white europeans didnt bring slavery to the americas and it was never about race

All slave owners were lazy people. So lazy they had to buy people to do the work they were incapable of doing. Why didn't slave owners get off their pathetic butts and do the work themselves? Lessers they were.
All slave owners were lazy people. So lazy they had to buy people to do the work they were incapable of doing. Why didn't slave owners get off their pathetic butts and do the work themselves? Lessers they were.
wheres the fun in that??

one man cant do the work of 100 men on a big farm or a cell phone factory in china,,
all one has to do is look at history and you will see slavery already existed in the americas long before columbus arrived and it was never about race,,

thomas sowell lays it out pretty good as he always does

Thomas Sowell explains what is the biggest myth about slavery in our culture, and the truth about the transatlantic slave trade. This is an excerpt from 'Black Rednecks and White Liberals'.

It wasn’t about race initially but it became about race in order to preserve the institution, and that was uniquely American.
It wasn’t about race initially but it became about race in order to preserve the institution, and that was uniquely American.
not seeing the logic in that??
the british had black slaves as well as many others even up to this day,,

if you bothered to watch the video he explains in detail how and why which race were used depending on time periods, cultures and locations,,, race was irrelevant,,

currently across the middle east it is still mostly if not all of the 20 million slaves are black,

so how is it a uniquely an american thing if its still happening in the middle east and northern africa??
not seeing the logic in that??
the british had black slaves as well as many others even up to this day,,
Yes, but it wasn't about race, just as in the Americas it wasn't initially about race.

if you bothered to watch the video he explains in detail how and why which race were used depending on time periods, cultures and locations,,, race was irrelevant,,
Initially race was irrelevant, but over time that changed from a mindset of blacks could be enslaved to blacks should be enslaved and that status was both hereditary and based on skin color and exempt from traditional freedom through religious conversion.

One good article:

But a much better history is in this book:

American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America​

currently across the middle east it is still mostly if not all of the 20 million slaves are black,

so how is it a uniquely an american thing if its still happening in the middle east and northern africa??
What made it unique was it was entirely race based, inherited and justified by defining the slave as inately subhuman.
Yes, but it wasn't about race, just as in the Americas it wasn't initially about race.

Initially race was irrelevant, but over time that changed from a mindset of blacks could be enslaved to blacks should be enslaved and that status was both hereditary and based on skin color and exempt from traditional freedom through religious conversion.

One good article:

But a much better history is in this book:

American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America​

What made it unique was it was entirely race based, inherited and justified by defining the slave as inately subhuman.
it would help if you watched the video,,
slavery is always about the ,most vulnerable and depending on your location and time period any race would get enslaved,

blacks have always been vulnerable mostly because blacks are the ones that sold blacks to white people,,
currently as we speak I would dare to say there are more black slaves owned by blacks than by whites owned during our slave era.

also currently I would also say there are as many black slave as white slaves if you include the slave sex trade.
somewhere back in history mine prolly did too,, most everyones ancestors did,,
Now my wife's ancestors owned a shit-ton of slaves....She's a descendant of the Lee family of Virginia.

The Panic of 1857 pretty much wiped them out and they had to sell-off most of their slaves and a good portion of their land holdings.


The odd thing was after the Civil War they prospered better than most of the antebellum landed gentry because they had consolidated their remaining wealth and ran stores, and such.

They even owned what is now the Culpeper National Cemetery and made a lot of scarce post-war hard cash digging-up and re-planting dead Yankees even after selling the land to them. Most of that work was done by former slaves that hired themselves out for the task.

Culpeper National Cemetery - Wikipedia
Now my wife's ancestors owned a shit-ton of slaves....She's a descendant of the Lee family of Virginia.

The Panic of 1857 pretty much wiped them out and they had to sell-off most of their slaves and a good portion of their land holdings.


The odd thing was after the Civil War they prospered better than most of the antebellum landed gentry because they had consolidated their remaining wealth and ran stores, and such.

They even owned what is now the Culpeper National Cemetery and made a lot of scarce post-war hard cash digging-up and re-planting dead Yankees even after selling the land to them. Most of that work was done by former slaves that hired themselves out for the task.

Culpeper National Cemetery - Wikipedia
by god man dont say that out loud you might get cancelled in the worst way,,
Why stop there?

Even though Signers of the Declaration of Independence stated thus: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...

They still had no problem enslaving a group of people based purely on their skin color.
Actually, they had a huge problem with slavery. Had it not been for the Rutledge Brothers vowing to keep South Carolina out of the revolution there would have been no slavery.
Slavery is not exclusively about race but it still can be about race.
only because of circumstances,,
if you go by world numbers and not just what was in america the races were about even throughout history with whites slowly reducing in number over time because they became less vulnerable and compounded because blacks were selling blacks by the thousands to whites across the world.

currently I read we have somewhere between 20 and 40 million slaves right now and better than a good chance 30-40% are white people in the sex slave trade
Obviously slavery been around since the beginning of time and sex is a factor. The problem will alway be free will and respect for differences among people. If your forced into slavery then it is bad and then can become abusive and create low self esteem or hate. Yet the enlightened will realize this and seek to make changes but there will be those who will want to maintain the status quo.
It would help if you watched the video,,
slavery is always about the ,most vulnerable and depending on your location and time period any race would get enslaved,
I don’t agree with that in entirety and you can’t depend on one video while ignoring the history of THIS country. The economy and culture of the south in particular depended on slavery to function, and that was from it’s colonial inception. Slavery then was not entwined with race, in fact at one point the idea of enslaving poor whites was floated. But gradually it did become defined by race and in order to justify it under increasing pressure to end slavery, they had to dehumanize black people. Skin color made easy to identify who was a slave and who wasn’t, and that transitioned into identifying who was fully human and who wasn’t in order to justify perpetrating the institution. Even after slavery ended, it didn’t. Measures were passed that allowed Whites to continue to take advantage of Black labor at little to no cost and prevent them from taking full advantage of their rights.

Slavery in the US was not quite as brutal as that in the West Indies, Barbados, South America and the Caribbean but that distinction is minor since that lower death rate and higher ratio of women meant they could “breed” their own instead of relying on African imports. And that created another institution identified with American slavery and dehumanizing a race: the status of slave was passed on to any progeny. If one parent was a slave so was the child.

blacks have always been vulnerable mostly because blacks are the ones that sold blacks to white people,,

That is a bit of B.S. white washing, designed shift the blame of a minor part of the institution of slavery in America to shoulders of others. Relatively few American slaves were captured and transported from Africa. The were produced within America as an industry.

In fact, most American slaves were not kidnapped on another continent. Though over 12.7 million Africans were forced onto ships to the Western hemisphere, estimates only have 400,000-500,000 landing in present-day America. How then to account for the four million black slaves who were tilling fields in 1860? “The South,” the Sublettes write, “did not only produce tobacco, rice, sugar, and cotton as commodities for sale; it produced people.” Slavers called slave-breeding “natural increase,” but there was nothing natural about producing slaves; it took scientific management. Thomas Jefferson bragged to George Washington that the birth of black children was increasing Virginia’s capital stock by four percent annually.

Here is how the American slave-breeding industry worked, according to the Sublettes: Some states (most importantly Virginia) produced slaves as their main domestic crop. The price of slaves was anchored by industry in other states that consumed slaves in the production of rice and sugar, and constant territorial expansion. As long as the slave power continued to grow, breeders could literally bank on future demand and increasing prices. That made slaves not just a commodity, but the closest thing to money that white breeders had. It’s hard to quantify just how valuable people were as commodities, but the Sublettes try to convey it: By a conservative estimate, in 1860 the total value of American slaves was $4 billion, far more than the gold and silver then circulating nationally ($228.3 million, “most of it in the North,” the authors add), total currency ($435.4 million), and even the value of the South’s total farmland ($1.92 billion). Slaves were, to slavers, worth more than everything else they could imagine combined.

currently as we speak I would dare to say there are more black slaves owned by blacks than by whites owned during our slave era.
You are comparing apples and oranges in an attempt minimize the impact of slavery in our own country and I notice these arguments come up a lot in the arguments of slavery apologists.

Other countries had slaves too.
Blacks sold blacks.
Slavery still exists today.

No one disputes any of that but none that reduces the brutality of slavery as an industry in the United States. By 1860, we had 4 million slaves (and only 500,000 free African Americans).

also currently I would also say there are as many black slave as white slaves if you include the slave sex trade.
Impossible to know since it is hard to get accurate information and slaves would include those in forced labor, child soldiers, sex trade, etc. Again, while horrible, does not in any diminish our own history.

It’s rather like saying what’s the big deal about the Holocaust by arguing there has been genocide throughout history and claiming responsibility rests partly on Jews because there were some Jewish collaborators. That does not in any excuse or diminish the magnitude of what happened or the responsibilities. Same with slavery in America. White washing.
I don’t agree with that in entirety and you can’t depend on one video while ignoring the history of THIS country. The economy and culture of the south in particular depended on slavery to function, and that was from it’s colonial inception. Slavery then was not entwined with race, in fact at one point the idea of enslaving poor whites was floated. But gradually it did become defined by race and in order to justify it under increasing pressure to end slavery, they had to dehumanize black people. Skin color made easy to identify who was a slave and who wasn’t, and that transitioned into identifying who was fully human and who wasn’t in order to justify perpetrating the institution. Even after slavery ended, it didn’t. Measures were passed that allowed Whites to continue to take advantage of Black labor at little to no cost and prevent them from taking full advantage of their rights.

Slavery in the US was not quite as brutal as that in the West Indies, Barbados, South America and the Caribbean but that distinction is minor since that lower death rate and higher ratio of women meant they could “breed” their own instead of relying on African imports. And that created another institution identified with American slavery and dehumanizing a race: the status of slave was passed on to any progeny. If one parent was a slave so was the child.

That is a bit of B.S. white washing, designed shift the blame of a minor part of the institution of slavery in America to shoulders of others. Relatively few American slaves were captured and transported from Africa. The were produced within America as an industry.

In fact, most American slaves were not kidnapped on another continent. Though over 12.7 million Africans were forced onto ships to the Western hemisphere, estimates only have 400,000-500,000 landing in present-day America. How then to account for the four million black slaves who were tilling fields in 1860? “The South,” the Sublettes write, “did not only produce tobacco, rice, sugar, and cotton as commodities for sale; it produced people.” Slavers called slave-breeding “natural increase,” but there was nothing natural about producing slaves; it took scientific management. Thomas Jefferson bragged to George Washington that the birth of black children was increasing Virginia’s capital stock by four percent annually.

Here is how the American slave-breeding industry worked, according to the Sublettes: Some states (most importantly Virginia) produced slaves as their main domestic crop. The price of slaves was anchored by industry in other states that consumed slaves in the production of rice and sugar, and constant territorial expansion. As long as the slave power continued to grow, breeders could literally bank on future demand and increasing prices. That made slaves not just a commodity, but the closest thing to money that white breeders had. It’s hard to quantify just how valuable people were as commodities, but the Sublettes try to convey it: By a conservative estimate, in 1860 the total value of American slaves was $4 billion, far more than the gold and silver then circulating nationally ($228.3 million, “most of it in the North,” the authors add), total currency ($435.4 million), and even the value of the South’s total farmland ($1.92 billion). Slaves were, to slavers, worth more than everything else they could imagine combined.

You are comparing apples and oranges in an attempt minimize the impact of slavery in our own country and I notice these arguments come up a lot in the arguments of slavery apologists.

Other countries had slaves too.
Blacks sold blacks.
Slavery still exists today.

No one disputes any of that but none that reduces the brutality of slavery as an industry in the United States. By 1860, we had 4 million slaves (and only 500,000 free African Americans).

Impossible to know since it is hard to get accurate information and slaves would include those in forced labor, child soldiers, sex trade, etc. Again, while horrible, does not in any diminish our own history.

It’s rather like saying what’s the big deal about the Holocaust by arguing there has been genocide throughout history and claiming responsibility rests partly on Jews because there were some Jewish collaborators. That does not in any excuse or diminish the magnitude of what happened or the responsibilities. Same with slavery in America. White washing.
your right I dont need a single video to know who is vulnerable,, but you should at least watch it if youre going to comment on a thread about it,,
you can pull up a dozen drawn out studys and articles but the facts remain the same that over the last few hundred yrs only the blacks were vulnerable enough to enslave on a large a scale as they were, FFS they had blacks selling black so its a dbl impact,,
next most vulnerable are women and they are enslaved right now in the tens of thousands,, it would be more but for the fact men protect them,,
in fact I would accuse anyone that says it was about race a liar and a race pimp because my guess is there are currently more white slaves than blacks during our slave era, and millions more blacks,,

like I said, go watch the video so we can have a logic based discussion instead of your racist based one,,

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