Where's Obama? Where's The 'Sit-in'? Where's The Media? Where's The FBI / DHS / DOJ?

Fifty-one persons were shot, seven fatally, over the weekend in heavily gun-controlled Chicago.

President Obama did not publicize the shootings and murders that happened this weekend in Chicago.

The FBI made no statements about the record-setting gun crime happening.

DHS did not blame Conservatives for the violence.

The DOJ / Loretta Lynch, nor the media, made a big deal about the number of deaths in Chicago surpassing 300 by Fathers' Day. It is only June, and the Chicago Tribune reports the city is already nearing 1,900 shooting victims this year. 400” people shot and 66 killed in May 2016 alone.

Democrats did not rail about Gun Control and did not stage a 'sit-in' demanding more legislation be passed.
- Chicago has the most restrictive gun laws in the country: Chicago has an “assault weapons” ban, a violence tax, state-imposed waiting periods on handgun and long gun purchases, and strict limitations on the number of gun stores allowed in the city, as well as regulations on where those stores can be located.

Chicago has become the new 'Tombstone', rampant with un-checked gun violence in a city that has the strictest gun laws in the country. It is easily on pace to break last year's record for gun violence and murder. There is no one to champion Chicago's cause, though.

The politicians who claim to value human life turn a blind eye to Chicago. Those who claim more gun laws are needed ignore Chicago because Chicago's gun laws and violence show that all the gun laws that can be passed will not stop the violence. Criminals don't adhere to laws - they break them. That's what they do. Unless enforced and criminals are held accountable, gun laws are only for the law-abiding and only help to make victimizing them easier for the criminals.

There is nothing to politicize in Chicago, nothing to help push the Liberal agenda...so Chicago is ignored.

'Black Lives Matter'....but Chicago Lived DON'T! That's the message that seems to be being sent.

Rahm Emmanuel, Mayor of Chicago, if you can not protect the lives of your citizens, as it is obvious that you can NOT based on the last 2 years in Chicago being the deadliest since the 90s, call for help from the Governor.

Bruce Rauner, Governor of Illinois, do not wait for Mayor Emmanuel to do so, because he will never admit his incompetence / inability to handle the situation. Send the Nation Guard into Chicago to restore order and end the record setting gun violence/murder!

President Obama, do what you do best. Reach out to Chicago and do some community organizing. Bring the communities together to help end the gang violence, the crime, and murder.

Don't wait until the next terrorist mass shooting, which may be a month or so...or longer hopefully...while dozens of citizens are shot and killed in Chicago every weekend! If you really give a damn about human lives....don't wait for a moment to politicize a shooting to promote an anti-gun agenda. Take action now to save lives being lost every weekend.

Gun-Controlled Chicago: 51 Shot, 7 Killed Over Weekend - Breitbart

And another 1000 or so babies were murdered by the abortion doctors. So what? Just getting more "infidels" off the streets, right liberals?

This country is doomed.
I think I killed more than 1000 last night with a latex water balloon. Don't tell

I guess the murder of 50 million babies since 1973 if funny, right?
I guess it depends on what you consider murder... If its my sperm in your face then yes, quite comical. If its the politicizing of a very tough situation that women go through and the false label of calling them murders then it is not funny, it is very very sad.
Murder rates have climbed across the country in inner cities and here in my hometown of Kansas City it's no different.
Sounds like you have quite the problem... Why in the world would you want to put more powerful weapons on the streets with all that going on?

I lived in Kansas City for nearly 26 years (Olathe). Kansas City, MO has been a dangerous city for as long as I can remember. But, like the other cities where crime seems to run rampant - just look at the Leadership:

Crime in America 2015: Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities Over 200,000 - Law Street (TM)

Funny - Chicago isn't listed.....wonder why?
About 18 years ago I rehabbed every building at the I-70 & Paseo projects. Worked there for almost 2&half years. Paid really good but I doubt I would take the same job today if it came up for bid again.

Understood. I loved my Years in KC - but I lived down South in the Suburbs. I wouldn't go into KC Proper at night on a dare. It was bad enough where I worked in KCK. But now, I did love to hit the Golden Ox down in the bottoms every now and again for dinner.

But, let's be fair here. There are STILL bullet holes in a couple of the buildings in downtown Olathe from "Pretty Boy" Floyd in the 30s.... :)

Now, here in Montana - all you look out for is mountain lions and bears.... :)
Fifty-one persons were shot, seven fatally, over the weekend in heavily gun-controlled Chicago.

President Obama did not publicize the shootings and murders that happened this weekend in Chicago.

The FBI made no statements about the record-setting gun crime happening.

DHS did not blame Conservatives for the violence.

The DOJ / Loretta Lynch, nor the media, made a big deal about the number of deaths in Chicago surpassing 300 by Fathers' Day. It is only June, and the Chicago Tribune reports the city is already nearing 1,900 shooting victims this year. 400” people shot and 66 killed in May 2016 alone.

Democrats did not rail about Gun Control and did not stage a 'sit-in' demanding more legislation be passed.
- Chicago has the most restrictive gun laws in the country: Chicago has an “assault weapons” ban, a violence tax, state-imposed waiting periods on handgun and long gun purchases, and strict limitations on the number of gun stores allowed in the city, as well as regulations on where those stores can be located.

Chicago has become the new 'Tombstone', rampant with un-checked gun violence in a city that has the strictest gun laws in the country. It is easily on pace to break last year's record for gun violence and murder. There is no one to champion Chicago's cause, though.

The politicians who claim to value human life turn a blind eye to Chicago. Those who claim more gun laws are needed ignore Chicago because Chicago's gun laws and violence show that all the gun laws that can be passed will not stop the violence. Criminals don't adhere to laws - they break them. That's what they do. Unless enforced and criminals are held accountable, gun laws are only for the law-abiding and only help to make victimizing them easier for the criminals.

There is nothing to politicize in Chicago, nothing to help push the Liberal agenda...so Chicago is ignored.

'Black Lives Matter'....but Chicago Lived DON'T! That's the message that seems to be being sent.

Rahm Emmanuel, Mayor of Chicago, if you can not protect the lives of your citizens, as it is obvious that you can NOT based on the last 2 years in Chicago being the deadliest since the 90s, call for help from the Governor.

Bruce Rauner, Governor of Illinois, do not wait for Mayor Emmanuel to do so, because he will never admit his incompetence / inability to handle the situation. Send the Nation Guard into Chicago to restore order and end the record setting gun violence/murder!

President Obama, do what you do best. Reach out to Chicago and do some community organizing. Bring the communities together to help end the gang violence, the crime, and murder.

Don't wait until the next terrorist mass shooting, which may be a month or so...or longer hopefully...while dozens of citizens are shot and killed in Chicago every weekend! If you really give a damn about human lives....don't wait for a moment to politicize a shooting to promote an anti-gun agenda. Take action now to save lives being lost every weekend.

Gun-Controlled Chicago: 51 Shot, 7 Killed Over Weekend - Breitbart

And another 1000 or so babies were murdered by the abortion doctors. So what? Just getting more "infidels" off the streets, right liberals?

This country is doomed.
I think I killed more than 1000 last night with a latex water balloon. Don't tell

I guess the murder of 50 million babies since 1973 if funny, right?
I guess it depends on what you consider murder... If its my sperm in your face then yes, quite comical. If its the politicizing of a very tough situation that women go through and the false label of calling them murders then it is not funny, it is very very sad.

Seems as though you do a lot of porno watching, don't you? Murder is murder - whether you like it or not.
Damn that's sad... They have a horrible problem over there :-/

Can you imagine the body count if anybody was aloud to walk into a gun store in Chicago and buy an uzi? do you think it would go down, up, or be the same?

Why the hell would you walk into a gun store to buy an uzi? Go to the alley and let Johnny "three fingers" sell it to you. I've never seen an Uzi for sale in a gun store. Well, not a fully automatic one. Have you?
No I haven't seen an auto uzi in a store and for good reason... The whole argument that the gun has nothing to do with it is BS or you all should be fine with the auto's, hand grenades, land mines and more being sold openly in our stores. Fact is those type of weapons cause more damage. It makes the review and debate about what is being sold completely valid.

And I don't know Johnny 3 fingers nor to I want to take the risk of doing an illegal alleyway deal. If I was standing at the counter of a gun store and saw it sitting there it would be an easy consideration... get the point?
The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.

Criminals don't follow rules. Gangbangers don't follow rules.

The only people who do are the law abiding.
Damn that's sad... They have a horrible problem over there :-/

Can you imagine the body count if anybody was aloud to walk into a gun store in Chicago and buy an uzi? do you think it would go down, up, or be the same?

Why the hell would you walk into a gun store to buy an uzi? Go to the alley and let Johnny "three fingers" sell it to you. I've never seen an Uzi for sale in a gun store. Well, not a fully automatic one. Have you?
No I haven't seen an auto uzi in a store and for good reason... The whole argument that the gun has nothing to do with it is BS or you all should be fine with the auto's, hand grenades, land mines and more being sold openly in our stores. Fact is those type of weapons cause more damage. It makes the review and debate about what is being sold completely valid.

And I don't know Johnny 3 fingers nor to I want to take the risk of doing an illegal alleyway deal. If I was standing at the counter of a gun store and saw it sitting there it wou ld be an easy consideration... get the point?

No. Guns are prevalent in Chicago for a reason. They are sold from the backs of cars or brought in from somewhere else.
Fifty-one persons were shot, seven fatally, over the weekend in heavily gun-controlled Chicago.

President Obama did not publicize the shootings and murders that happened this weekend in Chicago.

The FBI made no statements about the record-setting gun crime happening.

DHS did not blame Conservatives for the violence.

The DOJ / Loretta Lynch, nor the media, made a big deal about the number of deaths in Chicago surpassing 300 by Fathers' Day. It is only June, and the Chicago Tribune reports the city is already nearing 1,900 shooting victims this year. 400” people shot and 66 killed in May 2016 alone.

Democrats did not rail about Gun Control and did not stage a 'sit-in' demanding more legislation be passed.
- Chicago has the most restrictive gun laws in the country: Chicago has an “assault weapons” ban, a violence tax, state-imposed waiting periods on handgun and long gun purchases, and strict limitations on the number of gun stores allowed in the city, as well as regulations on where those stores can be located.

Chicago has become the new 'Tombstone', rampant with un-checked gun violence in a city that has the strictest gun laws in the country. It is easily on pace to break last year's record for gun violence and murder. There is no one to champion Chicago's cause, though.

The politicians who claim to value human life turn a blind eye to Chicago. Those who claim more gun laws are needed ignore Chicago because Chicago's gun laws and violence show that all the gun laws that can be passed will not stop the violence. Criminals don't adhere to laws - they break them. That's what they do. Unless enforced and criminals are held accountable, gun laws are only for the law-abiding and only help to make victimizing them easier for the criminals.

There is nothing to politicize in Chicago, nothing to help push the Liberal agenda...so Chicago is ignored.

'Black Lives Matter'....but Chicago Lived DON'T! That's the message that seems to be being sent.

Rahm Emmanuel, Mayor of Chicago, if you can not protect the lives of your citizens, as it is obvious that you can NOT based on the last 2 years in Chicago being the deadliest since the 90s, call for help from the Governor.

Bruce Rauner, Governor of Illinois, do not wait for Mayor Emmanuel to do so, because he will never admit his incompetence / inability to handle the situation. Send the Nation Guard into Chicago to restore order and end the record setting gun violence/murder!

President Obama, do what you do best. Reach out to Chicago and do some community organizing. Bring the communities together to help end the gang violence, the crime, and murder.

Don't wait until the next terrorist mass shooting, which may be a month or so...or longer hopefully...while dozens of citizens are shot and killed in Chicago every weekend! If you really give a damn about human lives....don't wait for a moment to politicize a shooting to promote an anti-gun agenda. Take action now to save lives being lost every weekend.

Gun-Controlled Chicago: 51 Shot, 7 Killed Over Weekend - Breitbart

And another 1000 or so babies were murdered by the abortion doctors. So what? Just getting more "infidels" off the streets, right liberals?

This country is doomed.
I think I killed more than 1000 last night with a latex water balloon. Don't tell

I guess the murder of 50 million babies since 1973 if funny, right?
I guess it depends on what you consider murder... If its my sperm in your face then yes, quite comical. If its the politicizing of a very tough situation that women go through and the false label of calling them murders then it is not funny, it is very very sad.

Seems as though you do a lot of porno watching, don't you? Murder is murder - whether you like it or not.
Well a sperm is a living cell that dies when its not in a host... an egg is the same... Put them together its a mix of cells that die if not in a host... So are we murdering cells or a human life? Question is when does it become a human life... When it has a heartbeat? when it can live free of the host? All great moral questions to debate... But don't dumb it down to a simple black and white... And don't insult and belittle the tremendous choice that some women make by labeling them murders... It is their body, it is part of their body... You have no clue
The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.

Criminals don't follow rules. Gangbangers don't follow rules.

The only people who do are the law abiding.
No argument here... my points are still valid
Damn that's sad... They have a horrible problem over there :-/

Can you imagine the body count if anybody was aloud to walk into a gun store in Chicago and buy an uzi? do you think it would go down, up, or be the same?

Why the hell would you walk into a gun store to buy an uzi? Go to the alley and let Johnny "three fingers" sell it to you. I've never seen an Uzi for sale in a gun store. Well, not a fully automatic one. Have you?
No I haven't seen an auto uzi in a store and for good reason... The whole argument that the gun has nothing to do with it is BS or you all should be fine with the auto's, hand grenades, land mines and more being sold openly in our stores. Fact is those type of weapons cause more damage. It makes the review and debate about what is being sold completely valid.

And I don't know Johnny 3 fingers nor to I want to take the risk of doing an illegal alleyway deal. If I was standing at the counter of a gun store and saw it sitting there it wou ld be an easy consideration... get the point?

No. Guns are prevalent in Chicago for a reason. They are sold from the backs of cars or brought in from somewhere else.
So whats your point?
Murder rates have climbed across the country in inner cities and here in my hometown of Kansas City it's no different.
Sounds like you have quite the problem... Why in the world would you want to put more powerful weapons on the streets with all that going on?

I lived in Kansas City for nearly 26 years (Olathe). Kansas City, MO has been a dangerous city for as long as I can remember. But, like the other cities where crime seems to run rampant - just look at the Leadership:

Crime in America 2015: Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities Over 200,000 - Law Street (TM)

Funny - Chicago isn't listed.....wonder why?
About 18 years ago I rehabbed every building at the I-70 & Paseo projects. Worked there for almost 2&half years. Paid really good but I doubt I would take the same job today if it came up for bid again.

Understood. I loved my Years in KC - but I lived down South in the Suburbs. I wouldn't go into KC Proper at night on a dare. It was bad enough where I worked in KCK. But now, I did love to hit the Golden Ox down in the bottoms every now and again for dinner.

But, let's be fair here. There are STILL bullet holes in a couple of the buildings in downtown Olathe from "Pretty Boy" Floyd in the 30s.... :)

Now, here in Montana - all you look out for is mountain lions and bears.... :)
The Power & Light District downtown is really nice. The Plaza has had a lot of problems with black teenage flash mobs the last few years. We got street cars downtown now. Lots of improvements downtown but the Eastside is still a shithole.
Murder rates have climbed across the country in inner cities and here in my hometown of Kansas City it's no different.
Sounds like you have quite the problem... Why in the world would you want to put more powerful weapons on the streets with all that going on?

I lived in Kansas City for nearly 26 years (Olathe). Kansas City, MO has been a dangerous city for as long as I can remember. But, like the other cities where crime seems to run rampant - just look at the Leadership:

Crime in America 2015: Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities Over 200,000 - Law Street (TM)

Funny - Chicago isn't listed.....wonder why?
About 18 years ago I rehabbed every building at the I-70 & Paseo projects. Worked there for almost 2&half years. Paid really good but I doubt I would take the same job today if it came up for bid again.

Understood. I loved my Years in KC - but I lived down South in the Suburbs. I wouldn't go into KC Proper at night on a dare. It was bad enough where I worked in KCK. But now, I did love to hit the Golden Ox down in the bottoms every now and again for dinner.

But, let's be fair here. There are STILL bullet holes in a couple of the buildings in downtown Olathe from "Pretty Boy" Floyd in the 30s.... :)

Now, here in Montana - all you look out for is mountain lions and bears.... :)
The Power & Light District downtown is really nice. The Plaza has had a lot of problems with black teenage flash mobs the last few years. We got street cars downtown now. Lots of improvements downtown but the Eastside is still a shithole.

Indeed. They had just finished the Power&Light district as I was buying my place in Montana. Used to hit the Plaza every Christmas. One of the most beautiful places in America at Christmas. Went to the Sprint Center to see Trans-Siberian Ochestra the last year we were there. Had a really nice time!

My Grandson is going to KU - looks to graduate this year with a degree in Engineering.
Sounds like you have quite the problem... Why in the world would you want to put more powerful weapons on the streets with all that going on?

I lived in Kansas City for nearly 26 years (Olathe). Kansas City, MO has been a dangerous city for as long as I can remember. But, like the other cities where crime seems to run rampant - just look at the Leadership:

Crime in America 2015: Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities Over 200,000 - Law Street (TM)

Funny - Chicago isn't listed.....wonder why?
About 18 years ago I rehabbed every building at the I-70 & Paseo projects. Worked there for almost 2&half years. Paid really good but I doubt I would take the same job today if it came up for bid again.

Understood. I loved my Years in KC - but I lived down South in the Suburbs. I wouldn't go into KC Proper at night on a dare. It was bad enough where I worked in KCK. But now, I did love to hit the Golden Ox down in the bottoms every now and again for dinner.

But, let's be fair here. There are STILL bullet holes in a couple of the buildings in downtown Olathe from "Pretty Boy" Floyd in the 30s.... :)

Now, here in Montana - all you look out for is mountain lions and bears.... :)
The Power & Light District downtown is really nice. The Plaza has had a lot of problems with black teenage flash mobs the last few years. We got street cars downtown now. Lots of improvements downtown but the Eastside is still a shithole.

Indeed. They had just finished the Power&Light district as I was buying my place in Montana. Used to hit the Plaza every Christmas. One of the most beautiful places in America at Christmas. Went to the Sprint Center to see Trans-Siberian Ochestra the last year we were there. Had a really nice time!

My Grandson is going to KU - looks to graduate this year with a degree in Engineering.

I can't remember that guy that (every election) was getting the streetcars put on the ballot, but sure as the sun shines, every election, there he'd be...glad to see it finally passed!
Damn that's sad... They have a horrible problem over there :-/

Can you imagine the body count if anybody was aloud to walk into a gun store in Chicago and buy an uzi? do you think it would go down, up, or be the same?

Why the hell would you walk into a gun store to buy an uzi? Go to the alley and let Johnny "three fingers" sell it to you. I've never seen an Uzi for sale in a gun store. Well, not a fully automatic one. Have you?
No I haven't seen an auto uzi in a store and for good reason... The whole argument that the gun has nothing to do with it is BS or you all should be fine with the auto's, hand grenades, land mines and more being sold openly in our stores. Fact is those type of weapons cause more damage. It makes the review and debate about what is being sold completely valid.

And I don't know Johnny 3 fingers nor to I want to take the risk of doing an illegal alleyway deal. If I was standing at the counter of a gun store and saw it sitting there it wou ld be an easy consideration... get the point?

No. Guns are prevalent in Chicago for a reason. They are sold from the backs of cars or brought in from somewhere else.
So whats your point?

Talk to the federal government that "seemingly" allows guns to run wild in that city. You DO realize that they could stop it any time they so desired, right? But for some reason, it goes on and on and on....while they worry more about law-abiding citizens having legal guns.
If the Libs could come up with a way to link it to whitey/Trump/Republicans they would
be all over it.
Why the hell would you walk into a gun store to buy an uzi? Go to the alley and let Johnny "three fingers" sell it to you. I've never seen an Uzi for sale in a gun store. Well, not a fully automatic one. Have you?

Hell old slade has not left the Cut and Curl where she is the towel girl...
Damn that's sad... They have a horrible problem over there :-/

Can you imagine the body count if anybody was aloud to walk into a gun store in Chicago and buy an uzi? do you think it would go down, up, or be the same?

Why the hell would you walk into a gun store to buy an uzi? Go to the alley and let Johnny "three fingers" sell it to you. I've never seen an Uzi for sale in a gun store. Well, not a fully automatic one. Have you?
No I haven't seen an auto uzi in a store and for good reason... The whole argument that the gun has nothing to do with it is BS or you all should be fine with the auto's, hand grenades, land mines and more being sold openly in our stores. Fact is those type of weapons cause more damage. It makes the review and debate about what is being sold completely valid.

And I don't know Johnny 3 fingers nor to I want to take the risk of doing an illegal alleyway deal. If I was standing at the counter of a gun store and saw it sitting there it wou ld be an easy consideration... get the point?

No. Guns are prevalent in Chicago for a reason. They are sold from the backs of cars or brought in from somewhere else.
So whats your point?

Talk to the federal government that "seemingly" allows guns to run wild in that city. You DO realize that they could stop it any time they so desired, right? But for some reason, it goes on and on and on....while they worry more about law-abiding citizens having legal guns.
Why does Chicago need the Feds?
Murder rates have climbed across the country in inner cities and here in my hometown of Kansas City it's no different.
Sounds like you have quite the problem... Why in the world would you want to put more powerful weapons on the streets with all that going on?
So that citizens can protect themselves from the criminals that can already get said more powerful weapons. Liberal ignorance is painful.
Fifty-one persons were shot, seven fatally, over the weekend in heavily gun-controlled Chicago.

President Obama did not publicize the shootings and murders that happened this weekend in Chicago.

The FBI made no statements about the record-setting gun crime happening.

DHS did not blame Conservatives for the violence.

The DOJ / Loretta Lynch, nor the media, made a big deal about the number of deaths in Chicago surpassing 300 by Fathers' Day. It is only June, and the Chicago Tribune reports the city is already nearing 1,900 shooting victims this year. 400” people shot and 66 killed in May 2016 alone.

Democrats did not rail about Gun Control and did not stage a 'sit-in' demanding more legislation be passed.
- Chicago has the most restrictive gun laws in the country: Chicago has an “assault weapons” ban, a violence tax, state-imposed waiting periods on handgun and long gun purchases, and strict limitations on the number of gun stores allowed in the city, as well as regulations on where those stores can be located.

Chicago has become the new 'Tombstone', rampant with un-checked gun violence in a city that has the strictest gun laws in the country. It is easily on pace to break last year's record for gun violence and murder. There is no one to champion Chicago's cause, though.

The politicians who claim to value human life turn a blind eye to Chicago. Those who claim more gun laws are needed ignore Chicago because Chicago's gun laws and violence show that all the gun laws that can be passed will not stop the violence. Criminals don't adhere to laws - they break them. That's what they do. Unless enforced and criminals are held accountable, gun laws are only for the law-abiding and only help to make victimizing them easier for the criminals.

There is nothing to politicize in Chicago, nothing to help push the Liberal agenda...so Chicago is ignored.

'Black Lives Matter'....but Chicago Lived DON'T! That's the message that seems to be being sent.

Rahm Emmanuel, Mayor of Chicago, if you can not protect the lives of your citizens, as it is obvious that you can NOT based on the last 2 years in Chicago being the deadliest since the 90s, call for help from the Governor.

Bruce Rauner, Governor of Illinois, do not wait for Mayor Emmanuel to do so, because he will never admit his incompetence / inability to handle the situation. Send the Nation Guard into Chicago to restore order and end the record setting gun violence/murder!

President Obama, do what you do best. Reach out to Chicago and do some community organizing. Bring the communities together to help end the gang violence, the crime, and murder.

Don't wait until the next terrorist mass shooting, which may be a month or so...or longer hopefully...while dozens of citizens are shot and killed in Chicago every weekend! If you really give a damn about human lives....don't wait for a moment to politicize a shooting to promote an anti-gun agenda. Take action now to save lives being lost every weekend.

Gun-Controlled Chicago: 51 Shot, 7 Killed Over Weekend - Breitbart

And another 1000 or so babies were murdered by the abortion doctors. So what? Just getting more "infidels" off the streets, right liberals?

This country is doomed.
I think I killed more than 1000 last night with a latex water balloon. Don't tell

I guess the murder of 50 million babies since 1973 if funny, right?
I guess it depends on what you consider murder... If its my sperm in your face then yes, quite comical. If its the politicizing of a very tough situation that women go through and the false label of calling them murders then it is not funny, it is very very sad.
It's not a person until it combines with the egg, in which case it would become a living thing that would start growing through the stages of birth. As a sperm cell, it wouldn't have grown into anything. Your ignorance is painful. I could swear right now you're just a troll.
Damn that's sad... They have a horrible problem over there :-/

Can you imagine the body count if anybody was aloud to walk into a gun store in Chicago and buy an uzi? do you think it would go down, up, or be the same?

Why the hell would you walk into a gun store to buy an uzi? Go to the alley and let Johnny "three fingers" sell it to you. I've never seen an Uzi for sale in a gun store. Well, not a fully automatic one. Have you?
No I haven't seen an auto uzi in a store and for good reason... The whole argument that the gun has nothing to do with it is BS or you all should be fine with the auto's, hand grenades, land mines and more being sold openly in our stores. Fact is those type of weapons cause more damage. It makes the review and debate about what is being sold completely valid.

And I don't know Johnny 3 fingers nor to I want to take the risk of doing an illegal alleyway deal. If I was standing at the counter of a gun store and saw it sitting there it wou ld be an easy consideration... get the point?

No. Guns are prevalent in Chicago for a reason. They are sold from the backs of cars or brought in from somewhere else.
So whats your point?

Talk to the federal government that "seemingly" allows guns to run wild in that city. You DO realize that they could stop it any time they so desired, right? But for some reason, it goes on and on and on....while they worry more about law-abiding citizens having legal guns.
So you want them to ban guns and disarm? Is that your proposed solution?

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