Which Of These Directly Due To Democrat Party???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY













Every single one of 'em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They always try to claim the Dems shut down the US in 2020, they seem to forget who was president and who shut down the feds and the states followed.
And had he not, people like you would be screaming all the more louder about how many deaths he caused by not shutting down the government. Democrats are dishonest.
And had he not, people like you would be screaming all the more louder about how many deaths he caused by not shutting down the government. Democrats are dishonest.
I thought it was a stupid move but I am not the wealthy elite that makes those decisions. Democrats and Repubs are dishonest.
Wholesale Commodity Prices Rise An Astronomical 23.4% Year-over-Year
Largest increase in 75 Years

"We don’t really care if June marked the inflation peak or not. Yesterday’s revelation that wholesale (PPI) commodity prices rose by 23.4% on a Y/Y basis in June is the far more important data point. As it happens, that was the highest gain since the 28.9% Y/Y increase posted 75-years ago (June 1947) as the […]"

Do you recall how often you posted as counter to someone who had a very differrent opinion....but you still thought them to be intelligent?
And, of course, I'm not referring to the two above who lie as often as they breath.

There are posters that were formerly respected....and believed to be insightful
We now have proof that that is not the case......here is a poster I believed had judgement.....but he actually claimed that the policies of a candidate are unimportant.

Now....looking at the result of his vote for Democrats we see how egregiously ignorant that individual is....but that he lackss the integrity to view the morass he created, and admit the error.
I bet he'd vote Democrat again.....and he is not the only one.

Me: I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Toro: “This isn't about policies.
Trump and his cult are attacking the fundamental premise of the republic and the sovereign will of the people. It's a disgrace.”
Why We Lost America….
post #21

The real disgrace is his ideological blindness.
Name anything Democrat policies have improved.
Gas prices, impacting everything that is transported, caused the inflation.

Democrat polices from day one......those executive orders.......gave us this unlivable burder of hidden taxes......and Americans know it.

"....we asked 1,643 adults across America to consider the following statement: “President Biden has said that record-high gasoline and electricity prices are necessary for meeting his goal of eliminating fossil fuels in the U.S. to fight climate change.”

Respondents were then asked to respond to a question with five choices: “Would you say you:

1.) Agree with Biden’s climate change policy, even if it means higher energy prices.

2.) Disagree with Biden’s policy, and want more energy produced to decrease prices.

3.) Don’t think global climate change should be a U.S. policy priority.

4.) I don’t believe in climate change.

5.) Not sure.

The answer that came back loud and clear will not be comforting to either Biden or his Democratic Party advisers: Just 32% of those answering the poll, which has a margin of error of +/-2.5 percentage points, said they support Biden’s climate change policy even if it means higher energy prices.

But a far larger majority of 57% answered in the negative. They either said they disagreed with his policies and want more and cheaper energy (41%), or don’t think climate change should be a U.S. policy priority (10%), or don’t even believe that the climate is changing (6%).


Don't let them fool you into believing that it is Biden's fault.

Clearly this dunce cannot come up with policy.....or even what he'll have for lunch.

It is Democrat Policy.

When they put the next Marxist up for election, trying to get you to believe it will be different.....remember this:

Do you recall how often you posted as counter to someone who had a very different opinion....but you still thought them to be intelligent? ...We now have proof that that is not the case......here is a poster I believed had judgement.....but he actually claimed that the policies of a candidate are unimportant. Now....looking at the result of his vote for Democrats we see how egregiously ignorant that individual is....but that he lacks the integrity to view the morass he created, and admit the error.
I bet he'd vote Democrat again.....and he is not the only one.
Toro: “This isn't about policies. Trump and his cult are attacking the fundamental premise of the republic and the sovereign will of the people. It's a disgrace.”
The real disgrace is his ideological blindness.
The child by the seaside
While St. Augustine was working on his book On the Trinity, he was walking by the seaside one day, meditating on the difficult problem of how God could be three Persons at once. He came upon a little child. The child had dug a hole in the sand, and with a small seashell was scooping water from the sea and pouring it into the hole. Augustine watched him for a while and finally asked the child what he was doing. The child answered that he wanted to scoop all the water from the sea and pour it into the hole in the sand. ‘What?’ Augustine said. ‘That is impossible. Obviously, the sea is too large and the hole too small.’ ‘Indeed,’ said the child, ‘but I will sooner draw all the water from the sea and empty it into this hole than you will succeed in penetrating the mystery of the Holy Trinity with your limited understanding.’ Augustine turned away in amazement and when he looked back the child had disappeared.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
And now here you are trying to explain to us how a rational intelligent man can not only defend the wiles and creeds of the democrat party, but actually believe they are good for America. That task is just as impossible as Augustine’s endeavor.

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