Which political party is more likely to spawn WW3? (Poll)

Which party, R or D, is more likely to trigger WW3 after winning the 2024 election?

  • Republicans

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • Democrats

    Votes: 17 51.5%
  • WW3 is very unlikely due to the economic destruction (lose-lose outcome)

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • WW3 is probable due to a convergence of circumstances beyond control of the US

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • Other. See my post.

    Votes: 1 3.0%

  • Total voters
And the head of the “America First” was one of the guys who employed Chinese folks to make his clothes. Globalization isn’t going away--for better or for worse.

Far cry from being “destroyed”. Why’d you lie about that if you knew the above when you said they were “destroyed”?

We’ll see what happens. If you were to actually watch the tape of your blob talking about negotiating the civil war, perhaps you’d have 2nd thoughts about your confidence. You were also confident that the GOP was going to retake the Senate in 2022. How’d it go?
1. I'm fine with China making sneakers and clothes. I object to them making critical or classified components.
2. I should have said destroyed the "Caliphate", which is true.
3. No one said we'd take the senate in 2022. We will take it in 2024, the dems have too many seats to protect, OH, WV, AZ, MT.
The 'red wave" didn't happen in 2022 because women were pissed about RvW being overturned. But the GOP took the House back.
Why didn't Trump remove the equipment in September 2020 when he removed most of the troops?
They were technically the AFG army's. Ask the Pentagon why they had so much.
Hmmm I guess nobody can explain how the GOP picked up seats when the Democrats were supposedly cheating.
Because most of the voter fraud ballots only had president Biden picked.
Explain why voters would only pick the president? Think hard.
1. I'm fine with China making sneakers and clothes. I object to them making critical or classified components.
Amazingly the folks who would have had. the jobs Trump shipped over seas do care.
2. I should have said destroyed the "Caliphate", which is true.
Just as ridiculous. 19 terrorists brought the nation to it’s knees...no caliphate involved.
3. No one said we'd take the senate in 2022.
You did.
We will take it in 2024, the dems have too many seats to protect, OH, WV, AZ, MT.
The 'red wave" didn't happen in 2022 because women were pissed about RvW being overturned. But the GOP took the House back.
How’s that working out for you? Government up and running, no impeachment proceedings (yet), getting ready to cave on the 2nd CR if that hasn’t happened already.
Because most of the voter fraud ballots only had president Biden picked.
Explain why voters would only pick the president? Think hard.
Any reputable source to back that up? Since there was no massive voter fraud that has been proven...this will be great to see a reputable source that gets this granular.

But amaze us all and bring fourth the proof!
Perceived weakness usually starts wars when a thug nation goes too far

The most likely thug right now is communist china, and the flashpoint is Taiwan

Biden looks weak and that invites china to make a move
Biden does not look weak to China in the slightest. You do, though, because your big talk has only a very tiny you know behind it.
Amazingly the folks who would have had. the jobs Trump shipped over seas do care.

Just as ridiculous. 19 terrorists brought the nation to it’s knees...no caliphate involved.

You did.

How’s that working out for you? Government up and running, no impeachment proceedings (yet), getting ready to cave on the 2nd CR if that hasn’t happened already.
1. So how many factories did Trump ship overseas? Hint: zero

2. The US wasn't brought to its knees dumbass. We rebuilt a better tower.

3. Fetterman beat Dr. Oz, & Hershel lost. Not earth shattering. I still think that Dr Oz is more knowledgeable than "hoodie" Fetterman. Low-IQ voters can vote for whomever they want. Point being, are voters happy with democrat policies? I think they have voter remorse.

4. Don't gloat. I can't help that only 8 Republicans in the House have scrotum.
Biden does not look weak to China in the slightest. You do, though, because your big talk has only a very tiny you know behind it.
I dont think the chicoms are monitoring me as closely as the watch biden

Biden looks very weak to everyone except his most faithful followers and I’m sure the enemy notices that
They are both bound to the notion of never ending war and WWIII is just another political opportunity.
...a link from 2019:
Moreover, China—largely a third party during the Cold War—has emerged as the U.S.'s foremost economic challenger, and has answered Russia's calls for closer ties, including in the military realm.

So in 2019 China didn't make the list of threats to start WW3. Has China's threats to take Taiwan moved the needle closer to WW3 now?
North Korea is now making aggressive threats against South Korea. NK should have been on the list.

This thread wants to discuss the probability of WW3 based on which party is in the Whitehouse.

1. If Joe Biden wins a 2nd term: (I don't see Michele Obama or Gavin Newsome replacing Biden so late in the cycle)
Biden's WH is less likely to take action to limit aggressive moves by aggressor nations, like Russia in Ukraine, China in Taiwan, NK against SK, or Iran in the ME. The formation of the BRIC nations has limited the US as far as imposing crippling sanctions on aggressor nations, leaving limited military action as the only punishing action available. The US is NOT the world's policeman. The feckless UN is no help either.

2. If Trump, Nikki Haley, or Ron Desantis win the Whitehouse in 2024:
Would Republican foreign policies be more aggressive toward aggressor nations?
Would the Republican led US make the world safer or would they move the world closer to WW3?

Which party, R or D, is more likely to trigger WW3 after winning the 2024 election?
With the exception of George W. Bush who was far more Democrat than Republican in his policies and philosophies--he was more like JFK--Republicans are far more likely to hit strategically and then withdraw completely. Think Granada, Libya, Panama. Clinton tended to do that as well but with less purpose in mind and with more U.S. casualties. Think Somalia.

I do know that it was under Donald J. Trump that we had the closest thing to World Peace that any of us have ever known. If he was in the White House now I am quite certain that Russia would never have invaded the Ukraine. China, North Korea, Iran wouldn't be saber rattling. Hamas would not have attacked Israel. And our military wouldn't be 'woke' but would be strong, well equipped, and combat ready so that nobody would dare mess with us or assume we would not retaliate for their military aggression against others.
I dont think the chicoms are monitoring me as closely as the watch biden

Biden looks very weak to everyone except his most faithful followers and I’m sure the enemy notices that
That is what going through your little tiny mind. Hold that thought. Concentrate on it.
1. So how many factories did Trump ship overseas? Hint: zero
How many jobs did he send over seas? He hired Chinese folks to make his clothing.
2. The US wasn't brought to its knees dumbass. We rebuilt a better tower.
Another area where you’re wrong. The point is that occupying land and a “caliphate” is something you’re putting out there as a straw man to prop up you’re blob’s miserable failures.
3. Fetterman beat Dr. Oz, & Hershel lost. Not earth shattering. I still think that Dr Oz is more knowledgeable than "hoodie" Fetterman. Low-IQ voters can vote for whomever they want. Point being, are voters happy with democrat policies? I think they have voter remorse.
Yeah, you also “think” there was massive voter fraud but there is zero proof of it.
Point being your thoughts are straight out of a meth den.
4. Don't gloat. I can't help that only 8 Republicans in the House have scrotum.
Wow, that must be disappointing to find that your political party has men with no scrotums ...

PS your blob authorized every CR that came across his desk eventually. I’m sure you’ve checked personally...how is his scrotum?
How many jobs did he send over seas? He hired Chinese folks to make his clothing.

Another area where you’re wrong. The point is that occupying land and a “caliphate” is something you’re putting out there as a straw man to prop up you’re blob’s miserable failures.

Yeah, you also “think” there was massive voter fraud but there is zero proof of it.
Point being your thoughts are straight out of a meth den.

Wow, that must be disappointing to find that your political party has men with no scrotums ...

PS your blob authorized every CR that came across his desk eventually. I’m sure you’ve checked personally...how is his scrotum?
1. I'm fine having Chinese make clothes, as long as we make the hi-tech stuff.

2. Obama let ISIS expand to the size of PA. Trump killed the Caliphate.
Obama let the Caliphate expand to the size of PA. Trump killed it.

3. I looked at the total votes in 2020.
Trump got 11,000,000 more than in 2016 and lost???
Biden got 81m legit votes???? My ass.

4. Keep hope alive! The House will seal the border! (i hope, otherwise they don't have dicks or scrotum)
1. I'm fine having Chinese make clothes, as long as we make the hi-tech stuff.
Again, are the Americans who lost jobs because he didn’t have his stuff made here okay with it?
2. Obama let ISIS expand to the size of PA. Trump killed the Caliphate.
View attachment 886152 Obama let the Caliphate expand to the size of PA. Trump killed it.
LOL...As has been proven time and again, he didn’t “kill” anything. ISIS was still around in 2020.

Besides, again, Terrorists do not hold ground. Again...your straw man has gone up in flames.
3. I looked at the total votes in 2020.
Trump got 11,000,000 more than in 2016 and lost???
Biden got 81m legit votes???? My ass.
Well, your ass is your business. People counted the votes. Your blob lost.
4. Keep hope alive! The House will seal the border! (i hope, otherwise they don't have dicks or scrotum)
You’re spending way too much time thinking about male genitalia. Envious?
Again, are the Americans who lost jobs because he didn’t have his stuff made here okay with it?

LOL...As has been proven time and again, he didn’t “kill” anything. ISIS was still around in 2020.
Besides, again, Terrorists do not hold ground. Again...your straw man has gone up in flames.

Well, your ass is your business. People counted the votes. Your blob lost.

You’re spending way too much time thinking about male genitalia. Envious?
1. Prove any Americans LOST their job because Trump had ties made in China

2. Trump killed the Caliphate that Obama let grow. That is a fact.

3. Just sayin' smells like voter fraud

4. Hope the House GOP grows a few hairs on their butts and says "no money until the border is sealed"

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