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Which single issue hands the midterms to the GOP?

No because allowing children to vote would give us a single-party government forever. You don't think these kids are being indoctrinated as early as high school?

There's this thing called parental responsibility. I taught my kids about life, people and some of the more important aspects of being an adult. Things that they don't teach you in school.
Like how the republicans and democrats have been screwing "we the people" for way too long.
Our two party system is chosen by the people. We have third party candidates all the time, but they barely get 1% of the vote. You are not going to change that and neither am I. Yes, you can throw your vote away by using that option, but in the end you might as well just stay home instead of wasting your time.

If you voted for Trump, you threw you vote away. Those who voted for Hillary in 2016, threw their vote away. We have a two party system because the media, paid for by the two party system, doesn't give any 3rd party candidate the time of day. That is, unless they make a goof. Then it's a major headline.
The only possible way to change the system is to have in person voting with the mandate of taking a short but extremely simple test before being allowed to vote. That would assure us that only informed voters vote and not the Obama Money people choosing our leaders. How did Biden win? That's how. Mail-in voting drew in more of those people and they voted on personality instead of accomplishments. Trump has so many accomplishments they are too long to list. Biden on the other hand spent nearly a half-decade in our federal government and accomplished nothing.

There's no way to change the system. Because it's locked down. Even delegates at the national convention aren't allowed to change anything important.
Lies? Can you name me the last presidential candidate or President that didn't lie? It's not lying that's killing us, it's what they lie about. Telling us we have the best economy of all time is much different because it hurts nobody over changing our entire healthcare system with lies that never came true.

Yes, I can give you a few. All of which were thrown under the bus by their party and the media.
Tulsi Gabbard
Ron Paul
Rand Paul
Dennis Kucinich
Reagan increased tax revenues by cutting taxes actually. Look it up.
As for the increased spending? Spending is controlled by Congress. Congress was controlled by Tip O'Neil.

And approved by the president.

First off, I support tax cuts. Every president since Reagan cut taxes. Including Obama. That's a good thing. I'm about 98% against "income tax." I think it's ridiculous that we have to pay the government because we work.
A substantial tax cut would consist of about 95% income tax cuts. Not these BS 3.5% cuts we've seen since Reagan. Reagan’s 1981 tax cut was 2.89 percent of GDP. And extra 5% in my pocket, with every paycheck, wasn't enough to sneeze at. For a corporation, who's tax cuts were bigger, had an impact. It allowed the companies to hire more people and still have the same amount of profit. <<<<That's a good thing.
But for the most part, a tax cut for small company, isn't the reason why they hire new employee's.
Capitalism and the free market is the major reasons why new companies start up, why new employee's get hired. It's personal decisions of individuals with an opportunity to make a profit.
Not what the government is doing. A little 5% tax cut. blah blah blah blah blah.
We don't "let" them do anything. They are simply held responsible for their criminal actions. None of those kids ever get the death penalty no matter how hideous the crime.
Nobody should get the death penalty, PERIOD. That we were until recently one of the few nations that executed people for crimes committed as minors was disgraceful.

So what does that have to do with it? As I stated earlier nobody politically ignorant should be voting in the first place. That's why I said if it were up to me, you'd have to pass a test first before being allowed to vote, and you'd have to vote in person.

I am sure you miss the good old days of Jim Crow, Welfare Ray.

If people aren't seeing things your way, either you are doing a bad job of explaining your positions, or your positions kind of suck.

Given Republicans fuck things up every time they are left in charge, I'm going with the latter.
If you voted for Trump, you threw you vote away. Those who voted for Hillary in 2016, threw their vote away. We have a two party system because the media, paid for by the two party system, doesn't give any 3rd party candidate the time of day. That is, unless they make a goof. Then it's a major headline.

Or has it occurred to you that most third parties are fringe characters?

Let's review, shall we?

1948 - Thurmond was a racist and Henry Wallace was a Commie.
1968 - George Wallace was a racist
1980 - John Anderson was kind of a fringe nut.
1992&1996 - Ross Perot was clearly mentally ill... but had a lot of money
2000 - Ralph Nader was a enviro-nut, and Pat Buchanan was a Nazi
2016- Jill Stein was a commie and Gary Johnson was high on dope. When your presidential candidate has to promise he won't smoke dope around the nukes, you really don't have a lot of credibility.

Yes, I can give you a few. All of which were thrown under the bus by their party and the media.
Tulsi Gabbard
Ron Paul
Rand Paul
Dennis Kucinich

You mean people who were nuts? Yes, thankfully our system is very good at weeding out the nuts.

2016 was the one time that failed.
And approved by the president.

First off, I support tax cuts. Every president since Reagan cut taxes. Including Obama. That's a good thing. I'm about 98% against "income tax." I think it's ridiculous that we have to pay the government because we work.
A substantial tax cut would consist of about 95% income tax cuts. Not these BS 3.5% cuts we've seen since Reagan. Reagan’s 1981 tax cut was 2.89 percent of GDP. And extra 5% in my pocket, with every paycheck, wasn't enough to sneeze at. For a corporation, who's tax cuts were bigger, had an impact. It allowed the companies to hire more people and still have the same amount of profit. <<<<That's a good thing.
But for the most part, a tax cut for small company, isn't the reason why they hire new employee's.
Capitalism and the free market is the major reasons why new companies start up, why new employee's get hired. It's personal decisions of individuals with an opportunity to make a profit.
Not what the government is doing. A little 5% tax cut. blah blah blah blah blah.
Are you seriously claiming that Obama was a tax cutter?
And approved by the president.

First off, I support tax cuts. Every president since Reagan cut taxes. Including Obama. That's a good thing. I'm about 98% against "income tax." I think it's ridiculous that we have to pay the government because we work.
A substantial tax cut would consist of about 95% income tax cuts. Not these BS 3.5% cuts we've seen since Reagan. Reagan’s 1981 tax cut was 2.89 percent of GDP. And extra 5% in my pocket, with every paycheck, wasn't enough to sneeze at. For a corporation, who's tax cuts were bigger, had an impact. It allowed the companies to hire more people and still have the same amount of profit. <<<<That's a good thing.
But for the most part, a tax cut for small company, isn't the reason why they hire new employee's.
Capitalism and the free market is the major reasons why new companies start up, why new employee's get hired. It's personal decisions of individuals with an opportunity to make a profit.
Not what the government is doing. A little 5% tax cut. blah blah blah blah blah.
Companies hire when they see the potential for profit by growing...when government does things to lessen that potential then companies don't hire. New companies don't start up when there isn't a strong opportunity to make money. Reagan grasped that concept. Joe Biden and people like "The Squad" don't have a clue about how businesses work! Biden brags about being from Delaware which is headquarters to numerous companies because of their tax laws but doesn't seem to understand WHY they are there!
For those playing along at home, Ray collects disability from the government even though he is perfectly capable of getting on a computer and working around the house. But the Obama-phone lady is bad because she takes advantage of a program started by Reagan to get access to a phone.

Again, they did that... they were called literacy tests and they were used to disenfranchise blacks. The real problem isn't that people aren't informed. The real problem is that most Americans really have no business voting Republican. You don't make enough money to vote Republican, and neither do I. they look at your disability payment (which only exists because Democrats fought for it) and think, "Some Poor rich person is being denied a Dressage Horse because we are paying for these malingerers."

Biden did just as well in states that allowed mail in voting as he did in states that didn't allow it. The problem wasn't that people liked Biden, it was that Trump fucked up everything so badly, he had to go.

In terms of raw percentages, Trump got the same percentage that he got in 2016, and Biden only did slightly better than Hillary because the people who voted third party last time didn't this time. (It helped that the Libertarian and Green parties ran non-entities this time to not get accused of giving us Trump).

You are full of shit as always. Trump gained 7 million more voters than he did the first time he ran. If Trump fucked things up so badly, Biden is fucking them up worse and every statistic supports that. We ran out of test kits in the middle of this. We are being warned that we may run out of masks soon. People vote Republican because they are against Communism and Socialism. Only real Americans vote Republican which you are not.

And for those playing, I am on disability. I'm dying of cancer and the doctors say I have between one and three years left on this planet. But lowlifes like fake resume writer Joe calls me a malingerer. He says I collect welfare. I should be working this mythical computer job even though I must spend 1/2 to 3/4 of my waking hours in bed. These are the scum that are running our country right now. Think about that.

Except the people didn't choose the two-party system, it evolved as a result of the Electoral College. If you go back to the 19th century, there were a dozen or so third parties, but most of them never got much traction beyond one election because the EC makes it impossible for them to win the presidency.

Full of shit again. We had the electoral college since this country was founded. Nothing changed. People don't want third parties.

You probably have a point there, just not the one you think. If the GOP didn't have racism and homophobia to run on, they wouldn't get any votes at all. These young kids don't grow up with that. It's not just the schools telling them these things are wrong, it's the culture at large. And while you won't openly say the N-word or the other F-word aloud, right wingers of your generation still think them.

Trump was the last desperate gasp of White Grievance Politics... future generations will look back and wonder what we were thinking.

You elected a person that said the most racist things during his political career than any politician that ever ran for President in our lifetime. Only a real racist would vote for somebody like that.

The changes in the Health Care system never happened because we didn't change it that much. The problems with ACA could have been solved with a Public Option and a Medicare Buy in for people over 55. Your side blocked those things.

Of course, millions DID benefit from ACA, but Ray doesn't want to talk about them.

And you don't want to talk about the millions that got screwed by it.
You don't know what you're talking about. Do you really believe the GOP set the election for Trump to win? No possible way. Many in the Republican party didn't like Trump either. They would have sooner rigged the election for an establishment if they were going to rig it at all.

Yes, I firmly believe that. For the simple fact that the media covered Trumps every move. When someone isn't supposed to advance to front runner status, in the primaries, the media ignores you.
Obviously, the MSM have to give them all at least a little air time. But when it comes to the "chosen" one, they dedicate most of their air time on the one that's the party leaders have chosen, before the primaries are done.
Fact No one cared about Biden, until the media started pushing him as the front runner.
It's very likely that Trump only pretended to have so many enemies in the GOP.
Not hard to do. The party just has to pay attention to social media and figure out what everyone else is saying, then put it in a candidates speeches. Trump admitted that much. That he had a team of people who closely monitored social media and political forums. Easy peasy, japaneasy.

While the Republicans can't brag about their spending, they still needed Democrat support to get their bills through. That meant you couldn't write them off completely. You had to give them goodies they wanted as well. And who outside of President Trump attacked the border problem so aggressively? Who called out China and their unfair trade practices? Who lowered taxes for not only our businesses, but our citizens as well?

You can make speeches about anything. Obviously, you're not going to focus on things that no one cares about. But then again, you can take an issue that no one cares about, and make it important to the people. The media does that all the time.
Example: George Floyd. No one gave a shit about violent druggy thug, until the media continued to report on it.
Did anyone really care about the refugee's coming from South America? No, not really. It only became important when the media and people like Trump continued to talk about it. Suddenly, through some sort of psych-ops brainwashing, we're all like "Oh wow, that's important."

The media is how and why we have only two sides. And those of us who don't subscribe to either side are seen by those who have chosen a side as wrong. As you said, "You don't know what you're talking about."

I know enough to know that the right and the left have been manipulated into thinking that unimportant things are important. Even though they never gave a thought to a particular subject, until the media aired something about it, and backed it up with some politicians take on it. Then had a guest or two comment on that subject. Then ran it over and over and over, until it became important.
As in the debt, the middle east politics, Russia, abortion and 90% of all the other "hot topics" that are spewed 24/7 in the news, social media, political forums and radio talk shows & bloggers.
Did your life actually change when the debt went from $20 trillion to $30 trillion?
Did it change when some supposed terrorist was killed in the middle east, or some peace agreement was made over there?
Did it change when some state created some new abortion law?
No, none of that matters to us, until some outside source makes us think it's important.

So when some news person says "Let's go Brandon," it was a clear goof. That sparked an emotion. And because we're so manipulated into thinking our side is better, "Let's go Brandon" became a national headline.
And for the left, it should've been a wake up call as to how their side's news organization is bias and lie's. But they're manipulated to.
When Biden said that getting the vaccine would keep you from spreading covid, because the left is manipulated, they repeated that BS, until so many others proved him wrong.

So yes, it does make a difference. Imagine if Trump were President this past year. We'd be living in an entirely different country right now.

No we wouldn't. Biden hasn't changed enough of anything for most of us to recognize any actual changes. We still get up, go to work, come home, eat, shower and go to bed. In fact, most of the policies that Trump implemented are still in effect. It takes at least 2 years for any new policy to really show up.
This economy, the inflation and things that pertain to it, are the effects of Trump, Pelosi and McConnell's laws, regulations and policies that were enacted a year or more ago.
Example: HW said "No new taxes." But because of all the spending that went on during the Reagan years, they decided to give us a new tax. Why? Because all the new spending, created a bubble that burst. And to at least try counter the effects (back when they actually cared a little about the debt).
Now they don't even care. Trump and Pelosi eliminated the debt ceiling for 2 years, so the media couldn't report on it. Manipulation.
For those playing along at home, Ray collects disability from the government even though he is perfectly capable of getting on a computer and working around the house. But the Obama-phone lady is bad because she takes advantage of a program started by Reagan to get access to a phone.

Why TF even bring that up, drah? That's a low fucking blow. Completely childish and irrelevant. And makes you look like a POS snake in the grass. A real scum of the earth.

You've totally lost any respect and credibility. In fact, that kind of BS should get you banned.
You do realize that going to the DMV is a pain in the ass and not everyone can go there every time they move.

I moved back in November, I am STILL waiting for my updated driver's license.

Being a pain in the ass, doesn't force them to not go. Even if you have to stand in line for hours. We all have to do it. So it's no excuse. For fucks sakes, some old woman ran into my semi a few years ago. She was in her 80's and had just had her license renewed. So obviously, even the elderly can do it.
Black folks have been doing it for decades, same as whites.
So you're BS is just that.
And even more so, that you post other posters personal information. What a POS you are for doing that.
It‘s inflation - both it’s actual impact on working and middle class people as well as the WH’s sometimes cavalier altitude toward it. (“Big deal. So your turkey will cost an extra $1.”)
I think Biden will get lucky and inflation won't be so bad six months from now.

Border security is the issue that will sink Biden. He stopped the border wall construction.
Companies hire when they see the potential for profit by growing...when government does things to lessen that potential then companies don't hire. New companies don't start up when there isn't a strong opportunity to make money. Reagan grasped that concept. Joe Biden and people like "The Squad" don't have a clue about how businesses work! Biden brags about being from Delaware which is headquarters to numerous companies because of their tax laws but doesn't seem to understand WHY they are there!

Obviously no one is going into business when there's no sign of a profit. Duh!!!!! Does the market need X? Can I provide X? Can I make a profit from X? If the answer is yes, and one has the resources, then the business gets started (or expanded to meet that demand). Business 101.
And only when it's government jobs, does anyone start a business with government contracts, unless the government is going to pay.

I've never started a business based on the decisions, policies and regulations of any president. And 99% of all other business's didn't either.
You're trying to make it sound like government is the reason why so many people go into business for themselves. And that's just no so. Not even close. Most business owners could care less about what the government is doing. And you damn well know it.
For the most part, most people aren't political.
So please just stop with this BS.
When I bought my first semi, I didn't care who the president was or which party was in the majority. When I opened my small engine business, I didn't care about that either. Every job I ever took, I took because I alone wanted to. Not because of who was president.
99% of the people in this country, their lives don't revolve around politics.
If you voted for Trump, you threw you vote away. Those who voted for Hillary in 2016, threw their vote away. We have a two party system because the media, paid for by the two party system, doesn't give any 3rd party candidate the time of day. That is, unless they make a goof. Then it's a major headline.

How did I throw away my vote? I won and you lost. Who threw their vote away now?

There's no way to change the system. Because it's locked down. Even delegates at the national convention aren't allowed to change anything important.

Nothing is locked down. Nobody votes third party, that's just the reality of it.
Yes, I firmly believe that. For the simple fact that the media covered Trumps every move. When someone isn't supposed to advance to front runner status, in the primaries, the media ignores you.
Obviously, the MSM have to give them all at least a little air time. But when it comes to the "chosen" one, they dedicate most of their air time on the one that's the party leaders have chosen, before the primaries are done.
Fact No one cared about Biden, until the media started pushing him as the front runner.
It's very likely that Trump only pretended to have so many enemies in the GOP.
Not hard to do. The party just has to pay attention to social media and figure out what everyone else is saying, then put it in a candidates speeches. Trump admitted that much. That he had a team of people who closely monitored social media and political forums. Easy peasy, japaneasy.

The GOP could care less about media attention. Trump got coverage because he was entertaining. The GOP allowed the process to go through but never interfered in the process, but that doesn't mean they wanted him as their candidate. The GOP is still establishment controlled and would rather have somebody in there much less controversial like boring Jeb.

You can make speeches about anything. Obviously, you're not going to focus on things that no one cares about. But then again, you can take an issue that no one cares about, and make it important to the people. The media does that all the time.
Example: George Floyd. No one gave a shit about violent druggy thug, until the media continued to report on it.
Did anyone really care about the refugee's coming from South America? No, not really. It only became important when the media and people like Trump continued to talk about it. Suddenly, through some sort of psych-ops brainwashing, we're all like "Oh wow, that's important."

A lot of Americans cared about the border problem long before Trump came along. But Donald Trump said what people wanted to hear. While his contenders talked about a path to citizenship and immigration reform (which is nothing more than allow more of them in legally) Trump was the only one that spoke out about closing down the border. It's what put him as the front runner and ultimately the winner of that presidency.

No we wouldn't. Biden hasn't changed enough of anything for most of us to recognize any actual changes. We still get up, go to work, come home, eat, shower and go to bed. In fact, most of the policies that Trump implemented are still in effect. It takes at least 2 years for any new policy to really show up.
This economy, the inflation and things that pertain to it, are the effects of Trump, Pelosi and McConnell's laws, regulations and policies that were enacted a year or more ago.
Example: HW said "No new taxes." But because of all the spending that went on during the Reagan years, they decided to give us a new tax. Why? Because all the new spending, created a bubble that burst. And to at least try counter the effects (back when they actually cared a little about the debt).
Now they don't even care. Trump and Pelosi eliminated the debt ceiling for 2 years, so the media couldn't report on it. Manipulation.

Wrong. It was Dementia signing the bill that gave people more money not to work than work that led to our problems. When you pay people not to work, little gets produced. When business has to compete with government for people to work, it creates a labor shortage. It had nothing to do with anybody but Dementia. He caused all these problems today and yes, he reversed nearly every successful border policy put in place by Trump which of course took effect immediately.

If Trump were our President this past year, the bill would have never been signed as he refusd to sign it right until his last day in office. When jobs opened back up people would have had to return to work. That means much less competition that led to overpaying labor to work meaning much less inflation, no labor shortage, and no supply shortage. Our border problem would have remianed stable and that means less time our border patrol would have had to spend baby sitting instead of what they are forced to do today.
It’s not COVID - the issue the Dems used to win last time.

It‘s inflation - both it’s actual impact on working and middle class people as well as the WH’s sometimes cavalier altitude toward it. (“Big deal. So your turkey will cost an extra $1.”)

Everyone agree with me that the issue is inflation?
“Which single issue hands the midterms to the GOP?”

WETBACKS….and it’s not even close.
Well, unless the GOP tucks their tail on the issue since they honestly believe they struck gold in the Hispanic electorate.
You are full of shit as always. Trump gained 7 million more voters than he did the first time he ran. If Trump fucked things up so badly, Biden is fucking them up worse and every statistic supports that. We ran out of test kits in the middle of this. We are being warned that we may run out of masks soon. People vote Republican because they are against Communism and Socialism. Only real Americans vote Republican which you are not.

And for those playing, I am on disability. I'm dying of cancer and the doctors say I have between one and three years left on this planet. But lowlifes like fake resume writer Joe calls me a malingerer. He says I collect welfare. I should be working this mythical computer job even though I must spend 1/2 to 3/4 of my waking hours in bed. These are the scum that are running our country right now. Think about that.

Full of shit again. We had the electoral college since this country was founded. Nothing changed. People don't want third parties.

You elected a person that said the most racist things during his political career than any politician that ever ran for President in our lifetime. Only a real racist would vote for somebody like that.

And you don't want to talk about the millions that got screwed by it.
I am very sorry to hear of your health condition and hope that the end, whenever it comes, is managed so that you aren’t in pain.
The GOP could care less about media attention. Trump got coverage because he was entertaining. The GOP allowed the process to go through but never interfered in the process, but that doesn't mean they wanted him as their candidate. The GOP is still establishment controlled and would rather have somebody in there much less controversial like boring Jeb.

A lot of Americans cared about the border problem long before Trump came along. But Donald Trump said what people wanted to hear. While his contenders talked about a path to citizenship and immigration reform (which is nothing more than allow more of them in legally) Trump was the only one that spoke out about closing down the border. It's what put him as the front runner and ultimately the winner of that presidency.

Wrong. It was Dementia signing the bill that gave people more money not to work than work that led to our problems. When you pay people not to work, little gets produced. When business has to compete with government for people to work, it creates a labor shortage. It had nothing to do with anybody but Dementia. He caused all these problems today and yes, he reversed nearly every successful border policy put in place by Trump which of course took effect immediately.

If Trump were our President this past year, the bill would have never been signed as he refusd to sign it right until his last day in office. When jobs opened back up people would have had to return to work. That means much less competition that led to overpaying labor to work meaning much less inflation, no labor shortage, and no supply shortage. Our border problem would have remianed stable and that means less time our border patrol would have had to spend baby sitting instead of what they are forced to do today.
Yup. Biden is driving inflation from both ends - limiting supply (by disincentivizing workers) and increasing demand (by increasing welfare and giving people more money).

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