill the medicare pill bill cap

This bill does not give you any promise of doctor's visits being a fixed low amount so you get more care before you ever get sick,

this bill does not preserve the ability for those with preexisting conditions to get health care because it does not cap what they can be charged...they can charge 3 times more for preexisting conditions or something like that, but not certain

it allows deductibles to be even higher....

it allows insurance to put caps on what they will pay in a year again

it allows insurance companies to charge you triple the premium if you have gone 63 days without carrying health insurance....so the MANDATE money now goes triple to the Insurance companies...because that IS A MANDATE....IF you can not go without insurance and then decide some day to get some, they can charge you three times the avg premium becasue you went without....sheesh!
I am not in favor of this bill as it is written currently.

They need to do a lot of work on it, and right now, I think Paul Ryan is trying to slip Trump a poison pill.
President Trump should NOT trust these Republican Congress critters to give Americans what he promised.
What a load of horseshit.

The poor need to get off their asses and take care of themselves. They aren't my responsibility nor are they the responsibility of the taxpayers.

We have loads of freeloaders in this country who are very happy to have that EBT card full of money every month and they couldn't care less where it comes from.

They are also happy to have "free" medical care and anything else they can get at taxpayer expense.

There is nothing inhumane about expecting people to pay their own way.

They have charties, churchs and people who give to same all across the country. Before the Govt came up with welfare and Medicaid there were plenty of wealthy people who gave to charity. Now the Govt., i.e. the taxpayer is stuck with it.

47% of the population right now pays no Fed taxes. Ever think what will happen when its 50 or 55%?? There will be more takers than producers.

Nowhere in the constitution will you find the word charity. You also won't fine where one group is expected to take care of another.
The level of ignorance you display here is simply shocking.

Here is the REAL poor of the USA.

  • More than a third of those who live in poverty are children. More than 15.5 million children lived in poverty in 2014.
  • About 13 percent of those living in poverty are senior citizens or retired.
OK, so right off the bat, 46% of those who are poor are children or the old or retired people. And you would tell them, "Go get a job or starve?"
You are a heartless sociopath.
  • A quarter of those who live in poverty are in the labor force—that is, working or seeking employment.
  • A tenth of those in poverty are disabled.
So add to the above 46% another 35% who are looking for work or do work or who are disabled bringing us to 91% of those in poverty. I bet you feel really proud of your simple minded sloganeering on this topic, dont you?
  • Eight percent of those living in poverty are caregivers, meaning that they report caring for children or family.
  • Students, either full- or part-time, make up another seven percent of those living in poverty.
People who are caring for invalid relatives should just let them die, so you dont have to pay a few cents in extra taxes?
  • Just three percent of those living in poverty are working-age adults who do not fall into one of these categories—that is, they are not in the labor force, not disabled, and not a student, caregiver, or retired.
THREE PERCENT of the poor are people who have other reasons for being poor, such as veterans with PTSD, or drug addiction and simple idiocy. Some people are just too stupid to work in a modern society.

But at least they can still have a moral conscience unlike you.
Poverty Among Seniors Getting Harder to Ignore

“I went to the home of a mother who was in her 90s living with her daughter who was in her 70s, and they had no electricity and very little food,” says Hudson. “They were cutting pills in half to save money.” When he tried to get them help, he discovered that, in essence, there wasn’t any.

No state, county or city agency was there to step in and pay the electric bill, fill the refrigerator with food or secure adequate medication. In matters of acute physical or mental health problems, says Hudson, there were some potential support services available. But when it came to simple, basic poverty -- elders who had fallen through the cracks due to a lack of resources -- help was hard to find.

“We have 10,000 people turning 65 every day,” says Hudson. “And the fastest growing segment of homeless are among the elderly. Can you imagine being 85 and homeless?”

“The data on boomer finances is troubling,” agrees Margaret Neal, head of the Institute on Aging at Portland State University in Oregon. “The fact that we just aren’t saving enough for retirement is concerning.”

That fact has set up an interesting tension when it comes to the study of aging in the U.S. On the one hand, there has been a considerable amount of work on how to make communities more livable and friendly for the elderly -- how streetscapes, co-housing, public transportation, food supply, recreation centers, volunteer opportunities, continuing education and so forth can all be blended to make for a rich and positive aging experience. Less attention has been paid to the darker side of aging. Many elders are ill-prepared to shoulder the cost of retirement, and the gap between what seniors need to live on versus what they have might land squarely on state and local governments.
What a load of horseshit.

The poor need to get off their asses and take care of themselves. They aren't my responsibility nor are they the responsibility of the taxpayers.

We have loads of freeloaders in this country who are very happy to have that EBT card full of money every month and they couldn't care less where it comes from.

They are also happy to have "free" medical care and anything else they can get at taxpayer expense.

There is nothing inhumane about expecting people to pay their own way.

They have charties, churchs and people who give to same all across the country. Before the Govt came up with welfare and Medicaid there were plenty of wealthy people who gave to charity. Now the Govt., i.e. the taxpayer is stuck with it.

47% of the population right now pays no Fed taxes. Ever think what will happen when its 50 or 55%?? There will be more takers than producers.

Nowhere in the constitution will you find the word charity. You also won't fine where one group is expected to take care of another.
The level of ignorance you display here is simply shocking.

Here is the REAL poor of the USA.

  • More than a third of those who live in poverty are children. More than 15.5 million children lived in poverty in 2014.
  • About 13 percent of those living in poverty are senior citizens or retired.
OK, so right off the bat, 46% of those who are poor are children or the old or retired people. And you would tell them, "Go get a job or starve?"
You are a heartless sociopath.
  • A quarter of those who live in poverty are in the labor force—that is, working or seeking employment.
  • A tenth of those in poverty are disabled.
So add to the above 46% another 35% who are looking for work or do work or who are disabled bringing us to 91% of those in poverty. I bet you feel really proud of your simple minded sloganeering on this topic, dont you?
  • Eight percent of those living in poverty are caregivers, meaning that they report caring for children or family.
  • Students, either full- or part-time, make up another seven percent of those living in poverty.
People who are caring for invalid relatives should just let them die, so you dont have to pay a few cents in extra taxes?
  • Just three percent of those living in poverty are working-age adults who do not fall into one of these categories—that is, they are not in the labor force, not disabled, and not a student, caregiver, or retired.
THREE PERCENT of the poor are people who have other reasons for being poor, such as veterans with PTSD, or drug addiction and simple idiocy. Some people are just too stupid to work in a modern society.

But at least they can still have a moral conscience unlike you.

Just because I don't agree with YOU, YOU decided I'm ignorant. What a joke you are.

Oh I have all kinds or moral conscience just not for bankrolling the poor.

Speaking of stupid??

I consider anyone who volunteers the taxpayers to be happy to bankroll the poor to be one dumb fuck.

Welcome to that club dumbass. LOL
Just because I don't agree with YOU, YOU decided I'm ignorant. What a joke you are.

You characterize the poor as being simply lazy and refusing to work when less than 3% of the poor fall into said category.

So if you are not ignorant, then you are a detestable liar. Take your pick.

Oh I have all kinds or moral conscience just not for bankrolling the poor.

Lol, yeah, you are moral except that you reject the one tenent of every major religion on the planet, cretin.

I consider anyone who volunteers the taxpayers to be happy to bankroll the poor to be one dumb fuck.

Yes, most amoral slime like you thinks morality is dumb, just like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc.
Just because I don't agree with YOU, YOU decided I'm ignorant. What a joke you are.

You characterize the poor as being simply lazy and refusing to work when less than 3% of the poor fall into said category.

So if you are not ignorant, then you are a detestable liar. Take your pick.

Oh I have all kinds or moral conscience just not for bankrolling the poor.

Lol, yeah, you are moral except that you reject the one tenent of every major religion on the planet, cretin.

I consider anyone who volunteers the taxpayers to be happy to bankroll the poor to be one dumb fuck.

Yes, most amoral slime like you thinks morality is dumb, just like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

You are a bleeding heart slime who has no problem volunteering folks to pay for what YOU think they should pay for.

Sure hope you whip out your wallet, debit card and cash and put your money where your big fat mouth is.

Oh wait. I forgot. Your someone who'd rather use other peoples money to fulfill what YOU think is right.

Carry on slimeball. LOL
Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

You are a bleeding heart slime who has no problem volunteering folks to pay for what YOU think they should pay for.

Sure hope you whip out your wallet, debit card and cash and put your money where your big fat mouth is.

Oh wait. I forgot. Your someone who'd rather use other peoples money to fulfill what YOU think is right.

Carry on slimeball. LOL
Lol, whatever, cretin.

One of the main pillars of human civilization and every major religion has been the necessity of caring for the poor, the infirm, the old and the disabled veterans.

You laugh at those like me who think this is a good practice to keep around because we actually do like civilization.

Welcome to my ignore list, idiot.

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