Where's Obama? Where's The 'Sit-in'? Where's The Media? Where's The FBI / DHS / DOJ?

Murder rates have climbed across the country in inner cities and here in my hometown of Kansas City it's no different.
Sounds like you have quite the problem... Why in the world would you want to put more powerful weapons on the streets with all that going on?
So that citizens can protect themselves from the criminals that can already get said more powerful weapons. Liberal ignorance is painful.
What makes you think anybody needs more powerful weapons to defend themselves? The majority of gun defense situations don't even involve firing a shot
Fifty-one persons were shot, seven fatally, over the weekend in heavily gun-controlled Chicago.

President Obama did not publicize the shootings and murders that happened this weekend in Chicago.

The FBI made no statements about the record-setting gun crime happening.

DHS did not blame Conservatives for the violence.

The DOJ / Loretta Lynch, nor the media, made a big deal about the number of deaths in Chicago surpassing 300 by Fathers' Day. It is only June, and the Chicago Tribune reports the city is already nearing 1,900 shooting victims this year. 400” people shot and 66 killed in May 2016 alone.

Democrats did not rail about Gun Control and did not stage a 'sit-in' demanding more legislation be passed.
- Chicago has the most restrictive gun laws in the country: Chicago has an “assault weapons” ban, a violence tax, state-imposed waiting periods on handgun and long gun purchases, and strict limitations on the number of gun stores allowed in the city, as well as regulations on where those stores can be located.

Chicago has become the new 'Tombstone', rampant with un-checked gun violence in a city that has the strictest gun laws in the country. It is easily on pace to break last year's record for gun violence and murder. There is no one to champion Chicago's cause, though.

The politicians who claim to value human life turn a blind eye to Chicago. Those who claim more gun laws are needed ignore Chicago because Chicago's gun laws and violence show that all the gun laws that can be passed will not stop the violence. Criminals don't adhere to laws - they break them. That's what they do. Unless enforced and criminals are held accountable, gun laws are only for the law-abiding and only help to make victimizing them easier for the criminals.

There is nothing to politicize in Chicago, nothing to help push the Liberal agenda...so Chicago is ignored.

'Black Lives Matter'....but Chicago Lived DON'T! That's the message that seems to be being sent.

Rahm Emmanuel, Mayor of Chicago, if you can not protect the lives of your citizens, as it is obvious that you can NOT based on the last 2 years in Chicago being the deadliest since the 90s, call for help from the Governor.

Bruce Rauner, Governor of Illinois, do not wait for Mayor Emmanuel to do so, because he will never admit his incompetence / inability to handle the situation. Send the Nation Guard into Chicago to restore order and end the record setting gun violence/murder!

President Obama, do what you do best. Reach out to Chicago and do some community organizing. Bring the communities together to help end the gang violence, the crime, and murder.

Don't wait until the next terrorist mass shooting, which may be a month or so...or longer hopefully...while dozens of citizens are shot and killed in Chicago every weekend! If you really give a damn about human lives....don't wait for a moment to politicize a shooting to promote an anti-gun agenda. Take action now to save lives being lost every weekend.

Gun-Controlled Chicago: 51 Shot, 7 Killed Over Weekend - Breitbart

And another 1000 or so babies were murdered by the abortion doctors. So what? Just getting more "infidels" off the streets, right liberals?

This country is doomed.
I think I killed more than 1000 last night with a latex water balloon. Don't tell

I guess the murder of 50 million babies since 1973 if funny, right?
I guess it depends on what you consider murder... If its my sperm in your face then yes, quite comical. If its the politicizing of a very tough situation that women go through and the false label of calling them murders then it is not funny, it is very very sad.
It's not a person until it combines with the egg, in which case it would become a living thing that would start growing through the stages of birth. As a sperm cell, it wouldn't have grown into anything. Your ignorance is painful. I could swear right now you're just a troll.
Fifty-one persons were shot, seven fatally, over the weekend in heavily gun-controlled Chicago.

President Obama did not publicize the shootings and murders that happened this weekend in Chicago.

The FBI made no statements about the record-setting gun crime happening.

DHS did not blame Conservatives for the violence.

The DOJ / Loretta Lynch, nor the media, made a big deal about the number of deaths in Chicago surpassing 300 by Fathers' Day. It is only June, and the Chicago Tribune reports the city is already nearing 1,900 shooting victims this year. 400” people shot and 66 killed in May 2016 alone.

Democrats did not rail about Gun Control and did not stage a 'sit-in' demanding more legislation be passed.
- Chicago has the most restrictive gun laws in the country: Chicago has an “assault weapons” ban, a violence tax, state-imposed waiting periods on handgun and long gun purchases, and strict limitations on the number of gun stores allowed in the city, as well as regulations on where those stores can be located.

Chicago has become the new 'Tombstone', rampant with un-checked gun violence in a city that has the strictest gun laws in the country. It is easily on pace to break last year's record for gun violence and murder. There is no one to champion Chicago's cause, though.

The politicians who claim to value human life turn a blind eye to Chicago. Those who claim more gun laws are needed ignore Chicago because Chicago's gun laws and violence show that all the gun laws that can be passed will not stop the violence. Criminals don't adhere to laws - they break them. That's what they do. Unless enforced and criminals are held accountable, gun laws are only for the law-abiding and only help to make victimizing them easier for the criminals.

There is nothing to politicize in Chicago, nothing to help push the Liberal agenda...so Chicago is ignored.

'Black Lives Matter'....but Chicago Lived DON'T! That's the message that seems to be being sent.

Rahm Emmanuel, Mayor of Chicago, if you can not protect the lives of your citizens, as it is obvious that you can NOT based on the last 2 years in Chicago being the deadliest since the 90s, call for help from the Governor.

Bruce Rauner, Governor of Illinois, do not wait for Mayor Emmanuel to do so, because he will never admit his incompetence / inability to handle the situation. Send the Nation Guard into Chicago to restore order and end the record setting gun violence/murder!

President Obama, do what you do best. Reach out to Chicago and do some community organizing. Bring the communities together to help end the gang violence, the crime, and murder.

Don't wait until the next terrorist mass shooting, which may be a month or so...or longer hopefully...while dozens of citizens are shot and killed in Chicago every weekend! If you really give a damn about human lives....don't wait for a moment to politicize a shooting to promote an anti-gun agenda. Take action now to save lives being lost every weekend.

Gun-Controlled Chicago: 51 Shot, 7 Killed Over Weekend - Breitbart

And another 1000 or so babies were murdered by the abortion doctors. So what? Just getting more "infidels" off the streets, right liberals?

This country is doomed.
I think I killed more than 1000 last night with a latex water balloon. Don't tell

I guess the murder of 50 million babies since 1973 if funny, right?
I guess it depends on what you consider murder... If its my sperm in your face then yes, quite comical. If its the politicizing of a very tough situation that women go through and the false label of calling them murders then it is not funny, it is very very sad.
It's not a person until it combines with the egg, in which case it would become a living thing that would start growing through the stages of birth. As a sperm cell, it wouldn't have grown into anything. Your ignorance is painful. I could swear right now you're just a troll.
That's your opinion of when it becomes a person... Others might think it's When there is a heart beat, or when it's brain has developed to a point where consciousness may be achieved, or when it's to a point where it can survive outside the mother...
Murder rates have climbed across the country in inner cities and here in my hometown of Kansas City it's no different.
Sounds like you have quite the problem... Why in the world would you want to put more powerful weapons on the streets with all that going on?
So that citizens can protect themselves from the criminals that can already get said more powerful weapons. Liberal ignorance is painful.
What makes you think anybody needs more powerful weapons to defend themselves? The majority of gun defense situations don't even involve firing a shot
Because, the larger weapons are for your house, and you need to protect yourself, your home, and your family from criminals, who are likely to have larger weapons, because they can obtain them illegally.
And another 1000 or so babies were murdered by the abortion doctors. So what? Just getting more "infidels" off the streets, right liberals?

This country is doomed.
I think I killed more than 1000 last night with a latex water balloon. Don't tell

I guess the murder of 50 million babies since 1973 if funny, right?
I guess it depends on what you consider murder... If its my sperm in your face then yes, quite comical. If its the politicizing of a very tough situation that women go through and the false label of calling them murders then it is not funny, it is very very sad.
It's not a person until it combines with the egg, in which case it would become a living thing that would start growing through the stages of birth. As a sperm cell, it wouldn't have grown into anything. Your ignorance is painful. I could swear right now you're just a troll.
And another 1000 or so babies were murdered by the abortion doctors. So what? Just getting more "infidels" off the streets, right liberals?

This country is doomed.
I think I killed more than 1000 last night with a latex water balloon. Don't tell

I guess the murder of 50 million babies since 1973 if funny, right?
I guess it depends on what you consider murder... If its my sperm in your face then yes, quite comical. If its the politicizing of a very tough situation that women go through and the false label of calling them murders then it is not funny, it is very very sad.
It's not a person until it combines with the egg, in which case it would become a living thing that would start growing through the stages of birth. As a sperm cell, it wouldn't have grown into anything. Your ignorance is painful. I could swear right now you're just a troll.
That's your opinion of when it becomes a person... Others might think it's When there is a heart beat, or when it's brain has developed to a point where consciousness may be achieved, or when it's to a point where it can survive outside the mother...
Oh, I know, Liberals think that they're not people until they're outside the womb, so they can kill them in cold blood. My brother was born at a time when an abortion would have been legal, and he's alive and well. I was a botched abortion, and I'm alive. Your definition of life is biased and inaccurate.
Its Chicago so nothing to see move along things are fine in Democrat run inner cities.
Murder rates have climbed across the country in inner cities and here in my hometown of Kansas City it's no different.
Sounds like you have quite the problem... Why in the world would you want to put more powerful weapons on the streets with all that going on?
So that citizens can protect themselves from the criminals that can already get said more powerful weapons. Liberal ignorance is painful.
What makes you think anybody needs more powerful weapons to defend themselves? The majority of gun defense situations don't even involve firing a shot
Because, the larger weapons are for your house, and you need to protect yourself, your home, and your family from criminals, who are likely to have larger weapons, because they can obtain them illegally.
Thats not real... family's don't get into shootouts with burglars. Usually the cock of a shotgun does the trick.
I think I killed more than 1000 last night with a latex water balloon. Don't tell

I guess the murder of 50 million babies since 1973 if funny, right?
I guess it depends on what you consider murder... If its my sperm in your face then yes, quite comical. If its the politicizing of a very tough situation that women go through and the false label of calling them murders then it is not funny, it is very very sad.
It's not a person until it combines with the egg, in which case it would become a living thing that would start growing through the stages of birth. As a sperm cell, it wouldn't have grown into anything. Your ignorance is painful. I could swear right now you're just a troll.
I think I killed more than 1000 last night with a latex water balloon. Don't tell

I guess the murder of 50 million babies since 1973 if funny, right?
I guess it depends on what you consider murder... If its my sperm in your face then yes, quite comical. If its the politicizing of a very tough situation that women go through and the false label of calling them murders then it is not funny, it is very very sad.
It's not a person until it combines with the egg, in which case it would become a living thing that would start growing through the stages of birth. As a sperm cell, it wouldn't have grown into anything. Your ignorance is painful. I could swear right now you're just a troll.
That's your opinion of when it becomes a person... Others might think it's When there is a heart beat, or when it's brain has developed to a point where consciousness may be achieved, or when it's to a point where it can survive outside the mother...
Oh, I know, Liberals think that they're not people until they're outside the womb, so they can kill them in cold blood. My brother was born at a time when an abortion would have been legal, and he's alive and well. I was a botched abortion, and I'm alive. Your definition of life is biased and inaccurate.
What's my definition of life?
Murder rates have climbed across the country in inner cities and here in my hometown of Kansas City it's no different.
Sounds like you have quite the problem... Why in the world would you want to put more powerful weapons on the streets with all that going on?
So that citizens can protect themselves from the criminals that can already get said more powerful weapons. Liberal ignorance is painful.
What makes you think anybody needs more powerful weapons to defend themselves? The majority of gun defense situations don't even involve firing a shot
Because, the larger weapons are for your house, and you need to protect yourself, your home, and your family from criminals, who are likely to have larger weapons, because they can obtain them illegally.
Thats not real... family's don't get into shootouts with burglars. Usually the cock of a shotgun does the trick.
So, it's automatically false because you never had to do it? That only means it hasn't happened yet. you're delusional. You have no idea when you or someone else will need one, and not having one could cost lives.
I guess the murder of 50 million babies since 1973 if funny, right?
I guess it depends on what you consider murder... If its my sperm in your face then yes, quite comical. If its the politicizing of a very tough situation that women go through and the false label of calling them murders then it is not funny, it is very very sad.
It's not a person until it combines with the egg, in which case it would become a living thing that would start growing through the stages of birth. As a sperm cell, it wouldn't have grown into anything. Your ignorance is painful. I could swear right now you're just a troll.
I guess the murder of 50 million babies since 1973 if funny, right?
I guess it depends on what you consider murder... If its my sperm in your face then yes, quite comical. If its the politicizing of a very tough situation that women go through and the false label of calling them murders then it is not funny, it is very very sad.
It's not a person until it combines with the egg, in which case it would become a living thing that would start growing through the stages of birth. As a sperm cell, it wouldn't have grown into anything. Your ignorance is painful. I could swear right now you're just a troll.
That's your opinion of when it becomes a person... Others might think it's When there is a heart beat, or when it's brain has developed to a point where consciousness may be achieved, or when it's to a point where it can survive outside the mother...
Oh, I know, Liberals think that they're not people until they're outside the womb, so they can kill them in cold blood. My brother was born at a time when an abortion would have been legal, and he's alive and well. I was a botched abortion, and I'm alive. Your definition of life is biased and inaccurate.
What's my definition of life?
Apparently something is only considered alive to you, when it can survive outside the mother. You have no idea how many people have died because of your delusional perception of what constitutes a living human being, and you probably never will. People like you who advocate abortion are guilty of supporting the deaths of more babies than will ever be known. All future deaths through abortion are on the heads of you and your fellow Liberals. Probably not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday you, and those like you, will have to answer for every single one.
Sounds like you have quite the problem... Why in the world would you want to put more powerful weapons on the streets with all that going on?
So that citizens can protect themselves from the criminals that can already get said more powerful weapons. Liberal ignorance is painful.
What makes you think anybody needs more powerful weapons to defend themselves? The majority of gun defense situations don't even involve firing a shot
Because, the larger weapons are for your house, and you need to protect yourself, your home, and your family from criminals, who are likely to have larger weapons, because they can obtain them illegally.
Thats not real... family's don't get into shootouts with burglars. Usually the cock of a shotgun does the trick.
So, it's automatically false because you never had to do it? That only means it hasn't happened yet. you're delusional. You have no idea when you or someone else will need one, and not having one could cost lives.
Has anybody ever needed one?!? It's a bs argument... Perhaps they need land mines they can surround their house with to keep the robbers out?

Its a pretty common sense argument to look at guns like that and know that they should not be sold in a gun store to Joe Blow... Give them a special classification and sell them to people who have earned the correct license to carry weapons like that... regardless they require a much higher level of responsibility than the average riffle and hand guns.
I guess it depends on what you consider murder... If its my sperm in your face then yes, quite comical. If its the politicizing of a very tough situation that women go through and the false label of calling them murders then it is not funny, it is very very sad.
It's not a person until it combines with the egg, in which case it would become a living thing that would start growing through the stages of birth. As a sperm cell, it wouldn't have grown into anything. Your ignorance is painful. I could swear right now you're just a troll.
I guess it depends on what you consider murder... If its my sperm in your face then yes, quite comical. If its the politicizing of a very tough situation that women go through and the false label of calling them murders then it is not funny, it is very very sad.
It's not a person until it combines with the egg, in which case it would become a living thing that would start growing through the stages of birth. As a sperm cell, it wouldn't have grown into anything. Your ignorance is painful. I could swear right now you're just a troll.
That's your opinion of when it becomes a person... Others might think it's When there is a heart beat, or when it's brain has developed to a point where consciousness may be achieved, or when it's to a point where it can survive outside the mother...
Oh, I know, Liberals think that they're not people until they're outside the womb, so they can kill them in cold blood. My brother was born at a time when an abortion would have been legal, and he's alive and well. I was a botched abortion, and I'm alive. Your definition of life is biased and inaccurate.
What's my definition of life?
Apparently something is only considered alive to you, when it can survive outside the mother. You have no idea how many people have died because of your delusional perception of what constitutes a living human being, and you probably never will. People like you who advocate abortion are guilty of supporting the deaths of more babies than will ever be known. All future deaths through abortion are on the heads of you and your fellow Liberals. Probably not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday you, and those like you, will have to answer for every single one.
I never said that nor do I believe that. Don't put words in my mouth.
So that citizens can protect themselves from the criminals that can already get said more powerful weapons. Liberal ignorance is painful.
What makes you think anybody needs more powerful weapons to defend themselves? The majority of gun defense situations don't even involve firing a shot
Because, the larger weapons are for your house, and you need to protect yourself, your home, and your family from criminals, who are likely to have larger weapons, because they can obtain them illegally.
Thats not real... family's don't get into shootouts with burglars. Usually the cock of a shotgun does the trick.
So, it's automatically false because you never had to do it? That only means it hasn't happened yet. you're delusional. You have no idea when you or someone else will need one, and not having one could cost lives.
Has anybody ever needed one?!? It's a bs argument... Perhaps they need land mines they can surround their house with to keep the robbers out?

Its a pretty common sense argument to look at guns like that and know that they should not be sold in a gun store to Joe Blow... Give them a special classification and sell them to people who have earned the correct license to carry weapons like that... regardless they require a much higher level of responsibility than the average riffle and hand guns.
It's highly unlikely that people haven't needed them, and even if they didn't need them for criminals, they need them for protection from a tyrannical government, and even automatic weapons probably wouldn't be enough for that.

No, it shows you lack common sense. Not only do all Americans have a right to bear arms, for protection from criminals and a tyrannical government, but I also think it's silly to need a classification for it, because the government would likely choose said classification, which would be like asking the enemy to choose who can be armed.
It's not a person until it combines with the egg, in which case it would become a living thing that would start growing through the stages of birth. As a sperm cell, it wouldn't have grown into anything. Your ignorance is painful. I could swear right now you're just a troll.
It's not a person until it combines with the egg, in which case it would become a living thing that would start growing through the stages of birth. As a sperm cell, it wouldn't have grown into anything. Your ignorance is painful. I could swear right now you're just a troll.
That's your opinion of when it becomes a person... Others might think it's When there is a heart beat, or when it's brain has developed to a point where consciousness may be achieved, or when it's to a point where it can survive outside the mother...
Oh, I know, Liberals think that they're not people until they're outside the womb, so they can kill them in cold blood. My brother was born at a time when an abortion would have been legal, and he's alive and well. I was a botched abortion, and I'm alive. Your definition of life is biased and inaccurate.
What's my definition of life?
Apparently something is only considered alive to you, when it can survive outside the mother. You have no idea how many people have died because of your delusional perception of what constitutes a living human being, and you probably never will. People like you who advocate abortion are guilty of supporting the deaths of more babies than will ever be known. All future deaths through abortion are on the heads of you and your fellow Liberals. Probably not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday you, and those like you, will have to answer for every single one.
I never said that nor do I believe that. Don't put words in my mouth.
You certainly haven't shown otherwise. The government shouldn't be allowed to define life for us.
What makes you think anybody needs more powerful weapons to defend themselves? The majority of gun defense situations don't even involve firing a shot
Because, the larger weapons are for your house, and you need to protect yourself, your home, and your family from criminals, who are likely to have larger weapons, because they can obtain them illegally.
Thats not real... family's don't get into shootouts with burglars. Usually the cock of a shotgun does the trick.
So, it's automatically false because you never had to do it? That only means it hasn't happened yet. you're delusional. You have no idea when you or someone else will need one, and not having one could cost lives.
Has anybody ever needed one?!? It's a bs argument... Perhaps they need land mines they can surround their house with to keep the robbers out?

Its a pretty common sense argument to look at guns like that and know that they should not be sold in a gun store to Joe Blow... Give them a special classification and sell them to people who have earned the correct license to carry weapons like that... regardless they require a much higher level of responsibility than the average riffle and hand guns.
It's highly unlikely that people haven't needed them, and even if they didn't need them for criminals, they need them for protection from a tyrannical government, and even automatic weapons probably wouldn't be enough for that.

No, it shows you lack common sense. Not only do all Americans have a right to bear arms, for protection from criminals and a tyrannical government, but I also think it's silly to need a classification for it, because the government would likely choose said classification, which would be like asking the enemy to choose who can be armed.
You did say one thing right, there would be no chance to fight against our military so you can cross that one off the list... That said we need to keep our streets safe and putting large ammo capacity weapons with rapid fire capability is just not going to produce a safer environment no matter how you try and spin it.
That's your opinion of when it becomes a person... Others might think it's When there is a heart beat, or when it's brain has developed to a point where consciousness may be achieved, or when it's to a point where it can survive outside the mother...
Oh, I know, Liberals think that they're not people until they're outside the womb, so they can kill them in cold blood. My brother was born at a time when an abortion would have been legal, and he's alive and well. I was a botched abortion, and I'm alive. Your definition of life is biased and inaccurate.
What's my definition of life?
Apparently something is only considered alive to you, when it can survive outside the mother. You have no idea how many people have died because of your delusional perception of what constitutes a living human being, and you probably never will. People like you who advocate abortion are guilty of supporting the deaths of more babies than will ever be known. All future deaths through abortion are on the heads of you and your fellow Liberals. Probably not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday you, and those like you, will have to answer for every single one.
I never said that nor do I believe that. Don't put words in my mouth.
You certainly haven't shown otherwise. The government shouldn't be allowed to define life for us.
Yes and the government shouldn't be telling women what to do with her bodies.
Because, the larger weapons are for your house, and you need to protect yourself, your home, and your family from criminals, who are likely to have larger weapons, because they can obtain them illegally.
Thats not real... family's don't get into shootouts with burglars. Usually the cock of a shotgun does the trick.
So, it's automatically false because you never had to do it? That only means it hasn't happened yet. you're delusional. You have no idea when you or someone else will need one, and not having one could cost lives.
Has anybody ever needed one?!? It's a bs argument... Perhaps they need land mines they can surround their house with to keep the robbers out?

Its a pretty common sense argument to look at guns like that and know that they should not be sold in a gun store to Joe Blow... Give them a special classification and sell them to people who have earned the correct license to carry weapons like that... regardless they require a much higher level of responsibility than the average riffle and hand guns.
It's highly unlikely that people haven't needed them, and even if they didn't need them for criminals, they need them for protection from a tyrannical government, and even automatic weapons probably wouldn't be enough for that.

No, it shows you lack common sense. Not only do all Americans have a right to bear arms, for protection from criminals and a tyrannical government, but I also think it's silly to need a classification for it, because the government would likely choose said classification, which would be like asking the enemy to choose who can be armed.
You did say one thing right, there would be no chance to fight against our military so you can cross that one off the list... That said we need to keep our streets safe and putting large ammo capacity weapons with rapid fire capability is just not going to produce a safer environment no matter how you try and spin it.
Okay, I'm getting really sick of this ignorant remark you keep making. Criminals will get these weapons regardless of whether we want them to or not, absolutely nothing the government does will stop it, especially not creating new laws, as the people who follow laws are not criminals, by definition, criminals do not follow the law. They'd only be weakening law-abiding citizens, and making them easier targets for criminals. You don't seem to understand what a criminal is. Gun laws only increase crime rates, and that has been proven every time any have been enacted.
Oh, I know, Liberals think that they're not people until they're outside the womb, so they can kill them in cold blood. My brother was born at a time when an abortion would have been legal, and he's alive and well. I was a botched abortion, and I'm alive. Your definition of life is biased and inaccurate.
What's my definition of life?
Apparently something is only considered alive to you, when it can survive outside the mother. You have no idea how many people have died because of your delusional perception of what constitutes a living human being, and you probably never will. People like you who advocate abortion are guilty of supporting the deaths of more babies than will ever be known. All future deaths through abortion are on the heads of you and your fellow Liberals. Probably not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday you, and those like you, will have to answer for every single one.
I never said that nor do I believe that. Don't put words in my mouth.
You certainly haven't shown otherwise. The government shouldn't be allowed to define life for us.
Yes and the government shouldn't be telling women what to do with her bodies.
It's a separate body, and murdering that separate body is not a right. In fact, murdering that separate body is a removal of rights from another person. Every American citizen has a right to live, and allowing a woman to murder the baby growing inside her is an infringement on that right.
Damn that's sad... They have a horrible problem over there :-/

Can you imagine the body count if anybody was aloud to walk into a gun store in Chicago and buy an uzi? do you think it would go down, up, or be the same?

If they could pass a background check, I don't see any up or down to it.
Thats not real... family's don't get into shootouts with burglars. Usually the cock of a shotgun does the trick.
So, it's automatically false because you never had to do it? That only means it hasn't happened yet. you're delusional. You have no idea when you or someone else will need one, and not having one could cost lives.
Has anybody ever needed one?!? It's a bs argument... Perhaps they need land mines they can surround their house with to keep the robbers out?

Its a pretty common sense argument to look at guns like that and know that they should not be sold in a gun store to Joe Blow... Give them a special classification and sell them to people who have earned the correct license to carry weapons like that... regardless they require a much higher level of responsibility than the average riffle and hand guns.
It's highly unlikely that people haven't needed them, and even if they didn't need them for criminals, they need them for protection from a tyrannical government, and even automatic weapons probably wouldn't be enough for that.

No, it shows you lack common sense. Not only do all Americans have a right to bear arms, for protection from criminals and a tyrannical government, but I also think it's silly to need a classification for it, because the government would likely choose said classification, which would be like asking the enemy to choose who can be armed.
You did say one thing right, there would be no chance to fight against our military so you can cross that one off the list... That said we need to keep our streets safe and putting large ammo capacity weapons with rapid fire capability is just not going to produce a safer environment no matter how you try and spin it.
Okay, I'm getting really sick of this ignorant remark you keep making. Criminals will get these weapons regardless of whether we want them to or not, absolutely nothing the government does will stop it, especially not creating new laws, as the people who follow laws are not criminals, by definition, criminals do not follow the law. They'd only be weakening law-abiding citizens, and making them easier targets for criminals. You don't seem to understand what a criminal is. Gun laws only increase crime rates, and that has been proven every time any have been enacted.
Some criminals will get whatever gun they want, yes, but also some wont. Some don't have a criminal history and will walk into a gun store and legally buy what they can. Some have been collecting guns for years and haven't snapped yet... not all people know Johnny Criminal the illegal arms dealer who can hook them up with anything they want. These "some" that im talking about... When they do snap, or when they do commit crimes and they dig into their gun collection or go to the gun store to load up I hope they only have a low capacity hand guns or riffles... Because if they have some of the modified semi-autos or autos that i've seen, then whoever they snap on is in big trouble. Yes if they try hard enough then they can probably get one... some will, some won't and will just use what they have or can easily get.

It's these "Some" that these laws can limit... its this limit that equates to saved lives and less damage.
What's my definition of life?
Apparently something is only considered alive to you, when it can survive outside the mother. You have no idea how many people have died because of your delusional perception of what constitutes a living human being, and you probably never will. People like you who advocate abortion are guilty of supporting the deaths of more babies than will ever be known. All future deaths through abortion are on the heads of you and your fellow Liberals. Probably not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday you, and those like you, will have to answer for every single one.
I never said that nor do I believe that. Don't put words in my mouth.
You certainly haven't shown otherwise. The government shouldn't be allowed to define life for us.
Yes and the government shouldn't be telling women what to do with her bodies.
It's a separate body, and murdering that separate body is not a right. In fact, murdering that separate body is a removal of rights from another person. Every American citizen has a right to live, and allowing a woman to murder the baby growing inside her is an infringement on that right.
It's not a separate body until a certain point... Take it out early and it is just a blob of snot in a petri dish

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