Where is Trump's convention bounce?

The polls have becoming out all week, bodecea.

Get over it.
He can't even get the traditional post convention bounce.

Trump wasted his chance for a convention bounce: Column
Trump wasted his chance for a convention bounce: Column

The Hill does not think HRC will get much of one, either. That will depend on the type of convention the DNC turns out. Don't expect much of a post-convention bounce for Trump or Clinton

dumb donald was too busy feeding red meat to his racist scum

not to mention the fact that his convention was a shambles which doesn't bode well for his management of the country.

and he probably lost all of ted cruz's people who will stay home and wait four years til ted runs again.

Fuck off Jilian.....according to Loretta Sanchez....Obama is the racist....bwahahaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahaahhaahahahahhahahahahahahahhaahhaaahahahahhahahhahahahahah
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You lie...but I'll post the contents

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has pulled nearly even with Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for the first time since May, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll taken over the course of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this week.

The July 18-22 national online poll found that 41 percent of likely voters supported Clinton, while 38 percent supported Trump. Given the poll's credibility interval of about 4 percentage points, Trump and Clinton should be considered to be about even in the race.

Just before Republicans opened the convention on Monday, Trump had trailed Clinton by nearly 10 percentage points in the poll.
So the "bounce" is not a 2 point lead but an almost pulled even from a link that does not open. And what 10 point lead did Clinton have. Someone has some 'splainin' to do.

Post the link.
OK, found one of the two you clowns mixed up. Did you bother to read the parameters of the poll? It's based on automated phone calls and "anticipated voting demographics" yet claims to be within 1.7% accuracy, which is impossible.
He can't even get the traditional post convention bounce.

Trump wasted his chance for a convention bounce: Column
Trump wasted his chance for a convention bounce: Column

The Hill does not think HRC will get much of one, either. That will depend on the type of convention the DNC turns out. Don't expect much of a post-convention bounce for Trump or Clinton
I keep telling you moron that old style polling and expectations do not fit what's going on.


The polls from five months prior right up to voting day predicted Trump would win the nomination. Why would the general be any different?

i think they confuse polls with what the pundits were saying. the pundits were all wrong. even nate silver (who is generally dead on) thinks he messed up the trump nomination because on a personal level he discounted him and didn't think the polls were reflective of the reality. they kept waiting for the normal GOP vote to coalesce around a single candidate which, as you know, it never did. so trump's zealots out shrieked every other voice in the GOP.

i also think trump and his happy band of wingers don't understand the difference between getting 40% of the GOP base (which trump did) and getting a majority or plurality of the vote nationally and the difference in the voter pool at this juncture.


In fairness, many Trump supporters said Trump was going to win as he surged in the polls but pundits (and me) didn't believe it. But that's because the pundits refused to believe the data.

If you look at the data now, it appears that Clinton is going to win, but it is the Trump supporters who don't believe it.

Of course, it's still early and things can change, but things are going to have to change a whole lot. The convention was one opportunity, and Trump probably blew it.

Is the sun shining on your planet this morning? Does it ever shine in fantasy land?

Says the conspiracy theorist who doesn't understand math.
So the "bounce" is not a 2 point lead but an almost pulled even from a link that does not open. And what 10 point lead did Clinton have. Someone has some 'splainin' to do.

Post the link.

538 has been talking about this.

Clinton had a 6-7 point lead a month ago but that was down to 3 points now because of the email scandal. And it's not because Trump was gaining support but because Hillary was losing support.

Trump probably will get s 2-3 point bounce, putting them in a dead heat.
Thank you for some common sense thinking, Toro.

By next Sunday, we will see movement by one or the other into the lead.

The electorate is going to make up its collective mind fairly early this election, I think.
Hillary's hoard of women voters consists mainly of radical feminists, lesbians, slut walk participants, code pink supporters, ugly scag's, bull dykes, gullible college students, diseased prostitutes, and Trigglypuff.

Whereas, Trump's women voters are normal women with normal lives; who desire a better life for their families and themselves. ..... :cool:

you know that's a lie. right? i've been speaking with many people this election season and demographics is destiny. women are not voting for trump....it doesn't matter if they're what you would call feminist (although i'm not sure what's wrong with wanting equal pay for equal work). i met women in hijabs who hate the donald and are voting for hillary. they certainly wouldn't be considered feminist (although again, there is nothing wrong with wanting equality). their husbands hate him too. so i'm not sure how you vote against *your* own interests assuming you are what you say you are given that the donald and his minions hate you.
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So the "bounce" is not a 2 point lead but an almost pulled even from a link that does not open. And what 10 point lead did Clinton have. Someone has some 'splainin' to do.

Post the link.

538 has been talking about this.

Clinton had a 6-7 point lead a month ago but that was down to 3 points now because of the email scandal. And it's not because Trump was gaining support but because Hillary was losing support.

Trump probably will get s 2-3 point bounce, putting them in a dead heat.

she'll get a convention bump. trump didn't really manage that because his convention was so poorly run and his messaging designed to gin up an already existing voter pool as opposed to attracting anyone who might be wavering. pretty dumb for a general election strategy....not to mention him picking pence and all that represents.

i'll also point out that the donald failed ratings-wise, coming up short to both romney and mccain on the same nights of their conventions. that indicates that people aren't interesting in assessing him as a potential candidate but are either already committed to him or not.

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