Where is the President?

You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?


Are you BLIND with stupidity ??

Trump is busy separating the wise from the unwise

And making all liberal states fund their own stupidity

Bringing all the conservatives to conservative states and pushing out liberals in conservative states to liberal states

Trump is gonna do as George washingon

The best way to learn is by suffering

Conservative states will stop helping the liberals so they will learn from their suffering

The wise is separating from the unwise to make the unwise to learn the hard way

The unwise will then beg the conservatives and will stop their voting and decisions making

People like Mac will be stopped from his own suffering because of being stoopid
Gawd I love this guy.

Mac is sick with mental issues and as the new world comes by stopping the unwise he then will be stopped wasting time on being wrong

He will made to feed the pigs in a pig slop place. Debate he cannot do because of the mental issues which most liberais have

HI SERGEI!!!! :hhello:
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?


Are you BLIND with stupidity ??

Trump is busy separating the wise from the unwise

And making all liberal states fund their own stupidity

Bringing all the conservatives to conservative states and pushing out liberals in conservative states to liberal states

Trump is gonna do as George washingon

The best way to learn is by suffering

Conservative states will stop helping the liberals so they will learn from their suffering

The wise is separating from the unwise to make the unwise to learn the hard way

The unwise will then beg the conservatives and will stop their voting and decisions making

People like Mac will be stopped from his own suffering because of being stoopid
Gawd I love this guy.

Mac is sick with mental issues and as the new world comes by stopping the unwise he then will be stopped wasting time on being wrong

He will made to feed the pigs in a pig slop place. Debate he cannot do because of the mental issues which most liberais have

HI SERGEI!!!! :hhello:
He promised me his best recipe for borscht.
Had a big meeting today with law enforcement folks from around the country.

You really should get info from someone other than that Madcow dude.
Why is he afraid to speak to the American people?

Well, probably because whenever he sits down in that chair to read off his teleprompter and speak, it doesn't go so well. He's no good with prepared remarks, or speaking with empathy, or speaking in coherent sentences. That's why he likes his pep rallies. They are off the cuff. He can riff and do his thing to gin up his base. But give him a speech where he isn't riffing, and he's a statue..worse, he screws up and ends up coming across as the callous and robotic. I can think of no better case than the night of March 11th when he made what will most likely be remembered as the worst Oval Office address given by a President in our lifetime. He'd finished two months of inaction, deflecting, denial, and screaming hoax about the virus, and that night, the chickens were literally on his doorstep. And he had no idea what to do or say. Two days later, the adults had to step in. Right now, he's staying out of the spotlight. Because anything he says or does right now is wrong. Is that fair? Well, after what we've had to sit through for the last 3+ years...yes, it is. So I don't mind he's missing in action.
I think that's essentially it. Since he's not capable of speaking from the heart, a canned presentation would make it worse. Plus, he and his people know that he can't put any blame on his base.

So he's boxed in. Trumpism's true colors have been exposed.

his response to america imploding was that it's really all good cause of a small uptick in employment & it sure was a good day for george floyd, because of it.

Don't you grow tired of being Mac58's jester eunuch?

A normal eunuch would.
Had a big meeting today with law enforcement folks from around the country.

You really should get info from someone other than that Madcow dude.
Why is he afraid to speak to the American people?

Well, probably because whenever he sits down in that chair to read off his teleprompter and speak, it doesn't go so well. He's no good with prepared remarks, or speaking with empathy, or speaking in coherent sentences. That's why he likes his pep rallies. They are off the cuff. He can riff and do his thing to gin up his base. But give him a speech where he isn't riffing, and he's a statue..worse, he screws up and ends up coming across as the callous and robotic. I can think of no better case than the night of March 11th when he made what will most likely be remembered as the worst Oval Office address given by a President in our lifetime. He'd finished two months of inaction, deflecting, denial, and screaming hoax about the virus, and that night, the chickens were literally on his doorstep. And he had no idea what to do or say. Two days later, the adults had to step in. Right now, he's staying out of the spotlight. Because anything he says or does right now is wrong. Is that fair? Well, after what we've had to sit through for the last 3+ years...yes, it is. So I don't mind he's missing in action.
I think that's essentially it. Since he's not capable of speaking from the heart, a canned presentation would make it worse. Plus, he and his people know that he can't put any blame on his base.

So he's boxed in. Trumpism's true colors have been exposed.

his response to america imploding was that it's really all good cause of a small uptick in employment & it sure was a good day for george floyd, because of it.

Don't you grow tired of being Mac58's jester eunuch?

A normal eunuch would.
This, from a Trumpster.

Had a big meeting today with law enforcement folks from around the country.

You really should get info from someone other than that Madcow dude.
Why is he afraid to speak to the American people?

Well, probably because whenever he sits down in that chair to read off his teleprompter and speak, it doesn't go so well. He's no good with prepared remarks, or speaking with empathy, or speaking in coherent sentences. That's why he likes his pep rallies. They are off the cuff. He can riff and do his thing to gin up his base. But give him a speech where he isn't riffing, and he's a statue..worse, he screws up and ends up coming across as the callous and robotic. I can think of no better case than the night of March 11th when he made what will most likely be remembered as the worst Oval Office address given by a President in our lifetime. He'd finished two months of inaction, deflecting, denial, and screaming hoax about the virus, and that night, the chickens were literally on his doorstep. And he had no idea what to do or say. Two days later, the adults had to step in. Right now, he's staying out of the spotlight. Because anything he says or does right now is wrong. Is that fair? Well, after what we've had to sit through for the last 3+ years...yes, it is. So I don't mind he's missing in action.
I think that's essentially it. Since he's not capable of speaking from the heart, a canned presentation would make it worse. Plus, he and his people know that he can't put any blame on his base.

So he's boxed in. Trumpism's true colors have been exposed.

his response to america imploding was that it's really all good cause of a small uptick in employment & it sure was a good day for george floyd, because of it.

Don't you grow tired of being Mac58's jester eunuch?

A normal eunuch would.
This, from a Trumpster.


I'm surprised you took the time to respond.
A response like that could've been handled by your jester eunuch.
Another amazing thing is how the Trumpsters have no idea what I'm talking about. They're asking some guy on the internet what Trump should do.

A normal, intelligent adult knows that in order to lead, you have to combine intelligence with empathy with a smart, informed plan.

Zero for three with Trump. And that explains why he has said so little.
Had a big meeting today with law enforcement folks from around the country.

You really should get info from someone other than that Madcow dude.
Why is he afraid to speak to the American people?

Well, probably because whenever he sits down in that chair to read off his teleprompter and speak, it doesn't go so well. He's no good with prepared remarks, or speaking with empathy, or speaking in coherent sentences. That's why he likes his pep rallies. They are off the cuff. He can riff and do his thing to gin up his base. But give him a speech where he isn't riffing, and he's a statue..worse, he screws up and ends up coming across as the callous and robotic. I can think of no better case than the night of March 11th when he made what will most likely be remembered as the worst Oval Office address given by a President in our lifetime. He'd finished two months of inaction, deflecting, denial, and screaming hoax about the virus, and that night, the chickens were literally on his doorstep. And he had no idea what to do or say. Two days later, the adults had to step in. Right now, he's staying out of the spotlight. Because anything he says or does right now is wrong. Is that fair? Well, after what we've had to sit through for the last 3+ years...yes, it is. So I don't mind he's missing in action.
I think that's essentially it. Since he's not capable of speaking from the heart, a canned presentation would make it worse. Plus, he and his people know that he can't put any blame on his base.

So he's boxed in. Trumpism's true colors have been exposed.

his response to america imploding was that it's really all good cause of a small uptick in employment & it sure was a good day for george floyd, because of it.

Don't you grow tired of being Mac58's jester eunuch?

A normal eunuch would.
This, from a Trumpster.


I'm surprised you took the time to respond.
A response like that could've been handled by your jester eunuch.
Had a big meeting today with law enforcement folks from around the country.

You really should get info from someone other than that Madcow dude.
Why is he afraid to speak to the American people?

Well, probably because whenever he sits down in that chair to read off his teleprompter and speak, it doesn't go so well. He's no good with prepared remarks, or speaking with empathy, or speaking in coherent sentences. That's why he likes his pep rallies. They are off the cuff. He can riff and do his thing to gin up his base. But give him a speech where he isn't riffing, and he's a statue..worse, he screws up and ends up coming across as the callous and robotic. I can think of no better case than the night of March 11th when he made what will most likely be remembered as the worst Oval Office address given by a President in our lifetime. He'd finished two months of inaction, deflecting, denial, and screaming hoax about the virus, and that night, the chickens were literally on his doorstep. And he had no idea what to do or say. Two days later, the adults had to step in. Right now, he's staying out of the spotlight. Because anything he says or does right now is wrong. Is that fair? Well, after what we've had to sit through for the last 3+ years...yes, it is. So I don't mind he's missing in action.
I think that's essentially it. Since he's not capable of speaking from the heart, a canned presentation would make it worse. Plus, he and his people know that he can't put any blame on his base.

So he's boxed in. Trumpism's true colors have been exposed.

his response to america imploding was that it's really all good cause of a small uptick in employment & it sure was a good day for george floyd, because of it.

Don't you grow tired of being Mac58's jester eunuch?

A normal eunuch would.


Had a big meeting today with law enforcement folks from around the country.

You really should get info from someone other than that Madcow dude.
Why is he afraid to speak to the American people?

Well, probably because whenever he sits down in that chair to read off his teleprompter and speak, it doesn't go so well. He's no good with prepared remarks, or speaking with empathy, or speaking in coherent sentences. That's why he likes his pep rallies. They are off the cuff. He can riff and do his thing to gin up his base. But give him a speech where he isn't riffing, and he's a statue..worse, he screws up and ends up coming across as the callous and robotic. I can think of no better case than the night of March 11th when he made what will most likely be remembered as the worst Oval Office address given by a President in our lifetime. He'd finished two months of inaction, deflecting, denial, and screaming hoax about the virus, and that night, the chickens were literally on his doorstep. And he had no idea what to do or say. Two days later, the adults had to step in. Right now, he's staying out of the spotlight. Because anything he says or does right now is wrong. Is that fair? Well, after what we've had to sit through for the last 3+ years...yes, it is. So I don't mind he's missing in action.
I think that's essentially it. Since he's not capable of speaking from the heart, a canned presentation would make it worse. Plus, he and his people know that he can't put any blame on his base.

So he's boxed in. Trumpism's true colors have been exposed.

his response to america imploding was that it's really all good cause of a small uptick in employment & it sure was a good day for george floyd, because of it.

Don't you grow tired of being Mac58's jester eunuch?

A normal eunuch would.
This, from a Trumpster.


I'm surprised you took the time to respond.
A response like that could've been handled by your jester eunuch.

do you even know what a eunich is?
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

mac were have you been?......we havent had a leader in this country so far in this century....and there is none on the horizon.....

Hard to argue that, but you might even have to go all the way back to Ike to look for real leadership.

back to a normal real (R) who was pro union, had a 90% tax rate where the middle class was strong & healthy, AND warned against the military industrial complex.

that just shows how fucked the GOP really is today.
the democrats are just as fucked up today....they were different 50 years ago too....both parties are the bane of this country....
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

mac were have you been?......we havent had a leader in this country so far in this century....and there is none on the horizon.....

Hard to argue that, but you might even have to go all the way back to Ike to look for real leadership.

back to a normal real (R) who was pro union, had a 90% tax rate where the middle class was strong & healthy, AND warned against the military industrial complex.

that just shows how fucked the GOP really is today.
the democrats are just as fucked up today....they were different 50 years ago too....both parties are the bane of this country....

they have deviated form their ideology, no doubt - but it's a false equivalency.

the blending of religion & politics was the start of the transformation of the (R) party into the freakshow fundy extremists they have become today. the (D)s haven't blown themselves into the stratosphere anywhere like that.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

mac were have you been?......we havent had a leader in this country so far in this century....and there is none on the horizon.....

Hard to argue that, but you might even have to go all the way back to Ike to look for real leadership.

back to a normal real (R) who was pro union, had a 90% tax rate where the middle class was strong & healthy, AND warned against the military industrial complex.

that just shows how fucked the GOP really is today.
the democrats are just as fucked up today....they were different 50 years ago too....both parties are the bane of this country....

they have deviated form their ideology, no doubt - but it's a false equivalency.

the blending of religion & politics was the start of the transformation of the (R) party into the freakshow fundy extremists they have become today. the (D)s haven't blown themselves into the stratosphere anywhere like that.
no they just have moved so far left that they have become just another freakshow themselves........
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

mac were have you been?......we havent had a leader in this country so far in this century....and there is none on the horizon.....

Hard to argue that, but you might even have to go all the way back to Ike to look for real leadership.

back to a normal real (R) who was pro union, had a 90% tax rate where the middle class was strong & healthy, AND warned against the military industrial complex.

that just shows how fucked the GOP really is today.
the democrats are just as fucked up today....they were different 50 years ago too....both parties are the bane of this country....

they have deviated form their ideology, no doubt - but it's a false equivalency.

the blending of religion & politics was the start of the transformation of the (R) party into the freakshow fundy extremists they have become today. the (D)s haven't blown themselves into the stratosphere anywhere like that.
no they just have moved so far left that they have become just another freakshow themselves........

no they haven't. there's a faction that's uber liberal - but most are corporate dems & that's where they lost their way. they forgot the working man & donny slithered in & faked his way into their hearts; the rust belt anyway. the that gave the (D)s the wake up call they needed to reconnect. why do you think biden & not bernie or liz warren got the nomination?
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

mac were have you been?......we havent had a leader in this country so far in this century....and there is none on the horizon.....

Hard to argue that, but you might even have to go all the way back to Ike to look for real leadership.

back to a normal real (R) who was pro union, had a 90% tax rate where the middle class was strong & healthy, AND warned against the military industrial complex.

that just shows how fucked the GOP really is today.
the democrats are just as fucked up today....they were different 50 years ago too....both parties are the bane of this country....

they have deviated form their ideology, no doubt - but it's a false equivalency.

the blending of religion & politics was the start of the transformation of the (R) party into the freakshow fundy extremists they have become today. the (D)s haven't blown themselves into the stratosphere anywhere like that.
no they just have moved so far left that they have become just another freakshow themselves........

no they haven't. there's a faction that's uber liberal - but most are corporate dems & that's where they lost their way. they forgot the working man & donny slithered in & faked his way into their hearts; the rust belt anyway. the that gave the (D)s the wake up call they needed to reconnect. why do you think biden & not bernie or liz warren got the nomination?
of course you dont think they have.....you might be one of them.....i aint a party person i can see how both of them are......why cant you?...
What would you like him to do?
Well, maybe lead. Demonstrate that he's listening and understands.

For all Americans.

And that's why he's not doing it. He can't.

How would you like him to lead? Specifically. He has talked at great length supporting peaceful protest. He has talked about the injustice done George Floyd, and he has talked about restoring law and order.

What else would you like him to say or do?
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

You haven't a clue. That Bible belonged to the President's mother. Idiot.

Prove it. Just do some research I did and it doesn't.
He was using a bible as a prop, insulting religion.
Who owns that bible is irrelevant.

He was demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. Your hysteria is not called for.
What Bible Verse was he preaching?

He was not preaching any bible verses, that I am aware of.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.

real christians - like the preacher - knew he is a fraud & that whole act was pure bullshit.

There is no reason to believe that he is not against burning churches, or that he stands with Christians in not having their places of worship burned.

YOur hate, has made you delusional and crazy.
What would you like him to do?
Well, maybe lead. Demonstrate that he's listening and understands.

For all Americans.

And that's why he's not doing it. He can't.

How would you like him to lead? Specifically. He has talked at great length supporting peaceful protest. He has talked about the injustice done George Floyd, and he has talked about restoring law and order.

What else would you like him to say or do?
Maybe he could listen to minorities, and ask them what the underlying issue is.

This goes far deeper than a protest or a bad cop. I don't know how anyone can not understand that.

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