Which one?

Ahahahhaaa.....hahahhaaa....ahem.....OK, you left out Rand. I truly think he's the most rational.
Rubio can't do a Republican response without a bottle of water.
Romney is an elitist.
Christie can't control his pie hole.
Bush...No more dynasties, please.
Carson. Sociopathic Uncle Tom.
You forgot the guy who is polling best...oops, no you got him. Sorry
Rand/Ryan ticket then? Or Rubio/Rand? Ryan/Rubio?

Which scenario floats yer boats?
Oops. Rand. Sorry...forgot him.
Romney is beating them all in the polls...
I like Romney. Sorta. But I don't like the dog in the cage on the roof thing...I don't like his idiotic bully sons...I don't like him not having a clue what its like to not have money or be privileged...and I don't think I would like him as a president. He is too wishywashy. Likable, but...nah. He's too much like Obama. Charismatic but clueless does not a POTUS make.
Oops. Rand. Sorry...forgot him.
Romney is beating them all in the polls...
I like Romney. Sorta. But I don't like the dog in the cage on the roof thing...I don't like his idiotic bully sons...I don't like him not having a clue what its like to not have money or be privileged...and I don't think I would like him as a president. He is too wishywashy. Likable, but...nah. He's too much like Obama. Charismatic but clueless does not a POTUS make.

Hillary destroys them all.
Oops. Rand. Sorry...forgot him.
Romney is beating them all in the polls...
I like Romney. Sorta. But I don't like the dog in the cage on the roof thing...I don't like his idiotic bully sons...I don't like him not having a clue what its like to not have money or be privileged...and I don't think I would like him as a president. He is too wishywashy. Likable, but...nah. He's too much like Obama. Charismatic but clueless does not a POTUS make.
One does not have to experience poverty to understand poverty and the woes attached to it. We have seen Romney in action. He took a bleeding Olympics and turned it around. He had never experienced a bleeding Olympics before, yet he was able to turn it around anyway. The dog on the roof thing, although is not acceptable today, was acceptable back in the day. There are plenty of politicians on both sides of the aisle that patted a woman's butt back in the day but understand NOW how it is unacceptable. He is not like Obama. Obama uses his charisma to deflect all of his mistakes on others. Romney, by no means, has that reputation. Obama has never shown an ability to work across the aisle. Even when he was a state senator, he only voted party line. Romney worked well with the other side of the aisle while governing Massachusetts.
Oops. Rand. Sorry...forgot him.
Romney is beating them all in the polls...
I like Romney. Sorta. But I don't like the dog in the cage on the roof thing...I don't like his idiotic bully sons...I don't like him not having a clue what its like to not have money or be privileged...and I don't think I would like him as a president. He is too wishywashy. Likable, but...nah. He's too much like Obama. Charismatic but clueless does not a POTUS make.

Hillary destroys them all.
Sure...based on nothing. I haveyet to hear any of her supporters offer me one of her accomplishments. All I hear is "smart, successful, likeable".....Sort of like what we hear about Obama back in 2007.

Sure, she has a strong chance of winning....and we willhave another 4-8 years of "learning what doesn't work"
Wrong question. Which could do better than Hillary is the proper question. And the answer is....any of them.
Oops. Rand. Sorry...forgot him.
Romney is beating them all in the polls...
I like Romney. Sorta. But I don't like the dog in the cage on the roof thing...I don't like his idiotic bully sons...I don't like him not having a clue what its like to not have money or be privileged...and I don't think I would like him as a president. He is too wishywashy. Likable, but...nah. He's too much like Obama. Charismatic but clueless does not a POTUS make.
One does not have to experience poverty to understand poverty and the woes attached to it. We have seen Romney in action. He took a bleeding Olympics and turned it around. He had never experienced a bleeding Olympics before, yet he was able to turn it around anyway. The dog on the roof thing, although is not acceptable today, was acceptable back in the day. There are plenty of politicians on both sides of the aisle that patted a woman's butt back in the day but understand NOW how it is unacceptable. He is not like Obama. Obama uses his charisma to deflect all of his mistakes on others. Romney, by no means, has that reputation. Obama has never shown an ability to work across the aisle. Even when he was a state senator, he only voted party line. Romney worked well with the other side of the aisle while governing Massachusetts.

Poverty, bub, not Olympics or a dog or whatever.

What can he do about poverty and education.

Stop your stupid false comparisons.
Oops. Rand. Sorry...forgot him.
Romney is beating them all in the polls...
I like Romney. Sorta. But I don't like the dog in the cage on the roof thing...I don't like his idiotic bully sons...I don't like him not having a clue what its like to not have money or be privileged...and I don't think I would like him as a president. He is too wishywashy. Likable, but...nah. He's too much like Obama. Charismatic but clueless does not a POTUS make.

Hillary destroys them all.

they'll destroy each other trying to get the nomination, THEN Clinton destroys the winner.
Bush is the only one that stands a chance. I don't think the average voter is as turned off by the "dynasty" aspect of this candidacy as the political wonks are.
Ahahahhaaa.....hahahhaaa....ahem.....OK, you left out Rand. I truly think he's the most rational.
Rubio can't do a Republican response without a bottle of water.
Romney is an elitist.
Christie can't control his pie hole.
Bush...No more dynasties, please.
Carson. Sociopathic Uncle Tom.
All of them better than Obutthurt or Hillary.
Oops. Rand. Sorry...forgot him.
Romney is beating them all in the polls...
I like Romney. Sorta. But I don't like the dog in the cage on the roof thing...I don't like his idiotic bully sons...I don't like him not having a clue what its like to not have money or be privileged...and I don't think I would like him as a president. He is too wishywashy. Likable, but...nah. He's too much like Obama. Charismatic but clueless does not a POTUS make.

Hillary destroys them all.

they'll destroy each other trying to get the nomination, THEN Clinton destroys the winner.
Dream on, that witch would be worse, if that is possible, than the idiot in office now.
Bush is the only one that stands a chance. I don't think the average voter is as turned off by the "dynasty" aspect of this candidacy as the political wonks are.

Rasmussen has Jeb 7 percentage points behind Willard as of TODAY. (whatever that means when the candidates announce their intentions)
Oops. Rand. Sorry...forgot him.
Romney is beating them all in the polls...
I like Romney. Sorta. But I don't like the dog in the cage on the roof thing...I don't like his idiotic bully sons...I don't like him not having a clue what its like to not have money or be privileged...and I don't think I would like him as a president. He is too wishywashy. Likable, but...nah. He's too much like Obama. Charismatic but clueless does not a POTUS make.

Hillary destroys them all.

they'll destroy each other trying to get the nomination, THEN Clinton destroys the winner.
Dream on, that witch would be worse, if that is possible, than the idiot in office now.

that IDIOT in Office beat Willard exactly the way I said the republican candidates will destroy themselves in 2016 ...no dream about it
Is it democracy when your selection of tyrants are chosen for you?

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