Which State Would You Like to Kick Out of the US?

What a dumbass. You think opinions are equal to law and statutes. What a fail turd. If there were a law or statute you would cite it.
:) You are projecting your inability to form an articulate statement. Fact: your opinion on the Constitution is meaningless. Fact: Congress and SCOTUS actions on the Constitution are meaningful.
But your opinion is fact. lol You fail. You cite a case that says a state can secede and you still think your opinion means you're right. Dumb dumb.
I don't have to cite any such case. I don't cite my opinion as fact as you do. But I can cite White v. Texas, which is a fact and shows how meaningless is your opinion.

This is too easy.

White vs Texas was decided by a bunch of hand picked Lincoln cronies. Aside from that, the "logic" of the decision is fatally flawed. Citing that opinion only shows you're a boot licking douche bag or terminally stupid.
Your silly answer is simply silly. Thanks for playing.

translation: You are unable to dispute anything I posted.
bripat the mindlessly chattering chipmunk who just had his tail pulled again
Oh, I see you are still babbling. Tell us what Texas vs. White says, bub.

Your 'constitutionalists' are a hoot to boot.
This is why the stupid vote republican.^^^^^

Seems to me the stupid ones keep voting Democrat. Under Democrat rule the one percenters have always done better than under repub rule. That's a simple fact. Dems have controlled this country far more than the repubs have.
Shrub 43 gave $3 trillion in tax cut welfare to millionaires. The GOP has always been about protecting the profits of corporations....military contractors...BIG OIL...Big Pharma...real estate...insurance companies...and Wall Street banks....Your really are as dumb as a bag of door knobs.

Gosh, I'm really looking forward to your link to a reliable source that President Bush GAVE $3 TRILLION in tax cut welfare to millionaires!

Yes, Republicans protect the profits of corporations! PROUDLY SO! Do you work in the private sector or suckle at the government teat?

I look forward to your response!

Gosh, I'm really looking forward to your link to a reliable source that President Bush GAVE $3 TRILLION in tax cut welfare to millionaires!

Yes, Republicans protect the profits of corporations! PROUDLY SO! Do you work in the private sector or suckle at the government teat?

I look forward to your response!

Get out your calculator. You 'should' be very upset when you see the total.
Seems to me the stupid ones keep voting Democrat. Under Democrat rule the one percenters have always done better than under repub rule. That's a simple fact. Dems have controlled this country far more than the repubs have.
Shrub 43 gave $3 trillion in tax cut welfare to millionaires. The GOP has always been about protecting the profits of corporations....military contractors...BIG OIL...Big Pharma...real estate...insurance companies...and Wall Street banks....Your really are as dumb as a bag of door knobs.

Gosh, I'm really looking forward to your link to a reliable source that President Bush GAVE $3 TRILLION in tax cut welfare to millionaires!

Yes, Republicans protect the profits of corporations! PROUDLY SO! Do you work in the private sector or suckle at the government teat?

I look forward to your response!

Gosh, I'm really looking forward to your link to a reliable source that President Bush GAVE $3 TRILLION in tax cut welfare to millionaires!

Yes, Republicans protect the profits of corporations! PROUDLY SO! Do you work in the private sector or suckle at the government teat?

I look forward to your response!

Get out your calculator. You 'should' be very upset when you see the total.

Ten Years of the Bush Tax Cuts Benefiting the Rich

Ten Years of the Bush Tax Cuts Benefiting the Rich

Your article is cute but entirely misleading.

As you know, the mortgage/housing/financial collapse was caused by the actions of Democrats. Their actions are what led directly to the collapse in spite of the efforts of President Bush to reign in the housing market.

Your article is cute but entirely misleading.

As you know, the mortgage/housing/financial collapse was caused by the actions of Democrats. Their actions are what led directly to the collapse in spite of the efforts of President Bush to reign in the housing market.

Robo-signing was the major problem. How were the Democrats involved?
The international bankers that own USA.INC would never allow one of their subsidiaries to leave the plantation without a huge fight so this discussion is pretty silly. None of you serfs would ever be allowed to have a say on which corporate state is allowed to stay or leave this debt slavery system....but with that being said? If it was possible and if Texas had the opportunity to leave this corporate entity? I'd be all over that in a heartbeat. We can grow our own vegetables, we can raise our own beef. We could seal our border and the ones that came to Texas illegally would be heading to a safer haven and that in itself would be worth leaving. We have oil, we have refineries, we have water and we have an infrastructure that could sustain itself easily without federal "gubermint" money that is dipped in red ink. We could print our own currency with no interest attached to it which would mean that there would be no national debt. We could do away with fractional reserve banking which is nothing but authorized thievery.

The rest of the country needs Texas more than Texas needs the rest of the country...I can assure you of that.
Really . What does Miss give the county ? Nothing but grief and hurricane relief requests .

So in reality you're not a sensitive liberal, just a hateful piece of shit liberal...

It's refreshing to see you admit how big a POS you are...

The first step for your intervention is admitting your faults, good job!
Seems to me the stupid ones keep voting Democrat. Under Democrat rule the one percenters have always done better than under repub rule. That's a simple fact. Dems have controlled this country far more than the repubs have.
Shrub 43 gave $3 trillion in tax cut welfare to millionaires. The GOP has always been about protecting the profits of corporations....military contractors...BIG OIL...Big Pharma...real estate...insurance companies...and Wall Street banks....Your really are as dumb as a bag of door knobs.

Gosh, I'm really looking forward to your link to a reliable source that President Bush GAVE $3 TRILLION in tax cut welfare to millionaires!

Yes, Republicans protect the profits of corporations! PROUDLY SO! Do you work in the private sector or suckle at the government teat?

I look forward to your response!

Gosh, I'm really looking forward to your link to a reliable source that President Bush GAVE $3 TRILLION in tax cut welfare to millionaires!

Yes, Republicans protect the profits of corporations! PROUDLY SO! Do you work in the private sector or suckle at the government teat?

I look forward to your response!

Get out your calculator. You 'should' be very upset when you see the total.
Shrub 43 gave $3 trillion in tax cut welfare to millionaires. The GOP has always been about protecting the profits of corporations....military contractors...BIG OIL...Big Pharma...real estate...insurance companies...and Wall Street banks....Your really are as dumb as a bag of door knobs.

Gosh, I'm really looking forward to your link to a reliable source that President Bush GAVE $3 TRILLION in tax cut welfare to millionaires!

Yes, Republicans protect the profits of corporations! PROUDLY SO! Do you work in the private sector or suckle at the government teat?

I look forward to your response!

Gosh, I'm really looking forward to your link to a reliable source that President Bush GAVE $3 TRILLION in tax cut welfare to millionaires!

Yes, Republicans protect the profits of corporations! PROUDLY SO! Do you work in the private sector or suckle at the government teat?

I look forward to your response!

Get out your calculator. You 'should' be very upset when you see the total.

Ten Years of the Bush Tax Cuts Benefiting the Rich

Ten Years of the Bush Tax Cuts Benefiting the Rich

Your article is cute but entirely misleading.

As you know, the mortgage/housing/financial collapse was caused by the actions of Democrats. Their actions are what led directly to the collapse in spite of the efforts of President Bush to reign in the housing market.

Your article is cute but entirely misleading.

As you know, the mortgage/housing/financial collapse was caused by the actions of Democrats. Their actions are what led directly to the collapse in spite of the efforts of President Bush to reign in the housing market.

Robo-signing was the major problem. How were the Democrats involved?

Robo-signing didn't cause unqualified buyers to default.
The wealthiest one percent have benefited more under dem rule than they ever did under con rule.
This is why the stupid vote republican.^^^^^

Seems to me the stupid ones keep voting Democrat. Under Democrat rule the one percenters have always done better than under repub rule. That's a simple fact. Dems have controlled this country far more than the repubs have.
Shrub 43 gave $3 trillion in tax cut welfare to millionaires. The GOP has always been about protecting the profits of corporations....military contractors...BIG OIL...Big Pharma...real estate...insurance companies...and Wall Street banks....Your really are as dumb as a bag of door knobs.

Gosh, I'm really looking forward to your link to a reliable source that President Bush GAVE $3 TRILLION in tax cut welfare to millionaires!

Yes, Republicans protect the profits of corporations! PROUDLY SO! Do you work in the private sector or suckle at the government teat?

I look forward to your response!

Gosh, I'm really looking forward to your link to a reliable source that President Bush GAVE $3 TRILLION in tax cut welfare to millionaires!

Yes, Republicans protect the profits of corporations! PROUDLY SO! Do you work in the private sector or suckle at the government teat?

I look forward to your response!

Get out your calculator. You 'should' be very upset when you see the total.

Ten Years of the Bush Tax Cuts Benefiting the Rich

Corporations have escaped paying their fair share as a result of the Bush tax cuts and other tax policies

Bush didn't cut corporate taxes. Durr.

Twelve top corporations paid no taxes or actually received money from the IRS between 2008 and 2010.

It's weird, after losing billions, companies don't pay taxes. Durr.
The OP is truly fascinating.....

That was the idea behind federalism....the thing the left hates.

Why kick anyone out...just let them starve on their own.
Shrub 43 gave $3 trillion in tax cut welfare to millionaires. The GOP has always been about protecting the profits of corporations....military contractors...BIG OIL...Big Pharma...real estate...insurance companies...and Wall Street banks....Your really are as dumb as a bag of door knobs.

Gosh, I'm really looking forward to your link to a reliable source that President Bush GAVE $3 TRILLION in tax cut welfare to millionaires!

Yes, Republicans protect the profits of corporations! PROUDLY SO! Do you work in the private sector or suckle at the government teat?

I look forward to your response!

Gosh, I'm really looking forward to your link to a reliable source that President Bush GAVE $3 TRILLION in tax cut welfare to millionaires!

Yes, Republicans protect the profits of corporations! PROUDLY SO! Do you work in the private sector or suckle at the government teat?

I look forward to your response!

Get out your calculator. You 'should' be very upset when you see the total.
Gosh, I'm really looking forward to your link to a reliable source that President Bush GAVE $3 TRILLION in tax cut welfare to millionaires!

Yes, Republicans protect the profits of corporations! PROUDLY SO! Do you work in the private sector or suckle at the government teat?

I look forward to your response!

Gosh, I'm really looking forward to your link to a reliable source that President Bush GAVE $3 TRILLION in tax cut welfare to millionaires!

Yes, Republicans protect the profits of corporations! PROUDLY SO! Do you work in the private sector or suckle at the government teat?

I look forward to your response!

Get out your calculator. You 'should' be very upset when you see the total.

Ten Years of the Bush Tax Cuts Benefiting the Rich

Ten Years of the Bush Tax Cuts Benefiting the Rich

Your article is cute but entirely misleading.

As you know, the mortgage/housing/financial collapse was caused by the actions of Democrats. Their actions are what led directly to the collapse in spite of the efforts of President Bush to reign in the housing market.

Your article is cute but entirely misleading.

As you know, the mortgage/housing/financial collapse was caused by the actions of Democrats. Their actions are what led directly to the collapse in spite of the efforts of President Bush to reign in the housing market.

Robo-signing was the major problem. How were the Democrats involved?

Robo-signing didn't cause unqualified buyers to default.

Robo-signing didn't cause unqualified buyers to default.

Everyone that qualified for 1st TD was qualified. Robo-signing 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and even 5th TD's is what caused the problem.

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